Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ten Year Anniversary Celebration Giveaway #7


Hello! Due to the popularity of the giveaways, I am extending the celebrations for one more week to give you guys a few more chances to win a book : )

Giveaway #7 consists of the UK/Aust/NZ editions of books 6-10 in the Psy/Changeling series.

Click here to view contest rules.

To enter the giveaway for one of the above books*, just leave a comment on this post with the answer to today's question: If you were stranded on a desert island, what is one book you would hope to have with you and why?

- Ashwini

*If there is a particular book from the giveaway that you would like to have please add this at the end of your comment and I will try my best to accomodate your request : )


Anonymous said...

hmmmmm only one?? i think it would have to be kiss of snow. Aboslutely LOVED hawke and sienna!!
Kalli Glyn <3

kiwi_chick_2882 said...

A guide to raft building and survival on a desert island. I'd go crazy not being able to read all my other favourite books.

Anonymous said...

I would take a 'how to build your own boat or raft DIY manual'

That way I could read the instructions and build myself a killer raft and sail back to civilisation where I could get to my own bookshelf and my beloved Nalini books :P

Jan Graham said...

How to survive on a desert island for Dummies. I think the reason why is self explanatory, I'd want to survive...lol

Sorry it's not one of Nalini's books but oh, well, stuff happens.

Lucile S. said...

Oh...what a difficult question. Yeah, really hard to answer it...Well, if I could only take one book with me, it will be Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. Not a very long book but one on my favorite and I could read it again and again and again and...ok I stop here :p !
Thaks for share with us your amazing books and thanks to you and Ashwini for this contest.
Have a nice day :)

Anonymous said...

OMG lol Kiwi_Chick we had the same thought at the same time....I sooo didnt steal your thought lolol

Shravya Reddy said...

Because Drew is my favourite character,I would definately want to take play of passion with me to a deserted island!

PATRICIA said...

I would take my Guild Hunters series !!! couldnt make it without Raphael

Aukje said...

ohhh difficult question!! Definitely one of the Psy/Changeling, as good as the Guild Hunter books are, I'd want a Changeling with me to keep me warm :D
I think I'd have to go for Caressed by Ice, with Hostage to Pleasure as a close second.

If I'd have to choose between the last 5 books though, I'd go for Bounds of Justice.

Irene Jackson said...

Bliss would be my kindle and a way to charge it by solar power! Failing that, I would take a hardback copy of Alexandre Dumas's The Count Of Monte Christo. A good long adventure story to keep me going with the added advantage of weight to help me crack a coconut open.


Sara - Flaming Princess said...

I thought the same thing of Jan, how to survive on a desert island for dummies and go to the nearest book store :)
option 2: how to create an internet connection on a desert island for dummies and read books on the ebookreader relaxing by the sea :)

josieratana said...

That's a hard choice...it would have to be archangel's storm as it is the only one I haven't read yet.

Kati said...

kiss of snow, of course. the best book i've ever read. i really like this big bad wolf and sienna. :)

Unknown said...

Tough one. Kiss of Snow is competing with Angels' Blood, and I do like Caressed by Ice....

Angels' blood.

Lisa Illum, Denmark

(Kiss of Snow ofc, but any of the wolves are nice too ;-) )

Nat said...

That is the hardest question ever! But I think I'll go with Archangel's Blood. It's my favourite book ever and I could read it over and over again!

Lisa M said...

No! That's like asking me to choose just one of my children! I couldn't even narrow it down to one series... Although something large enough to provide some shade that also details what is edible on deserted islands may be of some benefit

Iulia Lesley said...

I would take Branded by Fire with me, because Riley & Mercy's story moved me so much. It would be a pleasant read on a desert island :D

Desi Adams said...

I am with the how to survive a desert island bid for obvious reasons but if I had to pick a recreation read I would chose The Island by Jill Jones because it is always a great summer read and it is about well..an island...

sarah said...

Yeah, a survival manual. Reading is awesome but staying alive to tell your own story is even better.

Gabbie said...

I can't decide on book 1 or 2 of Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series. The first book because its when it all began with Cat and Bones, when I was first introduced to them. And book 2 because the reunion is just so funny and sweet!

I'd like any book from 6 - 9 :)

Thank you!!!

Binichen90 said...

