Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jayne Castle - Obsidian Prey

Contest Now Closed

The random winner of Obsidian Prey by Jayne Ann Krentz is SONIA. Congratulations! Please email me your mailing address at: nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com

I love Jayne Ann Krentz's futuristics, written under the Jayne Castle name. And today, I've got a copy of Obsidian Prey to give away!

Here's the blurb from JAK's website:
Two hundred years after the closing of the energy Curtain that allowed interplanetary travel—cutting off all contact to Earth—the planet Harmony is thriving. Thanks to an abundant supply of amber, which powers not only electrical machines for everyday use but also psychic abilities in the colonists, Harmony has created a stable, progressive community. But when that stability is threatened, resolving an ancient family feud and a fresh lover's quarrel might be the planet's only hope.

Three months ago, Lyra Dore suffered a heartbreak and a hostile takeover—both at the hands of the same man. A descendant of her ancestors' fierce rival. Cruz Sweetwater charmed his way into Lyra's heart and gained access to her pet project, an amethyst ruin. Then he took over the project and took off. When Cruz walks back into her life and requests a private meeting, Lyra convinces herself he's there to crawl and beg forgiveness. Wrong again—he just needs her help. With the project he stole from her.

Five innocent men are trapped inside a chamber in the amethyst ruin, and Lyra is the only one who can reopen the door. Reluctantly she agrees to help. Then Cruz wants her to apply her talents to the rest of the ruin—because no one else can work it. Lyra and Cruz are both harboring psychic secrets. Unknown—and dangerous—powers pulse within the amethyst ruin, and the closer Lyra gets to them, the more at risk she becomes. And now she must decide whether to trust her guts or her heart...
The complete rules for this giveaway are here, but to enter just leave a comment on this post. How about sharing some of your "keeper" books or authors?

(NB: If you're reading this on the Goodreads feed, follow this link to leave your comment/entry on the original post on the main blog).


B-ster said...

I love Orson Scott Card books, always keepers. Some of the books and authors over the last year that I've read and keep up on the series are Ilona Andrews, yours, Patricia Briggs, Keri Arthur, and a handfull of others. This books sounds very interesting!

Anna said...

Sounds good.

Keeper authors
Lisa Kleypas
Lois McMaster Bujold (Sharing Knife series)
J.R. Ward
Lora Leigh (Breed series)
Maya Banks (KGI series)
Jennifer Estep (Elemental Assassin)
Jeaniene Frost
Patricia Briggs
Elizabeth Hoyt
G.A. Aiken/Shelly Laurenston

emmad said...

I've just had to whittle down my collection as we are moving house. Thankfully I'm starting to build quite a good Kindle collection at the same time ;)
Current keepers.
Laurell K Hamilton's Meridith Gentry series,
Any books won from authors. (if someone is willing to send me a book I'll by golly keep it)
Dick Francis collection
Silver Brumby series from my childhood
And there are about 20 other books I can't remember the correct spelling of the authors so don't want to post incorrectly.
For the most part I'm trying to move my collection to ebooks for ease of space and keepability. I can backup a copy to usb stick and keep.

Anonymous said...

Wow....sounds great! My keepers are all of Nalini Singhs psy series. Also I keep all the Christine Feehan Series. Christina Dodd, Lynsay Sands and Pamela Palmer! There are way too many that I keep and I love them all.

Lisa said...

I don't need Obsidian Prey. I already have it.

My keepers:
Nalini Singh
Jayne Castle/Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick - Arcane series
Diana Palmer - Long, Tall Texans
Jeaniene Frost
Lora Leigh
Lynsay Sands - Argeneau series
Kerrelyn Sparks - vampire series
Janet Evanovich - Stephanie Plum
Charlaine Harris - Sookie Stackhouse

And a few others that I have on my bookshelfs. These are all auto buys for me.

LadyVampire2u said...

You and your books are definitely keepers. Some others on my bookshelves here are books by: Laurell K Hamilton, Kim Harrison, Marjorie M liu, Karen Chance, Karen MacInerney, Angie Fox, Linda Robertson, Charlaine Harris, Ilona Andrews, Jim Butcher, CL Wilson, etc. I have too many really. So amny great authors out there. Thanks for entering me.
LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

rani said...

Sounds interesting.
Keeper authors are:
C L Wilson
Nalini Singh
J R Ward
Christine Feehan
Nora Roberts
Sherrilyn Kenyon
I have lots more but these are my favorites.

