The short answer is: Many, many awesome things!
More detailed answers below - there will be some general spoilerage, so if you haven't yet read Shield of Winter, then save this post to read afterward. I'll add a link to it from the front page of the website, so you can easily find it when you're ready.
Also, I'd appreciate it if you could link back to this post if other fans have questions, so everyone has the same info. Thank you!
Onto the questions that need answers! Warning, long post below.
Who is Book 14 about?
Updated 31st October 2014: Cover and blurb for book 14 now available! Follow the link to see.
Book 14 will feature Aden as the hero. I'm not ready to talk more in depth about this book yet because I've just started writing it, and I always like to get deep into a book before I share details. I feel each book has an essence, a heart that needs to be nurtured until it's ready to be held up to the light.
Also, characters have been known to surprise me. That may sound odd, since I'm the author, but my characters have very strong personalities of their own, and sometimes, they just fold their arms and say nope when I think I've got things all figured out.
So give me a little time. In the meanwhile....
Bastien's novella, Secrets At Midnight, is coming out November 25th in the NIGHT SHIFT Anthology
I know many of you have missed the cats - with this novella, we return to the DarkRiver changelings, and specifically to the wild and wonderful Smith family.
Mercy makes an appearance, as do her and Bastien's other brothers. The infamous "kitten-defurring" incident is recalled. We also see Lucas and Naya.
So there's lots of stuff for Psy-Changeling readers, but it's also written to stand alone, so don't worry if you're new to the series. You can use this novella as your introduction to the Psy-Changeling world without problem.
I haven't posted an excerpt yet as the release is several months away, but here's a fun snippet of Bastien being grilled by a pack elder.
"Why aren't you mated or with a long-term lover?" She poked him in the arm. "We both know you have no trouble attracting women."
The question grated against his insides. "Does no one respect my private life?"
"You're in a pack. Of course not," was the rapid response. "Now, answer me. I'm a hundred and twenty-five--I don't have time to dilly-dally."
"No one can pass Mercy's tests," he said, wanting Vera off the painful and currently maddening subject of mating.
"Overprotective, is she?"
"If it's the right girl," he said, his leopard flexing its claws inside him, "it won't matter." Bastien might not know her name or what she looked like, nothing but her scent, but he knew his mate wouldn't be scared off. Smith mates had a way of surprising everyone.
- From Secrets At Midnight by Nalini Singh (this is from a pre-edit version of the manuscript, so it may change slightly in the final published novella).
Also, check out the awesome cover!
What happens after Book 14?
A number of readers have contacted me asking if book 14 is the end of the series. It isn't!
I think the rumor began because I've spoken about the "end of this story arc" in interviews. So what do I mean by that?
When I began the Psy-Changeling series, it was really important to me to have a coherent story arc, with a start and a satisfying end. I still deeply believe that. The only thing that has changed is that I realized as I wrote that this storyline wouldn't only have a single arc, but that the ending of the first arc would naturally be the beginning of the second. To end the series at the conclusion of this arc would leave too many avenues unexplored, too many characters with their stories untold. It would feel unfinished.
For me, a coherent story arc means a story that is moving forward with every book, heading for a critical climax. It's not standing in place. We're going on a journey, and that journey has a goal. With each arc, we have to reach that goal, have that sense of satisfaction.
In my head, this arc is called the Silence arc. That has been the defining element of the series to date. Some people have said to me that for them, the Silence arc ended with Heart of Obsidian. I can totally see their point. So many things came to a conclusion in that book. It was a massive climax.
However, I feel that for a true conclusion to the arc, we need the "direct aftermath" books as well. The books that ask, what comes next? Shield of Winter was the first book. Aden's book will be the second, but having said that, I won't know until I finish writing it whether I can tie up all the loose ends that need to be tied up, in this book. So some storylines may be picked up in Book 15, making it the final book in the Silence arc.
Post Book 14 or 15 - or the Post-Silence story arc
I love the richness of the Psy-Changeling world, love that there are so many possibilities to explore, so many questions to answer, so many layers to peel back, and that it's peopled by so many amazing characters.
Those characters are interconnected on a deep level by myriad bonds, so even once we move away from the Silence arc, we won't be moving away from the characters we know and love.
Yes, there will be new players in the next arc, as is natural as we further explore the world, but some of those new players will end up with characters we already know, while others will link through in other ways.
For example, if I do a book on the WindHaven falcons, they're allied with DarkRiver and SnowDancer, so we'd see the cats and the wolves.
And Silence remains a major player - it may have fallen, but it casts a long shadow that will impact countless characters for years to come.
I've consistently been using "tangent" books to describe these future stories, but I've decided it still sounds too much like "spin-off" and that's not what I'm thinking. The books, characters, and storylines are too interlinked for that, with the second arc being as coherent and as connected as the first one. I think it's better and clearer to simply say we'll be opening up a new story arc, going on a new journey in this world.
Think of it like seasons of television, where a series has a strong background story/plot. We're coming to the conclusion of season one, but watch out - because something in that conclusion will lead directly into season two.
I hope that makes sense, and I hope you'll come with me into this new journey.
Who will get a story in the future?
I have so many people I want to write about! I can't list them all, because this post would be even longer than it already is, but here are just some characters I think will get either a book or a novella at some point:
The single SnowDancer lieutenants, Desiree from DarkRiver, Adam - the leader of WindHaven, one or more of the sea changelings, certain Psy characters it'd be too spoilerish to name here, Kit when he's a bit more grown up, Rina, Bowen from the Human Alliance... (and more!)
I'd also like to go back and write about some characters who appeared early on and who really need to have their stories told, like Zara, the wildcat who is a designer for DarkRiver, Finn, the poor healer who got manhandled by Nathan in Beat of Temptation, Tag and Tiara from Blaze of Memory, D'Arn and Sing-Liu - that's just the tip of my list. I don't know if they'd all get full novellas, or long short stories, but I haven't forgotten them.
