Friday, October 24, 2008

Q & A

As promised, I am now open for questions. The Psy/Changeling series, the Guild Hunter series, writing related questions, it's all good.

To kick things off, I have a question AND answer for you.

Which Psy/Changeling book is now available for pre-order?

I'll leave this thread open all weekend, and answer directly in the comments, so all the info will stay in one place.


Anonymous said...

I think this question might have already been asked before.( Sorry to make you repeat yourself if it has.) Concerning the Guild Hunter Series, will there be a HEA with the first book or is the series ongoing with the same couple.

I've got to say I cant for both the first Guild Hunters book and Branded By Fire. Both excerpts were wonderful. :)

Anonymous said...

arrhh , I was trying to say can't wait. I hate not being able to edit. :(

Lady of the Review said...

Oh boy! I love question and answers. :)

Couple of questions for HTP you introduce Ashaya's twin and the twisted relationship they have. Is she going to have her own story or have you decided to just have her connected as she is?

Also, I read your story in TMCC and really enjoyed it. I just found it interesting that Zach hadn't really been introduced in any of the full-length stories. What made you decide on him?

Um...let's see...what else? Oh, in the excerpt for Angel's Blood that was in the back of HtP, there were some things that made me go, HUH? Can you give us a bit more information as to the basic thought process/storyline?

And also, Branded by Fire? Can we please have a smidgen of a hint of a what goes on? Please???? :)

There, my few questions. :) I'm sure I'll think of more as time progresses.

Lady of the Review said...

Oh, and this is Kaitlin/Bridget Locke. Love having two blogs. Gets so confusing sometimes, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini *waving*

My question is Now that we are getting a new series from you (hurrah!) will we still be having 2 Psy/Changling books a year to devour or are we going to be rationed to just one? (((Shudders))) at the thought!

and, AND is there a specific question you get asked repeatedly that makes you want to run, screaming into the night?!! *grin*

Nalini Singh said...

Sweet - okay, here's the scoop. ANGELS' BLOOD was originally written as a stand-alone, so yes, there is a complete story in the first book, with a HEA.

But, once I had finished writing it, I realized that while it was the end of the story in one sense, it was also the beginning of something incredible that needed to be explored. Everyone who has read the first book agrees - it's just a story that demands to keep going.

So Book 2 is about the same characters. I've started writing that book, and I feel the same sense of excitement that I did with ANGELS' BLOOD.

Nalini Singh said...

Kaitlin - while I think Amara has a definite part to play in the world, I'm not sure she'll ever heal enough to be the heroine of her own story. However, I can see her developing and changing through the books - and who knows, she might surprise us all. She certainly has before.

As for Zach - it's funny, but sometimes, characters tap you on the shoulder out of nowhere. The moment, the INSTANT, I wrote that line in Mine to Possess about Clay and Tally going to Zach's mating ceremony, he was this gorgeous, playful, utterly vivid presence in my mind. So I guess it was Zach who decided it was time he had his story thank you very much!

I actually have the backcover blurb for ANGELS' BLOOD, which will explain a little more I think. That should be going up in the next set of website updates.

Do you have any specific questions about the excerpt? That might be easier for me to answer than a general overview.

BRANDED BY FIRE - what goes is a war of wills like no other. *g*

Nalini Singh said...

Willa - I'm still writing 2 Psy/Changeling books a year, but we had to juggle the release schedule next year for other reasons, so BRANDED BY FIRE will come out July, then Dev's book will likely come out January 2010. It sounds a long way away, but the time between Mercy's and Dev's book is back to the usual 6 months.

Questions that make me want to run screaming? Well...but if I told you, you might use it for nefarious purposes!! ;)

Heather said...

Hi, Nalini!
Which of you Psy/Changeling books was harder for you to write? Are we going to have a story from Hawke? (PLEASE!!!!!)And if we do what type of heroine will she be?

Julie said...

Hello. It always take a long time on before I can preorder your books. I preordered Angel's Blood even though I am not a big vampire fan.
I read all of your books that I could get my hands on, most of Christine Feehan's books, not the vampire serie, and now I am in a fix.
I am French Canadian and there's no English library worth it's salt in Quebec city.
Can you suggest authors of paranormal/romance books? or anything that you like really.