Modokker said...

Nalini Singh Hunters Guild series
Any Christine Feehan book
Susan Mallery
Any Julie Garwood book
Roxanne St Claire
Linda Lael Miller
Lori Foster
Maya Banks
Jill Shalvis
JR Ward

Lisa B
Etc etc lol
Always finding mote authors

Jen said...

My keepers:

JR Ward
Nalini Singh
Julie Garwood (historicals)
Judith McNaught
Diana Gabaldon (Jamie & Claire)
Sandra Brown
J D Robb
Robyn Carr
Jeaniene Frost
G A Aiken
Monica McCarty
Larissa Ione
Karen Marie Moning
Kresley Cole
Christine Feehan
Sherrilyn Kenyon / Kinley MacGregor

And many more.

Zoe said...

Any book by you Nalini is a keeper.
There are others - not in any particular order:
Neil Gaimon
Patricia Grace
Herman Hess
Ursula Le Guin
Cormac McCarthy
Larry McMurtry
Henning Mankell
Haruki Murikami
Mervyn Peake
Phillip Pullman
Tom Robbins
Zadie Smith
John Steinbeck
Jasper Fforde...and many others! :D

evelyns said...

Keeper authors:

JR Ward
Gena Showalter
Kresley Cole
Jennifer Estep
Lisa Kleypas
James Rollins
Dan Brown
John Grisham

Lacarma Minter said...

My favorite paranormal romance authors are (in no particular order):

Nalini Singh
Christine Feehan
Lyndsay Sands- Argeneau
Jacquelyn Frank (very nice lady)
J.R. Ward- Black Dagger Brotherhood
Pamela Palmer
Gena Showalter
Larissa Ione

mepamelia said...

Keeper authors? George RR Martin, Jacqueline Carey, Nalini Singh, Lisa Kleypas, Laura Kinsale, Mary Balogh, JK Rowling, Patricia Briggs, Jim Butcher, Naomi Novik, Catherine Valente, JRR Tolkien, Anne McCaffrey, Diana Rowland, Meljean Brook. (Obviously I may have overflowing bookshelves!)

kylie said...

My Keepers:
You, KM Moning, JR Ward, Susan Carroll, Eileen Wilks, Kresley Cole, Charlotte Macleod, Marjorie Liu...can I stop now? I've got a couple others that I can't remember at the moment.

Stephanie M said...

My keeper books are books by Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs,Jeaniene Frost, and Nalini Singh.

This book looks great!

smccar1 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Nalini Singh, Nora Roberts, Jayne Ann Krentz, Iris Johansen, Lisa Kleypas, Loretta Chase, Julie Garwood(early ones)

Anonymous said...

I don't buy many books - I'm a post-secondary student working on my second bachelor's degree, but I do buy your Archangel books! I also love Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series and will buy those once in a while.

Diane said...

That is one of my keeper books. All of Jayne Castle's books are.

Erika said...

Other than your books, I also love Nora Roberts and Stephanie Laurens

Wrayth Lethe said...

I read a LOT...but keepers? hmmm

Terry Pratchett!
Tad williams (sorrow, memory & thorn series)
Tamora Pierce :)
Janny Wurts (The Light & Shadows war)
Patricia Briggs
Ilona Andrews,
Yourself of course,
Lisa Shearin,
David Eddings,
Raymond E. Feist,
Jeaniene Frost,
Seanan Mcguire (October Daye)
Laurell k Hamilton (Merry series)
Sherrilyn Kenyon (dark hunters)
Lora Leigh (breed series)
Karen Chance
Gena Showalter (Lords of the underworld)
Kresley Cole

Lots more, but these are mostly the ones i would follow or read over and over again!

oh and especially any books i win! XD

jeldblue said...

I have way too many keeper authors. ;)

You =P
Ilona Andrews
Diana Gabaldon
Jeaniene Frost
Robyn Carr
Jennifer Estep
Patricia Briggs
Stephanie Perkins
Joanna Bourne
Robin McKinley

jennifer.l.dempsey [at]

myrandaroyann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
myrandaroyann said...

Man, I have a ton of keeper authors!

Sherrilyn Kenyon
Nora Roberts and JD Robb
Meljean Brook
Catherine Anderson
Sharon Sala
Ilona Andrews
Patricia Briggs
Lora Leigh
Christine Feehan
Julie Garwood
Gena Showalter
Kresley Cole
Anya Bast
Angela Knight
Shiloh Walker
Lara Adrian
Karen Rose
...And more!

deni said...