Please don't worry if I didn't list your favorite character as a future story - I only mentioned a few names. There are more and some of them already have files opened for them on my computer, with notes entered. :-)
Which leads me to my Secret no longer so secret. ;-)
Updated 12 December, 2015: Anthology has been scheduled for release in North America on August 23rd, 2016. International date still to come. Title: WILD EMBRACE.
Because I have so many characters who either need novellas or longer short stories, I've been thinking of doing another Psy-Changeling anthology. Similar to Wild Invitation, but with all-new stories.
However, since I do these shorter works around my full-length books, I can't promise you a release date right now. I don't want to schedule it and then disappoint you if I can't finish in time. I'd rather make it a nice surprise one day!
But, the good news is that I already have one novella in rough draft (it features Stefan, who was mentioned in Shield of Winter), and a couple of other things in middle stages, so I'm *hoping* I'll have it done by the end of this year.
I'll post as to how it's going soon as I have more news, or have finished another piece. I'll update this post, so you can just save this as a bookmark and come back in a couple of months to see what's happening.
Updated 12 December, 2015:
#1 (Novella) - Stefan (Psy/Tk stationed on the deep sea station Alaris). Complete.
#2 (Novelette) - Dorian's story (exploring his growing up years, how being latent affected him, and how he became a sentinel). Complete.
#3 (Novella) - I've never before written the story of a submissive male changeling paired with a dominant female changeling, but this couple came out of nowhere and hit me hard. Complete.
#4. (Novella) - Kenji and Garnet (Jem). Complete.
When will the series end forever?
When I feel there are no more stories to be told in this world. I know everyone has their favorites, books/novellas that worked better for them than others, but as a writer, I am deeply happy with all of the entries in the series to date.
I feel each was needed, was necessary to tell part of the story, to give us a new insight into the world and its characters. I want to feel the same way about future entries, so when I come to a place where I feel the story is complete, and all the characters are in a good place, that's when I'll say good-bye.
I am nowhere close to that point, and I hope neither are you. Here's to many more journeys together into the Psy-Changeling world!
This is the end of a very, very, very long post. I hope that answers most of the burning questions. :-)
More detailed answers below - there will be some general spoilerage, so if you haven't yet read Shield of Winter, then save this post to read afterward. I'll add a link to it from the front page of the website, so you can easily find it when you're ready.
Also, I'd appreciate it if you could link back to this post if other fans have questions, so everyone has the same info. Thank you!
Onto the questions that need answers! Warning, long post below.
Who is Book 14 about?
Updated 31st October 2014: Cover and blurb for book 14 now available! Follow the link to see.
Book 14 will feature Aden as the hero. I'm not ready to talk more in depth about this book yet because I've just started writing it, and I always like to get deep into a book before I share details. I feel each book has an essence, a heart that needs to be nurtured until it's ready to be held up to the light.
Also, characters have been known to surprise me. That may sound odd, since I'm the author, but my characters have very strong personalities of their own, and sometimes, they just fold their arms and say nope when I think I've got things all figured out.
So give me a little time. In the meanwhile....
Bastien's novella, Secrets At Midnight, is coming out November 25th in the NIGHT SHIFT Anthology

Mercy makes an appearance, as do her and Bastien's other brothers. The infamous "kitten-defurring" incident is recalled. We also see Lucas and Naya.
So there's lots of stuff for Psy-Changeling readers, but it's also written to stand alone, so don't worry if you're new to the series. You can use this novella as your introduction to the Psy-Changeling world without problem.
I haven't posted an excerpt yet as the release is several months away, but here's a fun snippet of Bastien being grilled by a pack elder.
"Why aren't you mated or with a long-term lover?" She poked him in the arm. "We both know you have no trouble attracting women."
The question grated against his insides. "Does no one respect my private life?"
"You're in a pack. Of course not," was the rapid response. "Now, answer me. I'm a hundred and twenty-five--I don't have time to dilly-dally."
"No one can pass Mercy's tests," he said, wanting Vera off the painful and currently maddening subject of mating.
"Overprotective, is she?"
"If it's the right girl," he said, his leopard flexing its claws inside him, "it won't matter." Bastien might not know her name or what she looked like, nothing but her scent, but he knew his mate wouldn't be scared off. Smith mates had a way of surprising everyone.
- From Secrets At Midnight by Nalini Singh (this is from a pre-edit version of the manuscript, so it may change slightly in the final published novella).
Also, check out the awesome cover!
What happens after Book 14?
A number of readers have contacted me asking if book 14 is the end of the series. It isn't!
I think the rumor began because I've spoken about the "end of this story arc" in interviews. So what do I mean by that?
When I began the Psy-Changeling series, it was really important to me to have a coherent story arc, with a start and a satisfying end. I still deeply believe that. The only thing that has changed is that I realized as I wrote that this storyline wouldn't only have a single arc, but that the ending of the first arc would naturally be the beginning of the second. To end the series at the conclusion of this arc would leave too many avenues unexplored, too many characters with their stories untold. It would feel unfinished.
For me, a coherent story arc means a story that is moving forward with every book, heading for a critical climax. It's not standing in place. We're going on a journey, and that journey has a goal. With each arc, we have to reach that goal, have that sense of satisfaction.
In my head, this arc is called the Silence arc. That has been the defining element of the series to date. Some people have said to me that for them, the Silence arc ended with Heart of Obsidian. I can totally see their point. So many things came to a conclusion in that book. It was a massive climax.
