Monday, February 16, 2009

Angels' Blood Countdown: Angela Knight - Guardian ARC

Winner: The random numbers have spoken, and the winner of the Guardian ARC is: Ilona! Congratulations!!

It's 15 days till the release of ANGELS' BLOOD and only 9 days till ANGELS' PAWN hits the e-shelves!!

Here's what Kati Dancy for Romance Novel TV has to say about Angels' Blood:

The new series delivers on every level, building an incredibly complex, dark world..the romance is strong (and very hot), but the character driven world building is the book’s strongest asset. There are a multitude of secondary characters whose stories I’d like to see told, so all I can do is implore Nalini Singh to write faster! I feel sure that I’ll end up re-reading this book over and over waiting for the next entry in the Guild Hunter series.
Onto the extravaganza! We're going to kick it off with the giveaway of an ARC I so want to steal! Guardian is the next book in Angela Knight's fantastic Time Hunters series. (Click on the Angela Knight tag at the bottom of this post to read about Warrior, the first book).

Guardian releases on May 2nd. Here's the blurb:
Riane Arvid is a superhuman cop from the future, trapped in the year 2009 by group of murderous fanatics called the Xeran.

Nick Wyatt is a handsome twentyfirst century warrior who has been a target of the Xeran his entire life. He's the only one Riane can turn to, but his intentions are as mysterious as his origins. In an attempt to discover the truth about each other, both Riane and Nick decide seduction is the best tactic.
Today's entry question comes from Tinuke: Do you sneak peek at the end of the story or are those fighting words?

I admit it, I've been known to peek!


Anonymous said...

Them's fighting words for me. :) I never peek, even if I start to worry about the outcome of the story!

Pamk said...

lol I've been known to peek. Depends on how the book is going. If the book is bogging down then yeah I peek. But if the book is rocking right along then no I don't peek i just keep reading usually way past my my bedtime lol.

:Candice: said...

I peek, I admit. =^)

laurawilson25 said...

I'll peek if the suspense is killing me. Usually I'll look for spoilers online to see if I really want to read the rest of the book or put it down and pick back up later.

Chris said...

No way. I avoid all spoilers and I never, ever peek. I wish I had the same willpower around food that I have around book plots! ;)

Kati said...

Hi Nalini - Thanks for plugging the RNTV review. I think your readers are going to delight in this new series! I know I did/do.

Now I just have to try to find a way to win the battle of the reviewers to get Branded by Fire! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes. I usually peek if i am having a problem getting into the book. I need to know if I should invest more time in the book :)

orannia said...

I have to be honest - sometimes I peek if I feel myself getting unstuck from the story...and sometimes I peek with I just want to know how one particular storyline turns out. Problem is, I usually spoil myself for the myriad of other I try not too :)

And please don't include me in today's contest - I just wanted to add my two penny's worth :)

Kris said...

Sometimes I peek. if I am just dying ot know the ending or am so stressed and want to check to see if it is the HEA I am expecting, yes I will peek, but not always.

Ashley said...

I do sometimes peek lol especially if its not clear if there is a HEA that I want lol

Diane M. said...

I peek and it drives my kids nuts when I do that.

Anonymous said...

I have been known to peek at the ending to a book.

KT Grant said...

I read the ending of every book I have. Sorry, Can't help it.

Donna said...

I never, never peek. I don't like knowing the ending while I am reading. I like it if I can be surprised by what happens in the end. So, no peeking for me.

Anonymous said...

I might peek if it's an author I've never read before and the story seems to be heading down the wrong direction for me. I can't stand an unhappy ending. :) If I know my author and am confident about the HEA, I never peek.

Kerry said...

I always have great intentions not to peak, but then I get so worried about the characters that I have to check to see that they're gong to be all right.

(You don't need to enter me in the contest.)

Kerry said...

And, of course, I meant PEEK and not peak.


Jennifer *Dragoneen* said...

I don't peek either. It drives me nuts when my mom does though LOL I'll give her a book to read and within about 5 minutes she's peeking at the end :D

I do admit to skimming if the action is going slow so I can hurry up and get to a good part. I kinda consider it fastforwarding LOL

Pam P said...

I never peek, I want to anticipate and sometimes do my own guessing along the way, don't want to spoil my enjoyment knowing what's coming. Worse, I hate a peeker who's read it before and tells. One sister used to do that to us if she got to the book before us, we finally learned to hide them from her and make her wait to be last to read, lol.

Anonymous said...

I have peeked before and I usually end up regretting it after. But if its a really good book i'll usually just stay up until i finish it. :)

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

Sigh. I try not to peek, but yes, when I'm worried it won't come out the way I want it to, or if I'm trying to decide to keep reading. I really do prefer not to peek since it spoils some of the reading experience...

Anonymous said...

I always read the ending first. Everyone in my family yells at me and it's one of the main reasons I can't read mysteries. But I just can't help it. I read the last two pages before I even start the book.

donnas said...

I always always try not to peek but if I get to the middle and it starts to look like it might not be going the way I want it, I tend to take a quick peek just to see how it turns out. But I wont read enough to find out how the story gets there just that it does.

Anonymous said...

I peek every single time and more often than not regret it. But I just can't help myself :)

Anonymous said...

Those are fighting words for me! I try very, very hard not to peek. I'm the same way with movies/shows I want to watch. I try to insulate myself from any type of spoiler.