Sounds interesting. My keepers are Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Jeanniene Frost and your guild hunter books. I have a bunch of others but they're the main ones :)

Book Chatter Cath said...

All of your books are definitely keepers, as are books by Jeaniene Frost, JR Ward, PC and Kristin Cast, Anna Campbell, Jacquelyn Frank, Rachel Vincent, CS Lewis, Helen Lowe, and books that I have been lucky enough to win:)

Julie M said...

Keeper Authors
Mary Balogh
Kresley Cole
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Jo Beverly
Patricia Briggs
J.R. Ward
Gena Showalter
Ilona Andrews
Lisa Kleypas

Louise Delamore said...

I haven't read as many of her futuristics, but I love the JAK & Amanda Quick ones - keepers.

Jordan said...

Keeper authors:
Robert Jordan
J.R. Ward
J D Robb
Kresley Cole
Jacquelyn Frank
Stephanie Laurens
David Eddings
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Linda Howard (older)
Julie Garwood (older)

I've got a couple thousand books by hundreds of authors, but these are the ones that first spring to mind.

jbrink83 at hotmail dot com

Lani said...

I have so many keepers on my bookshelf/kindle:
Suzanne Brockmann (troubleshooters series)
JR Ward
Lara Adrian
Lorelei James
Maya Banks
Cherise Sinclair
Lora Leigh
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Matthew Reilly
Lee Child (with Jack Reacher!)
and of course YOU!!

Gina G said...

Reading the comments on this post showed me how many ladies & I'm sure there are quite a few gentlemen there as well - whose taste in authors is so eerily similar.
I find myself being drawn back to Nalini's books - Jayne Ann Krentz - Robin D.Owens - Illona Andrews - Stephanie Laurens - Susan Sizemore - Lisa Shearin - Michelle Bardsley - Nina Bangs - Meljean Brook - Shana Abe - Christine Feehan - Shelley Laurenston - Jacquelyn Frank - Sherrilyn Kenyon - Patricia Briggs - I think I had better stop right there. All I know is that I am never stuck for a book to read.

Lauren Hunt said...

Ohhh This book sounds great!

I can't simply name books because several authors have several books so Ill take the route of naming authors(:

Kresley Cole, Nalini Singh, Larissa Ione, Alexandra Ivy, Diana Pharaoh, Alexandra Adornetto, Alyson Noel, Lauren Kate, Jayne Krents, Patricia Briggs, Maya Banks, Gena Showalter, Meljean Brook, and alot more Im sure that I cant think of! Oh and I know, I know, I did like Stephanie Meyer's The Host, and Twilight series. I will keep those(:

If I happen to win, here is my email!
laurenhunt _ 13 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My partner would say every book I own is a keeper as I never get rid of any! However my constant re-reads are;

Nalini Singh (obviously)
Larissa Ione
GA Aiken - love, love, love the dragons
Kresley Cole
Charlaine Harris
Emma Holly
Joey W. Hill

Lisa Kleypas
Anne Gracie
Lisa Valdez

Marilyn French - her writing changed my life at the tender age of 16
Germaine Greer - I once saw Germaine give a lecture at the Hay Book Festival in England - Amazing woman :)

And probably loads more......

Tracey in the UK

Tonberry Queen said...

*Takes a deep breath*
House of Night Series
Legened of Drizz't Series
Black Dagger Brotherhood books
Guild hunter
Alpha and Omega books
Hehe and for a new one...
the Vampire Hunter D novels.

Unknown said...

Sounds very cool!!

Keeper Authors

You (duh)
Raymond E Fiest
Janny Wurts
Trudi Canavan
CL Wilson
Fiona McIntosh
Tad Williams
Terry Pratchett
Jean Johnson
JR Ward
Lara Adrian
Joe Abercrombie
Peter V. Brett
Deborah Cooke
Some of C Feehans
Some of Anne Rices
Peter F Hamilton
Maria V. Snyder
that I can think off.....

Fiona said...

Keepers.. uh .. don't ask.
My room is stuffed with books... and I've got "some" more in our living room.
But I read your books the most. Since about a year or so :) (and this is not about sucking up ^^. It's just .. that your way is not always the "easy" way. I don't like those books, where everything is set in the first 2 pages and there's no struggle and stuff... those are just too easy. )

Athena Yu said...