However, I feel that for a true conclusion to the arc, we need the "direct aftermath" books as well. The books that ask, what comes next? Shield of Winter was the first book. Aden's book will be the second, but having said that, I won't know until I finish writing it whether I can tie up all the loose ends that need to be tied up, in this book. So some storylines may be picked up in Book 15, making it the final book in the Silence arc.
Post Book 14 or 15 - or the Post-Silence story arc
I love the richness of the Psy-Changeling world, love that there are so many possibilities to explore, so many questions to answer, so many layers to peel back, and that it's peopled by so many amazing characters.
Those characters are interconnected on a deep level by myriad bonds, so even once we move away from the Silence arc, we won't be moving away from the characters we know and love.
Yes, there will be new players in the next arc, as is natural as we further explore the world, but some of those new players will end up with characters we already know, while others will link through in other ways.
For example, if I do a book on the WindHaven falcons, they're allied with DarkRiver and SnowDancer, so we'd see the cats and the wolves.
And Silence remains a major player - it may have fallen, but it casts a long shadow that will impact countless characters for years to come.
I've consistently been using "tangent" books to describe these future stories, but I've decided it still sounds too much like "spin-off" and that's not what I'm thinking. The books, characters, and storylines are too interlinked for that, with the second arc being as coherent and as connected as the first one. I think it's better and clearer to simply say we'll be opening up a new story arc, going on a new journey in this world.
Think of it like seasons of television, where a series has a strong background story/plot. We're coming to the conclusion of season one, but watch out - because something in that conclusion will lead directly into season two.
I hope that makes sense, and I hope you'll come with me into this new journey.
Who will get a story in the future?
I have so many people I want to write about! I can't list them all, because this post would be even longer than it already is, but here are just some characters I think will get either a book or a novella at some point:
The single SnowDancer lieutenants, Desiree from DarkRiver, Adam - the leader of WindHaven, one or more of the sea changelings, certain Psy characters it'd be too spoilerish to name here, Kit when he's a bit more grown up, Rina, Bowen from the Human Alliance... (and more!)
I'd also like to go back and write about some characters who appeared early on and who really need to have their stories told, like Zara, the wildcat who is a designer for DarkRiver, Finn, the poor healer who got manhandled by Nathan in Beat of Temptation, Tag and Tiara from Blaze of Memory, D'Arn and Sing-Liu - that's just the tip of my list. I don't know if they'd all get full novellas, or long short stories, but I haven't forgotten them.
Please don't worry if I didn't list your favorite character as a future story - I only mentioned a few names. There are more and some of them already have files opened for them on my computer, with notes entered. :-)
Which leads me to my Secret no longer so secret. ;-)
Updated 12 December, 2015: Anthology has been scheduled for release in North America on August 23rd, 2016. International date still to come. Title: WILD EMBRACE.
Because I have so many characters who either need novellas or longer short stories, I've been thinking of doing another Psy-Changeling anthology. Similar to Wild Invitation, but with all-new stories.
However, since I do these shorter works around my full-length books, I can't promise you a release date right now. I don't want to schedule it and then disappoint you if I can't finish in time. I'd rather make it a nice surprise one day!
But, the good news is that I already have one novella in rough draft (it features Stefan, who was mentioned in Shield of Winter), and a couple of other things in middle stages, so I'm *hoping* I'll have it done by the end of this year.
I'll post as to how it's going soon as I have more news, or have finished another piece. I'll update this post, so you can just save this as a bookmark and come back in a couple of months to see what's happening.
Updated 12 December, 2015:
#1 (Novella) - Stefan (Psy/Tk stationed on the deep sea station Alaris). Complete.
#2 (Novelette) - Dorian's story (exploring his growing up years, how being latent affected him, and how he became a sentinel). Complete.
#3 (Novella) - I've never before written the story of a submissive male changeling paired with a dominant female changeling, but this couple came out of nowhere and hit me hard. Complete.
#4. (Novella) - Kenji and Garnet (Jem). Complete.
When will the series end forever?
When I feel there are no more stories to be told in this world. I know everyone has their favorites, books/novellas that worked better for them than others, but as a writer, I am deeply happy with all of the entries in the series to date.
I feel each was needed, was necessary to tell part of the story, to give us a new insight into the world and its characters. I want to feel the same way about future entries, so when I come to a place where I feel the story is complete, and all the characters are in a good place, that's when I'll say good-bye.
I am nowhere close to that point, and I hope neither are you. Here's to many more journeys together into the Psy-Changeling world!
This is the end of a very, very, very long post. I hope that answers most of the burning questions. :-)
All I can say is "YAY!!!!" to many more wonderful stories to come!
Nalini, it doesn't matter to me what you do. I don't mean that in a "I don't care" way. I mean that in the "You have never disappointed me, you consistently give me what I expect from you, yet you ALWAYS surprise me."
I hunger for your next books, I cry impatiently, I run to my local bookseller when I know your books are coming out and ask "Is it here yet, is it here yet, is it here yet????"
Every book I ever get from you, Guild Hunter or Psy/Changeling, I read, scream OMG, then read again, then sniffle a little, then read again. In anticipation of a new book, I will sometimes start the entire series over completely. And I always find something new.
You give us a rich and full alternate world to live and love in.
So it doesn't matter to me what you do. Because whatever you do will be right. It will be awesome. It will be the best birthday party and the most awesome surprise engagement and the most anticipated birth. It will be all-encompassing. It will be epic. It will simply be.
Awesome!! Thank you!!
Yay!!! A million woohoos! I'm looking forward to exploring more of your Psy/Changeling world - whatever you write is a joy to read. :-)
One day, when I finally meet you, I may be slightly (ok, extremely) excited. So if you see a squealing (probably crying) black woman bearing down on you....know I mean no harm and just want to hug one of my favorite authors! Cyber hugs for now. May your year be fruitful and productive.
