Friday, February 27, 2009

Angels' Blood Countdown: Jasmine Haynes - The first two Fortune Hunter books

Winners: The random numbers have rolled and the winners of the Jasmine Haynes giveaway are:

The Fortune Hunter - May
Show and Tell - Eva S.

Please email me at nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com.

Only 4 days till ANGELS' BLOOD hits the shelves! ANGELS' PAWN is already out, and getting great reviews. Here's what SoniaPatricia had to say about it in the comments here:
I just read Angels' Pawn. It was FANTASTIC!
Today's second giveaway comes courtesy of the lovely Jasmine Haynes. She's giving away signed copies of The Fortune Hunter & Show and Tell!

The Fortune Hunter books, 3 best friends, 3 completely different ideas on what they want out of life. Until love comes knocking on the door...

A modern-day marriage of convenience story with a sensual twist. With motherhood her goal, Faith needs to find a husband asap. In return for marriage and children, Connor wants to run her father’s company. But when Faith throws fidelity into the mix, the bargaining really heats up with the kind of no-holds barred sex life Connor desires and Faith is afraid she can’t live up to. That’s when Connor makes it his mission to help Faith let go of all her inhibitions. Now everything is on the table, including them...

Here's the blurb for the second book!
Passion first, names later... The day Trinity Green finds her husband getting down and dirty with another woman, she decided to stop pleasing other people—and start pleasing herself. Now she’s indulging in everything she used to deny herself—from great food to sexy encounters with Scott Sinclair, a man who doesn’t even know her real name. Having total control gives her a thrill she never imagined. Until Scott starts wanting more...

The third book in the trilogy, Fair Game, comes out on June 2nd, so keep an eye out for it!

The book thats so hot Berkley had to publish it in the HEAT line. Josie and Kyle burn up the pages in Fair Game as they agree to explore every fantasy they share—without limits or rules. Who’s on top tonight?

Today's burning question:
How hot do you like your books? *sizzle*


Orangebeaker said...

It would depend on my mood. Sometimes I like it melting hot and other times, sweet, very very sweet. Variation is good.

Dannyfiredragon said...

That is really a mood thing. Sometimes I like to read a sweet regency romances but on other days I prefer scorching hot stories, but no matter what the stories have to be good.

gawain said...

Hmmmmm, I don't mind hot as long as there is a story and I love the characters. I would say that your books have about the right kind of balance for me. :) For me it doesn't have to be too explicit.

Darcy Jo said...

Hmmm, every once in a while I'm in a really steamy mood, but usually I like there to be more action than just romance. I have to be sucked into the story itself before I can appreciate the love scenes. I agree with Mieke; you do a great job balancing the two ;-)

Blodeuedd said...

Sometimes I want them sweet, or times smokin¨. It all depends on teh mood for me too. Can't have them too hot all the time

Anonymous said...

blistering, burning, fiery, red-hot, scalding, searing, sizzling, sultry, sweltering . . phew!

Any of the above when in the mood - oh and it must have a story too! :D

Amy C said...

It depends. I like different steam levels and sometimes no steam at all!

Leontine said...

The heat has to fit the story, whether it is a mild heat or a scorching one I will read just about all. If I'm in the mood for just a scorcher I usually read my favorite authors in the category of Lora Leigh.

Pearl said...

The hotter the better...nah that's not true but as some have already said. It depends on the story/book and my mood.
But I do know that if I'm expecting hotness from a book it has to be red "need-freezing-fire-extinguisher-to-cool-down" hot *grin*

May said...

As much as the plot allowed it to be. I do not want *hot* books for the sake of sex scenes. But if the storyline opened for it, please go for it.

Chris said...

I like a lot of sizzle, if it's written well. If it isn't written well, it can ruin the book.

Angela said...

It depends on the book, and the characters mostly.

I am perfectly happy reading a book with 'close-the-door & use your imagination' love scenes.

At the same time, if the characters and storyline allows for it, if it works well within the plot, then I enjoy some steamy scenes too.

Katie said...

Like most people here, it is really a mood thing. There are times when I like my books sizzling hot, but other tiems...

CrystalGB said...

