Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Mine to Possess Hot Men Contest

Contest Now Closed

To celebrate the upcoming (February 5th!) release of Mine to Possess the 4th full-length entry in the Psy/Changeling world, which features one hot hero in the luscious Clay Bennett, I'm running a contest where you get to rave/gush/cheer about your favorite romance novel hero(es).

What's up for grabs?

The winner, chosen at random, will receive a US$50 Amazon voucher and a very special Mine to Possess Teaser prize pack. All the things in the prize pack have some relevance to the book (ok, so maybe one is kinda just for fun) so speculate away!

1. Fancy Tea

2. Dark Chocolate

3. Strawberry scented soap

4. Candles

5. A Stud...ded collar

No picture because we'll put it together after the contest ends so everything will be sparkly fresh.

What do you have to do to enter?

(a) write about your favorite romance novel hero(es)* and why you like him/them on your blog, myspace, livejournal etc (how long or short you make the post is totally up to you)

(b) link back to this post & mention the contest

(c) post the cover of Mine to Possess if possible; and

(d) leave a comment here with a link to where you've posted your entry (if, for some reason, you can't comment, email me the details at nalinisinghwrites @ (without the spaces))

(e) do all this before midnight February 2nd, 2008, PST.

I think this is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to see the men you consider your favorites!

*Addendum: I had a question about whether it was ok to talk about favorite heroes from tv, movies etc. Why not?! All hot men accepted. ;)


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh...Nalini you are just too good to us! Hmmm, 'luscious Clay' has such a lovely ring to it :)

I may actually have to post on my LJ...I have one, but I've never used it. There's a first time for everything (and this is a very good reason). Not long to go now until the book's release!

orannia *who isn't calendar watching...who me?*

Bridget Locke said...

Nalini-Can I ask a question? Does it have to be just romances (i.e. books) or can it also be our favorite heroes on TV, movies, etc? I'm just asking because I've got a serious jones for Mr. Thornton from BBC's North and South. :)


Nalini Singh said...

Orannia, hope you join in!

Bridget - see addendum to contest ;) I've been hearing so much about N&S that I'm going to have to find a copy on dvd and watch it (it's not on tv down this way).

Nalini Singh said...

Argh, I meant - Kaitlin!

miaegia said...

I normally miss all your contests! I'm so excited!!!

I posted my favorite hero(s) on my page. Wow, it was hard to choose.

Kimberly said...

Nalini, I'm guessing that it doesn't matter when you post so long as it's before midnight 2/2, right?

I know who my fave hero is, I'm just not very eloquent at the moment.

Nalini Singh said...

Kat, yep - anytime before the contest ends and you're in the draw.

Anonymous said...

Oh fun stuff Nalini!

And I just tagged you on my blog! Come see :-)

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Estep said ...
Cool contest! I posted my fav hero on my blog, Couldn't post the cover, though. My blog program hates Amazon covers. Sigh.

KT Grant said...

Nalini, you must find a copy of North and South.
And if you go on You Tube they have the final scene from the movie that makes everyone go ga-ga over it!
Richard Armitage is major droolage.
But then there is Gerry Butler and George Clooney... the list goes on and on!

Anonymous said...

OK, think I have done it! I posted a blog on myspace and was actually able to figure out how to get the cover on! Whoo hoo! Thanks for the fun contest Nalini. There is nothing more fun that talking about yummy mens!

~ Drea

PS. If I have missed anything, please let me know!!

Bridget Locke said...

Sweet! I'll have to think it over for a bit. Will have it on my blog though soon. Whee!


Tracy said...

Hi Nalini - gee that was so much harder than I would have thought! I like so many how can I just choose 1 or even just a few? Well, I managed to do it on my myspace page but I'm not sure I can post a link. If it doesn't work then you can check it out on my blog at

Here's the old college try:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini, great contest! I posted my picks on my myspace page.

I tried to post the cover as well, but I could never get it to work! grrr....

20 more days! Yes, I am counting the days!

Bridget Locke said...

Here's my post! :) Big list, but it's not even half complete. Aw well, didn't want to overwhelm you. :)

Here's the link:

felinewyvern said...

Wasn't sure if I could pick just one but after much thought I managed it, but only because that book is my most read so he must be my favourite hot hero :D


Anonymous said...

Wow this was so hard. I read way too much. And I wrote a lot.

Here's the link to my blog:

The post is entitled:
Nalini Singh's Awesome contest.

Tigerlady981 said...

OMG, This is such an awesome idea! I had so much fun writing, and boy did i write. I even got my friend to do it. Her blog is already up here. Speaking of which, here's mine:

If you have any trouble, it's at myspace, and i'm Tigerlady981.

I really had fun doing this.

~Barb :)

BumWit said...

Here you go:

and thanks heaps for the many hours of fun reading I've had through exploring your world!

-- Pria

Anonymous said...

hmm I could have sworn I had posted this already... well anyhoo here's my link to my myspace blog:)

Hope ya like it lol

CrystalGB said...

