
Today's, we're continuing the celebrations with a signed copy of Nancy Haddock's debut novel, La Vida Vampire!
Here's the blurb:
She’s Gidget with fangs? Cowabunga!You can r
Cesca Marinelli is not your typical vampire. Buried for more than 200 years in a smelly coffin under an old Victorian house, she is unearthed in a time when vampires are a protected species. Cesca dives into her second chance at afterlife, and is soon living la vida vampire as a surfer girl, a fiend for bridge, and a ghost tour guide in St. Augustine, Florida.
Cesca is riding the wave of “perfectly normal” … until the tide turns and brings a stalker, a shifter, and a killer into the picture. Suddenly Cesca is a murder suspect, and is forced to team up with sexy ex-slayer Deke Saber to solve the case. Saber insists that Cesca stop passing for mortal and embrace her vamp powers. If she doesn’t, she could be the next victim -- and this time, the wipe out will be permanent.

Today's entry question comes from Katherine: Bookmarks or no bookmarks? If you don't use bookmarks how do you keep track of where you were in the book? If you do use bookmarks, what type do you like?
I absolutely use bookmarks. Otherwise I can't keep track and I would never damage a book to keep track. I use whatever. If I start a new book and there is nothing else around I use the first piece of paper I see. Boarding tickets make great bookmarks. I also use the free ones from bookstores. Not so much the ones I have won in contests. I like to keep those pretty and all together. :) I don't buy the leather ones in stores.
I use bookmarks, I would never remember where I left off otherwise and I cannot bring myself to dogear...lol. I have five and seven year old daughters who love to make me artwork, so I always have 4 or 5 homemade bookmarks available :)
I used bookmark of any kind, which means whatever near my hand.
It depends on the book I'm reading. There are books where I don't need bookmarks, I start reading and don't stop until I'm finished. When I do need a bookmark it can be one from the American Book Center or just a piece of paper I have somewhere.
I love bookmarks! My favorites are from authors advertising upcoming books. They're a nice reminder of what I should buy next to read.
I love bookmarks but always forget to use them. When I need to keep my page I either slip a loose piece of paper in, or fold the page corner down.
I like bookmarks, i just have a hard time keeping them handy. So my bookmarks usually are any flat thing lying around (receipts, notepaper, library receipts etc).
As a kid I used to dog-ear my pages but as I got older I started gaining more respect for my books and started using bookmarks. I have used postcards, actual bookmarks (especially the pretty ones from authors), ribbons, post-its, business cards, well pretty much anything that will not damage my books.
As side note: Whenever I come across an item that is unique in its design or just plain nice to look at and could be used as a bookmark, I will hold on it with intentions of using it as a bookmark.
Any piece of paper goes when it comes to bookmarks. I often use old receipts since they're lying around anyway.
Hangs head in shame.
I am a dog-ear-er.
I use about anything for a bookmark. Whatever is within reach at the time I needs something. Scraps of paper, pens, etc... it doesn't matter to me. I don't usually use actual bookmarks because I always lose them.
I don't use bookmarks, they're never handy when I need them. I use anything that's lying around and if I can't find anything I turn the page down *sigh*. I know.
At home, my books are always on my beloved ReadUpon bookstand (why, oh why did they go out of business...). When I toss my books into my bag, I must have a bookmark. Of late, they've been the freebies from Uncle Hugo's SciFi/Fantasy Bookstore.
I use bookmarks, which usually end up being a random piece of paper that happens to be nearby. I have a massive collection of bookmarks, but I never seem to have one when I need it.
If I don't have a bookmark at the moment I try to remember what chapter (I like to stop on chapters instead of in the middle of a chapter)
Or I'll lay the book down spread open to where I stopped so I can just pick it up where I left off.
I try to finish at the beginning of a new chapter so I just have to open the book to that chapter. But if I do stop mid-chapter, I don't really use bookmarks, instead I use whatever is lying around me at the time.
I have a favorite bookmark from Scotland its a selection of actual wild flowers encased in clear coating on a pink thick paper background. I usually just carry it over from one book to another. But if I'm reading a book from my purse, I use a kleenex or grocery list, whatever is handy LOL
I do use bookmarks, but I am usually able to find my place in a book with or without it. I mostly just use the free bookmarks they give out at bookstores or if I'm really desperate, I'll use the nearest piece of paper. But I never fold the corners of pages.
My inclination is to read a book straight through nonstop but life has a way of interrupting, which is why I can't let myself start a book when I get home from working the 2-10pm shift.
So with paper books I use a a handy piece of paper to keep track. Somewhere around here I have official fancy bookmarks from promos,bookstores etc but they're never at hand when needed.