Thank you,

Julie La Salle

Casee said...

I think I've exhausted my questions about Hawke, Hawke's story, and Hawke & his heroine. LOL

This is really sad, especially b/c I just re-read the whole series, but I can't remember who Dev is. Is he a wolf?

Anonymous said...

Nefarious? Moi? *grinning*

Hawke is such a wonderful character and very popular. Do you feel the weight of fan's expectations for his story and does it give you the heebie-jeebies? !

Do you have any hobbies other than reading?

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini,

..after missing your Chat (I`m really sorry.) I decided to "try" a
few more questions *g*:

* Maybe that`s a "strange" question (But I really want to know it.):
What`s the odd effect of alcohol on Psy? (I thought you mentioned it twice; so far).

* Will we see more of Father Parez? / When?

* That`s a question to fix your "..soon.." (*PLEASE*): How old is Sienna when she`ll find her hero? At least her "estimate" age?

* Sweet little Marlee: Are her new TK abilities a cause of the change in the Lauren net?

* And at last: I like the names of your characters. How do you name them? / Find new names?

Hope I haven`t used willa`s "run and screaming" questions:).


Jenny Schwartzberg said...

Do we get to find out what happened to Faith's lost cousin and her other missing family members anytime soon, or is that farther down the road?

Does Sascha get to meet any living relatives among the Forgotten?

I'm a sucker for found family stories (smile).

Rashda Khan said...

Hi Nalini,

First, I'm impatiently waiting for Angel's Blood. I read the excerpt and got hooked.

Also, wanted to thank you for bringing more Desi (or close)characters into mainstream romanance: Hira, Noor and in names: Ashaya, Tamsin.

Do you have to be esp. careful when working in Desi characters and names? What are the challenges? What factors do you have to take into account?
And love the way you tout Hrithik Roshan. You've got taste. He's so hot!
If one of your books got turned into a movie and you were allowed to choose the hero...(hey, we are talking fiction here) who would Hrithik portray?

Jennifer K. said...

Hey, Nalini. My question is, what's that chip embedded in the back of the Human Alliance people's necks? OK, and another one related to that one, is the Human Alliance going to feature prominently in coming books?

Have a good weekend.

Jennifer K.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini! When oh WHEN will we get Hawke's book? And can you keep throwing in the Hawke and Sienna tidbits till then, please? I just eat those up. :) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

HI Nalini!

I think you are very brave :) Ominous way to start my questions....

I know you won't tell us who Dev's heroine is, but can you tell us what she is please? In other words, Psy or Changeling? (I'm assuming she isn't human)...I'm leaning towards Changeling :)

I'll put my thinking cap on regarding more questions *rubs hands in glee*

BTW, I am sooooooo happy we are not being rationed (to borrow Willa's word) to one Psy/Changeling book per year. Cold turkey springs to mind....

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

PS I attempted to post five times via LJ but it wouldn't play ball, so I'm posting the old-fashioned way today :)

Nalini Singh said...

Heather - it's difficult to say which was the hardest, because I'm while I'm writing a book, I'm totally into it, so everything's about that book. Plus, I think the stories are each so different that it's hard to compare.

Hawke is definitely getting a book, and his heroine will be more than tough enough to handle him!

Nalini Singh said...

Julie, here are some paranormal recommendations - most have excerpts online, so have a read of them to see if they suit your taste - some are lighter, some are darker :)

* Anne Bishop - Black Jewels Trilogy
* Jayne Castle
* Meljean Brook
* Gena Showalter's Lords of the Underworld series
* Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series
* Larissa Ione's Pleasure Unbound
* C L Wilson's Tairen Soul books

The following are urban fantasy authors, so there's not a happy ending at the end of each book (for the romance), but the characters' stories continue - and the romance element is an important thread in the stories.

* Ilona Andrews - Kate Daniels series
* Patricia Briggs - Mercy Thompson series

I'm sure I'm forgetting a whole slew of great authors, so if anyone else has a rec for Julie, throw it out please! :)

Nalini Singh said...

Casee, Dev appeared in Mine to Possess. His full name is Devraj Santos and he's the director of the Shine Foundation (Tally's boss).

Nalini Singh said...

Willa - when I write a book, I give all my focus to the book, and just write from the heart.

