Tuesday, February 27, 2007
The Land of Oz
In other news, I'm taking off across the ditch (a.k.a. the Tasman Sea) for a short trip to Australia. I'll be checking emails while I'm over there, but I might not be posting anything unless I can get my friend's dial-up to cooperate. But I promise you a full post - with pictures even - when I return. As there are dolphins and koalas in the itinerary, hopefully the pictures will turn out great.
If I don't drop in during my time away, the next official blog post will be Monday my time (Sunday U.S.). Until then, how about visiting the meme participants? And if you've dropped by looking for the original Visions of Heat meme post, follow the link. Also, check out the OOTB blog tour (below this post) on Susan Grant's My Favorite Earthling.
Play nice while I'm away everyone! See you when I get back.
OOTB Tour: My Favorite Earthling - Susan Grant

HQN; March 1, 2007
Even a Goddess can have a bad day...
Keira, warrior-queen of the galaxy, is as famous for her beauty as she is for avoiding marriage. But when an upstart little planet called Earth threatens her world with its fleet of spaceships, the fate of her people lies in her hands. She must bind herself to a barbarian from the rogue world...or face the destruction of her own!
She's what he never knew he always wanted...
Confirmed bachelor Jared Jasper knew the trick Earth pulled on the alien invaders wasn't a permanent solution. What they needed was a peace treaty. It just never occurred to him that he would wind up on the bargaining table. Playing the pushover groom to a mouthy alien babe who knows how to use a plasma sword is not exactly his idea of fun. But with six-billion people depending on him, he doesn't have much choice--sleep with the enemy...or bring on interstellar war.
Strange bedmates? You bet. But this alliance may turn into a romance the likes of which this galaxy's never seen!
Former USAF jet pilot and current commercial airline pilot, RITA award-winner and New York Times bestseller Susan Grant loves writing about what she knows: exotic places, action, adventure, and the often unpredictable interaction between men and women.
“Susan Grant writes heroes to die for!” --Susan Kearney, USA Today bestselling author
“I loved this book! I can't rave about this novel enough. From an arranged marriage, to royal espionage, to saving Earth, MY FAVORITE EARTHLING is not a book to be missed!” – Sylvia Day, bestselling author of Pleasures of the Night
“Susan Grant's sexiest story yet!” -- Gena Showalter, bestselling author of The Nymph King
“A sizzling cosmic romp!” -- Angela Knight, USA Today bestselling author
“Dang but Jared was a hot hero! Susan Grant is an author I sincerely wish I hadn't waited so long to discover! -- Shannon McKelden, author of Venus Envy
“Charming, witty, and sexy as all get out!” --Linnea Sinclair, RITA award-winning author of Games of Command
4.5 stars! “This interstellar romp starts off fast and soon is hip deep in sexy humor and deadly assassination attempts. Grant has really hit her stride with this marvelous blend of humor and danger.” --Jill Smith, Romantic Times Magazine
“Susan Grant proves once again why she is Master of the Futuristic Genre. Jared and Keira's heat burn up the pages!” – award-winning author Colby Hodge
WEBSITE http://www.susangrant.com
Monday, February 26, 2007
Succubus Blues - Richelle Mead

Well now, that question is what makes this book so interesting. Georgina is most definitely a morally ambiguous heroine. She does things a good heroine would never do, but she also does things an evil one would never do. She is, as she puts it herself, doing a "half-assed" job of being a succubus.
That's what makes her so likeable - though as I was zipping through the early pages, I still wasn't sure I quite liked Georgina...then suddenly, I realized I did. I was on her side. Flawed, vulnerable, drawn to that which she can't have, Georgina is a woman in a difficult position and she's making the best of it. The glimpses that Richelle gives of her past and why she became a succubus also help deepen our understanding of - and liking for - the character.
As to the world - this is a world where the denizens of heaven and hell coexist with humans, and it works. It just seems very natural. And I think a lot of that is because of Georgina. Sure she's a succubus, but she's also so dratted...normal - she makes a fool of herself more than once, has a cat she talks to, and friends who gossip about her life (they just don't happen to be human).
This book definitely isn't a romance, though there are romantic threads in it. It's about Georgina. She is the book's center and in the same way that she isn't morally black or white, neither are the divisions in the book. Succubus Blues muddies up all sorts of boundaries - good and evil, dark and light. However, I think by the end of it, you'll be as invested in Georgina as I was. I already want to know what happens next.
Overall: Totally recommended if you're looking for an intriguing urban fantasy with memorable characters and an original take on the paranormal.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Memers and Interview
And I've updated the list of the Visions of Heat meme participants so swing by and visit them. I have and it's fun reading. (p.s. Does anyone have the html knowledge as to how to make the list into two columns? Email me! Thanks in advance. :))
Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Diary of a Worm - Doreen Cronin/Harry Bliss

