Not long to the release of ANGELS' BLOOD now! Here's what Tiffany V. of Rendezvous bookstore (Australia), had to say about it in the comments here:
Us girls at Rendezvous LOVED Angels Blood and can't wait to spread the love to all our ferocious readers...Tonight, I've got an ARC of Virginia Kantra's Sea Lord, the third book in her Child
Bring it ON!

Selkie prince Conn ap Llyr denies his deeply sensual nature to rule over the immortal Children of the Sea. But when the Children of Fire threaten the Selkies' Sanctuary, Conn must obey his haunting visions-and seek a woman half a world away.Sea Lord releases May. You can check out an excerpt on Virginia's website!
Schoolteacher Lucy Hunter knows nothing about her Selkie heritage or the prophecy that drives Conn to find her. To combat Fire, Conn needs Lucy's magic-even if this means stealing her away to Sanctuary. As the demon threat grows, so does their passion, overcoming Lucy's fears and Conn's guarded heart. But soon they face a devastating choice.
Will their love be enough to save them? Or will their destinies tear them apart?
The entry question for today is (question by Lori T): Does a book's cover have an impact on whether or not you buy it? Have you ever bought a book based on the cover alone?
I have no doubt that I have bought a book based just on the cover. I know I've bought books without ever reading the blurb so it stands to reason. I just can't think of a title offhand.
Yep, the cover is important. The first reason I bought Slave to Sensation was the cover, when I read the blurb it just fit with the cover. Afther that, I didn't look at the cover anymore, I just buy every book in the series. But when I buy books from writers I don't know yet, the cover is one of the important factors.
Usually I do my book research online, but if I find myself in the library or a bookstore with no particular book in mind I do grab the books with the interesting covers first. I don't think I'd buy a book solely based on the cover, but nice cover art does go a long way in making a great first impression. Incidentally, I liked the cover of "Sea Lord" so much I had to go find out what the first two books were about. All the covers are very pretty.
The cover does its job for me, it gets my attention immediately. But I never buy a book based on a cover alone. I always read what its about and check for customer reviews online before I buy a book by an author I don't know.
The book cover of an author i know has some impact on me, but if i know and love the author, great cover or not that book is going to be purchased. But with unknown authors the cover is most asuredly the first thing i notice and it either entices me to pick it up and take a read of the back of the book or has me steering clear of it.A book cover has never been the reason i bought a book since the brief overview on the back has to pique my interest as well but sad to say i have scorned books based solely on their covers, i don't even try to find out what it's about.
A nice cover can definitely entice me to buy but only if I'm already interested in the story after reading the blurb. It can also attract me enough to find out what a book is about if I'm not familiar with it.
Covers are important for me. I discovered many new authors because their cover caught my interest while wandering through the bookstore. But my buying decision is based on the blurb.
I've bought more books than I should have based on the cover alone. And I've passed on books because I didn't particularly care for the cover but later bought the book because of high reviews.
I can't wait for the Sea Lord! I actually bought the first two books in Virginia's series mostly due to the awesome covers! They are beautiful!
I always scan the stacks at my local bookstores for covers that catch my eye - then I read the back blurb. But yeah - the cover is the first hook.
I buy a lot of books on Amazon so the cover doesn't impact me.
But when I am at the bookstore looking at books the cover does make a difference. It is the thing that can be draw me to pick up the book and check it out or just pass it by.
I am known to buy books because of the cover but it is not the only reason I would buy a new author (for my favorite I bought everything they wrote in spite of the cover).
Catchy cover make it easy for me to buy.
I've definitely bought books off the cover alone! Especially if there's a particularly a sizzling male body on the cover...*drools*
But I never usually judge a book by its cover. If the cover doesn't necessarily draw me to it with force, I read the blurb, and if it seems at least half-way decent, I'll pick it up. At the library, because I won't spend money on a book I end up hating. I'll buy the book later if I like it.
I read the book Wicked Lovely based on the cover. Sometimes covers are just so eye catching that I can't help but be mesmerized. :D
Absolutely! That is why I still love to browse the bookstores, although I buy a lot of my books online now. And I know it works. I worked in a bookstore for 12 years and I saw other people select on covers a lot of the time as well.
The cover's more likely to make me pick up or not pick up a book and read the back blurb to see if it intrigues me. I definitely check books out of the library solely based on covers.
Yes, I've bought many books based on the cover, sometimes even without reading the blurb. I've found many new, interesting authors, the cover is important!
I'm very guilty of picking a book by it's pun intended...Virginia Kantra has some of the best covers and what's great is the stories are excellent! I have to say that book covers have definitly excelled in the last couple of years.