It's only after it's done that I start to worry about whether it will meet readers' expectations and start to bite my nails!

Hobbies - I used to play field hockey, but I'm too decrepit this days *g* I do love travelling, so you may find me perusing travel guides, and of course, I love my Bollywood movies!!

Nalini Singh said...

Eva, don't worry about the chat! I wouldn't have made it either at 3am LOL :)

* Maybe that`s a "strange" question (But I really want to know it.):
What`s the odd effect of alcohol on Psy? (I thought you mentioned it twice; so far).

It depends on the Psy, but basically, it messes with their abilities (which is why it depends on each Psy). Some just go right to sleep, while others find their abilities functioning without their control, and for some, it blocks their abilities temporarily (though there's a theory that says the effect is cumulative and after a while, it'll be permanent).

* Will we see more of Father Parez? / When?

It depends on the storyline, but I think so. Can't answer the when part at the moment.

* How old is Sienna when she`ll find her hero? At least her "estimate" age?

With Sienna, her biological age does not match her age in terms of life experience. Let's just say she'll be old enough when the time comes.

* Sweet little Marlee: Are her new TK abilities a cause of the change in the Lauren net?

No, Marlee has always had those abilities. Some abilities do go active a little further into childhood though.

* And at last: I like the names of your characters. How do you name them? / Find new names?

Sometimes, I spend HOURS doing this, HOURS!! The name has to fit, or it just doesn't work. I go through name sites, baby books, scribble things down over and over until the characters are happy!

* Hope I haven`t used willa`s "run and screaming" questions:).

LOL! No, you're safe ;)

Nalini Singh said...

Hi RK :)

Do you have to be esp. careful when working in Desi characters and names? What are the challenges? What factors do you have to take into account?

(First a quick fyi for anyone reading this who hasn't heard the term before: *Desi = from the Indian subcontinent)

It's pretty much the same (in terms of what I have to be careful of) across the board, no matter which culture. Names can't just work on isolation - there has to be history behind it. For example, Sascha's name was explained in Slave to Sensation as coming down through her very specific heritage. Even where the name isn't explained, I personally have to know the background, so I can write that character more strongly. Does that make sense?

And love the way you tout Hrithik Roshan. You've got taste. He's so hot!


If one of your books got turned into a movie and you were allowed to choose the hero...(hey, we are talking fiction here) who would Hrithik portray?

I think he'd make a pretty good Dev actually - I have one particular shot of him that I think matches up quite well!

Nalini Singh said...

Jennifer K - that question is answered in Mercy's book, where you get to see the Alliance again :)

Nalini Singh said...

Adh - sooooooon...ish LOL You see lots of him in Mercy's book, and there are developments afoot ;)

Nalini Singh said...

I know you won't tell us who Dev's heroine is, but can you tell us what she is please? In other words, Psy or Changeling? (I'm assuming she isn't human)...I'm leaning towards Changeling :)

Orannia, alas I cannot answer your question. You'll see why when you read the first chapter *g*

Nalini Singh said...

Jenny, oops, almost missed your questions!

Do we get to find out what happened to Faith's lost cousin and her other missing family members anytime soon, or is that farther down the road?

You will get to find out about Sahara, yes. It'll be a little bit further down the road.

Does Sascha get to meet any living relatives among the Forgotten?

This is a possibility - depending on how the stories develop. ie. each book is about a different couple, so how much we see of Sascha and Luc depends on the part they play in that particular book.

bel_78 said...

I´m also dying ;=) to read Sienna´s book, and I love all the Q&A u have given us so far, although, of course, we always want more!!!

Thanks for the patience, and have a great weekend, Nalini!!!


PS: For aymless (I think it was her, in the chat): the hot Army doctor is baaaaack in Grey´s Anatomy :=)

Casee said...

So, Nalini, you still won't confirm or deny that Sienna is Hawke's heroine? Even if I beg? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hello Ms. Singh,

This is prolly going to sound like an idiotic question, but how do you pronounce your last name? I use both 'sing' and 'sinj'and they are both wrong for all I know. *g*

The Psy/Changeling series is simply incredible. I'm totally invested in the characters and their world. Every book (and novellas) have left me completely satsified even though I don't want them to end. I have to say, Lucas Hunter is my fave character/book.
Are there any cubs in Lucas and Sascha's future?

