Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Angels' Blood Countdown: Elizabeth Vaughan - White Star ARC

Winner: The random numbers have spoken and the winner of the Elizabeth Vaughan ARC is Blodeuedd!

Only 13 days to the release of ANGELS' BLOOD, and 7 to the release of ANGELS' PAWN!

Here's what Darcy, one of the readers who won an ARC had to say about ANGELS' BLOOD:
This series is one of the most original things I've ever read. I've never heard anything close to Nalini's take on angels and vampires, and I'm in love with the rules of this world. The characters are strong and memorable (even the ones you have a love/hate relationship with), the story is extremely intense with all kinds of twists and turns, and the romance is HOT!

...It's a must read!
Today's countdown prize is an ARC of Elizabeth Vaughan's White Star. I haven't had a chance to check out this new series yet, but I loved Ms Vaughan's Warprize!

White Star will release in April this year. Here's the blurb:
The Lady High Priestess Evelyn, known as Evie to her friends, is a healer, dedicated to using her magic in the service of the goddess to aid others and give strength where it is needed.

Orrin Blackheart couldn't be more different. With his black armour, a black name and a blacker reputation, he's been feared and hated in equal parts. So on his defeat and capture in battle, the Goddesses insistence that Evie saves him from a death sentence astonishes them both - as does the growing attraction between them.

But in saving Orrin Evie condemns herself to a prohibition on her magic and a penance posting on the edges of the land, while to retain his salvation Orrin must battle a spreading plague across the land. Fate clearly has plans for them both - but to fulfill them, both must survive the perils ahead.
How gorgeous is that cover?

Today's entry question comes from kh:
Which hero would you like to be stranded with on an island?


Courtney said...

Lucas Hunter or Riley Kincaid. They can hunt very well in their animal forms and I'd reward them handsomely. VERY handsomely.

My gut response was Rhage from JR Ward's BDB, but I don't think there'd be enough shelter from the sun on an island to be practical. LOL

Jennifer K. said...

Ms. Vaughan's book looks good. Thanks for showcasing it.

And to answer your question, I'd like to be stranded on an island with The Highlander, Duncan McCloud. Wowza! ;)

Jennifer K.

Marnie said...

Love the cover. I would like to be stranded on a island with Bones from J.Frost's books. However this needs to be an island with lots of shade and trees maybe a cave.

Unknown said...

I'm with you on being stranded with Lucas, Courtney. I could also easily go for Roarke from JD Robb's In Death books - I have no doubt he'd manage to keep me fed and happy. ;) Or maybe Adam Hauptman (sp?) from Patricia Brigg's Mercy books. Can we have try-outs for the island stranding, perhaps? Haha!

Courtney said...

I thought about wanting Roarke, but he's such a city creature. As a former Girl Scout and avid camper, I'd probably know more about what to do while stranded on an island than Roarke would. LOLOLOL

Rebecca Chastain said...

Hum, so many heroes to pick from. I think I'd like Terry Goodkind's Richard Raul (have you seen the new Legend of the Seeker with Craig Horner?).

Blodeuedd said...

I'd sure love to have Z from JR.Wards books with me :) But yeah, vampire, sun, island, could be tricky. So I'd take Clay from Kelley Armstrongs book with me too ;) At least he could get me food

orannia said...

Lucas is so popular :) I'm with Courtney and Amy on this one. Although...Linda Howard's Zane Mackenzie would also be useful :)

Pam P said...

I could dig being stranded with Sawyer on that "Lost" island.

Anonymous said...

It would have to be Roarke. Or maybe Dorian. Or Adam from Patricia Brigg's series. (I recently read Bone Crossed and loved it. Her series is getting better and better.) How can you choose?!

Jusy said...

It's a beautiful cover. So great to hear that Elizabeth Vaughn has another book coming out. I love her stories.

There are so many heros out there that it is hard to choose. Okay, I go with Eve Dallas' Roake.

Anonymous said...

I would go with Dorian. Given that he managed to overcome his inability to shift says much for his determination and resourcefulness. I would also go for Roarke but the island would have to have some electronic wreakage on it so that he can come up with some new gadget to make our lives easier!! C.Y

Lisa said...

I would choose Roarke from J.D. Robb's In Death series. To me he is the greatest. Sexy, sensitive and very supportive.

Asylumgirl said...

Nicholas Stafford from Jude Deveraux's Knight in Shining Armor.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Eve, but Roarke would be my choice.

Anonymous said...

Bowen MacRieve! No wait, Judd Lauren. Uhm...Hardy Cates. Or Jericho Barrons. Ooh, better yet, I'd love me some Curran. *sigh* A girl can't just have ONE. I'll take all of them to go, please.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. This is a tough one. I'm going to have to go with Dane from Lora Leigh's breed series. Of course ask me again in five minutes and that could change. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....that's a tough one. I would have to say Lucas Hunter, Adam Hauptman (from the Mercy Thompson series), or Jeremy (from Kelly Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series). Of course having all three wouldn't be bad either :D

Danni T said...

I would pick either Lachlain MacRieve or Judd Lauren...maybe Acheron. Would of picked Vishous or Zsadist but like other people said, wouldn't work to well with the sun.

