It's 9 days till the release of ANGELS' BLOOD and only 3 till ANGELS' PAWN hit the e-shelves!!
This time, we're celebrating with TWO signed copies of Lisa Hendrix's Immortal Warrior!

Here's the blurb:
He came to England in search of treasure. Two hundred years later, he’s found her…You can check out an excerpt on Lisa's website. Her next release is Immortal Outlaw, out in June!
Ivar Graycloak is a brave warrior, a man known for his strength and integrity. He is also a man with a terrible secret. Long ago he was part of a Viking crew cursed by an evil sorceress to live for eternity as were-creatures. An eagle by day and a man by night, Ivar has lived a solitary existence for over two centuries. Then the king orders him to marry.
Lady Alaida is everything a man could want in a bride—intelligent, spirited, and beautiful—and their wedding night is a balm to Ivar’s lonely spirit. Then a seer brings him word of a dark vision, one that makes Ivar vow to stay away from his lovely wife forever. But now that Ivar has sampled Alaida’s passion, her humor and warmth, he is enthralled. His traitorous body-his very heart-longs for that which he
can never possess.
Lady Alaida may surprise him yet, though, for she has a power of her own-a power that will either destroy everything they hold dear or ultimately set them free…
Today's entry question comes from Anonymous: Can you put down a really good back when you are in the middle of it and it is Midnight?
Personally, I've learned not to start a book at night...because if it's good, I'll be up till four a.m.!
Oh no. I'm a night owl anyway, and I've learned to give myself at least an hour of reading time before I have to be asleep. If the book is REALLY good though, I really will stay up all night. We're talking like 5am. :-D
It depends on what I need to do the next day. If I have something really important going on I will put it away. But I have been known to read on through the night. :) So if the book is really good it is tough.
It'll be hard for me to put a really good book down and it's likely I'll keep reading too long. One would think I'd learn to pace myself...
If it's really good...no, I have been known to read until 4 am and then when I am finsihed finally going to sleep. And only thinking of the book :)
Unless I have to get up bright and early the next day, I will stay up to finish the book depending on how caught up in it I am.
Depends, but usually no, if it's that good I have to finish it in that moment.
Absolutely not. When I start a book I've been waiting for, I have learned the hard way to better not start it in the evening because I keep on reading into the night. My colleagues know already that when I go to a bookshop, chances are very high that I will arrive late the next day (Thank God for flexible working hours!).
Nope! If it is truly a great book..or even just a book that I have been really looking forward to, I will just stay up until it is done!
Yes. I can't even stay up til midnight! I will fall asleep reading if I tried, which i have done before.
BTW, I LOVED Immortal Warrior and am totally looking forward to Outlaw!
Sadly, yes. If I can't keep my eyes open, I can read.
No, I cannot. I was known to forgone sleeping for a really really good books.
NO. I'll be trying to talk myself out of reading it but there will be another voice going " but the next part is going to be good...!"
It's very hard to put down a good book. If I have to work the next day, I force myself to stop reading at about midnight (or half an hour later :) ) but then I spend the rest of the next day thinking about it. If I don't, chances are I'll read through the whole book that night.
I am a night person anyway so I miht as well be reading because otherwise I would be staring at the ceiling. But I usually can't put a book down until I am literally falling asleep in the middle of sentences
Oh hell no. I've actually taken my sleeping pill, laid down with a book, and ended up staying up through the effect of the pill because the book was so good. Oops.
Sometimes I can... and sometimes I can't. I definitely won't even bring it into the bedroom when I crawl into bed because it would tempt me to keep reading.
i most definitely have to read some before going to sleep, and sometimes when i'm in the middle of something exciting i just can't put it down and can't sleep even and have to read and read. though i have to remind myself how i am going to feel the next day at work and the how my eyes are going to be all burning and me all sleepy, sometimes that helps and i can put the book down for the next day and sometimes well i have to go without sleep!!
The answer is definitely "No." When I try to go to sleep and there is superb read laying on the nightstand next me, I just lay there thinking about the book. Usually, end up turning the light back on and finish it.
You love a good book while you are reading it at 2 a.m. but you grumble about it the next day when your cranky with red, gritty eyes and can't seem to stop yawning. Then all the while at the same time, your thinking about how fast can you get your hands on the next book in the series or by that author...*grins*
If the book is REALLY good I'll devour it overnight. Even if I'm super tired. My husband yells at me all the time about pacing myself. :)
If it is REALLY good I will try my hardest to stay up. I will usually go to about 1 or maybe 2....but if it is a work day the next day I am a wreck! lol If I don't have work the next day then I will stay up to finish!
Nope, I'm a total night owl when it comes to a good book. I do TRY not to start a new book after 8pm because I know there's always a possibility I will be up way past my bedtime!
If I'm really into a book, I will read until 4 or 5 am easily. Sometimes I'm into a book but my body shuts down and I fall asleep face down in the book though :)
No, I can't put down a good book if it's midnight! It doesn't matter if I have to drag my sorry butt to work half-comatose the next morning. I can't leave a good book half-read.
No. I'll go without sleep. I like to read books in one straight sitting so I'll usually just keep on reading until it's done.
nooo way... that is also why sometimes I peek ahead
If I really like a book, then I usually can't put it down until it's done. If I absolutely have to stop reading, then I know the next time I pick it up, I'll be reading till the end.
If it's a weeknight I'd probably be able to put it down. But if it was a weekend, no way, I'd be reading until I couldn't keep my eyes open!
It depends on the book- But if I am engrossed in it I will try to stay up as long as I can to get through as much as I can before sleep comes a callin' ;D
But I have had incidents when I stayed up all night to finish a book!
No, if a book is really good I won't put it down. I even stayed up til five a.m. to finish a book even though I knew I had to get up in two hours. It was totally worth it.