Thank you for your time. *hugs*

Zoe M said...

Thanks so much for scheduling this Q&A session. Each time I read these books, I come up with more theories as to future developments. Yes, I know I am obsessed, but there are worse addictions! I would love it if you could answer any of these questions:

1. Does the ShadowNet have its own sentient entity like the PsyNet's NetMind? If yes, has this entity existed since the implementation of Silence?

2. Do the psychic net/web created entities communicate with each other (excluding the DarkMind who is trapped by Silence)?

3. Are sentient entities such as the NetMind created only through Psy influenced nets/webs, or do webs consisting only of changelings also have them (groups of alphas & blood oathed soldiers)?

4. Since the changeling blood oath has been passed down through the generations, did changelings previously use the webs to communicate amongst themselves and/or attack/defend against enemies? Did changelings previously have more psychic powers then they do now, or were they just more understood and utilized (less prejudice against psy powers before implementation of Silence)? Do changelings have the potential for increased psychic powers if trained properly (potential they are born with, not increased abilities gained through torture/brain manipulation as experienced by Brenna)?

Future Stories
1. Previously (last year sometime, if I'm remembering correctly), you intended to publish a novella set during the Territorial Wars. Is that story ever going to be released?

2. Are you going to publish a novella in between Mercy's and Dev's stories? (Please, please say yes…..or before Mercy's would be even better!!) Would that be Ria's story set 7 years before StS?

3. Are we going to get an excerpt from Dev's story at the end of Mercy's? Are you going to keep Dev's heroine a secret until then? (If yes, that's a seriously long time for us to wait!!!)

4. How long has Hawke been alpha, and at what age did he become so? If he is Sienna’s mate, is he remaining celibate for her as Nate did for Tamsyn? I feel jealous for Sienna, especially after it was revealed in CbI that wolf changelings are highly sexual and single packmates often hopped beds. She doesn’t have to watch that, does she?

5. If you aren't releasing Hawke's story after Dev's, I would like to put a plug in for Walker. He needs some TLC! I really want Judd's brother to be happy! How is he supposed to deal with Judd & Brenna mating and their bond releasing happy energy into the LaurenNet without having his own HAE on the horizon? How unfair! Oh, and please, please, please give him a full-length novel. He has so much to say to us. I can feel it!

6. I’m very curious about Sahara. How much longer until we find out more details? She must have found great inner strength to survive as an F-Psy in Council captivity at 16, without shields against dark visions and/or an E-Psy to mend her psyche. What about Faith’s grandmother? She was last heard from after her son Anthony was born. Is there any possibility that she survived—probably not, because my guess is that Anthony is in his mid to late 50s, but it never hurts to ask, right?

7. Will you give us more hints about the X designation? Can you confirm that X is a separate designation, and not a sub-designation of some other ability?

8. I liked Brenna’s friend Lucy. Is she going to show up again?

9. When will we learn more about the BlackEdge wolf pack in Moscow? In CbI, when Kaleb Krychek tells Nikita Duncan that BlackEdge had no interest in Psy affars, no connections outside the immediate area, and was too busy with petty local matters to think big, I knew they would have a larger role in the future. I’m anxiously awaiting this development.

10. What about Father Xavier Perez? In CbI, we learned that he is 29 years old, and has collaborated with Judd for nearly 6 years. They met in a bar, where Xavier was getting blind drunk. Will we learn his history? Judd calls him a soldier. Was he a member of the Human Alliance? How did he meet the Ghost and prove himself trustworthy? Is there any possibility that he is one of the lost psy soldiers, who is able to pass for human? Did you actually ever say he was human, or is that just an assumption?

11. What psy ability does Anthony Kyriakus possess and at what gradient? I’m guessing he’s not a cardinal, but he is undeniably powerful to be head of the NightStar PsyClan and also a member of Council.

1. What's the significance of the 10 coins stamped with the Chinese symbol for unity, held by individuals worthy of trust? Will we learn more in the future? How is a person determined worthy of trust? Who was responsible for dispensing the coins? Why are there only 10? Are these coins all held by members of the Psy race? Are they passed around between people (e.g. 1 assigned to each leader, which may be passed on to their aides/soldiers to deliver messages, meet with people, etc.)?