Puh, that's a hard question. I love books and have thousands of them ;D Only one.... I guess I would take "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks because this book is sooo romantic and tells a great story. Besides I watched the movie so my imagination has to work and think about another ending. Because the ending sucked. It has to be a book which can stand by its own. Then I don't want to know how the story continues.

When I will win a book it doesn't matter which one I will get =) To have a book of Nalini is always great.

Greets from Germany,

Anonymous said...

Branded by Fire. Nalini is always great.
LG Manuela

putuponmother said...

It would have to be Archangels Consort.

phoenixbreez said...

It would have to be Angels Kiss as this was the first time we met Elena and Raphel, to relive this meeting would be the only thing I would need to help me survive the solitude of the island

christine said...

Naturally Kiss of Snow. Why? I would get lost in the story, so I wouldn't want to go home.

Manulifee said...

caressed by ice or

Unknown said...

This is a really, really hard question...
Can i name different options?
1. Would be the book "Romulus my fahter" by Raimond Gaita wich i absolutely love. This book is an amazing tale of immigrants in Australia, their struggle to find a place/home to belong somewhere in OZ and written in an amazing way.
2. I guess this one would be "Our sunshine" by Robert Drewe. Telling about Ned Kelly's life and death and the journey of him in the Bushlands of OZ :)

I have so many more books i really love, its been hard for me to decide at those two, couldn't have it narrowed down to only one, sorry :)

Regarding the giveaway books, i would be happy with every Psy-Changeling book :)

Hope you have a great day!!!

Saxon said...

I have so many favorite authors it would be hard to just choose one book. It would have to be Branded by fire it is one of my favorite re reads.

Stephanie.P said...

I was going to say 'Surviving on a desert island for dummies' but someone's already said that...

Um, 1001 fishes and how to catch them?

If you're talking fiction books I have no idea, something extremely long.. Lets stick with the 1001 thing and say 'Scherezades 1001 nights'. Lots of little stories in one big book :-)

If I win I'll take anything on offer. I currently only have those books in e-format.

Saxon said...

I have so many favorite authors it would be hard to just choose one book. It would have to be Branded by fire it is one of my favorite re reads.

Shan said...

Only one??? Um, for Nalini Kiss of Snow -still my fave of all of them. If we are talking any book in the whole world...I can't do it. Nope, too hard :P

Ren said...

Only one? :D
Well, I will bring Angel's Blood if I stranded in desert island. Since that's book is my favorite :)

I would love to get Blaze of Memory

Condy said...

If I could only have one book I choose my E-Book!!!

*sighs* I suppose you mean a paperback in which case I would have to say I need a survivalist manual... so I could survive on that darn deserted island...

Liz said...

Faking It by Jennifer Crusie would be my choice. (Besides the ubiquitous How to survive..., but shouldn't every desert island come stocked with one of those?)

Unknown said...

I would take 'kiss of snow' with me, becaue its my favorite book and its signed from Nalini

lonelysoul1121 said...

I would chose branded by fire. But then there's play of passion, and bond of justice and kiss of snow >.< why do you do this to me?! lol. Branded by fire is the one I would choice! It was the first book of Nalini Singh I ever read, and it made me love her writing instantly! I've been a fan ever since :D

Pink said...

since you asked for "one book", I choose e-book :D hehehe

Would totally like a coloured e-book with me LOADED with different books...

tada! only-one-book-problem solved :D

Mel said...

Like Irene would love the kindle but in paperback, I would choose at the last minute between Elyne Mitchell's 'Silver Brumby' as it is an absolutely amazing novel about family, friendship and brumbies in Victoria's Snowy Mtns, or Deborah Harkness' 'Discovery of Witches'- a beautiful deep novel of love transcending boundaries mixed with history and the paranormal.

Kristie chase said...

Ohhh so hard !!!! I think I would like a practical book about how to survive in the wilderness maybe something by bear grylls so I at least have some eye candy too !!!!

Andrea said...

only one... hmmm, you have questions. I think, the answer about black holes in space are easier. If it happens, I hope I have a big big bag with books... okay, J.R Wards last "Blackdagger" or "kiss of snow" or my own to correct the mistakes - how I could use the time better :P

greet Andrea

Diane said...

Any book other than my favorites that would be very thick, need paper for fire!