Everything "Unknown" said above - thank you so much for such a wonderful series. I read and reread them constantly and wait impatiently for each new book, novella, short story, deleted scene and any other snippets. Thank you!
I better get a new bookcase ordered, love this series and so glad to hear the characters I love to read about will be continuing to evolve in further books.😍
Great news. Wooho!
So excited for more to come! I love these stories, adore these characters, and I am ready to buy each and every one!
I've enjoyed the development of the characters so far, especially as we get to know them a little before they get their own books. I hope to see a "next generation" series, whether full-novels or novellas, where we read the stories of Marlee, Ben, Keenan, Naya, Roman and Julian, the "pupcubs", etc, as well as the in-between generation with Tai, Toby, Kit, Cory, Maria, Jon and their peers.
Looking forward to reading every single one!!! Thank you for writing awesome books.
Happy dance!
Thanks for taking the time to update all your loyal followers about the future of the Psy/Changling series. I'm so happy to hear that the next installment will be Aden's story, but I'm really hoping one of those novellas or long, short stories will be the continuation or conclusion of the Abbot/Jaya storyline from Shield of Winter.
Thanks so much for the update Nalini! Looking forward to what's coming next - Whoo!
i agree whole heartedly with everything Annon said in the first of your replies, i am on my 4th re read of the whole series, love them all
Thank You for the update and to know their is no ending for the Psy/Changlings books makes me so happy. I hope Silver gets a story. I really was hoping you would mate her to Aden!! Wishful think!!!!
Thanks for the update. Its always nice to see whats to come from you.
I can't wait...
Thank you!!! I love your writing...I look forward to our journey thru the worlds you have brought to life!!!
And we all breathe our collective sighs of relief! Thank you Nalini, for everything!
Very good news indeed.
I do have a silly question. Will there be a novella, or will you write more about Sienna and Hawke? You did write about how Sienna was adapting to her new position in Tangle of Need. However, still intrigued in what happens with Ming and how she finished adapting to being the alpha female,
Dearest Nalini.
You have just made my day. I love the Psy-Changeling series and have gotten a few friends hooked as well. Just keep doing what you are doing. It works so well. I loved Shield Of Winter and long for the next installment.
All of the Psy-Changeling novels have been of a consistently high standard,and truthfully your world building is second to none amongst Paranormal romance writers. As you've already said,you're writing until you're 95,so I had no doubt that we will see the evolution of the Psy-Changeling world for a long time yet :D. Now I am an Alice fan, so I'm looking forward to her story sometime in the future, but I just enjoy seeing the world ( plus Stefan & his mermaid ? Yes, I know, speculating fans are a pain !)
And thanks for the lovely SFX article. It's great to see a female Paranormal romance writer amongst its sometimes too bloke-led pages.
Love all you write and am happy to see the Psy -Changeling series is carrying on which means I have many more books to look forward to..
Thank you!!! I love all your books (some more than others, like you said) and I`m happy to continue this journey with you.
All I can say is thank, I enjoy reading your books and always look forward to more. I find your books are ones that can be re-read all the time (which I do when I have withdrawals)I have never been disappointed in any of your books, I am more like sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for more. Keep up the good works and onces again thank you.
Thanks for the update. I thought you were clear in previous interviews about the arc ending and not the series. I think the strong story arc is one of the things that sets the Psy/Changeling books apart.
Looking forward to Aden's book and the anthology and many books/novellas to come
finally got my partner interested as well in yours and many others of this genre keep it up i just wish i had the imagination to write i dont know how you do it but your books bring everything to life
are you sure its fiction lol
Happy, happy, happy. :-D
I love your series and I really want to know if Nikita and Anthony will ever get together
A million times over!
I almost feel like I need a new kindle
& a new bookcase to exclusively showcase
ALL of your books ♥
Have to echo cate nugent's post above &
highlight the part about loving ALICE ♥
I have no doubts whatsoever in my mind that
Alice & Zaid's flash back story will be written
one of these days. She's here now for a reason.
We ♥ YOU & will follow
wherever you will take us
Forever ♥
Thank you for the update. Great, great news. I love the Psy-Changeling series. Top of my list of favourite series. I do hope we see some of the babies born soon!!!
whole story is amazing, books and expect a lot more about babies and benna judd and hawke and sienna and of course those of mercy and riley... Ya quiero tener todos los libros!!
So happy to have the update!
I have my favorites (Bonds of Justice and Caressed by Ice) but I completely agree with your statement about each story telling an important of the story arc.
Looking forward to the novella and Aiden's novel.
Loved loved loved Shield of Winter! I'm really happy you explained the story arcs. I'm a SnowDancer stalker so any upcoming books that might include my Hawk I'm done for! Keep writing! Nettie
Yay! Thanks a ton for telling us all this. And I'm sure you haven't forgotten her, but I have my own vote for a character I'd love to have a novella or short story. Or at least be mentioned in a later book, so we could know she got her happy ever after. Jessie and her trucker, from Blaze of Memory. I really liked her.
I love this series and so glad I found it a long time ago when I was looking for something to read at my bookstore and you only had four books at the time. Keep up the wonderful writing nalini and thanks for creating a series that keeps you wanting more.
So wonderful to hear your stories are not finished yet; I hope you'll keep writing till I no longer can read....a long time for now.
I am voting for Aden and Alice in book 14. However I would like to see Remi from the other panther pack. (mentioned in Dev and katya story) All I ask is that we eventually (ok asap) find out about the "pupcubs" and how many there are and what they are. Nalini I did have one question how soon after they are born will Riley and Mercy find out if they are wolves or panthers?
What an awesome post! So happy to hear there's much more to come in the series. Thanks Nalini! :)
So excited about the story news! I will be stalking this blog now (more than usual lol) for anthology updates! Nalini, thank you so much for creating such wonderful worlds for us to visit!