2. Does the Ghost have transmutation ability? If yes, does this ability allow him to change his psychic signature, or just his physical characteristics?

3. In CbI, Councilor Ming LeBon said that over the past 10 years, 7 soldiers were lost in circumstances where their bodies were never recovered. Are they still alive? How did they manage to escape the PsyNet—or are they still in the PsyNet, but somehow not visible to others? Are they members of the Rebellion? Will we hear more about this?

4. In CbI, we found out that after Judd maneuvered his way off Jax (maybe 7 years before events in CbI??), several other Arrows in his elite unit with skills related to his were also removed from Jax, yet they never said they were not experiencing the side effects that Judd was manufacturing, and also never requested they be put back on the drug. Do these Arrows include Vasic and the M-Psy who appeared in HtP? How are their skills related to Judd’s? Are they members of the Rebellion? How long can an Arrow be on Jax before it permanently changes them? Judd was on for a year, so longer that that; or is it somehow faster if the effect is not fought?

Kaleb Krychek
1. What is the significance of the platinum charm containing a single star that is in Kaleb's possession? When will we learn more details about this mystery? Is it somehow related to the markings on his arm?

2. Was Kaleb tortured by Councilor Santano Enrique, or was he forced to watch and/or participate in the torturing of changeling women? If Kaleb wasn't tortured, why did he have such an erratic pattern of growth in his psy abilities? It appears that his growth may have resulted from torture by Councilor Enrique, similar to Brenna's.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini, thanks for taking the time to answer all of these great questions. My qeustion is related to sweet's about the Guild Hunter series: If the series is following the same characters, will we still have a chance to see the stories for other characters? After reading the excerpt, I became really interested in Michaela and I was hoping we would get a chance to see her story as well.

Now about the psy/changeling series: I know in the chat you mentioned that one of the characters was pregnant (and a hint would be most welcome ;) and I wanted to know that if it were one of the psy if their powers would be affected by the pregnancy?


Nalini Singh said...

Bel - hope you have a great weekend, too!

Casee - let me just say that I won't pull a bait and switch on you. If there are certain elements in the books to date, I won't ignore them in the future. How's that for a 'read between the lines' answer? *g*

Nalini Singh said...

This is prolly going to sound like an idiotic question, but how do you pronounce your last name? I use both 'sing' and 'sinj'and they are both wrong for all I know. *g*

That's not a silly question :) It's pronounced exactly like 'sing.'

The Psy/Changeling series is simply incredible. I'm totally invested in the characters and their world. Every book (and novellas) have left me completely satsified even though I don't want them to end. I have to say, Lucas Hunter is my fave character/book.
Are there any cubs in Lucas and Sascha's future?

Thank you! And the answer is yes :)

Nalini Singh said...

Hi Zoe :) I'm going to answer your questions in blocks.

1. Does the ShadowNet have its own sentient entity like the PsyNet's NetMind? If yes, has this entity existed since the implementation of Silence?

NetMinds grow organically out of a network, so the answer is yes - ie. each time a net or web is formed, the spark is lit for the development of a sentience like the NetMind. However, this kind of sentience takes a long, long time to grow - that's why the NetMind is the strongest and most visible. It's existed literally as long as the PsyNet has existed.

2. Do the psychic net/web created entities communicate with each other (excluding the DarkMind who is trapped by Silence)?

There may be some communication possible, but the level of that is something that I'm still exploring - because each NetMind is unique in its development, some being less than sparks, it's not communication as we would think of it.

3. Are sentient entities such as the NetMind created only through Psy influenced nets/webs, or do webs consisting only of changelings also have them (groups of alphas & blood oathed soldiers)?

Any time minds link to form a network, there is a possibility of a NetMind. However, an alpha/sentinel network is very small, so we may never actually see a separate sentience. However, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist on some level.

4. Since the changeling blood oath has been passed down through the generations, did changelings previously use the webs to communicate amongst themselves and/or attack/defend against enemies? Did changelings previously have more psychic powers then they do now, or were they just more understood and utilized (less prejudice against psy powers before implementation of Silence)? Do changelings have the potential for increased psychic powers if trained properly (potential they are born with, not increased abilities gained through torture/brain manipulation as experienced by Brenna)?