Too many to name, but here are some:

- all of yours! :D
- LotR
- JD Robb
- Jeaniene Frost
- Alexis Morgan
- David Eddings
- Karen Chance
- Patricia Briggs
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
- Ilona Andrews
- Karen Marie Moning
- Katie MacAlister
- MaryJanice Davidson
- Tamora Pierce

And so much more!

Valeska said...

My keepers:

Ilona Andrews
Patricia Brigss
Your Books
Julian Quinn
Nora Roberts
Michael A. Stackpoole
Timothy Zahn
David Eddings
Lucy M. Montgomery
and so on ...

All the best!

Anonymous said...

That would be

your books
Ilona Andrews
Patricia Briggs
Meljean Brook
Michelle Sagara (Cast in ...)
Anne Bishop (Black jewels/Belladonna)
Brandon Sanderson

There are others, but these are the authors I've just about everything from.

frankie said...

Some of my all time keepers are

Laurell K Hamilton (especially her merry series)
P.C. Cast
Kelley Armstrong
Kim Harrison
Maria V. Synder
L J Smith
and to mix it up a little
Robert Jordan (some of my all time favourite books)

Kristie chase said...

So many keepers in my house more bookcases needed :)
Here some of my favorite authors besides you :
Shelly laurenston / GA Aiken ,Karen chance,Christine Feehan,Lora Leigh,sherrilyn Kenyon,laurell k Hamilton ,
Maya banks,Ilona Andrews,gena sholwater ,
Patricia Briggs ,jr ward ,sunny , Larissa ionne ,
Charlaine Harris, Katie mcallister , mary janice davidson majorie m liu but still many more.....

Christine S said...

My keepers (so far) are:

Michael Connelly
Sue Grafton
E.O. Wilson
Raymond Feist's Riftwar Saga
The Black Stallion series by Walter Farley (I still have them from my childhood)
Ilona Andrews
Patricia Briggs
Nalini Singh
Eileen Wilks
Ray Bradbury
Connections by James Burke
I could go on and on, but I'll leave it at that.

Thanks for another contest! I love reading what everyone else posts and getting ideas for new authors to check out.

sonia said...

This books sounds great.

Some of my keeper authors are:
Jr Ward
Patricia Briggs
Stacia Kane
Lynn Flewelling
Kresley Cole
Nora Roberts
Sandra Brown
Karen Rose
Julia Quinn
Lisa Kleypas
Anne Bishop
Ilona Andrews... and many others, I enjoy several genres.

oreoparris said...

The short list of keeper, cause I have a ton, would include you, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Karen
Moning, and Jeaniene Frost. Thanks for the contest!

emily w said...

Hmmmm... My keepers would have to be Kelley Armstrong, J.R. Ward, Nalini Singh, Charlaine Harris, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Laurell K Hamilton's Merry Gentry series, Karen Marie Moning (Waiting for Shadowfever to get here.) Just started reading Jill Myles Succubi series and looking like she might be a keeper as well.

Dana said...

My keepers (partial list :) ):
salman rushdie
meir shalev
david grossman
patricia briggs
ilona andrews
meljean brook
and of course- nalini singh

CrystalGB said...

Some of my keeper authors are:
Nalini Singh
Sherrilyn Kenyon
JR Ward
Keri Arthur

Anonymous said...

My keepers are
Guild hunter and Psy/changeling
Dark-Hunters by SK
Darkyn by Lynn Viehl
Midnight Breed by Lara Adrian
Guardians of Eternity by Alexandra IVy
Final Prophecy Jessica Andersen

Barbarita V said...

I read this book, is pretty good.

LynnL said...

My Keepers are:

Nalini Singh
Ilona Andrews
Chloe Neill,
Stephanie Meyer
Charlaine Harris
Linda Gillard
Patrica Briggs
Jeaniene Frost
Faith Hunter

azteclady said...

Too many keepers, really...

LaVyrle Spencer's Morning Glory tends to always spring to mind first, but after that?

So many Nora Roberts's books (and all of her JDRobb's) that I'd need two comments to list them.

Ditto for Linda Howard, Suzanne Brockmann... gah, too many to list!

All of Ann Aguirre's/Ava Gray's novels--and not just 'cause I love her!

All of your Psy/Changeling books.

All the early Amanda Quicks--I confess I stopped when the Arcane Society started showing up in every book.

I'll stop now!

Anonymous said...