Tiphanie said...

Archangel's Consort because it is my favourite book and would take my mind off being stranded on a desert island!

I would love to win Blaze of Memory. Thanks!

Zuzana Vaclavova said...

Now that would depend if I would be stranded alone or not... lol a strong sexy hulk wouldn't be bad to get stranded with me... but I think something light to read like slave to sensation to break the misery.

Fadumo Tarmum said...

I would like to have Kiss of Snow!!

mariska said...

The 7th book of Harry potter..well i need a little magic to make me relax and calm right ? :)

Unknown said...

That would be Angel´s Blood because no matter how many times I read it I still love it.

Michelle said...

The practical answer would be a survivors guide for dummies.

Now if you could release an omnibus edition of all the Psy-Changeling books I would take that! I love Hawke (he shares the topspot of my top 10 literary males) seeing his character develop throughout the books is one of the best bits.

Anonymous said...

with only a book???? I would die with only a book!!
I wuold take for sure kiss of snow, it is on of my favorite!! but I would like to have with me all your book!!!
tutti troppo belli!!

Sammy said...

Yeah, most likey go the practical option like a survival guide or 1001 uses for coconuts.

Fiction option would have to be Lord of the Flies (all that sand wouldn't be good for my precious Nalini book's so they stay at home!!)

Sita said...

Agreeing with the 'Deserted island survival' books! Because I'm not very outdoors orientated and need all the help I can get

But since I'm not very practical it'll probably be 'Lord of the Rings', it's a big book so it'll keep the borden away, it has everything in it - action, adventure, fantasy, love stories, etc etc, and it's an all time favourite of mine.

Kelsea said...

hmm...1 book...
there are just too many.. but if I had to choose it would be (at this moment) Fuyumi Ono "Twerlve Kingdoms: A Thousand Leagues of Wind" ;)

Laine C. said...

I'd have a Bible with me. I'm a Catholic, but I'm not really religious. I'll make use of the time in that desert island to get to know Him better and survive with Him. As a book goes, with God, all things are possible. :)

I'd love Kiss of Snow, please! Play of Passion or Bonds of Justice would also do. Here in our country, both US and UK versions are available, but its the UK versions that I'm collecting. I prefer their covers. :)

powerse said...

ugh just one???....hmmm i guess it would have to be pride and prejudice...it's one of my favorites and the first book that popped into my head after reading the quesiton :)


Judy said...

Ted Russell's plays.

Kelly said...

Practically speaking, a book on foraging food/wild foods.

Pleasure reading to pass the time til my rescue would be Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon.

Jaqueline Brammer said...

I'd be Guilt Hunte Novel No. 1 Angels Kiss.
I just love Raphael & Elena!!
This book was so different than her Psy/Changeling Novels and it was the best one i've ever read.

anja25ive said...

Definitely a book that tells me how to survive on a desert island, as I'm totally clueless. *gg*

Maxine said...

It would probably have to be Lord of the RIngs (the omnibus edition), so at least I'd have three books instead of one!

sheryl said...

It would be really hard to decide on one, but there are some that I reread all the time. One is Black Dagger Brotherhood and the other is the Guilod Hunter series. I could take either of those and be happy.

Megan Pritt said...

Kiss of Snow because I could read that over and over again and would never get tired of that book.

Unknown said...

This is a hard question! If I could only take one book, I would cheat and take my Nook which holds 1500 books . If I could only choose one book, I would choose Lucas and Sasha! I love them !

Karen M Jensen said...

Probably Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

Kathleen said...

Probably Lord of the Flies if I have company...and Mine to Possess if I was all alone :) (MtP please)

HR ReadsNstuff said...

I'm going to be cheeky and say the complete works of Jane Austen bound in the one book... Because you really can't beat Jane Austen.

If i'm lucky enough to win either Brand of Fire or Play of Passion please

Flyhigh said...

Branded by fire ;)

Anne Bock said...

i would take the legends of the albae by markus heitz...

Elenariel said...

I have a few favorites I would want with me for company, but with only one choice I think it would be my three-in-one copy of the Black Jewels Trilogy, by Anne Bishop: many worlds, many characters, many adventures to live and dream.

My choice in case of win would be Blaze of memory - since I miss the paper copy in my collection.

Thank you!

Julia Hunter said...