Hi Nalini. What a great contest. I posted my favorite hero and your book cover on my blog.

Amanda Ashby said...

I just finished MTP last night and it might just be your best yet! I loved Clay and Tally was an amazing character! Genius stuff. Anyway, I've just blogged it and am now off to put it on my myspace page as well!!

Rue said...

Hello Everyone!
I wrote about my favorite hot men on my blog.

Samantha said...

Okay I joined on the contest wagon as well. I saw it on Tracy's blog and it looked like so much fun. Can't wait until Feb 5th rolls around. Good Luck with MtP I am sure its wonderful!

Here's my link =)

Best Wishes,

Pamk said...

here's my link and it that doesn't work go to and go to my blog.

Anonymous said...

Ummm, Nalini - do we have to limit it to one hot man or (if we're really, really stuck) could we list more than one? *pretty please with sugar on top*

I'm more than happy to separate them according to sub-genre (paranormal, fantasy, contemporary, suspense)? (I've thought about this way too much, haven't I :)

Thank you!


PS Hopefully (fingers crossed) I'll post tonight (I'm still trying to work out how to post an image, but my lovely friend Kerry has made a suggestion :)

Nalini Singh said...

Orannia - go for it! As many as you like :)

Christina Phillips said...

What a fun contest! I've listed some of my fave hotties on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini,

I wrote something in this blog for this contest on my blog in MySpace. here it is, hope you like it!

Larissa Ione said...

Oooh, I cannot wait for this one! I've had it preordered for, oh, forever! :)

Anonymous said...

Helen Gonzalez says....
God I love these contests they are so much the topic this time really rocks!!!Oh for the glory of hot babes!!! I can't get enough of all these alpha males!! LoL, Helen
P.S. Heres my link to my MySpace:

Shaymless Aymless said...

Whee! Another contest!

I posted on my blog.

I think Nalini should reward us all by giving us the excerpt to Host to Pleasure!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nalini, wanted to make sure I was in. I posted on my blog at Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the concept of this contest. To talk about heroes is my favorite topic.

Here is the link to my blog .

Jackie (Literary Escapism) said...

I've posted my heroes on my website. I simply love Micah and Jamie.

Shaymless Aymless said...

I finally fixed the problem with my link. So here it is again.

Anonymous said...

I am from germany and a BIIIG fan of your books(i have read slave to sensation, visions of heat and caressed by ice, in english, and i loved them!).
I don´t know if my blog entry is good for this contest, but it´s worth a try.
Greetings to all of you

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini,

I just recently discovered your books and have been reading through your back list. I love your stories and can't wait for this book to come out! Here is the link to my post :)

Ashley said...

Ok, I did mine! It's at my group blog,

Anonymous said...

OK, so I've posted. It's only taken me 2 weeks to 1) work out how to do so and 2) narrow the list down. I'm sorry Nalini, I wasn't very articulate about why I chose the two men that I did...I'm working on that one :)

Roll on the 5th of February!


Madd said...

I've never done a contest like this before. I'm not much of a writer, but there you go:

Anonymous said...

Horray! I made a blog post for the contest AND I'm leaving a comment! It's not that great and it's mostly rambles, but I wanted to try. I must be feeling brave. ^_^

Hope it works.
or try this one:
xoxo everyone~~~

Ellory said...

Here is the link to my blog post -

I could have gone on and on but stopped at four.

Lois said...

Hi! :) Well, if you go to my site here. . . and click on blog/what's new, you'll see my blog and my gushing. :)


Anonymous said...

Hello, Nalini,

My favorite is David Boreanaz. I've
followed his television career thru
"Buffy" to "Angel" to "Bones." I've
enjoyed his progress from vampire
to FBI agent! Who knew!! I just
know he is one very enjoyable sight
to behold!!!

Pat Cochran

limecello said...

Hi Nalini - I've finally chosen one of my favorite heroes to write about! It's the first post- but here's a link:
Thanks so much for holding this contest - I can't wait until I get to read your book! :D

Kimberly said...

Hi Nalini,

Okay, it lacks eloquence but the post is up.

You can find it here: :)


Filmseye said...

I just posted my hero. Its on my Myspace blog at

Heather R.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the contest. I posted my fave hero on my blog.

Unknown said...

I actually have a two part post, lol.

Here's part two

and here's part one

As usual, I over analyzed, but at least I didn't add footnotes, lol.

Filmseye said...

I just noticed that the link to the contest page didn't take. So I've fixed that problem. Just thought I would let you know.

Caffey said...

Oh I had so much fun doing this Nalini! Here's my link for it.

danetteb said...

hrsnrekI blogged my hero faves:

BookeWyrms said...

This was a blast. Here is our post. Hope you enjoy it.

Lasair said...

Whew, so glad I found your blog. I've loved this series since the very first book.

Hopefully I'm still in time to enter the contest, I'm in serious need of a chocolate fix, lol.

I can't wait to read Clay's story!