With the ebook readers (sony & pocket pc) I can create an electronic bookmark that I can then delete when I restart the book. Most of the time the readers restart where I left off without needing to use the bookmark but I've learned to use one just in case.
Definitely Booksmarks..I still remember my mom yelling at me when I was younger for folding the corners though =) I ususally use a ribbon now.
I always use bookmarks and now I have these Lord of the rings cards left from my LOtr days, so they are perefct to keep track of where I am :D
I always use some form of bookmark. Right now I am using a cardboard bookmark I got from a local bookstore in Chicago. It works perfectly for all books.
Yes I use bookmarks for when I get interrupted readin, book thongs, too, which I like more now as they don't fall out as easily. If I don't have one handy, I'll grab anything nearby, piece of mail in envelope, napkin, whatever.
Totally bookmarks.
But my definition of a "bookmark" is very wide - basically anything I can use to stick in the book and mark my place counts.
I do have a bookmark collection of some lovely bookmarks, but I don't really use them at present. I have a small child and after he managed to tear my Giles (BtVS) bookmark in half I went to using things I didn't particularly care about to mark my page.
I always use bookmarks and my favorite ones are the ones I get from authors I like either thin or wide.
Terri W.
At one point, I was buying a new bookmark with every book so I'd develop a nice collection. I have that collection, so it is hard for me to justify buying more.
My preference is for ones with sayings on them.
I have a couple different bookmarks. One is a card with a poem on it from my best friend and another is a silver bookmark that says "wherever you go, go with all your heart"
but I have been known to start a book in the car and use an extra dunkin donuts napkin.
I usually don't use bookmarks. I just remember the page number. If I do use a bookmark for some reason, I use one my daughter made for me.
I use bookmarks. I cannot "dog ear" the pages and I would most likely not remember what page I am on if I did not use one. I use author bookmarks or the ones that the kids get from school with their pictures.
I love bookmarks. I collect them. I also love having a bookmark that matched the book I'm reading.
I have to have a book mark. I like to be able to just open to where I was last reading and not have to flip through pages!
Of late, I have been using ones that Jeri Ready-Smith was kind enough to send to me.
Despite the fact that I adore bookmarks, I never use them - they always seem to be suspiciously hard to find whenever I need one, yet at all other times they are in incredible abundance (it's like that with everything, isn't it?). Each time I put a book down, I take note of the page number, but NEVER remember it by the time I come back to the book, no matter how much time has passed. I always end up searching for the page I was last on. And I could never fold the pages *shudder* - what sacrilege!
Bookmarks!!! I love them and have been collecting them for 25 years, so I have HUNDREDS.
I like all kinds, and my latest obsession is the book thongs.
I even try to match the bookmark I use to the book I'm reading. :-) (Obsessive much?)
No bookmarks. If I'm reading a paperback, I usually turn down the top cornder page a little bit to mark my place.
I use bookmarks most of the time because it's annoying trying to flip through a book to find the place where I stopped, especially when the book is really good! I usually use the receipt from the book b/c it's so convenient or post0its covered w/ some strange notes I've written =)
bookmarks, a piece a paper or whatever i have at hand to use as a bookmark works for me.
Definitely book marks. I very choosey about them. I like the traditional flat paper ones best. the magnetic and metals or those awful book clip ones are a definite NO
I normally have to use a bookmark and it can be anything! Receipts, postcards, etc... my favorite (for some reason) has been a single sheet of TP...
No bookmarks. If it's a good book I'll read it in 1 or 2 days, so I don't forget where I left of; but usually I stop reading at the end of chapters, so the only thing I have to do is remember the chapter I was reading.
Definitely use bookmarks, usually just whatever scrap piece of paper I find laying around,
If I can find a bookmark handy, I'll use it. And it depends on the book if I'll dogear or not. A keeper - I won't dogear. Otherwise, if whatever is handy, will fit in the book okay is what I'll use to keep my place!
I use bookmarks! Only recently did I buy a "real" one. It is leather. Before, I simply used pieces of paper or sticky notes. Now, I'm on the lookout for a pretty book thong with beads.
I always use book marks because I hate to damage a page by turning a corner. I have my favorite which is a silver looking metal book hook with a leaf hanging off the end (it's a real leaf encased in metal). My other most used book mark (when I read more than one book at a time) is a red ribbon with an apple charm on it. I cannot read a book without a bookmark!
I use bookmarks, if don't have one will try and remember page number.
Hi! I work in a library and I am an avid advocate of using bookmarks! When people leave books face down on the table, it breaks the spines so bad...and then if you fold down the pages it leaves a little indention in the book. If it is your own book, then hey, more power to you, but for my own stuff and the things I prefer to read at the library, I definetly recommend and LOVE bookmarks. They're soo many cute ones out there anyway, why not?
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