Wow, that was a long post Nalini!
Now I can expect reading material from you till I´m a old old frump. LOL
oh thank god. I was worried that this was it but so glad to know that isn't the case. HA!
Thank you so much for writing this series and for actually planning out the story arc(s). I've learned so much about writing from reading your books and just your thoughts on the your series. So happy.
You're so good to us for providing such a great update. Thank you for being such an awesome author! Now to keep myself content re-reading the series to try and stop myself from trying to guess at things like Aden's potential love interest haha. But I will totally put forward that I would be really eager for a novella for Abbot/Jaya, there was something very compelling about those two in Shield of Winter.
Oh thank you! It's simple a relief to know that I will have my favorite series to read, hopefully, for years to come! Wow, so the next book will be ADENNNNN? Oh, yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Though I really enjoyed reading about his friend and brother, Vasic, I must admit that I prefer Aden more from the very beginning! But then, it is nagging me to wait and see the heroine! Who will be that lucky girl? You mentioned nothing, and my curiosity is on its height! I want to know, need to know about her!!!!
Oh, will go back to read SHIELD OF WINTER one more time meanwhile!
What wonderful news!!!! I am so exited to read whatever you will write. I can't wait for more. Keep going as long as you like and I will be the happiest person.
Thanks for the update! Now I am really wondering if we will get a story for the wonderful leader of the rats. I know, I know, he is a rat, but he is a great character and I bet he has a great story. And of course, Tai and Evie could use some type of HEA. Thanks again. You made my day!
Can't stop smiling when I read this. I did thought that Shield of Winter was the last Psy-Changeling book and was mourning the loss of stories of the many characters that I was interested in but this make me sigh in relief. I do wonder though, would you be writing a story for Jessie and Isaac, the truckers from Blaze of Memory?
Rah says... Love the cover AMAZING!! Can't wait for the book! Pre-ordering right now lol
please please let evie and tai be one of the couples who get there full length story. Also alice and zaid story (I think)....
Aden and Nikita. Right ? :p
Thank you so much for not ending the series yet as I also felt that there are more stories that have yet to unfold. FIGHTING!!
I hope it's Aden and Silver!! :) just a hunch
At the end of Heart of Obsedian I spent months unsure whether we would have a.n.y m.o.r.e.
Thank you for loving your books as much as I do.
I love the stories that you tell and the worlds that you create, whether they be the long complex stories or the shorter glimpses. I am so glade to hear that there are many more stories that you plan to share. Though I highly enjoy both your series, I am partial to the Psy-Changeling. 1st, because it was one of the first paranormal series that I read and it gripped me from book 1, and 2nd, because I am from a small town in the Sierra Nevada Mts. I love picturing these stories playing out in my own backyard. I can't wait for the next story.
When did Alice wake up? There was a reference to her and she spoke in "Shield of Winter". What book did I miss?
So amazing, I truly love your stories since I discovered them - they are such good reads.
I hope that you are planning a story featuring Alice in the near future - we've had so many teasers about her across various stories, so I am sure that there is an exciting story waiting. And what about Nikita? I think that she deserves a story as well in the post-Silence world - we've had hints throughout the series that she isn't as uncaring/unemotional as she appears.
Thanks for all your efforts and looking forward to your new stories
I was wondering if we will see more of Adria/Riaz? do they mate? does that beautiful love burst into a mating bond? My favorite book is Judd/Brenna but second best this one. That kind of love....sigh! thank you for great reads. I translate all your books to mama since she had the stroke. Does not understand english...she loves Kaleb. Thank you.
So glad to know that these books are not finished. I love all of your books and think that I have all of them. They are reread often. Please keep them coming.
I know that at some point the series has to end but I hope that is not for a very very very long time :D I love your books
I am totally excited that you are venturing into writing about the other packs, like Windhaven and I'd definitely like to read about the Rats. Please continue this amazing world you've created. I'm in it for the long run.
Thank you, thank you for not leaving this world. Your books are at the top of all my lists and I've shared ( and then hooked) several friends on this series. Over the years, I have gone back and started reading the series over again several times. Each time it grabs me again and I don't want to stop reading. I love this series and am so glad to know future books are coming. Thanks again for so much reading pleasure.
I am NOT a fan-girl kind of woman. I mostly have favorite songs/books/movies instead of singers/writers/actors. But you are on my very short list of favorite "anyone's" if you know what I mean. Any book/novella you write is an instant buy for me. *cue end of fangirling*
I'm very glad to hear that psy-changeling isn't done yet and I hope it won't be for a long while. The characters in this series feel so very real that I find myself constantly re-reading this series over and over again and really looking forward to reading more. I especially like the normal-life snippets and short story's that you post in your newsletter. It further solidifies the 'reality' such as it is.
Yes, I know it isn't real. I'm not really a cook for all my fangirling :) But I really like a fantasy story that feels 'real' and your stories fit that bill.
Please keep them coming for some more years! I don't think I can tire from any psy-changeling (or guildhunter) story for some time to come:D
Like everyone else here, I eagerly anticipate every book you produce, no matter what the series. This world is so very rich in setting and characters and plots, as is the Angels.
But even more so, I want to say thank you for actually writing to us, your fans, in a real letter that has real information. And I read the little short stories as avidly as I read your novels.
Although I have about 30 writers I seriously follow, I can think of no one, but you, that can produce a book that I will automatically purchase just because it has your name.
Thanks for making your fans feel like we are your friends.
Thank you... everyone ^^^^^^^ has said the words from my heart.. thanks for your words and characters.
Hi Nalini,
I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your books. The Heart of Obsidian was the first book I have finished and immediately, reread. I loved it so much! I have already reread the entire series, once, and am currently rereading it, again. It never disappoints. I am just starting Mine to Possess on the road to Shields of Winter (again). Like so many of your fans, I am so glad the series will continue. I LOVE IT!
