Sunday, February 22, 2009

Angels' Blood Countdown: Jaci Burton - Riding on Instinct ARC

Winner: The random numbers picked the very first comment this time around! The winner is Chris. An email's on the way to you.

9 days to go till ANGELS' BLOOD hits the shelves and only 3 till ANGELS' PAWN!

Here's what Love Vampires had to say about ANGELS' BLOOD:
Angels’ Blood is a fantastically, amazingly, good read and it gets the Guild Hunter series off to a great start. It’s not like me to dictate (much!) but trust me on this, if you like paranormal romance you want to read this book.
Today, the countdown continues with Jaci Burton's Riding on Instinct, part of her sizzling Wild Riders series.

s the blurb:
Department of Justice agent Shadoe Grayson is out to prove she’s no rookie, and eagerly accepts her first undercover assignment at a strip club in New Orleans. Working with the Wild Riders, a government agency of bad boy bikers, her goal is to bring down a corrupt DEA agent. All she has to do now is learn to strip like a pro.

Standing in her way is the arrogant and smokin’ hot Spencer King, her partner and one of the Wild Riders. Spence thinks she looks more like a schoolteacher than a stripper, and doubts her ability to do the job. But when he mockingly challenges Shadoe to strip just for him, he finds out there’s more to the surprisingly sexy agent than by-the-book rules and Government Issue pantsuits.

Now Spencer has to resist his baser instincts while Shadoe learns that taking off your clothes doesn’t always equal losing control…

Riding on Instinct releases April, and you can read an excerpt on Jaci's website!

Today's entry question comes from Missy:
What character would you love to hang out with?


Chris said...

Your contest is playing hell with my TBR list! Yikes. ;)

I would love to hang out with Harry Dresden of the Dresden Files, or with Acheron.

Blodeuedd said...

Too many I can count :) But Elena and Clay from Kelley Armstrongs books would be fun.

Orangebeaker said...

Bridget Jones. Just to see if Mark Darcy is for real and whether Daniel Cleaver is that fun to hang out with.

Cathy M said...

I think hanging with Stephanie Plum would be a total hoot.

Anonymous said...

I would love to hang out with Zarek from the Darkhunter series and Zsadist from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

Terri W.

Anonymous said...

Cadeon and Holly from Kresley Cole's books and of course I would love to just spend a day at the Snow Dancer den just to watch all the interactions.

Erika Powell said...

I want to hang out with Kinsey Millhone from Sue Grafton's Alphabet Series or Alex Cross from James Patterson's books

twalls said...

Aisling Grey from Katie MacAlister's series. Her life is so interesting, I'd never get bored.

Anonymous said...

Wow only one? And I'm assuming a book character, so hmmmm. . . Samuel from Patrica Briggs' Mercy Thompson series, in either wolf or human form... I think it would be a perfect day in a wooded park.

Lori T said...

I would love to hang out with Mercy Thompson. She just seems like such an interesting person to hang out with.

JH said...

It's hard to choose just one single character. My favorites are Ward's Rhage and Hamilton's Frost.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...I don't think I could choose only one. But probably Mercy Thompson or Bones (from Jeaniene Frost's series):)

Lisa F. said...

Wow there are so many that I would love to hang out with. I think I would love to hang out with Ice from Shayla Black's Doomsday Brethren.

Danni T said...

I would love to hang out with all of the guys from the black dagger brotherhood. Also Acheron, Nick, and Savitar....hmm..anyone else.OH!! Roarke and Eve.

Katie said...

If I could hang out with a character, it would have to be March from Grimspace. He is too cool!

Kammie said...

I'd love to hang out with Roarke from the J.D. Robb series.

orannia said...

Any of the DarkRiver or SnowDancer packs we've met to date - I just love the bonds between them all. Hmmm. The JR Ward's BDB...and Patricia Briggs werewolves, particularly Bran.

I haven't really answered the question have I? I'm with Blodeuedd - way too many to count :)

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

Paige from Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series. She seems like she'd be really cool to hang out with!

Anonymous said...

Ok, Acheron and Zarek, for sure (love them both), and Sascha and Tammy, I love their friendship. There's so many others but I'll keep it short and sweet with just those four.

LighthouseSandy said...

I'd love to hang out with any of Christie Craig's characters. They're funny as hell and never a dull moment with any of them!

Anonymous said...

So, I was thinking about this...and was going through the list of who people wanted to hang with....and I see Acheron....and yeah, that would be fun, BUT I have to go with Simi :D That would be a blast!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to hang out with Blair Mallory who has a kickass sense of humor. We'd make good shopping buddies.

Anonymous said...

I would say Dorian from Hostage to Pleasure or Sascha from Slave to Sensation...

Anonymous said...

Diaz Delgado from Riding Temptation by Jaci Burton. Riding on Instinct sounds great!

Pam P said...

I'm in the mood for wild and wacky, so Nix from Kresley Cole's Immortals, no telling who we'll meet up and what will happen, lol.

jeanette8042 said...

I would love to hang out with Simi or Acheron from the Dark Hunter series. I think it would be a hilarious and definitely interesting experience, especially with Simi eating everything that moves!

Anonymous said...

Gena Showalter's Lords of the Underworld or Karen Marie Moning's Highlanders }:)

macbeaner said...