I've been known to still be reading a good book at 4 am when my alarm is set for 6 am. I'm not at my best those days, but it's worth it.
I have been known for my bed positions while reading a book. I distinctly remember reading a Stephen King books with an alien kinda species on the cover which was a luminescent green. I stretched my body till 2 o'clock that night I think before I called it quits. I woke up a few hours later and had to go to the bathroom and rolled face down from my bed when moonlight made the alien cover glimmer, my heart was in my throat looking at the cover so up close but loved the feeling nonetheless!
This was many, many years ago and now I'm lucky if I make it to twelve o 'clock at night. My body demands it sleep to rejuvenate LOL
I can never put a good book down no matter the time. I'll stay up until I finish it. I admit I've even pulled an all-nighter before just to finish a book knowing I had to get to school the next morning. Thats why I leave my book buying til the weekend. :D
No. If its that good I would rather get less sleep than stop reading. If I stop I wont be able to sleep anyway wondering what is going to happen next.
Eeeh, definitely not! I'll ususally just keep reading it...and then I'll hate myself when I have to get up at 6, but I'll still know that I will do it again, and again, and again...
Not usually! Even if I have to get up early the next morning because work, I read much later than I should if it's a great book. I've even read through the night, finished a book at 7 a.m., then turned over and went to sleep!
I would read at night before sleeping because it gives me good dreams. Plus, it gives me something to look forward to, during the day. But yes, if the book is good, I'd burn the midnight oil. =)
Usually no...unless I have to work in the am...up at about 0500. Otherwise, I read til I pass out! I know...I'm such a partier! lol
I will stay up until the book is finished, even if it takes most of the night. I try to only let myself start short books before bed because I won't be able to go to sleep until it is finished!
If a book is good, I'll keep reading regardless of what time it is..at the same time, I love to savor a book if i'm enjoying it, so sometimes I'll force myself to put it away till morning so i have something to look forward when I wake up :)
Definitely not! I must finish it and find out what happens at the end or I will be restless and wondering what happens. Really good books are worth the hours of sleep loss =)
I'm not a night person so it depends if the book hits me in the face because I fell asleep! I have fallen asleep so many times with the book in my hands that my husband makes fun of me.
Plus, the husband has a tendency to reach over and turn off MY light. He keeps me from going overboard.
I have a hard time putting a good book down. I can remember arguing that point with my husband when I decided to crawl into bed at 4 in the morning. I told him I couldn't stop it was like pausing a good movie.
No, if I am completely enthralled and sucked in, I wouldn't notice the time until the book is finished or I hit a slow enough point that my body/brain reminds me I'm tired and to look at the clock. Then I would look at how many pages I have to go to figure out whether to stop here or just hunker down and keep going (paying for it the next day at work). =)
"Can you put down a really good back when you are in the middle of it and it is Midnight?"
Heck, no! :( I have to try not to read at night if I want to get any sleep since I can't get by on a little sleep like I used to. So I don't read nearly as much as I used to because I have to make sure I have a large block of time to finish the book.
It's tough for me but I have to do it cause I have a full time job.
My favorite time to read is at night while in bed. I usually read till I can't keep my eyes open anymore.
If it's a really good book, I have to finish it. I've been known to read one till 4 in the morning.
If it's really good I have to read until I finished it. I have been known to stay up all night reading.
I'm a night owl anyway, but no matter what time of day I'm reading, if I'm into a book, no I won't put it down, forget sleeping, lol.
I absolutely love reading through the night...but only on weekends. :) Just last night I was up until about 3am reading a fantastic book!!
Normally no. I love reading before bed and if its a great book I probably won't set it down until I'm done. Unless I find a good place to lay it down to finish on my commute the next day!
It's hard to stop. I was up till 1 a.m. this morning reading, even though I had to be a work at 7:30 a.m.
Logic has no bearing on getting me to put a good book down. If it's good, I'm staying up to read it. Kids, work, normal functioning - it has no influence. I am physically incapable of putting good books aside.
Absolutely not. I have a rule I can't start a new book after 9 p.m. because I won't go to sleep until its done. I have had many a sleepless nights.
I really hate when i get down to the last 100 pages or so in a book and it's around 11:00 or so. I have to stop then or I will sit up till I finish it. The last 100 pages are when everything seems to come together.
I have a hard time putting down a book that really grabs me and sucks me in. Hostage to Pleasure was like that for me. So are the Black Dagger Brotherhood books of JR Ward.
I've been known to skip meals, sleeptimes, classes and dates in order to finish a book when I'm engrossed in it. Some books I cant' stand to live in suspense for any amount of time so I just keeping reading until I either fall dead from exhaustion/hunger or my family remembers they haven't seen me for a couple days.
I was reading Mary Gentle's 'Ash' books, there's 4 in the series and I have the over a thousand page omnibus of the books, and it took me nearly 20 hours, but I read through it all in one sitting. When I finally emerged my dad was shocked because he had thought I was at my boyfriend's the entire time...
Usually no. If it a really good book or it is the book I been waiting for. I just continue reading until it turns from morning to night to morning. :D
Besides, I get so engrossed with the reading I often forget the time. :D
Oh my... do I HAVE to go to work and be alert? If yes, then it's one more chapter... really... just one more...
If not, hey why not. Nothing pressing.
NO I cannot put it down. I have been known to stay up until 3am to finish a book and be up at 6am to get the kids off to school and on to work. I may fall asleep at the desk, but its the price to pay when you're into a good book. :)
No, when it's a really good book, I will stay up till the end of the book ;o)
Only if I have to work the next day. BUT I'm not happy about it.
No, never. Even with babies waking up at god-knows-what-hour, I'll finish whatever I'm reading before I can sleep.
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