It depends on my mood. Sometimes I like smoking hot and other times, a little tamer.

Marnie said...

it depends on the overall feel of the book and the hero and heroine's relationship.

kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kim said...

As others have said, it depends on my mood. The most important thing is a great story and great characters. Some characters should generate more heat than others. Scenes of explicit sex for their own sake gets tiresome. Just like in movies, sometimes it's a natural part of the process - sometimes it's just there to get a steamier rating, but doesn't add anything to the story.

Anonymous said...

Depends on the storyline. If there's cause for rough and raunchy, bring it on. If it's a tender moment then I don't mind sweet. I guess the happy medium is steamy.

Jennifer Skully/Jasmine Haynes said...

Thanks for having me, Nalini! I absolutely love your books, they are the perfect heat level.

I do enjoy different "sizzle" levels, and, as others have said, it all depends on the book itself, how well it's done. I enjoy "sweet" with nothing more than a kiss, as long as the love story makes my heart beat faster.

Anonymous said...

I think it all depends on the story and the characters. If its going to be hot, it really has to fit with the rest of the story. It also has to written well to really enjoy it.

Barbarita V said...

I lik eit HOT but with a good amount romance.

azteclady said...

My first impulse is to say, "HOT!" but in reality it depends on the characters and the story.

For example, Morning Glory by LaVyrle Spencer is one of my favorite books of all times, and it doesn't come anywhere close to "HOT!"

So I'll go with: whatever fits the characters and the story.

Asylumgirl said...

Honestly, I can totally read a book with little to no sex at all if the book is really good. If there is lots of sex though, I want it graphic and blazing hot. I want to feel like I'm there. :-)


Brooke Reviews said...

Sometimes I want hot, other times I don't. I guess it depends on which author I pick up. :)

Mandi said...

I tend to go towards the more "hotter" stories, but as long as it is a really good story, I don't have to have the sizzle :)

Danni T said...

I like my books to be pretty HOT!! But that's not all I want. I don't want the whole book to just be that, I also want there to be a real storyline and some action.

Rebecca Chastain said...

I like them hot--it's why I don't care for YA novels: they can never get hot enough. If I'm reading a romance, I want things to happen, and I want them to happen on the page, not be gently referenced to.

Anonymous said...

Hot, hot, hot. I'm open to how hot for what fits the story but it's very rare that I'll go for a sweet book.

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong..I like sweet....but I really like them so hot I burn! :D or run to hubby for some help ;) LOL

Anonymous said...

I like it all. As long as there's an actual story line and not just a bunch of steamy scenes floating around. Don't get me wrong, I love steamy scenes, but they have to have some sense of order instead of chaos.

Anonymous said...

I agree it's a mood thing; there are days I want that spicy hot and others where I just want a sweet fairytale.

Eva S said...

It depends on the book, I like sweet regencies, but sometimes I love a very hot story!

Anonymous said...

Depends on the story and the characters. Fierce and strong characters need a hot setting. Relaxed and calm characters need a more romantic, less hot setting. And then there's a possibility of everything in between. And again, that depends on the story and the characters.

Lisa said...

It depends on my mood and the book. I like everything from sweet to as hot as it can be written.

Anonymous said...

It's all about my mood. Sometimes I want sizzling hot erotica level sex scenes, other times I just want a fast thriller with lots of plot action but not too much as far as actual sex, more sexual tension.
Sometimes I just want an old fashioned historical regency or medieval romance with a ton of angst and a long build-up until the couples finally figure out they're in love and fall into bed together. LOL, all about mood.

MaryK said...

I like a range from sizzle to kisses. It depends on my mood, but my mood is usually closer to the sizzle end.

Karin said...

I'm an equal opportunity reader when it comes to how hot the books I read are. I will read everything from no sizzle to maximum sizzle, though I tend to usually fall in the middle or closer to the low sizzle area. Like others have mentioned, it depends a lot on my mood.

Una said...

I like anything between sizzle and sweet! As long as the balance between the romance and the "other" (be it action, adventure, mystery, etc) element is maintained, sizzle away! I also find it is nice to have a variety, you've got to mix it up. The minute the balance between the romance and "other" is skewed, the story is lost.

