Saturday, July 19, 2008

Update & Catchup

First up - I know everyone's waiting for the results of the HtP ARC contest. The emails will be going out sometime this weekend or early next week, and I should have a post with the winners names for you early/mid next week.

So, what's everyone been up to? Plans for the weekend? Aside from sending out the emails, I'm going to spend some time organizing my research files - while I'm working on a project, I tend to pile up photocopies, notes from books, internet printouts etc. It's very soothing to put them all in order :)


Gail Leinweber said...

I've gotten thoroughly sucked into Kage Baker's Company series and will be curled up with a stack of them. I will probably stop reading long enough to go get some fresh strawberries from my local farmers market, but that's about it.

Jennifer A. Ray said...

I'm going to be doing some chores around the house, watching Stargate Atlantis, and of course - READING! :-)

And I still need to figure out what I want to wear at RAW in 2 months... I cannot wait to meet you in person, Nalini!!

Anonymous said...

I'm attempting (for the third time) to have a weekend off from the family. I'm not going to answer the phone...( I hsould point out that I have my mobile handy for emergencies.)

I've started reading NightKeepers by Jessica Andersen, which is a break-through as I've only read one book this month!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and good luck with the organising Nalini - it's nice to have everything sorted, isn't it :)

orannia *wnose cat has apppeared on the desk...he's attempting to type*

Dee Tenorio said...

Hmmmm, I'm going to be organizing my house. We did the living room and found my house keys! LOL! I've three hefty bags of back filing to do. 7 months of stuff that's handled but not done. That'd be my big project.

Enjoy the organizing! It's better than losing weight!


Shaymless Aymless said...

Gonna try to catch THE DARK KNIGHT!

Otherwise going to a housewarming and going to try to get some reading done. Eve Kenin is on the top of the pile with Driven and Hidden.

azteclady said...

I hope to do at least a bit of gardening, some house cleaning (blech *sigh*), and perhaps even finally finish sewing a couple of covers for my elderly dog's bed--she's ill and very old, so I have to change them every couple of days, so they are fresher and more comfortable for the poor baby.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Maddy said...

Saturday I'm busy sewing a Viking Age outfit to wear at the Hjemkomst's Viking Village on Sunday. I'll be demo-ing how folks in the Viking Age spun, dyed and wove wool to make garments. This is a bit of a stretch for me, since I focus mostly on the Italian Renaissance and English Tudor periods. However, tourism in Minnesota is geared much more to Viking and Norse than Italian. :)

Ashley said...

I will be doing a lot of cleaning and organizing. I've got quite a mess that's been gathering since June. Maybe I'll go take my mom to see Mamma Mia. :D

ShellBell said...

I spent Friday and Saturday catching up with my Dad in Kerikeri.

This week I finally managed to get my TBR pile under 150 books, but with all the good books due out in the next couple of months I think it is going to expand again!

I've also started counting down the days until my trip to England - only 48 sleeps to go.

bel_78 said...

I arrived in Buenos Aires from Washington on Sunday, and I´ve been trying to catch up with work all week long. This weekend I´ll try to study a little for university, and go window browsing to see what I can find: there are great winter sales here now.

Jennifer K. said...

Besides working, I'm just busy looking through stuff and trying to find out what I can fit in to my trip to San Francisco. It's coming up fast and I'm so excited about getting to meet you Nalini.

My stepmother just gave me her digital camera, so I'm going to be spending time trying to figure out how it works so I can bring it and maybe have my picture taken with you!

Whoo-hoo! It's coming up really fast. So much to do, so little time.

Jennifer K.

P.S. If you wanted to tempt us with something from Mercy, I wouldn't object. Or even if you'd just confirm who her mate is. It's like, forever, til Dorian comes out. Please? *hypno eyes*

Kris said...

Mu parents are coming over and we are celebrating my mom's birthday. Still re-acclimating ourselves to having a baby in the house again.

Valerie S. said...

Last Friday, one of my coworker gave me a kitten for a goodbye present (my contract ends on the 31rst...).
But as I already have one, I'm gonna play referee until the 2 of them accept each other!

And I must do some cleaning up: I've just had my diploma so I'm gonna sort out and file all the documents I gathered throughout the last 2 years!

Have a nice week end!

Courtney said...

Hanging with family a lot. Yesterday we went to see my husband's cousin and his wife's new adopted kiddos. THey are adorable! Now we're heading out to my in-laws so my toddler can hang with Grandma and Grandpa and I can coo over my 2 month old niece, who will be there, too.

Also I'm rereading Visions of Heat. I think Vaughn is even yummier this time around!

Anonymous said...

Helen Gonzalez says....

My weekend has filled me with joy... I am working at my store and at home without pay... you may wonder why... well if anyone has read Stephenie Meyer's Series that started with Twilight you may understand my madness... I am hosting the Midnight Party release at my local Waldenbooks bookstore and I am actually on my way with signage goodies, and decorations, let me just say for anyone who does PR work You Are Amazing, it is a very hard job, but I am ready and willing to do what is necessary to succede! (did I spell succede right, it looks wrong don't it?) Oh well It just gives me more opportunities to push your books Nalini because I have a lot of ladies, (and men too!) who are attending with their kids or themselves and that gives me more opportunities to push the Psy/Changeling series, (If you can hear me I am laughing like Maleficent! except I don't have the powers of He**, and wouldn't want them either!) Have fun everyone and enjoy!

LoL- Helenhikaru

Bridget Locke said...

I went and saw THE DARK KNIGHT yesterday. It was amazing. Heath's performance as the Joker was just wow! :)

It was so dark and dreary and just wow. :)

My brother took me to see it and he also took me out to dinner, so that was nice. :) Totally recommend the movie.

Other than that, not a whole lot going on. Just writing or reading depending on my mood.

Anonymous said...

I just come back from Paris. It was wonderful! The weather was perfekt. (Not to warm and not to cold. I was on the Eiffel Tower at night. It was fantastic! - Current the tower is lighted in blue and each hour it sparkles hundred of tiny lights. - That was very romantic...

Anonymous said...

My local B&N has Cry Wolf. So I'm picking up a copy and not coming up for air until I finish.

Nalini Singh said...

Sweet - I'm so JEALOUS!! I must have that book!!