Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Book Club


Time to talk books! What are you reading and loving this week?


library addict said...

My favorite book this week was Lindsay Buroker's Lake of Sorrow (The Curse and the Crown #2).

I've started a few other new-to-me books but I am at the stage where the only thing I want to read is Primal Mirror so I set them all aside for now as it is not the other books' fault.

I did manage to reread Rock Courtship and the three assorted Thea & David newsletter short stories.

Just over 96 hours until Primal Mirror. Not that I will be able to stay up to read it all, but I am sure I will attempt to swqueeze in at least a few chapters - LOL. So excited for this book!

Anonymous said...

Tin God by Elizabeth Hunter, it’s great! Waiting (it will be a long wait) for my hardback copy of The Black Bird Oracle by Deborah Harkness to arrive. I’ve bought it from a local bookstore in Geneva Switzerland, but shipping from the US is apparently going to be slow. Luckily I always read Nalini’s books as virtual books…

Eva said...

I discovered the Moretti Vampire series by Juliette N. Banks (She is also from New Zealand). So far I read The Vampire King and The Vampire Prince.