Ashley said...

the hotter the better :D

donnas said...

It completely depends on my mood. Sometimes I like them sweet and sometimes I like them as hot as you can get.

Haylo said...

I don't really have a preference. I have a lot of books that are erotic, a lot that are barely any sex and a lot in between. It's all based on the story for me. I hate sex for sex's sake in a story that doesn't really need it. I only want it when there's a point to it, unless it's an erotic book that I picked up knowing that it was going to be sex driven.

Anonymous said...

Well, it really depends on the book, the story, the characters and such. I enjoy a sizzling, graphic story and I enjoy sweet stories too. It also depends on my mood too.


twalls said...

I like my books smokin' hot, but I don't like the book to be all sex and no substance. That gets boring for me.

Anonymous said...

Yep my mood as well- But I do enjoy really hot books but sometimes reading well written sexual tension is just as hot. It depends on how the characters interact with each other how good the author is in conveying it.

Unknown said...

Depends on the mood. It can range from REALLY steamy to incredibly sweet. Usually, I like them to have at least SOME romance (i.e. there is a relationship which is progressing) as well as the action. One author who I think does an incredible job with keeping you on the edge with romance is C.E. Murphy in her Walker Papers series. Usually I don't like books which have only a little romance, but with hers, the tantalizing glimpses really are all you need. And the storylines are good, too!

Lisa F. said...

Yes, the hotter the better!

Heather B. said...

It depends. There are some authors I read because I expect that from them such as Lora Leigh books. Yours and JR's have enough sizzle but that is not the primary reason I read them and LKH's just got way off base for awhile.


JH said...

I like them all. I like sweet love stories and I like scorchers. As long as it's all about love.

Shaymless Aymless said...

Oh defintely *sizzle*

Shari C said...

I have to agree with several of the others who stated that it depends on the mood they are in. I at times like light and sweet romance and other times I like it to sizzle until it is almost to hot to touch the pages.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind hot books, as long as the plot is good. A hot scene means nothing if it doesn't contribute to the book. Also the emotion behind the story is the most important part.

Unknown said...

It doesn't matter much to me what the heat level is as long as the story itself as good. Although I do usually switch what type of story I'm reading from book to book so I don't get bored.

The Brunette Librarian said...

I love variation! Most of the time I will read a super hot book...then I'm in the mood for a tame regency or contemporary....then maybe a paranormal...and back for the hot stuff. Whatever is good, I'll read! :)

Anonymous said...

The hotter the better.

jeanette8042 said...

Sometimes it would depend on my mood, but most of the time hot is fine if there is a really good story and characters.

Pam P said...

Hot, hot, or sweet, it's all fine with me if it's a great story with characters I like and have a chemistry.

Lori T said...

It just depends...sometimes I like them super hot and other times I like them just hot...I do not really like the super sweet romances. The most important thing is that the stories are great.

LighthouseSandy said...

That depends on the characters and also on what they're doing in a scene. Sometimes sizzlin' and smokin' is definitely required, but sometimes just snuggling and kissing is just as effective.

Kytaira said...

Depends on the book. If the storyline is great, I don't even notice when there isn't sex. I like the occasional book that's basically written porn. The best is sizzling hot with a great storyline.

Spari said...

Depends on the characters, the book and the mood I'm in when I read the book.

Midnight said...

burning, red-hot, blazing, glowing, snug, feverish, steamy ... the word go one, but i do like the lite romance, funny, chrisma, warm, sweet ...


The_Book_Queen said...

Though it can depend on the specific book/characters and my mood, I generally like them VERY spicy, sizzling so much that a fire and rescue team may be needed to extinguish the flames! LOL. But I've read more than a few very tame romances that I loved just as much. If the 'sizzling' sex is done poorly or cheaply, etc, then my answer is 'No'. Otherwise, bring it on!

Like I say: I like my romances like I like my men--spicy!

Unknown said...

The more sizzle the better!!

tetewa said...

I enjoy a book that has some sizzle to it! I've also become more interested in erotic romances.

Anonymous said...

Depends on the book but hot is always good!

Anonymous said...

Oh I like it to be burning as a thousand suns. :D

Nonetheless, the book must have a plot.
