Sunday, March 10, 2019

Paying it Forward Recipients

Thank you all the NZ based writers who wrote in for my Pay It Forward initiative. I received far more emails than I expected, and it was incredibly difficult for me to make a decision - I wish I could send all of you to the RWNZ conference. As it was, I crunched the numbers and decided I could send two people. Both of this year's recipients have been notified. If you aren't one of them, please do try again next year. In the meantime, I hope you continue to nurture your writing dreams, and remember - while conferences are wonderful learning opportunities, there are also small writers groups throughout the country, as well as active groups online, where you can start to build your writing tribe. ❤️


library addict said...

That's very kind of you, Nalini.

Congratulations to the lucky recipients.

Lesa said...

You are good!!!