I won't survive without my books! But the chances to live longer are better with "Slave to Sensation". It's one of my absolutely favorite books and the most read of mine. So I can read it anywhere and at any time :)

elena said...

Archangel's BLADE, for me it is the best book for lonely nights :) with Dimitri to keep me company

Toot's Book Reviews said...

I would have to say Caressed by Ice. I love me some Judd and could read about him all day long.

Julia Hunter said...

I won't survive without my books. But the chances are better with "Slave to Sensation". Cause it's one of my absolutely favorite books and the one I read the most. I love it ^^

Paula said...

Only one book ummmmm? what to choose I think it would have to be When the Lion Feeds by Wilbur Smith the first adult book I read I nicked it from me Dad without him knowing and fell in love with Sean Courtney. From that point on I never looked back. Thanks Dad for giving me my passion for reading. Please please please can I also take my Psy/ Changling series as well. every time I re-read them they just get better.

Julia Hunter said...

Sorry, that there are two posts. I had a little technical problem.

Katafer said...

Completely impractical (in the hopes that I would be rescued in 3-4 hours) Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Although it completely NOT my usual genre, I LOVE it, and as soon as I finished it the first time, had to re-read it a second time. :-)

TJ Wells said...

Sorry Nalini,I would have to take my bible with me. But hopefully God would then provide me with a way to get of the island so I could go back to civilisation and continue reading till my little heart is content :)

If I was so lucky to win I would really like Branded By Fire :)

Thanks Nalini!

Kalynn said...

One book? There is no way I could choose. Really, I'd probably need a survival book to avoid getting eaten by wild animals or dying from poison berries, but if I had to take something from my collection, I'd grab the LOTR omnibus or the Black Jewels omnibus because they are both yearly rereads and well, 3 books in one.

Nikki said...

It would be a toss up between Archangel's Blade and Kiss of Snow, but I'd have to go with Kiss of Smow because it's longer and so would occupy me until I was rescued......there's no way I'd be on a desert island unless it was part of a holiday, so when I didn't show up where/when I was supposed to, people would come looking!

Mary R said...

I would hope to have Archangel's Blade with me. I have read the book 3 times in the last month and it never gets old.

Danielle R said...

I would have to take L.A Banks The Thirteenth that book always gives me some hope on bad days. Plus she is a kick ass writer! R.I.P my sista

Unknown said...

I want Slave to Sensation with me on an island! I read it over and over and I still cry over it!

alainala said...

thats tough.. i would have something like Survival for Dummies... lol.. or How to escape from a Desert Island.. i would need more books!

Unknown said...

a book describes how to build and sail a yacht, then I would escape the land in future. Or an Encyclopedia, that will keep me inform all the necessary survival information! I'm not gonna spend my whole like just waiting, no way!

Patricia said...

I'm not really certain. I'd probably just kill myself instead of actually making a decision, because I'm a moody reader, so it really depends on what I feel like.. I suppose stranded on an island, I'd feel so lost in despair, I'd need either The Little Prince, because childhood and youth, or a 3000pages book to distract myself. If it was more of a 4 weeks-vacation-like situation, though I'd either pick one of your books or one of Meljean Brook's. :D

Seiyuuki said...

Thats a hard question.
If I don't know (and I do not) how to survive I would take this book:
SAS Survival Handbook, Revised Edition: For Any Climate, in Any Situation
If I could take any book I want (and already now everything about surviving) I would take Kiss of Snow.
But in English, because it's much better than in German (a little bit of the feeling gets lost in the translation).
I could read it over and over again (I actually did).

So if I win, could I have please Kiss of Snow?
(a signed one please, if it's possible... *putting a big bowl of fresh and self-made chocolate chip cookies on Nalinis desk* )

Anonymous said...

I would love to take Pride and Prejudice with me. I just love this romance and I would spent my free time on the island (besides trying making a fire, burning myself etc.) with dreaming about my own personal Darcy and the everlasting love.

If I could choose a book. I would be Kiss of Snow but I think the other are as good as already named.

Selina Brinkmann :D

PS: if you sign them I would die :D

SabineD said...