Shaymless Aymless said...

This is on my TBB list!

Anonymous said...

It would have to be Zarek for me. He has awesome survival skills and he'd be a good care taker. Plus, he's crazy handsome!

Erika Powell said...

Alex Cross from the James Patterson novels. He is just dreamy...well in my head anyway

Anonymous said...

I'm going with a shapeshifter, in particular, Lachlain from Kresley Cole's A Hunger Like No Other.

I wanted to go with Lucas, but I love him with Sascha so much it feels like I'd be making him commit adultery somehow! And the Warden's men would fry so that's a no go.

laurawilson25 said...

He's not a hero yet, as in he has his own book, but Dane Vanderale from Lora Leigh's Breed books.

Anonymous said...

Since Jennifer already said Duncan MacLeod, I'll go with Booth from "Bones." (Or Angel. David Boreanaz in any form is my hero!)

From a book, I'll say Dave from Brockmann's INTO THE FIRE.

:Candice: said...

Love that cover!

Okay... hero, hero, who to be stranded with....

It seems Lucas is quite popular, but I'm going with Vaughn D'Angelo

Something about that Jaguar ;)

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I'd want to be stranded with Patrick O'Halloran from Michele Bardsley's Broken Heart, Oklahoma series. He's so sexy! lol White Star looks really neat, thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Its a 3-way tie for me--

Niko Leandros from Rob Thurman's Nightlife/Moonshine/Madhouse series---i love guys who knows how to handle big knives hehe

Adam Hauptman from Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series-- you can't go wrong with an Alpha male

Dorian because as mentioned somewhere here, he's very resourceful not to mention a tried and tested survivor. It wouldn't hurt to be stranded with a gorgeous guy who can turn on the charm as well as break limbs with his bare hands. Plus he purrs!!! ;P

donnas said...

I would pick either Roarke or Jeremy (from Kelley Armstrong's series). Tough call.

twalls said...

Please tell me I'm not the only one who sorted through their book collections to decide on their favorite heroes? :P

I have a few choices: Acheron ('cause he's Acheron); Jonas Harrington from Christine Feehan's Drake Sisters (you just know he'd be there for you no matter what); and Hawke (even though he doesn't have his own story yet, he intrigues me).

LighthouseSandy said...

Just one? LOL. How can you pick? Love Heath Boscastle. Drustan and Daegus MacKeltar. Dorian Christensen. Any one of these thought of off the cuff would make so very happy to be stranded with!

Cynthya said...

Lots of good choices mentioned. I'd have to go with Zack from "Stroke of Enticement." He is just such a great combination of sweet and sexy, plus he's a forest ranger so he should do fine outdoors.

Bridget Locke said...

Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhh! I love this question. I'm already stranded on the island w/ 6 hotties, but if I added another one? Whoo-boy!

Right now Cadeon Woede from Kresley Cole's Dark Desires After Dusk revs my puny engine. LOL! He's like sex on a stick! :D

Leslie said...

Curran ~ hands down! Love that cat. :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for having my question picked

Jill said...

I would have to agree with many others posting here and pick Roarke from the In Death series by JD Robb, simply because he would have some gadget with him that would instantly get us off the island. And I'm sure any time spent on the island would be very easy to pass, he's just so sexy!
2nd choice would be Hawk, I know he's not particularly suited to an island, but he seems so dark and mysterious I would love to get to know him!

gawain said...

Oh dear this is difficult, there are so many. Jeremy from Kelley Armstrong, Acheron from Kenyon, Jean Claude from Laurell K. Hamilton. And that is just the top of the iceberg. So many that it is almost impossible to chose.

Kris said...

Ooh,that is a hard question, so many options.
I will probably go with Roarke as well, I am sure we would take excellent care of each other :D

Dannyfiredragon said...

Oh that is very hard question, too many to choose from. But I would choose. Dorian from Hostage to Pleasure.

Mandi said...

If I could only pick one, then it would have to be Adam Hauptmann or Lucas..they would both be fun on an island. Otherwise, I would make a shelter and bring all the bdb vampires with me:)

May said...

Definitely Roarke. He is the only one.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say Vaughn from the Psy Changelings or Rhage from the Black Dagger world.

CrystalGB said...

I would choose Sherrilyn Kenyon's Acheron or Bones' Seely Booth

azteclady said...

Jamie Fraser.

Hey, he survived in a cave for years--I'm sure he could keep both of us alive in a deserted island.

And he's funny.

VampFanGirl said...

Hmm...trapped on an island with any delectable hero of my choice? That's a really tough question... well I'm currently panting for Ward's new book 'Lover Avenged' and I've always carried a torch for Rehv so he's coming to the island with me! I build him a cover first though so that he doesn't turn crispy on me. :)

Amy C said...

Hmmm, Daemon SaDiablo. The Sadist :).

Unknown said...

I would have to say Judd. I fell in love with him in Caressed by Ice, and every time after when I re-read!

FD said...

Mal Reynolds (Firefly/Serenity), he wouldn't give up trying to find a way to get us out of island.

I can't decide on a romance book hero. Once they've found their heroine, I can't imagine the heroes without them.