I try to only buy books that I have already read, either from the library or a friend's collection, so all my current books are keepers.
A few of my top favs:
Nalini Singh - Guild Hunters
Laurell K. Hamilton - All
Jim Butcher - Harry Dresden
Ilona Andrews - All
Patricia Briggs - Mercy Thompson
Diana Gabaldon - Outlander
Jean Auel - Earth's Children
Jeaniene Frost - Cat and Bones
Charlaine Harris - Sookie

and many, many more!

Aurian said...

I love the Jayne Castle books! You don't have to enter me in the contest, I already have it. I have too many keepers to name them all (almost 3000 books on my shelves, and those are the ones in English).

Madeleine said...

Sounds interesting!

Some of my keepers are:
Katie MacAlister
Nalini Singh
J R Ward
Jeaniene Frost
Anne Bishop
Elizabeth Haydon's Rhapsody Trilogy (but only the first three books)
J.K. Rowling
Those books I've reread a lot of times.

Anonymous said...

I love reading Books by Richelle Mead, Jeanine Frost, Sarah Dessen, Lori Handeland, Molly Harper, Chloe Neill, Mina Hepsen and of course Nalini Singh...they are my keeper authors ;D

maylin said...

I'm relatively new to urban fantasy but have read sf for years. This sounds like an interesting crossover. Thank you, and your reviewers, for providing me with plenty of new authors to explore. My keepers this year would be

Cassandra Clare
Nalini Singh
Maggie Steifvater
Becca Fitzpatrick
Suzanne Collins
Steig Larsson

Thank you.

felinewyvern said...

I have so many books on my keeper shelf it's impossible to name all of the authors so here's a quick lsit from the top of my head:

Mercedes Lackey
Anne McCaffrey
Lois Bujold MsMasters
David Weber
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Laurel K Hamilton
Nalini Singh
Angela Knight
David Gemmel
Emma Holly
Ann Aguirre
Patricia Briggs
Sandra Hill

Anonymous said...

JAK has always been a keeper And I've notices I'm a huge fan of retaining series books more than singles... KMM, Linda Howard, Julie Garwood, Nora Roberts are my classic faves. More recently im addicted to Anne Bishop, Ilona Andrews, Jill Myles, Nalini Singh (of course) and so many others

Chelsea B. said...

I keep all of my books, but some of my favorite author's are: Cindy Miles, Kerrelyn Sparks, Cynthia Eden, Gena Showalter and Kresley Cole :-)

Sinai said...

Clearly all of us (your readers) are crazy book addicts! I really shouldn't be acquiring new books since I have absolutely NO room for them but I still buy them o.O
My favorites include:
Kresley Cole
(ps. I've only ever pre-ordered from you two =})
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Linda Howard
Jayne Ann Krentz (I have all her Jayne Castle books)
Larrissa Ione
JR Ward
Angela Knight
Shelly Laurenston
and many many more

Mary W said...

Keeper list:
Robert Jordan
Dennis McKiernan
David Weber
Elizabeth Moon
Daniel Silva
Robert Ludlum
Georgette Heyer
Sarah Hoyt
Ilona Andrews
Nalini Singh
Janny Wurts
L.E. Modesitt
Guy Gavriel Kay
Dick Francis

According to my husband the list goes on and on.

Unknown said...

Keeper List:
Laurell K Hamilton
JR Ward
Mary Janice Davidson
Katie MacAlister
Your Books.

Rachel498 said...

Hmm, my keepers:

JR Ward
Richelle Mead
Karen Marie Moning
CL Wilson
Ilona Andrews
Jeaniene Frost
Cassandra Clare
Gena Showalter
Rachel Vincent

Amy said...

I always love books by: Nalini Singh, Pamela Clare, Lisa Kleypas, Jeaniene Frost, C.L. Wilson, and Kresley Cole.

email: angeldream3(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Many, many many authors

- you, ilona andrews, patricia briggs, juliet marillier, anne mccaffrey, kresley cole, anne bishop, terry brooks, some of gena showalters, christian jacques early books

- shall I go on or is that sufficient for the moment? ;)


Ang from Oz said...

My Keeper shelf seems to grow by the year so here are just few

Christine Feehan
Rachel Vincent
PC Cast
Gena Showalter
Michele Hauf
Jeaniene Frost

And who could forget... Nalini!!!

Anonymous said...

Well... Some of my keepers are
(not in this order):
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Eloisa James
Lisa Kleypas
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Karen Marie Moning
Jeaniene Frost
Kresley Cole
Robin Kaye
Rachel Gibson
Tracy Anne Warren

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cherry said...

