Monday, December 03, 2007

Mine To Possess ARC Contest

Mine to Possess releases Feb 5, 2008 (put that in your diaries!).

To celebrate the upcoming release, I’m holding a contest giving away some Advanced Reading Copies (ARCs).

Because the purpose of ARCs is to get the word out before the book’s release, if you win an ARC, I’m asking that you review/talk about it, during January. You can put up an online review, talk about MtP to your book group, do a print review, chat about it in a yahoogroup…it’s up to you! The content of course, is also up to you.

Here’s what you need to do to enter. Send me an email at nalinisinghwrites @ (without the spaces) - with the following info:
  • “Mine to Possess ARC Contest” in the Subject Line
  • Your Name & Postal Address
  • The place(s) where you would post a review / discuss the book etc
  • Do all this by 12 noon PST, Sunday 9 December.
  • One entry per person. Winners will be notified by email.
If all goes well, the winners will be chosen, and the ARCs posted the week of Dec 10. I hope many of you will enter!


Diana Holquist said...

Another awesome cover, Nalini.

Congrats on the upcoming release. I just finished Slave to Sensation--excellent, of course--so I still have some catching up to do...

And HUGE congrats on the All About Romance Top 100 Romances of all time inclusion. That is HUGE.


Suzette said...

Oh yay! I love ARC contest and this one is one I want to read!

Anonymous said...

YAH! I thought the release date for MTP was March...but it's February, and early February at that :) Only two months and two days to's OK Nalini, I only just worked that out!

The ARC contest sounds amazing, but I could imagine myself saying 'I really loved it...' and then going blank. My friends are great about telling me why they like a book...I'm useless. Nalini, as much as it pains me I think I will have to excuse myself from your contest on the grounds that you deserve a proper review!


Kimberly said...


*pulls self out of finals stupor*

OMG Clay!!!!

Kat <--emailing as fast as her fingers can click

loonigrrl said...

Woohoo, an ARC contest! I just sent my email :)

Courtney said...

I sent my email, too. Yummy Clay and back to Dark River! That means more Lucas and Sascha, more Vaughn and Faith, more Nate and Tammy....and LOTS of Clay! SQUEEEE!!!

Nalini rocks like purple socks, for real.

Kimberly said...

Don't forget Dorian Courtney :)

I'm anxious to learn about Clay and Tally's past.

Nalini Singh said...

Thanks bunches, Diana :)

Good luck in the contest folks!

Wendy said...

Oooh, I love ARC Contests! I just emailed you, too. :)

Jaded Bee said...

does telling everyone in my network of friends and family (whom I can and will make listen)count? If so then woo-hoo!!! I love ARC contests.

Anonymous said...

Too cool! The excerpt at the back of Caressed By Ice was awesome :)

Shaymless Aymless said...

ARC Contest! Yay! I just sent in my e-mail and now will have to walk around with fingers and toes cross!

Jennifer K. said...

Me want!

Wow. See how great I am at expressing myself? My email is on its way to you. Count me in.

Me want bad! Must have. Here kitty, kitty! ;)

Jennifer K.

Kat said...

Well, I'll be getting an early Valentine's Day pressie next year. *rubbing hands together* Excellent...

meljean brook said...

*just dropping by to, once again, admire that cover* :-D

Pam P said...

Great cover!. February can't get here soon enough if don't get my hands on an arc.

Keira Soleore said...

Nalini, love the cover, and yay on the release date. Would you please cover some review guidelines, so that spoilers aren't inadvertently revealed??

Kat, I'm counting on you winning and posting in forums I read. :)

I'm going to refrain from the contest hoping that gives Kat two chances to win. (Hey, Math wasn't my strongest suit in college.)

Nalini Singh said...

Keira, that's a good point. I'll make sure to put that in the email I send out to the winners. :)

Caffey said...

Nalini, would be a joy to do this for you!! Cathie

Anonymous said...

of course would post on my myspace. and let everyone I know know bout it!! have to feed the addiction for everyone!

Jennifer A. Ray said...

Great contest! I just entered...

Jennifer <-- who LOVED the first four stories in this series and is dying to read 'Mine to Possess'!

Anonymous said...

:) i sent it twice, my email is do soemthing weird

Prue said...

AGH! Thanks Nalini. I sent my entry. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I am taking Christmas day off from work for the first time in years. I couldn't think of a better way to spend a day.