Please keep these coming.
P.S. I love your Guild Hunter series, too.
I met you when you came to Houston a year ago. you are a beautiful person inside and outside. Your stories reflect that. Yes I'm happy that you are writing more stories. I think the next story arc should be "Recovery". That will take some time to recover what the fall of Silence did to the world.
I vote for a story for Alice, Nikita and one for Anthony.
Thanks for the update. Please write about Teijan soon!
Yay can't wait for more stories, I love the psy-changling world!
I like the Psy-Changling world very much, but I LOVE the Guild Hunter world. I can see why so many more books are written for the Psy-Changelings; the story arc is encompassing their entire world and the populations are so large.
But I want more Hunters, Archangels and Vampires. Maybe because it's set in New York City, my beloved home town, maybe it's the depth of the passion of these people, but I read these books more than once and that's not something I'm driven to do with many others.
So many books, so little time.
you forgot one important thing - when does Mercy have the babies !!!!????
I will never get tired of the Psy-Changling books.
I am in love with psy/changeling series
My fav are hawk and sienna and I do think that their story are left so much more to tell , the growing to become Alfa mate of sienna, what about Ming, I want to see mercy and Riley children too
So I wait for Evie and tai, their story can go along with the plots I love to see^^
And I am very curious to know who will be mate with Aden , please write her to be one of the wolf. I adore them so much
I love the series and hope you never run out of ideas for stories. I buy them as soon as they are released and am always checking your site for more info on releases. thanks and keep on writing.
Just wanted to say, we sooooo look forward to a new instalment of the changeling series. I have indroduced a number of my colleagues to your books and we are all always on the lookout for a news snippet on the changelings or a new book release date.
I must say, I/we are surprised by the connections we feel towards your characters, it's not often that a series has that much of an effect on us that we are 'hanging out' for another story, so congratulations on such a successful series.
We hope that the changeling stories will continue to give us such reading pleasure and anticipation for many years to come, or at least until you get really really really sick of writing them!
Thanks so much for your imagination, dedication and writing ability.
Loni Walker
Just wanted to say, we sooooo look forward to a new instalment of the changeling series. I have indroduced a number of my colleagues to your books and we are all always on the lookout for a news snippet on the changelings or a new book release date.
I must say, I/we are surprised by the connections we feel towards your characters, it's not often that a series has that much of an effect on us that we are 'hanging out' for another story, so congratulations on such a successful series.
We hope that the changeling stories will continue to give us such reading pleasure and anticipation for many years to come, or at least until you get really really really sick of writing them!
Thanks so much for your imagination, dedication and writing ability.
Loni Walker
I'm really looking forward to all your books. Just one request, can we please see more of Hawk and Sienna.
Thank you!
Is Kaleb ever going to give Sahara the baby he promised her when she was 16?
You are absolutely AMAZING WOMEN. I enjoy all your books. My favorite characters are Hawke and Sienna of course. I would like to see them have children. However thank you for your creative mind and letting me explore your world. Your my hero.
Xoxxo Tiara LaShae'
I've just finished reading Shield of Winter - Loved It. Loved It. I savoured the reading and took my time so that I could spend a nice long time in the Psy/Changeling world. Thank you for explaining the story arc - and letting us know that you are a long way from being finished with this beautiful world you've created. I am a fan for life and can't wait for the next novel and or novella.
Finally got Shield of Winter and devoured it quickly. I am absolutely thrilled to hear that the end is very far away. I want to have my whole bookshelf (which is very big) bursting with your wonderful books.
Thank you for this wonderful series. I have read and re-read all these books and just completed Shield of Winter. Can't wait to read Aden's story. Thanks also for all the updates and the short stories they really make these characters even more real and lovable.
I love all of your books, all the series are fascinating and the characters so endearing. I always can't wait for next book, in any of the series. I would love to see more novellas, especially when they catch us up with of our old friends. Keep up the fantastic job and would love to meet you someday!
Nalini, thank you for doing this your way. For making this bend to your rules, no else's. When I read your books, I feel like I'm curled up in the sunshine. Good luck with your anthology.
Omg Shield of Winter made me so happy! I developed an early attachment to Aden so I was worried, but I love Vasic so much! He's now my second favorite next to Judd (I love him like all of San Fransisco does!) The bromances are just as perfect as the romances! I'm so torn in hoping Aden hooks up with Silver and wanting to read about her in a stand alone book.
Thank you for bringing so much joy! -Kath
hi a fan of both your psy changeling and guild hunter worlds.both are rich, to immerse myself in either worlds.thanks a looot for it and keep writing.hope some time latter you do give riaz and adria mating bong.when the times right.
anyways love lucas,sascha darling,hawke,sienna,kaleb,raphael,elena,vaughn,dorian,judd,brenna,walker,riley,mercy,drew,cooper,grace,tammy,nate,
(cntnd)and yeah would love to see kaleb mellowing with sahara and their children....looking forward to all your books...
Nalini...LOVE..LOVE..LOVE your writing (each and every series!), every single nuance from the worlds you have built for us. One word - Alexei????? He has to have a story to tell.
PS: Just started your Rock Kiss Series. As usual stupendous!!.
I love your books. I always wanted you to write about Lucy, Lara's assistant and Brenna's friend. She was always seen as the "friend" by the wolves. Maybe even novella.
Yaayy!! Please keep the stories coming!
All I can say is: I love Nalini's work! I have never read another writer's work that had such rich characters. Everyone has so many layers to their personality, it's a treat to read her books over and over again! I am so glad you don't plan on stopping anytime soon :D
Ms. Singh, can we have a novella about Clay and Talin and the kids? I miss them so much, especially Jon.