I'd love to hang out with Georgina from Richelle Mead's novels. She just sounds cool! :)

This book sounds really neat as well!

donnas said...

Tough question. But I think I would like to hang out with the vampires from Jeri Smith-Ready's Wicked Game. That would be too cool to learn about the history and music from a time period they still basically exist in.

Midnight said...

If you are talking about your series, then Hawk or anyone of the character in your series
I would have to say
Mona Lisa by Sunny,
Ender Wiggin by Orson Scott Card
Simi or Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Meg, Michael, And Ruby by Jet Mykles or any of her dark elves
Khalid by Lora Leigh
just a short list, don't want to go overboard ..


Anonymous said...

I would love to hang out with Tamsyn or Mac (Fever series). Both are so amazing!

Shaymless Aymless said...

I'm going with Kresley Cole's Valkyries and Witches on GNO! That would be a blast. And I'm finding I'm wicked cool with the Wii! LOL

Anonymous said...

any chacter from lori foster books

Darcy Jo said...

Oooo this is a hard one! Ok, I've narrowed it down to either . . .

Sherrilyn Kenyon's Zarek, because I'm a sucker for tall, dark, and brooding with a good heart.

Karen Marie Moning's Mac and Barrons, just because I'm OBSESSED with this series and I want to know what's going on and I KNOW Barrons has all the answers!

Or Karen Marie Moning's Dageus . . . because he's just pure sex . . . ;-)

gawain said...

Hmmmmm let me see. Mercy from Patricia Briggs books. Elena from Kelley Armstrong definately. Adn I guess Sookie from Charlaine Harris and tht is just for starters.

FD said...

Jason from the Anita Blake series seems like fun.

Spari said...

Harry Dresden from Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, Bran from Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series and Tabitha from Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark - Hunter series.

Anonymous said...

When I read a book I already hang out with the characters, so choosing one of those characters is nearly impossible.

But if I had to choose it would be the Montgommerys and the Taggarts from Jude Deveraux I think, the way those families interact is fantastic reading and I wouldn't mind seeing that in reality.

Mandi said...

Can I hang at the BDB mansion? :) If I had to pick just one, Nix from Kresely Cole's series.

Anonymous said...

Waaahhhh....I can't choose just one, some are kinda dangerous and might get tiffed if I didn't mention them so I'll leave them all unmentioned :-)

May said...

Now it would be Kaleb Krychek. I really want to know what he is thinking.

Anonymous said...

Wow, so difficult, definitely the DarkRiver pack and I would love to spend a day in the Vircolac Club (Christine Warren). Mercury and Dawn (Lora Leigh) and meeting Eve and Roarke would be fun.:-)

Tina E.

Anonymous said...

Oof there's so many! It's hard to pick between funny and intense. Right now I think funny wins. So Nix plus the other Valkyries and witches from Kresley Cole's Immortal world.

Anonymous said...

I would love to spend the day with Penn Cage from Greg Iles's novels.

Anonymous said...

Zarek from the DH series, hands down. Any man who can quote The Little Prince as impeccably as he can would be a great person to hang out with.

Or maybe Dorian or Vaughn from P/C.

Anonymous said...

My list includes pretty much any of the Psy/Changeling characters, Butch or Rhage from the Black Dagger Brotherhood, or Rydan or Evanor from Jean Johnson's Sons of Destiny series.

CrystalGB said...

I would like to hang out with Keri Arthur's heroine Riley Jenson.

Dannyfiredragon said...

Zhadist from the Blackdagger Brotherhood or any of Lora Leigh's Breeds

Unknown said...

Ohh...I'm counting down to this book!
I would actually love to hang out with the wild riders from this series ;)

Anonymous said...

My first thought was Acheron but, um, scary?

My immediate next thought was Stephanie Plum. Can you imagine the craziness?

Una said...

I would love to hang out with Raphael from Guild Hunters or Vane from Dark-Hunters.

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not I'd like to hang out with Eve and Roarke.

tetewa said...

Mine would have to be Stephanie Plum!

Autumncat said...

I'd have to say Ranger from the Stephanie Plum series. He's just too mysterious. ;-)

Lisa said...

I would love to hang out with any of the dark hunters but especially Acheron.

The Brunette Librarian said...

I've just discovered Lora Leigh books this past month or so, so right now I would probably say Jonas from her Breed's series. On the other hand though, I think I would have more fun with Lola from the Janet Evanovich "Plum" series!

kim said...

I'd love to hang out with Bran (Mercy Thompson series), Vane (Werehunter series), or Ranger (Stephanie Plum series).

Marnie said...

Simi and Acheron from Dark Hunters or Torin (Lords of the Underworld - Showalter)

Heather B. said...

Wow, let them think. I would have to say the brothers from the Black Dagger Brotherhood for one and definetly Nix from Kresely Cole's Immortals after dark series, she is a riot. I think the shifters from your series would also draw me. And I have to agree with Cathy that Stephanie Plum would be a hoot.


Anonymous said...

I would love to hang out with Ivy (The Archive of all human knowledge) from the Dresden Files. I can think of thousands of question to ask provide she answers them.


Jaded Bee said...

Oh, this is hard. I think I'd have to narrow it down to either Doyle from Laurell K Hamilton's Merry Gentry series or Vaughn from yours. :-D