Hmm hard to choose really, so many great writers and books.... Hostage of Pleasure, can read that one over and over again

Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed watching the giveaways (even if they were mostly in foreign languages to me...I KNOW how incredibly difficult it can be to get quality books in other countries). Thanks for sharing & keep writing!
I would love Kiss of Snow, as I haven't read it yet.
As for the one book on a desert island...I'm leaning towards something inspirational, but even that might get annoying. So assuming I was alone, I might choose some sexual inspiration to jog the memories, ha ha. I'll change my mind in 5 minutes, but for now I'm going with Master on the Mountain by Cherise Sinclair (off the top of my head).
Jule Lane

Rachel Dean said...

This one's tough. I think I'd leave Survival on a Desert Island for Dummies on the shelf and would take Caressed by Ice. There's just something about Judd... :)

azteclady said...

Oh pretty pretty please!!! Kiss of Snow, hands down *crossing fingers, toes, legs, eyes...*

Anonymous said...

That´s a tough question Ashwini...

Kiss of Snow, because I can read it over and over and over. Sienna Lauren is one of my favourite characters.

Unknown said...

Kiss of Snow - I was always waiting for their story to be told.

scrown said...

Caressed by Ice Judd and Brenna are my favorite <3

Angi said...

How to survive on a decert island will be helpfull I guess.

Kasumi said...

I think the question is easy: "Surviving in a desert island for dummies. Waterproof version". And the reason it's logical: I really don't know how I'd could survive in a desert island without it ;D

I want Kiss of Snow if I'm lucky :D

Thanks for the international chance!

Unknown said...

Well, I was going to say I would take Angel's Blood because I would want some Raphael *-*, but after reading the comments I think I would take Kiss of Snow, it's a lot of people favorite and I haven't reached that far into the series so still didn't read it and it would be fun to read something knew,I have faith that I will be rescued fast or die soon but I think I would have time to read a book =]

Unknown said...

I think that would be probably Lucas book. I love all the psy/changeling books but the first one is a favourite and the world is one of my happy places.

I'd like Drew's or Hawke's book.

mell61 said...

Just one book.... can't I just take the one library???
At a push I'll probably go for one of those survival books, and use the time to try my hand a writing (i cna bring a pen and paper can't i?)

amy :D said...

Only one!....This is quite possibly the hardest question ever! I would have to say Kiss of Snow, Caressed by Ice or Archangel's Consort. I loved them so much that i can't actually pick just one :D

Anonymous said...

hmm, this should be hard...but in a desert island there is all about survival, so I'd choose one of Bear Grylls' books (maybe Mission Survival?;)


Fedora said...

The Complete Guide to Getting Rescued, STAT! ;) The Bible? I'm not sure I could otherwise choose one single book to last me the rest of my life!

Kuljit Gill said...

Hmmm, just one book! That is the worst possible decision to make considing I have over 200 books on my shelf...not including my kindle. If I had to pick I would definitely take Angel's Blood. The Guild Hunters Series is my favorite wihtout a doubt and I have had a massive crush on Raphael since the first book. At least he'd keep me compant on the Island. Lol.

The Curious Otter said...

I'd love to have Play of Passion, but on a more practical side, I'd like to have some type of survival book... "How to survive being stranded on a desert island". :D

Hana m said...

Harry Potter because it's awesome!!!! And Kiss of Snow please :D

Unknown said...

I would hope that I have Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone if I was stranded on a desert island. It has an awesome story, can be used to kill small things, and can be used us protection against the sun. Other than that, I'd probably bring a survival book of some kind.

Anne Kühne said...

I would take a 'how to build your own boat or raft DIY manual'

That way I could read the instructions and build myself a killer raft and sail back to civilisation where I could get to my own bookshelf and my beloved Nalini books. ^^

Alina P said...

Hmm... Can't choose only one :D
I'd love to have "Angel's Blood" and "The Fever" series. they are amazing books and I always love t re-read them :)

Samantha W said...

SAS Survival Handbook, Revised Edition: For Any Climate, in Any Situation by John Wiseman. His name indicates he knows thereof he speaks. :)

FD said...

I hope this doesn't post twice. I ought to go for something practical, but for reading purposes I'd have to pick my omnibus edition of Dorothy Dunnett's Lymond chronicles. Of the above I'd pick Play of Passion, but for desert island utility I have to go for something self-contained which the changeling tales no longer are. Not that I'm complaining mind.

Anonymous said...

