Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Anthology News!

More good news! I've been invited to be part of a rockin' anthology next year. Who else is in it? Why, some of my favorite people!



Anonymous said...

Helen Gonzalez says........

I can't wait!!! What a great way to start of the next year but with a stunning cast of authors in this anthology that is coming out!! I know I reaaaallllyyyy can't wait now.....uggghhh I'm dying here with waiting for these outstanding books to come out with some of most favorite authors!! I am definetly going to be dancing for ages!!! Go Conga line Go!!! LoL Helen Gonzalez aka helenhikaru MySpace

Jennifer K. said...

And so? Geez, Nalini, you are SUCH a wicked tease! Who's it going to be about? Please tell me there'll be more Psy/Changling/Human! You know I always want more!

P.S. I totally outed you as the tease you are over at Lora Leigh's forum. :P

Jennifer K.

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a line up! That is going to be a 'must buy' anthology for sure!

Ummm... *trying to look innocent* ...any idea on what you might be writing Nalini?

orannia *who has just realised (after devouring the mouth-watering MTP at speed) that there is still 7 (GULP!) months until HTP and that is too long between fixes* :)

Anonymous said...

*pouncing* yay!!!!

*more happy dancing*

(I just pimped you and Meljean and a couple other people to my neighbor across the street over the weekend, so today we went to the bookstore so she could get the rest of the series *grin*)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That's wonderful! Who will you write about? Oh please please please!

It's so funny here, we're all trying to get our friends addicted. My gay friend refuses to succumb! I'm wearing him thin though, hahaha.


:Candice: said...

Ohhhh goody :)

Christine said...

Congratulations, Nalini! That is a fantastic author line up. I can't wait! :D

Shaymless Aymless said...


All’sReads said...

Yay yay! Fabulous news. Can't wait to read your story!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news! Great set of authors as well. Jen :)

Yvonne Lindsay said...

Congrats on the anthology, Nalini!