It begins something like this: My Mom tells me three things are true...
#3 Never disturb Dad while he's eating the newspaper.
Classic! So I read this, then I had to read the sequel - Diary of A Spider, about Worm's friend, Spider. And guess who Spider's best friend is? A fly! (They're not allowed to play at Spider's house anymore ever since Fly got caught in a web *g*).
Picture books - they're for grown-ups too! Have a nice weekend everyone :)
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
It's so shiny and new. The colors are so bright in the actual printed cover and did you ever notice that the dots above the letter "i"'s in the title are little flames? It's beautiful, stunning and it's on my shelf now, right next to Slave to Sensation. I feel compelled to go stroke it now. Must resist...oh, what the heck!
Okay, calming down (not really), I cannot believe it's Wednesday already. Where is this week going? What have you all been up to so far? Any plans for the coming days? I've got editing to do on my current work in progress, some super-secret blog stuff to prepare for tomorrow *g* and a bar of chocolate to eat (it's calling to me...)
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
OOTB Tour: Blood Secrets - Vivi Anna
I'm also at Between The Covers today, so swing by if you're blog-hopping.
Below I've got another Out of the Blogosphere tour book for you. I haven't read Blood Secrets but it's one of the new Nocturne line for those of you interested in writing for it. As a reader, I have to say the blurb looks mucho interesting. Details below. (Any questions, I'm sure Vivi won't mind dropping by to answer them.)
Silhouette Nocturne

Caine has his work cut out for him, especially with his unruly team who don't appreciate any help from a human. Not only is this the toughest case of his career, but he's unusually attracted to the new girl, which can only cause trouble for them all. However, as they sink deeper and deeper into the workings of the case, Caine and Eve become closer and closer. So close that neither of them can see past each other and at the real happenings behind the scenes. The more they poke and prod at the case, the more they realize that something is going on, that this murder is only one step toward a greater purpose. Someone in the Otherworld community is calling on dark forces, in a plot to wipe out the entire human population.
A bad girl at heart, Vivi Anna likes to burn up the pages with her original unique brand of fantasy fiction. Whether it's in ancient Egypt, or in an apocalyptic future, Vivi always writes fast paced action-adventure with strong independent women that can kick some butt, and dark delicious heroes to kill for.
Once shot at while repossessing a car, Vivi decided that maybe her life needed a change. The first time she picked up a pen and put words to paper, she knew she had found her heart. Within two paragraphs, she realized she could write about getting into all sorts of trouble without suffering the consequences.
When Vivi isn't writing, you can find her causing a ruckus at downtown bistros, flea markets, or playgrounds.
If you like CSI, you'll love this smart, sexy and suspenseful trip through Necropolis where the villains are vamps, werewolves and witches--and so are the good guys. Strong, sexy Caine Valorian is a vampire to die for. He's also the head of the crime unit that cracks the supernatural cases no human is brave enough to tackle. Except beautiful but businesslike Eve Grant. Sparks fly - in and out of bed - when Caine and Eve pool their talents to fight unspeakable evil. – USA Today best selling author, Rebecca York
A new series begins on a strong note with compelling characters that draw you into their world, showing it to you in a way that explains without bogging down the narrative. This is a solid mystery that is enhanced by the romantic and paranormal elements. I look forward to seeing more from this author – Eternal Night Review
Website http://www.valorianchronicles.com
Monday, February 19, 2007
Atlantis Rising - Alyssa Day