It would have to be Kiss of Snow..Love those two!!
Kristi Whynott

Barbara T said...

Well there are so many to choose from, but I think I would also take Branded by Fire, the way that Mercy and Riley work through their differences was great. I sure wish I could take my Kindle with all of my books on it.

donnas said...

I have to go with the above How to Survive on a Desert Island for Dummies. I am so not an outdoors type and would have no clue what to do. If it had to be an entertainment type book tough I think the Complete Works of Shakespeare. They would take a long time to finish.

CindyJade said...

I have a love hate relationship with these types of questions haha. It's so hard to choose!! Especially just one. I carry more than one book with me everywhere I go, in case I finish the first! :)
I would have to say Slave to Sensation... the Psy/Changeling series is at the top of my favorites (original, well written and freakin awesome!) and that book is the one that started it all! (Plus I just love Hunter... and Hawke)

Mel Tarapa said...

I thought about a book to help me get off the island or something of a sort and then thought what is the point it would be my luck I would drown trying better to wait for a rescue and have ANGELS BLOOD to read so at least you could fantasize about Raphael and not feel alone lol

Unknown said...

Hello to all,
I would love to have a book full of pictures of my family and friends with me. Also with some sentences and memories of funny and lovely situations I had with them. The reason is, that even if I am on a beautiful island, I would miss my family a lot. Therefore pictures with memories would be very nice for me.
Good luck to all

wilwaren said...

If I would want to be practical I guess I should choose one of bear grylls' books... :) but I think I would stick with pride and prejudice. that's my all time favourite!

Rebecca B. said...

I'd take Caressed by ice! I absolutely love that book! My favorite book! I wouldn't get bored at all!

And if I win, I'd like Kiss of Snow if possible. :)

pueba said...

I would choose "Gabriel's Inferno" by Sylvain Reynard. That book really took my breath away.

Jill B said...

First, I would hope to be stranded sometime in the future after illium's book comes out, because I know that's the book I would want to have with me! Barring that, I would have to choose either Slave to Sensation or Angel's Blood because they mark the start of my two favorite series. Although, Boat Building For Dummies would probably be wiser.

I would love to win a copy of Kiss of Snow. Thanks for the giveaways!

Dana said...

Another giveaway! You spoil us :-) this is a tough one.. maybe "the neverending story".
I'd love to read blaze of memory..

ayliss72 said...

I thought Archangel's blade. I love Dmitri's story, I feel a lot of emotions With this book and I think I'll miss nothing in a desert island in I could read it.

Wrayth Lethe said...

stranded? Aahhh probably the SAS survival Guide manual my mom has XD

If surviving wasn't in doubt, then a book of jokes, or myth/legend stories :)

Anonymous said...

A survival guide definitely!

Unknown said...

Pride and Prejudice because it's my favorite book

Angie Hiatt said...

A survival book! I'd be bored without my Guild Huter series, but not dead.

Michele Hayes said...

Evening, I would have Branded by Fire written by yourself. As I love the way the book has so many twists and turns and the fact that you can get lost in the book. That way you don;t notice the time that has passed ;p However if it was allowed I would take my kindle then I could have all the psy series :)

Regards Michele Hayes

wrathsqueen said...

Easy one :P Kiss of Snow...favourite book of the series by far

Maris said...

That's a hard question. Outlander by Diana Galbadon because it's a long, long book.

Unknown said...

If I had to choose just one book it would have to be Branded by Fire, the tension and desire to claim each other *Mercy and Riley* Was absolutely thrilling, it was so passionate that I had to reread it about 5-6 times. It is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Well it would have to be a guide on how to survive and escape a desert island. If only allowed a book of fiction it would be The Complete Works of Nalini Singh ;) And when I say complete I mean all the books she will EVER write :D

If I win would love to win Slave to Sensation. Kiss of Snow is my fave, but I have it on e-book and also have the US and UK paperback versions!!! :D

Elaine Nelson

Anonymous said...

Sorry, was so excited by another competition I didn't notice it was the last lot of books...so would love either Drew or Riley's book

Elaine Nelson

syla said...

I would like kiss of snow, i can never get enough of that story

Ayda Sinclair said...

I was suffering from depression and my doctor recommended the author and her books.

all of nalini's books have helped lift my spirits


ESta said...