Unknown said...

oh no, I can't peek. I used to but it takes something away from the climax.
This doesn't always work for me so i'm writting my name.

Una said...

I never read the ending of a book first, ever!

However, I have had moments of weakness (three I can remember) where I glanced at the last page to see if the name of the character I was fearing (with everything in me) was going to die, was mentioned. Cursed me though, typically there aren't names on the last page so I wasn't sure so I just HAD to keep reading (and worrying). I am SO ashamed... But sometimes you just need that false assurance (since seeing a name really doesn't confirm nor deny anything) that all will be right and you just have to make it through.

Blodeuedd said...

Sometimes I do confess I peek, but mostly with books I don't like. if they then end badly then why read it. But with books I like I do my best to stay away from the end

All’sReads said...

It is very-possible-likely-guaranteed I will peek.

LighthouseSandy said...

Oh, those are definitely fightin' words! I've never in 30 plus years of reading sneaked a peek at the ending of a book! That's almost sacrilegious! LOL. Why take the edge off the anticipation and danger and all that by reading how it's going to end??

Kat said...

I often peak when I'm really curious about a certain outcome. Usually I'll do this when I want to know if a certain character will live through to the end. Once I get my answer I'm able to read the rest of the book without unnecessary rushing.

Dannyfiredragon said...

I have to confess that I never read the sneak peak at the end of the book, because if it is good and I have to wait month for the release. It is driving me nuts

Mandi said...

I peek darn it! I don't want to ...I don't like to, but I can't help it!

kim said...

Sometimes, I peek. It depends on how frustrated I am with where the story is going.

CrystalGB said...

I never peek at the end. I prefer to read from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

I peek, but only in mysteries.

Anonymous said...

I've peeked a time or two, but for the most part I try to avoid doing that :)

May said...

I try not to peek but most of the time cannot resist especially when I am so sleepy but really know about the ending (so at least I can go to bed ensure that all is well).

Anonymous said...

I've been known to peek. sometimes I just can't help myself.

Amy C said...

I've never peeked :).

CarolB1977 said...

Definitely if I'm getting a little worried, esp. if I'm reading an Urban Fantasy. There's no shame in it!


Anonymous said...

There have been only a few excepts but 99.9% of the time I do not peek.

Lisa said...

lol I tell myself every time not going to peek this time, but I always break down and peek.

Anonymous said...

I totally peek. friends think I'm nuts.

Anonymous said...

LOL. If it is a new to me author, I peek at the end. I don't want to read a book if there is no HEA.

dancechica said...

Usually, no, I don’t peek; I prefer to be surprised. But it depends. If I’m not really enjoying a story, I might peek to see if it’s worth continuing or if I’ve decided to quit I might peek to see how the story wrapped up. If I’m enjoying a story a lot and it’s got me in suspense, I might peek just to appease my curiosity.

Courtney said...

Them's fightin' words! It's incredibly rare for me to peek at the end. In fact, I can't remember the last time and I have a pretty good memory when it comes to my books. I love the anticipation and surprise.

Along the same line, I tend to avoid spoilers like the plague. I'm all about staying in the context that the author wants.

Unknown said...

Oh, sometimes I peek, especially if I get frustrated with the book, so I can just end the misery! I've never had to do that with one of your books. I seem to have to read my books in a day, so if it's a really great story and moving right along, I'll know the ending before I go to bed. Thats why my favorite authors never write fast enough for me! Feb 24 and March 3 rocks.


FD said...

No peeking when I start a book. It drives me nuts to see when my sister does it.

However, I have to admit I have sometimes skipped ahead in the middle of the book if I can't stand not knowing.

ST said...

I very rarely peek. Kinda depends on the book I am reading. If its a harlequin i peek, anything else I NEVER peek.

Anonymous said...

I never peek, unless the book is moving incredibly slow. In those cases I might not finish the book, so peeking would be ok for me.

Shari C said...

I must admit sometimes I do peek at the ending. Sometimes the book just gets so exciting I absolutely have to know what is going to happen and so I will peek and then go back and read the rest of the story. I have been kidded about doing this many times by my family, but I DON'T CARE!

Anonymous said...

I never peek... I love a surprise. I love this series by AK; looking forward to Guardian.

Anonymous said...

I peek at the middle to get a feel for how the books plot and passion mix together but NEVER the end!

felinewyvern said...

I peek - but not often as I hatge spoiling a good story :D

Cathy M said...

Yep, I admit I am a peeker.

Unknown said...

I really, truly do try not to peek, because most books are definitely worth the wait. But I'm ususally such a sucker for happy endings that I end up sneaking a at the last couple pages sometimes =)

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I only peek at the end if I am abandoning a book, otherwise I resist the temptation :)

@GeekWillow said...

I can't peek. It would ruin the entire book for me. I was mad enough when newspapers were putting the ending of the final Harry Potter book in their headlines.

Anonymous said...

I usually get halfway through the book and then I'll peek to see what happens.

Anonymous said...

I never, ever, EVER peek at the end. That is such a travesty!! Just thinking about it makes me want to pass out.

Of course, I hate any and all spoilers. Most of the time, I do not read the short descriptions on the back of the book because I'm so afraid of a spoiler.

No one ever said I was "normal". Especially my husband.