Yes, the cover does have some impact on whether or not I get a book. If I see a really nice(or hot) cover, I'll immediately grab it, and then read the blurb on the back. A nice cover catches my attention, and draws me in. And yes, I have gotten a book a couple times, based solely on the cover alone.
No. A good cover doesn't hurt and it may attract my attention to the book, but I've never bought a book based on the cover alone. I'll buy a book based on the blurb on the back, recommendations, or what I know of the author.
Truth is that there have been covers that have been truly awful, and cos of that I haven't given them a chance. Maybe first later on.
Yes you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but some can be horrific
Absolutely. If the cover is a boring picture of a mirrored lake...I'll pass. It's got to get my attention. And that doesn't always mean more skin on the cover. I love the cover for Slave to Sensation mostly because its one of the few I've found with a tattoo. But I'll also intentionally pick up crappy covers. I was severely disappointed with Suzanne Brockmann's latest cover Dark of looked like something you'd put on a kids book talking about the desert, and sucked in comparison to Hot Target.
No I don't buy for the cover. I buy becaue it's an author I follow, or I buy if the book cover has a recommendation by another author I love. I have found many new authors based solely because one of my regular buy authors recommended or loved the book.
If I am a regular reader of the author, the cover doesn't matter, it's what's inside that counts. That said I have purchased books from author's I didn't know on impulse because of the cover.
I have picked up a book because of it's cover. But then I always read the back blurb to see if I would really be interested in reading the book.
The cover definitely plays a part in whether I buy a book. I don't think I've ever bought a book based solely on the cover though. I always read the blurb at the back.
I have definitely picked up books based on the cover alone but the cover does not make me either buy it or not. If I am drawn to the cover but than dont care for the story I still wont buy it. But I have also found quite a few good books that I only picked up at first because the cover or title appealed to me.
I have almost bought books based on the cover alone. The cover will catch my attention, but the blurb has to at least look half way interesting. I've actually avoided books based on the cover too (and sometimes been later sorry I did that because the book is so good).
I look for books and buy them over the internet, so I usually don't look for covers, just the resume and if I like it, I buy it.
I've picked up a book simply because of the cover, but then it's the flap copy that sells me on the book. If I'm still hesitant after reading the flap copy, I'll read the first line. If it doesn't grip my attention, I won't buy it, no matter how gorgeous the cover.
However, I've not picked up certain books because the cover was so repulsive (too bodice-ripper, misleading art, etc.).
Cover is import. But I don't think I've bought anything because of the cover. I'm more author driven.
A book's cover never has an impact on whether or not I buy the book. A good cover CAN tempt me to look at the book, though (same as a good title), but it's always the back of the book (and sometimes the first couple pages) or a recommendation from a friend.
A book's cover is important to get my attention but it's the back cover blurb and if I'm familiar with the author that will get my to buy it. I've never bought a book based on the cover alone.
(Interesting question, since I was having this same conversation just yesterday)
No, I have never bought a book based solely on the cover--and sometimes I've bought books *despite* the cover.
Long ago I used to buy based on cover + blurb, only to be disappointed about 9 times out of 10. Not, mind, that the books were horrible or even bad that often, just that what the blurb and cover promised was rarely what the novel delivered.
These days I go by author, reviews/word of mouth by people whose tastes I trust. Cover and blurb are waaaay down the list.
The cover is very important to me. A cover is the first thing that catches my eye. I hate when the cover is completely opposite of what the book is about. But I won't buy a book without liking the hook on the back.
Covers aren't that important to me. But sometimes they do have the impact on me if they catch my eye in the bookstore.
A nice cover can get my attention but I won't buy the book just because of the cover.
I'm finding that since having the Kindle the cover really doesn't do much for me. It can't hurt.
Also, yes! I have now found two books that I am and will buy because their cover alone has perked my interest.
Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev and Tempest Rising by Nicole Peeler are the two books that I've been sucked into wanting them based solely on their covers.
Check out my blog for more info on them!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ * Jess*
If I don't know the author the cover will get me to pick it up and read the back to see if it seems like something I would like. But I've never bought a book based on a cover, I've never not bought one because of a bad cover either.
The cover (and title) only attracts me to pick it up or not. I buy books based on reading a bit from the blurb on the back and a bit from the first chapter. If it grabs me, I'll read it. However, I typically get books from the library to "test-drive". If I read the book and I'm so hooked I need to reread...then I go out and buy it.
I would definately say that the covers are important, but it only draws me in to check out the book, not necessarily buy it. Also, if the book is written by a tried and true author, I'll buy the book no matter what is on the cover.