In the past, Psy were part of the general world, and part of packs as well, so there's a strong possibility the packs were very aware of what the networks could do. That's something I hope to one day explore in a book set in the past in my world!

As for psychic powers, we're going to see answers to this question in future books, as Psy/Changeling children are born.

Nalini Singh said...

Future Stories
1. Previously (last year sometime, if I'm remembering correctly), you intended to publish a novella set during the Territorial Wars. Is that story ever going to be released?

Good memory! I did actually write that story but it wasn't quite working right, so I've set is aside for the moment while I do some thinking. I do want to do a novella set during that time, so it might happen at some stage in the future.

2. Are you going to publish a novella in between Mercy's and Dev's stories? (Please, please say yes…..or before Mercy's would be even better!!) Would that be Ria's story set 7 years before StS?

We're trying to work something out at the moment. It may or may not be possible depending on the publishing schedule. Keep your fingers and toes crossed! And yes, it would be Ria's story.

3. Are we going to get an excerpt from Dev's story at the end of Mercy's? Are you going to keep Dev's heroine a secret until then? (If yes, that's a seriously long time for us to wait!!!)

There's a distinct possibility of an excerpt in back of BRANDED BY FIRE. If for some reason, we don't put it there, it'll go upon the website. Yes, I'm keeping his heroine a secret - trust me, you'll enjoy it much more that way! :)

4. How long has Hawke been alpha, and at what age did he become so? If he is Sienna’s mate, is he remaining celibate for her as Nate did for Tamsyn? I feel jealous for Sienna, especially after it was revealed in CbI that wolf changelings are highly sexual and single packmates often hopped beds. She doesn’t have to watch that, does she?

I love Hawke and he's going to have one heck of a story with his heroine. And that's all I'll say *g*

5. If you aren't releasing Hawke's story after Dev's, I would like to put a plug in for Walker. He needs some TLC! I really want Judd's brother to be happy! How is he supposed to deal with Judd & Brenna mating and their bond releasing happy energy into the LaurenNet without having his own HAE on the horizon? How unfair! Oh, and please, please, please give him a full-length novel. He has so much to say to us. I can feel it!

I do want to write Walker's story. Let's see if he talks to me. He's a very private person - but he has hidden depths. :)

6. I’m very curious about Sahara. How much longer until we find out more details? She must have found great inner strength to survive as an F-Psy in Council captivity at 16, without shields against dark visions and/or an E-Psy to mend her psyche. What about Faith’s grandmother? She was last heard from after her son Anthony was born. Is there any possibility that she survived—probably not, because my guess is that Anthony is in his mid to late 50s, but it never hurts to ask, right?

You won't find out about Sahara for a while yet. As for Anthony's mother, I'm fairly certain she's deceased (have to double-check my notes for that).

7. Will you give us more hints about the X designation? Can you confirm that X is a separate designation, and not a sub-designation of some other ability?

X is a separate designation, and it's a very, very destructive ability.

8. I liked Brenna’s friend Lucy. Is she going to show up again?

Lucy is great. I like her, too. I think she's going to definitely show up again.

9. When will we learn more about the BlackEdge wolf pack in Moscow? In CbI, when Kaleb Krychek tells Nikita Duncan that BlackEdge had no interest in Psy affars, no connections outside the immediate area, and was too busy with petty local matters to think big, I knew they would have a larger role in the future. I’m anxiously awaiting this development.

As it so happens, I just wrote a scene with the BlackEdge alpha the other day. It looks like they'll be coming into Dev's book.

10. What about Father Xavier Perez? In CbI, we learned that he is 29 years old, and has collaborated with Judd for nearly 6 years. They met in a bar, where Xavier was getting blind drunk. Will we learn his history? Judd calls him a soldier. Was he a member of the Human Alliance? How did he meet the Ghost and prove himself trustworthy? Is there any possibility that he is one of the lost psy soldiers, who is able to pass for human? Did you actually ever say he was human, or is that just an assumption?

Xavier is human, and his history is shrouded in mystery. He will have a part to play in the books, but I'm not sure how big that part will be - it depends on the story. However, he's a very strong character, so who knows....

11. What psy ability does Anthony Kyriakus possess and at what gradient? I’m guessing he’s not a cardinal, but he is undeniably powerful to be head of the NightStar PsyClan and also a member of Council.