First, the blurb
Eleven thousand years ago, before the seas swallowed the Atlantaens, Poseidon assigned a few chosen warriors to act as sentinels for humans in the new world. There was only one rule-desiring them was forbidden. But rules were made to be broken…
When she calls…
Riley Dawson is more than a dedicated Virginia Beach social worker. She's blessed with a mind link that only Atlantaens have been able to access for thousands of years. Being an "empath" may explain her wistful connection to the roiling waves of the ocean, the sanctuary it provides, and the sexual urges that seem to emanate from fathoms below…He will come.
Conlan, the High Prince of Atlantis, has surfaced on a mission to retrieve Poseidon's stolen Trident. Yet something else has possessed Conlan: the intimate emotions-and desires-of a human. Irresistibly drawn to the uncanny beauty, Conlan soon shares more than his mind. But in the midst of a battle to reclaim Poseidon's power, how long can a forbidden love last between two different souls from two different worlds?
Regular blog readers will know I recently read Gena Showalter's The Nymph King, which was also set in Atlantis. It might be tempting to compare them except that the worlds are so different - truly a case of two very different and talented writers putting their own unique spins on this fantastical world.
Okay, back to Atlantis Rising. First off, I really loved the heroine in this book - Riley is smart, sensitive and generally likable. Conlan, the hero is no slouch either - totally alpha and with lots of that tormented stuff we love! Alyssa Day has a wonderful voice and that really comes across in her characters.
The mythology is pretty cool - there are shapeshifters and vampires and Poseidon himself is very much a part of the proceedings. Talk about testosterone! *g* The action takes place both in Atlantis and on dry land. I liked how the author showed the warriors as having adapted to change ie. they talk and act like ordinary guys (one warrior loves Hummers and guns), but they still have that exotic Atlantean quality.
I think this is going to be a great series and there's certainly lots of directions for future books to go in terms of the yummy potential hero material. If you like Christine Feehan (I love her!), I think you'll like this book. (Quick note: there is bit of violence in Atlantis Rising but it's necessary to the story and the world, and if you're okay with a little blood, it shouldn't be an issue.)
Overall, a big thumbs up from me!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Free stories & Ramblings
I'm working today to polish up stuff, so no tv watching for me - and after yesterday's blog, I have so many new shows I'm curious about! I do have a couple of ARCs to read, so I'm hoping to get to them sometime soonish. You know, not-watching-tv was much easier in Japan...when I didn't understand what was on tv!
Here endeth the random ramblings for today. Happy Friday!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
So, what's on the box over at your place?
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!
I wanted a romantic topic for this post and as we've recently talked about favorite heroes from books as well as favorite movie songs, today I thought we'd talk about leading men.
Which leading man sets your heart thumping? Me? Ever since I saw him on Remington Steele, I've always had a crush on Pierce Brosnan. Those blue eyes, that smile...
Okay, your turn!
p.s. Here's a link to an interesting article in the Observer about The 50 Men Who Really Understand Women.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
OOTB Tour: Moon Awakening - Lucy Monroe

Berkley Sensation February 2007
An enthralling new romantic tale that pushes the boundaries between love and hate, passion and pain-and man and beast...
When Emily Hamilton's family is ordered to send a woman to the Scottish highlands for marriage to the laird of the Sinclair, Emily volunteers in order to save her younger sister from such a fate. But at her new home, the only friend she finds is the laird's sister-especially after Emily's stubborn streak causes the laird to cancel the marriage. And though her plans have gone awry, she refuses to return home...
Lachlan Balmoral is laird of his clan-and leader of his pack. One of the most feared werewolves prowling the Highlands, he is on the march against the hated Sinclair, who have abducted a Balmoral woman. He kidnaps the sister of the Sinclair laird, planning to marry her off in revenge-but the woman he takes along with her proves to be the greater prize...
For Emily feeds a desire he has never known existed. And though Lachlan would not think of touching his enemy's betrothed, he must know how a mere woman could tame his heart so easily...
Award winning author Lucy Monroe sold her first book in September of 2002. Since then she has sold more than 30 books to three publishers and hit national bestsellers lists in the US and England. Her highly charged, sensual stories touch on the realities of life while giving the reader a fantasy story not easily forgotten. Whether it's a passionate Harlequin Presents, a sexy single title for Kensington or a steamy historical or paranormal for Berkley, Lucy's books transport her readers to a special place where the heart rules and love conquers all.
This is sure to be a popular series, and I am wiggling in anticipation of Ms. Monroe's next offering. This is a book not to be missed! -- Natasha for Romance Junkies
MOON AWAKENING is an electrifying supernatural historical romance starring a courageous highly moral female and the werewolf who falls in love with her. The story line is fast-paced from the opening eavesdropping to the final confrontation with evil. Lucy Monroe brings to life a unique medieval Scotland filled with the paranormal, the romantic, and the intrigue as she provides a clever tale of yore… -- Harriet Klausner
Website http://www.lucymonroecotm.com
Monday, February 12, 2007
The Nymph King - Gena Showalter