My author list for keeper's shelf is loooong, including Jayne Castle... what I don't like is the waiting for the next book :(

Cherry Mischievous
cherrymischif-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com

Amadea W. said...

I have a great many keepers, and each for their own reason, but definitely all of the Psy-Changeling novels. And Sherrilyn Kenyon had been a stable in my reading since I was in middle school. Lisa Kleypas and her Wallflowers and Hathaways aren't going anywhere, that's for sure!

Jolene and Family said...

Would love to read this, thanks for the chance :)
My Keeper books/authors
Rachel Gibson
Susan Andersen
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Jocelynn Drake
The League series
Charlaine Harris
I could go on and on and on


Bev said...

Always open to read interesting books but here are some of my keepers.
Julie Garwood
Jayne Ann Krentz/ Jayne Castle/ Amanda Quick
Christine Feehan
Lora Leigh...Breed series
Lori Foster...SBC series
Eileen Wilks
Patricia Briggs...Alpha/Omega series
J.D Robb
Nalini Singh ...psi series

Adrianna Bayer said...

I keep most of the books I read. Anything by Jayne Castle, Amanda Quick, and Jayne Ann Krentz are ALWAYS keepers, even if I have a duplicate or two. You never know when a book might get lost or destroyed! I also love keeping Christina Dodd books, Orson Scott Card, and Piers Anthony. There are so many good authors. :)

Teena said...

My keeper list:
Anne McCaffrey, David Eddings, Raymond Fiest, Ilona Andrews, Lora Leigh (Breeds), Laura Stamps, Patricia Briggs, Jeaniene Frost, Karen Chance, Gail Carriger, Meljene Brook, G A Aiken, Robert Jordan, Cassanda Clare, Charlaine Harris, Yasmine Galenorn, Kate Douglas, Traci Harding, Nancy Holzner and any thing you write. :-)

I know i have missed some but this is just off the top of my head. Enjoy

Unknown said...

I enjoy historical fiction reads and nonfiction reads--those are usually books I keep. My friend introduced me to the Jayne Castle series, and I was surprised to discover that I enjoyed it. I recently read the books by Michael J Fox; I recommend them.

buddyt said...

I think everyone has so many keeper authors it is impossible to mention most !

My short list:

Neil Gaimon
Ursula Le Guin
Cormac McCarthy
Henning Mankell
Haruki Murikami
Mervyn Peake
Phillip Pullman
Tom Robbins
Terry Pratchett
John Steinbeck
Jasper Fforde

Thanks for the giveaway.

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

Tarah Scott said...

I love Jayne Castle. One of my favorite keepers is Stephen King's The Green Mile.

Anonymous said...

My keepers/buyers are few at the moment:
Nalini Singh -only the Psy/Changeling
Robyn D Owen -Druida serie
Lora Leigh -Breed serie

T said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
T said...


1. Nalini Singh
2. Susan Napier
3. Terry Pratchett
4. Julia Quinn
5. Georgette Heyer
6. Stepahnie Laurens
7. JD Robb
8. Nora Roberts

others are book specific, but here are the authors.

kyesha said...

My keeper authors would have to be:
Nalini Singh
Nora Robert/JD Robb
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Meljean Brook
And Maya Banks, just to name a few.

Nalini Singh said...

The random winner of Obsidian Prey by Jayne Ann Krentz is SONIA. Congratulations! Please email me your mailing address at: nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com

lara said...

hi all some of my keepers are - nalini (of course), anne bishop, kresley cole, cl wilson, christine feehan, illona andrews, meljean brooks, sherrilyn kenyon...theres way more of course, but these are on the tip of my fingertips :) have a groovy day evry1

Cece said...

My keepers are Nalini Singh, Elizabeth Hoyt, Karen Marie Moning,Lyndsay Sands, A couple of Terry Prachett, Melissa Marr, Judith McNaught,Caroline Linden, Stephenie Meyers (The Host)

ChandaLeah said...

Authors on my keeper list include Nalini Singh (of course), Keri Arthur, Larissa Ione, Jeaniene Frost, Lara Adrian, Iris Johansen, JR Ward, Gena Showalter, Kresley Cole, Patricia Cornwell, Christine Feehan, Sherrilyn Kenyon. I could go on, but those are my faves. Love to read and reread almost every book from everyone of these.