Thursday, November 15, 2007

When Characters Make Their Own Rules

So I'm working on this novella and hero is so scrumptious that I want to write a whole book about him. He just makes me want to sigh dreamily. The man is a terrible tease though - the things he says to the heroine!

The idea for this novella came via Mine To Possess. There's a fleeting mention of something in MtP that made me think, hmm, wonder what their story is. It was meant to be a fun look behind the curtain so to speak - an in-depth look at something glimpsed. Now the hero is sitting here laughing at me because he knows he's going to get to come back in other books. I just won't be able let either him, or his heroine, go. I think you guys are going to love him too. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini! That blog just made me want to hear even more about this newest hero. Any possibility you might reconsider and write a full-length novel about this hero?

Kerry said...

Poor, Nalini. Being bossed around by your own characters. You do realise that we're not going to be the least bit sorry for you - if this new character is that appealing we're just going to want to know all about him too. :)

Anonymous said...

We could feel your pain Nalini if you gave us a little excerpt :P

Christine said...

I don't think *anyone* would object to you writing a full length novel about your scrumptious hero, Nalini! Or at least a really really really long novella! ;)

Nalini Singh said...

Zhan - right now it's going to remain a novella, but who knows? I might just have to write some more later!

Kerry - it's a hard life, but someone's got to do it. ;) Oh and he's definitely appealing. Every time I open that file, I start smiling. :)

Sweet - but that would be so mean since it's not going to be out for a year!

Christine - lol! Maybe I'll have to write long short stories about these two :)

Amanda Ashby said...

Nalini - sorry I'm so late to congratulate you on getting into the top 100 with STS - that rocks BIG TIME!!!!!! Also, I just finished CBI yesterday and loved it - the picture of Judd on the cover is gorgeous!!!

Courtney said...

Don't ya just hate it when hot males think they are the boss of you? LOLOL Can we get any hints, Nalini? Hair color, one line of naughty dialogue, does he have a really great bu...I mean, brain?

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

Ooooh. I want to hear more! Is he a changeling? Wistful sigh. It's so frustrating to have to wait a year!!

Nalini Singh said...

Amanda, thanks! :)

Courtney: He so thinks he's the boss, it's true! And he totally has a great...brain *grin*(I'll have to see if I can post up a short excerpt from it once the novella is finalized.)

Jenny - yep, he's a kitty cat ;)

LesleyW said...

I love that!

I sometimes find when I'm reading that a secondary character will leave the room, and I want to follow them instead of sticking with the protagonist. So I guess this means we'll be able to find out what happened off page?

That's one of the things I liked about Patricia Briggs Alpha and Omega short story.

Frances said...

man, you sure know how to tease a gal. well, kudos to this hero for being stubborn enough to demand air time, that's how we like 'em!
and when do we get this scrumptious novella, hmmm? :)

Anonymous said...

I don't recall Zach's name -- is he the one with China-Doll? (*smacks forhead -- nope that was Caressed by Ice) Guess I'll have to read MtP again! (Or I just haven't gotten that for in as yet).

Cannot wait for this one -- although Dorian is a curent favorite. :)