I believe that would have to be....

Branded By Fire.

I could read it a million times and NEVER get board.

one of you best books and in my opinion one of your greatest achievements..

thank you for the chance to experience the world of changelings and psy...

absolutely brilliant!!!!!

Joyce M. said...

I would take Kiss of Snow.

I would love a copy of Kiss of Snow.219

Holly said...

"This is All I Ask" by Lynn Kurland. Love that book!

My preference is for Kiss of Snow.

Unknown said...


Its hard decision... Love Vision of heat and Kiss of snow but most likely I would bring Vision of heat by Nalini singh because I am in love with Faith and Vaughn!


bn100 said...

The Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas because of Sebastian


Ann said...

I would chose Kiss of Snow. I love Hawke and Sienna although I love all the books.

Lacey T said...

I'd probably take some survival guide with me lol! Or if I couldn't, I'd take with me the last Harry Potter book :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't read all the way through all the comments, but like some of you, I thought of Pride and Prejudice first. Then I thought of Archangel's Consort, but I finally decided on an anthology of Shakespeare's plays. That way you could have drama, comedy, romance and silliness whenever the mood strikes you.

I would love to have Bonds of Justice if possible.

Thank you for extending the giveaways!

Heidi V.

June M. said...

Definitely "Surviving on a Deserted Island for Idiots". I have no survival skills at all, and would not know the first thing about building a raft, what plants are edible, etc. so unless I am stranded with a sexy guy or two who are survivalists, I need this book. Oh, the book needs to have a chapter on how to build a phone or communication radio using a coconut, lol.

Julie said...

God, that's a tough one!! If I could only bring one book, I guess I'd bring Archangel's Kiss with me. I just can't help it, I keep re-reading it, I could never leave it behind!


Jacqueline C. said...

Definitely The Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas. It's still great after several re-reads. Plus, it's funny, poignant, and sexy all at once.

I'd love a copy of either Branded by Fire or Bonds of Justice!

Anonymous said...

I'd prefer to have my kindle with the ebook backup of all my fave books :)

Otherwise, I'd pick Mine to Posses (I *love* clay and Tally's story!), Kiss of Snow, or Julie Garwood's The Secret

~Brittany G

Julie said...

A survival guide! Or even just a camping how-to..I'd need it, city girl that I am.

I'd love to have any of them, but I'm totally eyeing Kiss of Snow...

Andrea Ferrer said...

I would take The Thousand and One Nights. Each story is amazingly entertaining and being that long, it should last me a little. Besides, I don't get tired of re-reading them!

(Branded by Fire!)

LaniM said...

The Madness of Lord Ian McKenzie - Jennifer Ashley...followed closely by Play of Passon :)

Filzah said...

definitely a guide to surviving in the wild :)

Simone H said...

I don't know if I could take only one, I own 1000's of books. My favourite Nalini book is Caressed by Ice or maybe I would take Lover Awakened by J. R. Ward.

kaysi said...

I would say I would want to take the book I call 'Archangel's Gleam' - which is the story of Illium that I hope Nalini writes soon :)
Other than that, any Nalini book, or for a book by another author, Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

Chapa said...

hmm one book .. it'll have to be Judgement in death by J D Robb. ...

Rebecca R said...

I would hope to have Kiss of snow with me because I loved Hawke and Sienna's story and I can re-read it many many times!

Cherry said...

Kiss Of snow because I couldn't get tired of re-reading "little red and the big bad wolf" :)

Thank you for the chance to win!!

Clovera said...

Well, as I could have only one book... I want a long one that can take me "away" (with my imagination,I know, but it's better than nothing).
I would take Outlander by Diana Gabaldon... I love the story, I love Scotland and I love Jamie... maybe it will help me escape!
(sorry for my English, I'm a bit tired)
Thank you!
Alessandra from Italy

Liz C said...

I'm not really sure I could choose at a real push I'd probably say mine to possess or branded by fire but I'd have to find someway of getting back to my other books, wouldn't be able to not have them for long ^^

rshute said...

I'd cheat, like others, and take my kindle. Added bonus of 3G so always have access to new books and send a distress signal too!

If I'm chosen could I please get Blaze of Memory, it's the only one in paperback I'm missing. Cheers

Munderoon said...