First of all - that cover is not false advertising. Valerian, the hero, is hot! Sizzling hot. Makes-you-glad-to-be-a-woman hot. Um, okay, moving on from Valerian's hotness...(though I'd rather not *grin*).
The Nymph King is set in Gena's version of Atlantis, which is filled with not only nymphs, but also dragons, vampires and demons among others. The setting itself is almost a character because it's so different and intriguing. It definitely sucked me in.
The heroine, Shaye, is a human who's abducted away to Atlantis by the nymphs - because they need women and since women absolutely adore them and the pleasure they can give, the nymphs see no problem with the whole abduction thing. They haven't counted on Shaye, who only only doesn't fall under their spell, but is determined to return to the surface.
Valerian, King of the Nymphs, isn't having any of that - because Shaye is his mate. And when a nymph mates, it's for life. Now he has to convince her of that. The back and forth between a determined-to-seduce, Valerian, and an equally determined-to-resist, Shaye, is very passionate and the tension just keeps rising. Then there are the sweet moments that made me smile. (I don't know how Gena does it but she manages to get in her trademark humor without losing the intensity of the story). By the time I reached the end, I believed that these two would make it. Happy sigh. :)
Overall, The Nymph King is exotic, highly sensual and plain old fun. Check it out if you like hot nymphs (and here all this time I thought of nymphs as female. Not any more. Nope. Now I think of them as male sensuality personified...which leads me back to Valerian *g*). Go forth and read!!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Answers to Questions
Since exceptions to the rule have a way of springing up without warning, I won't say "all" but in the vast, vast majority of cases, a child with a changeling parent will have the ability to shift. This doesn't mean they are fully changeling - their blood is mixed, which leads to all sorts of interesting things.
What would a Psy/Human couple have little humans or little psy?
Since the Psy, Changelings and Humans are capable of mating and producing children, it's genetically impossible for a child to be either/or. He or she will be both, though some genes may be dominant, others recessive.
Will the wildcat that worked for Lucas in StS (I can't remember her name right now) have her own story?
At this stage, I have no intention of writing a story about Zara. But that could change very easily. Heck, when I first thought of Judd, I thought he'd be a minor secondary character. Hah! He put me straight on that!
Is the series open ended or do you have a certain number of books planned?
I don't have the number of books planned but I do have the story arc planned. I know where this series is going, what final "end" I'm heading toward.
How long will we have to wait for Hawke's and Dorian's books?
It's looking like book 5 will be Dorian's book. He's talking to me, telling me he's ready. I think he's already introduced me to his heroine, though damn if I know how those two will get together.
As for Hawke, you'll have to wait a bit longer for this wolf to get his story. There is a very logical reason why, so I'm not just being a tease. I ache to write his story - I have actually written parts of it because I couldn't wait! But to tide you over - you get to learn something very important about Hawke's past in Caressed By Ice.
Where all have you lived/visited? Which did you like the best? Why? If someone were to visit your favorite place, what should he/she not miss?
I've lived in Fiji, New Zealand and Japan for long enough periods of time that all three places are home - I feel as if I could go back to any of the three and slide right back into life there. I've visited the USA (crossing from San Francisco to New York), China (including Inner Mongolia), Malaysia, Australia, South Korea and Tahiti (um, I think that's all...). Incidentally, if you haven't checked it out, the Travel Diary part of my website has a lot of pics from some of the trips.
My favorite - wow, that's tough. I love different things about all those places. And they're all so different that I find it impossible to compare. My tip for a visitor to any of those countries would be to find a local to show them around. You never see a country as well as you do when you're with one of the people. For example when I lived in Japan, it was in a small town, and I was invited into people's homes and lives, taken to their celebrations and festivals, things I might have missed otherwise.
There you go! Thanks for the great questions, Sweet, Casee and Jennifer K. If anyone has any more, hit me with them.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Night Rising - Chris Marie Green

