Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Contest Winners Notified

Okey dokes, all the emails to the HtP ARC Contest winners have now gone out. If you're a winner, feel free to out yourself here. Otherwise, I'll have a post with the names tomorrow. :)


azteclady said...

*tapping microphone* test test... is this thing on? *more tapping* oh it is?

Okay, thanks.

*deep breath*


:huge grin:

bel_78 said...


CindyS said...

Woohoooooo!!! I'm so excited!!!

Uh, yeah. I won a copy too! Can't wait to read it!!

Thanks, thanks, thanks!!


Maddy said...

I am so excited to have been picked! It almost made me forget the root canal I had done this afternoon. Now I just have to wait for the post man.

Shaymless Aymless said...

Hey Congrats to all the WINNERS!! Am jealous now. But I'm looking forward to your reviews!

Prue said...

Congratulations to all the winners. I am way jealous. I'll have to keep my fingers crossed for next time.

Nicola O. said...

Thank you so much! I'll be waiting by the mailbox!

Anonymous said...

It made my day when I saw your e-mail, Nalini! Thanks so much for choosing me -- I feel so honored! *grinning like a fool* I can't wait to get my copy, to hold it and molest it 'til death do us part.


Anonymous said...

congradulations winners! I won one last time and I have to say I envy you all. How many winners in all? Happy reading *sigh* I wonder if I'm REALLY green with envy.

Bridget Locke said...

*sigh* I am so happy for all of the winners...honestly I am. But wah! *clears throat* Okay, got that out of my system. LOL!

Can't wait to read it! I've been harassing my local B&N about it. I know it's not out yet, but seriously...the waiting is KILLING ME! :(

Anonymous said...

a quick question to all: Will we be seeing a second excerpt from HTP in the comoing weeks or do we only get one this time around. Can yout tell I'm impatient?

Ana said...

I will second azteclady:


I am so happy I won! THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the winners and big hugs to everyone!

Only 6 weeks to go Bridget!


Anonymous said...

I'm not jealous at all!

But then I didn't enter because I am rubbish at reviews and I am sure I would not do the book any justice at all! Probably better that I didn't get anything.

Congrats to those winners! Enjoy!

Ashley said...

Congrats to all the winners!!!! :D

nath said...

I'm a lucky winner!! I agree with smilecarnival, it totally made my day!!! Can't wait! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to all the winners. Can't wait to read all those reviews. :)

Also I'm with Maritzam wondering if we'll get a second excerpt, to tide the rest of us over until Sept. (Hint, Hint) :P

Anonymous said...

Helen says......

Thank you Thank you Thank you NALINI!!! You're the best!!!!

I join in with azteclady and all the rest.....

Thanks everyone for your kind remarks and lets make Nalini a world sensation!!! Although I am pretty sure she already is... but then that should make things really easy.

LoL, Helenhikaru

e_booklover said...

Thank you very much!!!! I can't wait :)

Anonymous said...

Got a surprise in the mail today! Can you guess what it is? My Hostage to Pleasure ARC arrived. Yay! :)

Anonymous said...

OMG I won, I can barely believe it

Anonymous said...

Congrats to everyone! I can't wait for it to be released. I saw the Magical Christmas Cat for preorder on Amazon and I loved the cover, Nalini. I can't wait for that book either!

Nalini Singh said...

Re the second Dorian except - hmm, I haven't decided yet. I have to find a good bit that doesn't give too much away ;)

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!!!!! I never win anything and now to win something I truly wanted.....OMG....I agree with the others....squeeeeeeeeeeeee. I am so excited I can hardly wait. Now I have to stalk the mailman until my copy arrives.
Kendra R.