I would probably take a survival book with me aswell :D Since I'm not Captain Jack Sparrow, I would definitely need one of those books :) If I could choose another book - one book a day keeps boredome away ^^ - it would be either Judd's book (because I feel his story was the most emotional and intense one in the series so far) or Lucas' book, because that would inspire me how to survive :D
Thanks for the giveaways, btw! :)

Tinuke said...

If I was stranded with just one book that would be a nightmare but it would probably be Persuasion by Jane Austen.

Texas Book Lover said...

This is probably cheating but I consider by Kindle a book so I would want it with me (with a generator that never runs out of gas). This way I could have all of my favorite books with me to read over and over again.

Dino Rubio said...

I don't know, does an ipad count, I can download all of the books I want, ha ha ha but I think any one of Nalini's book would do, I'm not picky. If I win, I would like Kiss of Snow please. Thank Nalini and Ashwini. :)

Unknown said...

I'd cheat like others and take my kindle. However if I just had one to pick it would probably be Kiss of Snow.

FiFiMonroe said...

I would say that Angel's Dance would be a great read to be stranded on an island with and J.R. Ward's Lover Eternal would take a close second place.

I chose Jessamy and Galens story as my favorite because it resonates with me the most. Here is this strong independent woman who has been crippled from flight for life but it has never stopped her from being who she is. She's attracted to this male, but his abrasiveness is rough on her at times. Galen is fantastic. He is everything neanderthal, but at his center he is softer for her. What I love is that he never loses that roughness about him. I love that we got their story from 400 years ago and we can still see a little bit of their interaction later on.

Jules said...

Either Archange´s Consort or Caressed by Ice....my all time favourites =D

whitewolfreads said...

OMG I have to pick only one? This is hard but I guess if I have to pick I would have to go with Kelley Armstrong's Bitten.

Anonymous said...

Really difficult question. I love Slave to Sensation but I think I might take Lord of the Fading Lands by CL Wilson.

Helen Tang said...

I would hope to have Branded by Fire, because that Mercy is one of my favorite characters in the series. Here is my rank of the books:
1)Branded by Fire
2)Kiss of Snow
3)Play of Passion
4)Blaze of Memory
5)Bonds of Justice

Cara56910 said...

It would have to be Sunshine by Robin McKinley, that's been my favourite book for years. :)

I would love a copy of Bonds of Justice.

Anonymous said...

For survival reasons, it would have to be "The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook" by Piven & Borgenicht (or something similar specifically for desert islands if there is one) so that I could get back to all of my books.

And I'd like to add a copy of Play of Passion or Kiss of Snow please.


LouisianaSusan said...

Hi - it would be Dune by Frank Herbert. And I would love to get Branded by Fire or Caressed by Ice! Thank you!


Unknown said...

ooooo... this is difficult, it would have to be Cloud Atlas because you keep discovering new ties between characters and themes throughout the novel. I figure this could keep me busy if I never find my way home! :)


qki said...

If i would have to choose a book, it would be the name of the wind by patrick rothfuss, that book has so many details and side stories and characters that it would keep me entertained for quite a while, and after i could make up stories for each of the characters and new clues.

i WOULD LOVE as in LOVE to have kiss of snow, i just cant get enough of hawke and sienna no matter how much i try!

Qki Andrade

Unknown said...

Slave to sensation - The book that introduced me to the Psy-changeling series and I have been hooked on since.

Osmary said...

If I only get one book it better be something really really long like "One Thousand and One Nights" :)

kui said...

The Warlord Wants Forever by Kresley Cole.

Tegan Crawford said...

Play of passion

I laughed so hard and died of amazement four times whilst reading that, and would love to own it also


Unknown said...

The guardian by Sherrilyn Kenyon

R rated reviewer said...

Wow a really long one I would think, or Lover reborn so I can daydream about Z hehe.
Kiss of snow my favorite!, or play of passion also love drew

Anonymous said...

I would pick Lover Avenged by JR Ward because it may be my fave BDB book :)

I would love to win Play of Passion the most.

Sej said...

A survival guide to what to do when you are stranded on a desert island! lol that may come in handy, b/c I know I would not be able to concentrate on any other book.

(if I win, can I get Kiss of Snow?)

Eli Yanti said...

i will pick first grave to the right by darynda jones