@Anon - I wrote a short story about them. Did I ever post it? I must go look in my files!
Will the "secret" anthology be 4 stories?
@Library Addict: Not sure yet. I'm aiming for full-length book size overall though. :)
I was already insanely excited to hear more about the psy-changling universe, I was dying to find out how the world would handle the fall of silence and all of the repercussions of it. And I am positively over the moon that you said Andre and Amberliegh's story is not over! I have been dying to hear more since Bonds of Justice! Thanks so much for all the great read, I cant wait to get my hands on more.
When are we going to find out what the sea alliance wanted help for?
Hi Nalini!
This is Kathy from the Philippines. I love your Psy/Changeling series. And since you've granted a request to post a short story about Clay and his family, may I request a short story of Brenna and Judd? They are my #1 fave couple. Next are the Alphas then Kaleb and Sahara. Thanks and more power!
@Gwen - Keep reading :)
@Kathy - I try to spread the short story love around and Judd/Brenna have already had one, plus a deleted scene, so they have to wait a little bit for another turn in the spotlight. :)
Nalini Singh! You are without a doubt my favourite author! And the psy-changeling series have priority seats on my bookshelf (honestly if there was a fire and I could only save a few books I would be loading my arms up with your series!).
Your ability to go into such detail with each of the couples while continuing a believable and progressive overall arc is positively an art form over which you hold dominion.
Though you've already said that you'll be writing many more couples stories, I'd just like to throw in my ten cents:
- Would love to hear about the other wolf lieutenants (especially Kenji and Garnet, possibly Alexei)
- Would love to see the next generation of kids (maybe even some of Hawke and Sienna's bubs) not only to see how the next generation is affected by the drastic changes of the first arc but also to see how all our favourite couples are as parents!
- Certainly wouldn't object to seeing the cats once more (even though you're throwing a bone to your grateful fans with Bastien's tale)
Once more I want to express how much I adore your tales and writing style. Your books will hold pride-of-place on my shelf and hopefully on the shelves of my children for many years to come!
hi Nalini,
I'm a huge fan of the Psy-C series! I'd love to see a follow-up novella for Riaz and Adria. The lack of a mate bond for the two of them makes my heart hurt so I'd like to know how they are doing! :)
Hi Nalini! So, so, excited for the "2nd season" of the Pys/Changeling series!
Re: #3 for your new anthology...Felix and Lucy?? Not sure if Lucy is a dominate, but I'd love a story about them! Happy (and fruitful!) writing!
hi Nalini! i'm sooo excited that you wont finish this series soon i want to know more about Mercy and her pupcubs , naya, the twins roman and jules and all the children.
I love all your books i'm dying to read your next book :D
You have to write about Amara, please!! Love u, Nalini, keep writing forever!
Who is it?
I can't tell you how cool it is that you continue to update this post, so long after you published it first. (Hint: I'm writing this on May 7th 2015)
And yay for a submissive male changeling paired with a more dominant female!
I'm holding out hope that eventually you'll find a way to write Samuel Rain's story, as well as that of Nikita's aide (the Psy male who visited the female human hurt in the car accident--I'm blanking so frustratingly on the names, and I'm no where near my copies of the books right now).
Thank you for great characters, a great, internally consistent world, and great stories.
May 28th . . . 4 more days 'til Aden's SoH
since #4 is still unknown, my hope is defo alive for ALICE's novella. . .
wow!!!loved the post....
heart of obsidian does seem to be a bang like ending to the arc...but i do agree with you nalinin that the aftermath will complete the arc....more fully?
anyways 1 or 2 main characters i did not like much at least one among them is my least fav...but the books story still captured meee(though nt the romance)...coz i just love your writing style..
and your belief that no main characters should die..i agree completely...
coz that just wont go with HEa ....
waiting for all your novels,novellas,novelletes,anthologies,short stories~both long and short,free xtras,newsletter stories....yup in short everything....
love all 3 of your series but esp the psy changeling and the guildhunters....
keep writing...and giving us a lovely time out from reality..where as you said there is hope...for hea...(yours truly)
:) :) :)
Nalini, absolutely adore all your books and constantly re read them. Love Raphael, Hawke, Kaleb and Lucas to name but a few. You are a fantastic writer who draws the audience in. Please, please, please carry on writing lots more. Thank you. Sue
I love, love, love your psy/changeling series! I have read every single one. Some more than once. The emotional journeys that all your characters go through are written so superbly. You always come up with such unique plots. My favorite book is always the last one you've written. They just get better and better. Aiden and Zaira's story was amazing. But you can easily see it happen to everyday people. Sadly so many people feel unlovable, but I believe as you do if you tell someone enough, if you are always there for them and if you have the capacity to forgive and love fiercely what miracles we would see. Please continue writing your marvelous stories. To me they are a metaphor for the world we live in. What makes them stand out is that they are full of hope and possibilities!
Came across this old post and now I'm really looking forward to this "Secret Anthology," especially #3!
Anyone else want to see Anthony and Nikita get together ? I would love a novella/book on them. I don't feel their silence is perfect as we see glimpses of caring for their children... and an older couple to boot!
Still loving this series and hope it doesn't end any time soon.
I love your Guild Hunter series and Psy/Changeling series. I actually took a day off from studying for the bar exam to read Shards of Hope when it came out. It was great!
I was talking to a friend about your Psy/Changeling series and we both seemed to notice something. There aren't really any changeling/changeling relationships were the female is more dominant than the male. The only one I could think of was Grace's parents mentioned in Wild Invitation. There are plenty of strong changeling, psy, and human males and females in the series; the exploration of their relationships was wonderful and came across very naturally. We only noticed this because between changelings the more dominant/submissive part is made clear.