The cover is usually important to catch my eye, and then I'll read the blurb just to see if it sounds good. These days I'm trying to cut my impulse buys and find them at the library first though, unless it's an author I know I'll like.
Oh, definitely. Attractive covers really do what they're supposed to - attract. And yes, I have bought a book based on the cover alone (well, the cover + a little blurb. But really, it was so little it was quite unhelpful.). Luckily, it turned out to be really good! But usually, I'll check it out on Amazon and look at readers' reviews, too.
Embarrassingly enough...I have!! Or at the very least it's made me pick it up and read the back! :)
A bad cover won't stop me from buying a book by an author I like or if it sounds like something I'd like, but a good cover can definitely entice me to pick up a book I might not have considered. It has definitely happened a few times.
A cover will get me to pick up a book to see what it is about. But, it is the blurb and excerpt that gets me to buy the book.
Ooooh yes. I'm always drawn to the sexy covers with hot men on them. I will also be turned off if the cover looks really cheap.
I've never bought a book just because of the cover without reading the back, though :-)
If the author's name is not familiar to me, I would usually ignore the book. However, if the book artwork is really good, then I'll pick it up to read the blurb.
After serious thought - not really :) It's the back cover blurb and any reviews or word of mouth. I've learnt that the covers sometimes do not reflect the book at all, and a number of covers are almost exact replicas of each other.
I'm trying to remember how I discovered STS...I think it was via a friend and I didn't see the cover until I borrowed the book :)
A lot of the times that I buy books or look for books I go towards those that have nice or interesting covers. I have bought some books such as Mercury's War and Dance With The Devil based on their covers and now I'm hooked on the series.
It does, cause it gets me to notice the book.
Yup! I've bought book son their covers alone many times. I've also not bought books based on their covers... That must make me very shallow!
I don't believe I have bought a book based only on the cover, but a good cover has sparked my interest to look more closely at a novel and see if I might be interested in reading it...and many times I have definitely bought the book.
I don't really pay attention to the covers because romance novels tend to have the same type of images. I am first attracted to the title then I read the back. After that, I continue the series until it ends or I get bored of it.
I have never bought a book based solely on the cover. On occasion the cover will make me pick up the book to check out the back cover blurb and read a little of it to see if I want it.
A cover that catches my attention will make read the back cover and more, I need to read something to decide to buy. Never bought on cover alone.
I don't think I've ever bought a book without reading the blurb on the back, but the covers definitely influences which books I pick up to actually read the back (especially if I'm not familiar with the author).
However, the biggest influence on whether I actually purchase a book is actually reviews and recommendations, which I usually read online.
A book's cover definitely influences me! I mean, that's what makes you pick a book up in the bookstore just at first glance. And I have purchased a book just based on its cover before. It was an ebook, Ask Adam by Jess Dee. And it was a great purchase!
Yes, I have bought a book based on its cover. Tho I have to say, i have equally been turned off by covers as well, but if they are part of a series I buy them anyway. I tend to notice who is on the cover, like if the model has been on one before!
Yes, I have bought books before just because of the cover. It does have an influence.
I've never bought a book based on the cover alone, but its generally the cover that catches my attention. Then I'd read the backcover blurb to see if I want to by it or not.
I have discovered many new authors by trying their reads just by the fact thaqt the cover has caught my eye!
I have never purchased based on a cover alone. I have been drawn to an unknown author based on a cover, then read blurb and opening sentence and purchased. I have never turned a book I wanted down because of the cover.
Well, most of the times the answer is no. I usually go to the bookstore with a list in hand to grab the books I need/want. But there are times when I see a book and the cover looks interesting I grab it to read the synopsis.
I wouldn't buy a book based solely on it's cover but I will read the back cover based on just the cover.
The cover has a huge impact. I remember borrowing books from the library as a kid based on the cover. While the story is more important to me now, it's definitely the cover that catches my eye first.
The cover does have an impact a lot of times if I am looking for something new and interesting. That was how I found JR Ward's BDB series. I wasn't crazy about the 1st cover in the Psy-changling series (sorry Nalini) but I read it based on the blurb on the back. It was interesting enough that that I by-passed the cover.
So while I like to look at the covers, that is not all I look at when I am considering a new book. They can have a good cover and bad blurb on the back.
The cover helps catch my eye. I've read books that have horrific looking covers though and they are fantastic! Also, the opposite is true, too. What sells me more often than not is if another author I like has a blurb on the front.
If it's a new author, definitely. An intriguing cover gets me to read the back and the gets me hooked (normally). But of course the cover isn't alone... that back snippet better be as intriguing as the cover!
Sometimes. Even though I already have a mm version, I'm very tempted to buy the trade version of Sunshine just for the cover .
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