Saturday, March 23, 2019

Question Time

When did you first begin reading the Guild Hunter series and how did you discover it?


library addict said...

I'd read a number of the newsletter shorts over the years, but I had planned to wait until the Guild Hunter series was finished before reading it.

I did read Archangel’s Enigma back when it released as one of my friends asked me to so we could discuss it.

I am not a fan of vampires so that no doubt strongly factored in my decision. That said, I finally glommed the entire series in the latter half of February this year and quite enjoyed it. And some of my favorite characters in the series are vampires, so obviously my feeling are contradictory.

Patricia S said...

When Angel's Blood came out, I saw it in Barnes and Noble, and thought "Nah, I don't think so". I waited until Archangel's Consort came out and gave it a try. Then I went back to the other books before Archangel's Consort to get the backstory. Now, the books are an automatic buy. :)

Kate Y. said...

I started reading the Psy-Changeling books in 2011, after someone recommended Slave to Sensation. (I think it was another author I like, but I can't remember who.) One minute I'm picking up Slave to Sensation, and the next thing I know I've gulped down Psy-Changeling books 1-10 (all that were written at the time). So then I picked up Angel's Blood, and read Guild Hunter books 1-3 in short order. Since then I've been reading each Nalini Singh book as it comes out! ^_^

G. Singh said...

I can't remember the exact time, but I know it was after reading the psy-changeling series, I was like, I have to read the other books by this author...and then I proceeded to do so..I don't think Dimitri's book had come out as it was the first 1-3 that I read..

Wrayth said...

I was on a review blog for a different book? Or looking for urban fantasy book lists? & I saw the cover for Angel's Blood. Clicked on it, read the blurb & the non-spoilery review & got it. Loved it! But as it was the first book & I was craving more, I ended up reading the psy-changeling books.

The coincidence amused me & made me more interested at the start because Elena's description (white hair, grey/(silver eyes), & golden dark skin) was the description of my Role playing character back when I did that XD

Maria R. said...

I saw Angels blood and I remember thinking I probably wouldn't like it (don't know why but it reminded me of Laurell K. Hamilton books and I did not like them much) so ignored it at the time. Then, one of my friends recommended the Psy-Changeling books and I read them all (I think it was about 10) in less than a week time, so I went for Angel´s blood straight away and it was love from the first paragraph! After that, I've read all of your books as soon as I could get my hands on them :)

Khristine V. Wolf said...

Es curioso, pero todo se desencadenó en una feria de libros. Y no precisamente con El gremio de los cazadores, fue gracias a la serie Psi/Cambiantes, (La noche del canzador), pensé que era el cuarto libro de una saga por un error de editorial y lo iba a dejar. Dios, iba a cometer el peor error de mi existencia mortal xD Luego descubrí la otra grandiosa saga del gremio. Desde entonces espero pacientemente hasta que surgen los dos acontecimientos más importantes cada año: las publicaciones de los libros de ambas series. Nalini, te agradezco por estas hermosas creaciones, que hasta la fecha, tienen forma, color y fondo exquisitos.

Dreamseeker said...

I had read the first of the Psy-Changeling books and picked up the Guild hunter book as an auto-buy for this author when it released.

Concepcion30 said...

I started reading the Guild Hunter series when Dmitri’s book (book 4) was the most current release, so maybe around 2011. I had just gotten my first kindle and I was browsing amazon to find something to read.
I read the description of Angel’s Blood and I went, “nah” at first. Maybe I didn’t think I’d be into reading supernatural books about angels. But I sort of felt my pickings were slim back then so I gave it a try and haven’t looked back since.

I even wrote a fanfiction in 2012 because I was so fascinated with the series. I religiously buy the next new book each year, although admittedly not all of them are on equal footing. Sometimes the series seems off the mark of the title, namely because so many angels and vampires are main characters when it should center around the guild hunters.

Eva said...

I ordered it as soon as Nalini mentioned it. Since then they are a must have for me.

Iffyk said...

A very good friend gifted me the first two books when they were the only ones that had been published. She knows my taste very well and just fell for Elena, Raphael, the Seven and the world. It's my go to series when I'm in the mood for familiar and comfort.

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge fan of the Psy-Changeling series but 6-7 books about the SAME couple was too much romance for me.
And then another summer came, long vacations and nothing to do.. didn't want to re-read anything nor did I want to try a new author, I was in an akward mood so my only choise was to pick an author I already like and see what else they had for me. I love Nalini's writing but I was skeptical... stupid me. I read all seven books I managed to bought in one go and ended up getting the e-book version for the others because it was already difficult to find them in my country and I was already broke xD
At first I thought there were to many books about the same couple, now that I know them and the world they're living in I think there aren't enough books!I need more.
I'm such a dumbass for thinking ill of this series without even trying.. but even tho I regret that I'm still happy that my prejudice made me wait so I could read all 10 books in one go.

-sorry for the sloppy english! <3

Kena said...

In Portugal, at a book store called Bertrand. Angel's Blood, Portuguese version obviously. I liked it and understood it had a following story so I searched online for more since then

Anonymous said...

To be honest about 10 years ago I stumbled across a site called Vampire Books that had (probably stolen) copies of a number of books. The first 2 or so chapters of Angels Blood, but no more, were on it. I read them, liked them and got hooked on all your books, which I subsequently purchased!

Anonymous said...

2011, while browsing e-books.. been hooked every since.