Then I stumbled across the July 7th update about the anthology. I'm so excited!!!
I was wondering if you had maybe an idea of what year it might be published since it isn't listed on the coming soon list.
I'm sure you've read this like a million times but I LOVE your books. I think you are an amazing writer and I love the way your mind works. I just have a tiny question... any chance you're planning to write a book about Nikita? I know it's weird, but she is one of my favorite characters and I am DYING to see her fall since the first time I "met" her.
I'm so glad to read this. I hope you never grow tired of this series, as it's my absolute favorite. Can't wait until the next one. You transport us into a wonderful world, thank you for those books.
I just can't wait to see the story about Kenji and Jem. It looked like something so interesting in Adria and Riaz book. There was definitely something going on between the two. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
Eveytime I finish one of your books, I am stunned and awed! I think "What an extremely talented writer! How can she beat this? ". And then the next book release again stuns me.
Nalini, I love ALL the series and please necer stop writing abt the Psy-Changelings and Guild Hunter series. Oh, and the Rock series too. You are beyond awesome!
Just curious if you have something in mind for Jessie, the truck driver in Blaze of Memory. It doesn't have to be a novella, but maybe a very short short story on whether she was able to get the guy to see her as a woman?
How about Anthony Nightstar and Nikita Duncan? Will they get a novella?
I love your books!
Can't wait for the Novella: "#3 (Novella) - I've never before written the story of a submissive male changeling paired with a dominant female changeling, but this couple came out of nowhere and hit me hard. Complete."
Also, there are very few well-written shifter-type books that have dominant female/submissive male or dominant female/slightly less dominant male. If any other couples like this hit you hard, I (and I'm sure many others) would love to read about them!
Just finished Adan and Zaira's story, Shards of Hope. Loved it! the flow of characters in and out of storyline much more polished without the canned phrases which I've dreaded from story to story. Keep up the good work.
i am so happy that your not ending this series. I really love your novels and plots. please keep up the work. i would read the smiths books because i just love Cats. i am team Darkriver so i would really like more novels about them. cheerss!!keep up the good work!!!!!!!
Looking forward to the Wild Embrace anthology.
Your Psy-Changeling series is almost as necessary as breathing to me. I can't go out much, and your books have opened up a whole new world for me. I do hate waiting for new ones, but every time one comes out, I'm up all night long reading. And I couldn't be happier. Cannot wait for the next stories, and I certainly would LOVE to learn more about Stefan!!!
Please don't stop writing! I love your books! I can't wait to read next (book 16)! Greetings from Poland <3
I love ALL of your books--I've reread all of them and always enjoy it no matter how many times I've read the story before. I love living in your worlds for the time I'm in your books! I'm s, so hoping you do a story on Alexei! I thought it was a teaser in Tangle of Need (which I just reread lol), and I am so hoping it becomes a story!
Hi Nalini! I love love love your psychangeling world so much! I have read the series 3x already.
Can you please give us the Anthony Nikita story next?! <3 my mom and I are dying for that one!
and thank you!
Your stories are rich, intricate and joyful. I look forward to each and every book to see how you will develop the worlds you have created.
I'm looking forward to Nikita and Anthony's story please, please, please. (And whilst I'm being cheeky and demanding may I also ask for Illium and Aodhan's
Nalini, thank you so much for this amazing series! You are my absolute favorite author! I have read the overall series 12 times already and some of the individual books even more than that! I like that they can be read as stand alones or in order, so whenever I get withdrawals I simply pick whichever one I'm in the mood for and lose myself in it. Heart of Obsidian is my favorite, I absolutely adore Kaleb and Sahara!! Would love to get another story on them. Maybe pregnant Sahara and Kaleb being all over protective and adoring in that very Kaleb way of his? :D
I'm in New Zealand too, it makes me so happy that my favorite author is a local! Would love to meet you one day!
Please never stop writing Psy/Changeling, I need this in my life! :)
Have an amazing day! x
Please please write about Remi of rainfire park. I can't wait to meet his mate. I think she should be someone like Zaira, an arrow who is broken but strong and extremely possessive(like ready to kill anyone who touches him) of him. Wonder how that will go down in the park with changeling need for touch....
I'm looking forward to future stories - I love the Psy/Changeling world and its characters! I don't know if this is already in the works, but I'd love to see a story of one of the maternal females. There have been several mentions that they're the heart of the Pack and that their role is just a important as that of the sentinels/lieutenants, but other than Sienna's quilting sessions with them, I don't know what the maternals DO on a daily basis in the Pack.
Mil gracias por ésta maravillosa historia , cuanto e aprendido! Q complejo es el ser de la especie q sea. Feliz de haberte metidoben mi mente y mi corazón.Esperaré el próximo libro ,una reina Nalini!
Love this series!
I hope Alice gets a HEA
I really enjoy this serie, but I would like to see more about the relationship of Hawk and Sienna, at some point I will love to see them in the same situation as Lucas and Sasha, with a baby. I will really love to see how Hawk will react under this situation.
Thanks for your work, is one of the best series that I readed and still can keep me interested about the future to come.
2019 was my introduction to your world, your books! I'm hooked! Desperately waiting on the next from this series and Guild Hunter world. I enjoy them in Audible version because the characters really come to life from the Narrator's that were chosen and consistently used throughout the series, which helps familiarize the character. Angela Dawe is the favorite! Thank you for your brilliance. ������
I'm glad I've discovered this series after its all done...I dont think I could have handled the suspense����Great work...reading late into the night or morning depending on your take
I would just LOVE to read about Matthias and Nell :) even if it would be a short story! I cannot wait to see how he winns her over after an year of relentless courting! :) please :)
Can anyone please tell me which book in the Phsy Changling series is Sasha and Kaleb's story?
Sorry I meant Sahara and Kaleb story
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