Today's guest is the otherworldly Linnea Sinclair, whose hero Branden Kel-Paten is one of my faves. Not only does Linnea write awesome books, she has written the a very unique blog for today, so check it out.
To thank everyone for making this week of guest bloggers so awesome, I'm going to give away one of my books (winner's choice) to a random commenter on this post. (Winner will be announced in the comments.) LOLAUTHORSI've become totally addicted to
LOLCats and
icanhascheeburger. For those of you scratching your heads in wonder, those are the sites where people upload photos of cats doing just about anything you can imagine, along with baby-talk-type titles for the photos that are either snarkily funny, overly cutesy or just down right bizarre.
One of my favorites is Happy Cat has Run Out of Happy:

funny picturesI can so relate. It seems whenever I'm asked to blog or respond to interview questions, this witty author runs out of witty.
That never happens with my characters. Well, okay, rarely. But when I'm writing about my characters it's so much easier to find this turn of phrase, that snarkism, that jolly-ha-ha. Or that intense, scary moment.
When I want to write about being an author, the creative mind becomes disgustingly business-like. I start thinking about print runs or cover art or how I can promote the genre. Which most readers just don't want to hear.
Sometimes I think readers would prefer if authors were more like their characters: swashbuckling, larger-than-life (if I keep munching on any more Fritos, my thighs may certainly achieve that goal), exuding a certain authorly je-ne-sais-quoi.

funny picturesThe thing is, an author's day is usually fairly bland. Wake up, read emails, work on chapter, read more emails, get coffee, work on rest of chapter. We write about these buffed-out, seductive people--while we're sitting there in old sweatpants, a faded t-shirt and lime-green crocs.
At least, I am. Nalini, I suspect, wears well-oiled fighting leathers, stiletto-heeled boots, and swigs three fingers of Jack Daniels, straight, as she dictates her novels to an equally-as-well-oiled-near-nekkid-stud-muffin.
Or something like that.
See how easily the imagination kicks in? See how easily the author slips behind the scenes and lets The Wild Thing out on stage?
That's why I think authors are LOLAuthors. Until you put the words around us, we're just ordinary people. But give us an image and let us pad it out with words and we shed the dingy sweatpants and icky t-shirt and launch lustily out into the wild blue yonder.
Well, not literally, of course. I have this large glass sliding door in my office and a sight like that would likely annoy the neighbors.
But we are, for the most part, unassuming folks.
I would feel a lot better if I could go to reader conventions and do book signings in costume. I think then I'd be a better fit to what my readers expect to see. I certainly have had my share of… “You write that?” from strangers when I've handed (okay, when I've forcefully shoved) my bookmarks in their direction.
I suspect part of that reason is I write science fiction romance. I'm not quite sure if it's the romance image I don't meet or the science fiction one, but which ever, I get raised eyebrows and that question. And yeah, I write that.
Like I said, it might be easier in costume, perhaps the Beam Me Up kind, where the image of the author fades into that of the character or story.

funny picturesI think the Wizard of Oz had it right when he told Dorothy, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.”
It's really all about the story, the characters, the conflict, the will-they or won't they, the holding your breath as you turn the page.
That's what we're all about.
Words on a page. And even captions.

The Down Home Zombie Blues will be out November 27th. If you like a bit snark, a big dash of adventure, some major romance and want to know how a Florida cop would handle one kick-butt outer-space babe, check it out.
Until then, here's something for you LOLCat and Star Trek fans to enjoy: click
here .