Again, I need to find my notes on Anthony, but from memory, he's a very high level telepath, with possibly some other abilities at mid-range levels.

Nalini Singh said...

1. What's the significance of the 10 coins stamped with the Chinese symbol for unity, held by individuals worthy of trust? Will we learn more in the future? How is a person determined worthy of trust? Who was responsible for dispensing the coins? Why are there only 10? Are these coins all held by members of the Psy race? Are they passed around between people (e.g. 1 assigned to each leader, which may be passed on to their aides/soldiers to deliver messages, meet with people, etc.)?

The coins come from Zie Zen and are held by a very tight-knit group of people. You'll get to meet some of these people later on, and have in fact met some already. They aren't passed around, though they may be lent by a master to his apprentice ie. someone who will carry on the work after the current person dies.

2. Does the Ghost have transmutation ability? If yes, does this ability allow him to change his psychic signature, or just his physical characteristics?

I can't say much about the Ghost at the moment, except that he's very good at hiding in plain sight.

3. In CbI, Councilor Ming LeBon said that over the past 10 years, 7 soldiers were lost in circumstances where their bodies were never recovered. Are they still alive? How did they manage to escape the PsyNet—or are they still in the PsyNet, but somehow not visible to others? Are they members of the Rebellion? Will we hear more about this?

There's a possibility you'll hear more about this, so I'm going to leave these questions for the moment.

4. In CbI, we found out that after Judd maneuvered his way off Jax (maybe 7 years before events in CbI??), several other Arrows in his elite unit with skills related to his were also removed from Jax, yet they never said they were not experiencing the side effects that Judd was manufacturing, and also never requested they be put back on the drug. Do these Arrows include Vasic and the M-Psy who appeared in HtP? How are their skills related to Judd’s? Are they members of the Rebellion? How long can an Arrow be on Jax before it permanently changes them? Judd was on for a year, so longer that that; or is it somehow faster if the effect is not fought?

The Jax questions will be answered in upcoming books. Vasic and the M-Psy work with Anthony, so yes, they're part of the rebellion, but in their own way.

Kaleb Krychek
1. What is the significance of the platinum charm containing a single star that is in Kaleb's possession? When will we learn more details about this mystery? Is it somehow related to the markings on his arm?

2. Was Kaleb tortured by Councilor Santano Enrique, or was he forced to watch and/or participate in the torturing of changeling women? If Kaleb wasn't tortured, why did he have such an erratic pattern of growth in his psy abilities? It appears that his growth may have resulted from torture by Councilor Enrique, similar to Brenna's.

If I answer either of the above questions, I'd have to send an Arrow after you. So you'll have to wait and see *g*

Nalini Singh said...

Hi Lili,

If the series is following the same characters, will we still have a chance to see the stories for other characters?

I think so, yes. It's possible that the series will continue being about all the characters, but that the focus will shift to different characters in future books. I'm not certain at present - I'm leaving the possibilities open.

Now about the psy/changeling series: I know in the chat you mentioned that one of the characters was pregnant (and a hint would be most welcome ;) and I wanted to know that if it were one of the psy if their powers would be affected by the pregnancy?

Yes and yes *g*

CarolB1977 said...

My question has already been answered, yay! I was worried that since you have a new series coming out you were phasing out the psy/changling books, but you aren't, thank goodness.

Thanks answering the questions, Nalini! People are asking things I hadn't even thought about, so I'm learning lots more about the series and the beloved characters.


Bridget Locke said...

LOL! I should've clarified.

My biggest question when it comes to Mercy's book is why did you choose Andrew to be her hero? I mean, he's such a hothead in CBI and it looked to me like he hadn't grown up yet. So, I'd like to know why you decided he was right for the uber-tough Mercy.

Also (great questions everyone), I really, really wanna know if Vasic (I think that's his name...the teleporter from HtP) will get his own story? He had only a snippet of time in HtP but it was such a major scene. He kind of stole the show when he was on the page. :)

How do you come up with who gets the next story? I know I've read before that you're the kind of writer who just gets the next one after the last one is finished, but how do you come up with the next one?

And how do you pronounce your first name? You'd think I'd know by now, but I'm not sure. Is it Naw lee nee or Nuh lynn e? Just curious. :)

And...that's all I can come up with at 12:18 am. :)

Una said...