Check out the earlier OOTB post for the full blurb but the very basic plot summary is that Dawn Madison, a stuntwoman, comes back to LA after her Dad (Frank) goes missing. But what she finds is that his disappearance is anything but routine, and that the world she thought she knew is hiding all sorts of deadly secrets...some with fangs.
This book was dark, gritty and subtly erotic in places. The movie-city setting was fantastically done - I was swept up totally into the world. But what really made this book for me was Dawn and her relationships with the secondary characters, most especially her fellow searchers. Dawn is a beautifully drawn character, flaws and all. Her relationships are very real and complex in the best way.
Night Rising is a book with a unique take on the vampire myth and I would recommend this to anyone looking for a sharp, fresh story told in a compelling voice. Though this isn't a romance - more urban fantasy - it had enough of a romantic thread to satisfy me. The ending blew me away. I cannot wait for the next one in the series! I will absolutely be stalking Chris until she hands it to me.
If you'd like to stalk Chris, too, here's where you can find her: http://www.vampirebabylon.com/
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
OOTB Tour: Island Heat - Susan Kearney

Tor Romance February 6, 2007
He dominated with an otherworldly seductive power . . .
What was happening to her? Former screen siren Shara Weston lived on an exotic and private South Pacific island as a recluse . . . until disturbingly masculine and utterly captivating Cade Archer fell out of the sky and into her life. Now, Cade gives her no choice but to follow him down a sensual path that fulfills her every desire.
Cade's on a mission to open a portal between Shara's island volcano and his world. But not everyone wants him to succeed. A powerful enemy has followed Cade to prevent him from sending the resources through the portal that will free his people.
While Cade's mission is as compelling as his dominating sensuality, Shara must find a way to fight him . . . to stop his mission because the fate of every man, woman and child on Earth is at stake.
Susan Kearney used to set herself on fire four times a day, now a USA TODAY BESTSELLING author, she does something really hot—she writes paranormal romance for Tor, sensuous romance for Harlequin Blaze and romantic suspense for Harlequin Signature. She can apply the old rule of "write what you know" and never run out of ideas for characters and plots. An All-American and professional diver, expert in martial arts, sailor, real estate broker and owner of a barter business as well as women's fitness and three hair salons, she has enough material for a lifetime.
Visit’s Susan’s website for an exclusive book trailer!!!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Valentine's Day (link fixed)
Also, check out Gena Showalter's video for The Nymph King and make sure you turn up the sound! I'm still grinning over it.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Website Updates/Excerpt
And check out this awesome review for Visions from Fallen Angel Reviews (5 Angels, Recommended Read):
"Nalini Singh has done the enviable; she has written a sequel that lives up to its predecessor. I have a distinct feeling there are many more stories to be told in this universe and will be snatching up every single one I can."Yay! And now I must go and convince myself to get into gear - don't you just love Mondays? *grin*
Read the whole review.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
The brain is too swiss-cheese this morning to go into deep analysis so let's just talk about what hooks/storylines we like to read. Here are a few of mine:
Marriage of Convenience
Friends to Lovers
Friday, February 02, 2007
What's New
Now the links...
Which leads me to the question - what's the best advertising/promo effort you've seen for a book lately?
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Bound By Marriage Winners
Cherie J
Maria, Lover of All Things Romance
Congrats! Please email me your addresses at nalinisinghwrites @ gmail.com