Saturday, December 23, 2006

Work Post

I know I owe some people replies to emails - hopefully I'll get through them all this weekend so bear with me folks. And if you don't get a reply by end of next week or so, assume it's bounced and send it to my gmail (nalinisinghwrites @, as the bounce gremlins have been working overtime this week.

Don't forget - the ARC winner will be up tomorrow so swing by then as I don't have everyone's emails.

And have a fabulous weekend!


Anonymous said...

Wanted to wish you a wonderful holiday season.

Estella said...

Happy Holidays Nalini!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am in the middle of Slave to Sensation and I love it!!!

Nalini Singh said...

Cynthia and Estella - Happy Holidays back at you!! Hope you have a fabulous time :)

Joyce - thanks!

Meljprincess said...

Have a wonderful holiday, Nalini!