Thank you for taking the time to have us submit questions and for those that you've answered! I've compiled just a few questions from our little online book club from the Twilight Lexicon. We have recommended your book so much and we love the characters as our own pack, we have a thread solely for your series! Since this Q&A was a little impromptu, here is our top 5 burning questions:

1. Why did Dorian use more coarse language than other characters in the series or before his book?

2. I wonder if we'll see Zach & Annie in the following books now that they've been introduced through the anthology. Obviously - we won't get a whole book on them...but I wonder if they'll figure prominently in someone else's storyline?

3. Will the humans play a more important roll in future books? (I apologize if this has already been asked, I want to make sure I include all the questions from our thread-don't want to leave anyone out).

4. I don't know if it was addressed before, but how can one tell the difference between a non-changeling animal and a changeling? I also want to know how big are the Changeling Rats?

5. As the tensions escalate will other "packs" become involved. Will we see different animals not only aligning with our beloved Cats and Wolves but integrating?

5b. Then it follows, can changlings of different (animal) species mate and if so, what animal do the children take after?

Thank you again for your time and the gift of your series!
Bac, CullenGirl, Goodnight Elizabeth, Nissanmama, Una, VampSiren

aka Your Twilight Lex P/C Fans

May said...

Hi Nalini,

Your world is so completed so I would like to know if you plan everything ahead and just fill in the blank or the story just take you to place.

Another question is about the Guild Hunter Series. I read in the comment that you did not plan it to be a series. But since it is, it is going to be an open-ended series with the same characters? or with only those 2 books?

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini,

Regarding pack names (DarkRiver, SnowDancer, BlackEdge, etc), do they mean anything significant, or reference something in that pack's history?

Also, I was very intrigued by the name of Faith's clan - NightStar. Does it mean anything, and is it unusual for the Psy to go by names like this, being that they're so clinical and not prone to vivid or fanciful ways of thinking?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering why I'm finding it so hard to get a copy of the magical christmas cat here in the UK. Even as a pre-order on it's still not available and they have no date to as when yet it would be. Although it still says realise date 7th October.
Sorry I'm just really dying to get my hands on a copy of this book. I can't wait to read your story first.
Also I agree with someone above about the relationship between Hawke and Sienna. I hope that even if they don't have a romantic relationship they have a deep friendship as I really enjoy the way they seem to react to each other.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Ally - can't get my paws on the Magical Christmas Cat either.(U.K. based too) Tis sooo frustrating when you hear and read such great things about it on the blog-o-sphere! *pouting*

Anonymous said...

Was the series swirling around in your head long before you wrote it down? - and has it surprised you in any way?

Loving the Q & A !

Nalini Singh said...

My biggest question when it comes to Mercy's book is why did you choose Andrew to be her hero? I mean, he's such a hothead in CBI and it looked to me like he hadn't grown up yet. So, I'd like to know why you decided he was right for the uber-tough Mercy.

Bridget, methinks you didn't read the excerpt *g* Andrew's not the hero. Trust me, Mercy's hero is plenty tough!

I really, really wanna know if Vasic (I think that's his name...the teleporter from HtP) will get his own story? He had only a snippet of time in HtP but it was such a major scene. He kind of stole the show when he was on the page. :)

If Vasic gets a story, it'll be in the second part of the story arc. So at the moment, he simply has to survive what he does - which is going to be very, very tough.

How do you come up with who gets the next story? I know I've read before that you're the kind of writer who just gets the next one after the last one is finished, but how do you come up with the next one?

It really is organic. The next character(s) speak to me, and off I go!

And how do you pronounce your first name? You'd think I'd know by now, but I'm not sure. Is it Naw lee nee or Nuh lynn e? Just curious. :)

My name is incredibly simple - it's Na (pronounced like Car) - Lee - Nee, with the emphasis on the second syllable. :)

Nalini Singh said...

Carol - I'm glad you're enjoying the Q & A! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Nalini! I didn't think I would get an answer to my question, but I thought I would be cheeky and ask :) As for who Dev's heroine is...hmmmmm.....interesting! I have a theory *grin*

Bridget, IIRC Mercy's heroine is Riley, not Andrew. Riley is Mr Cool, Calm & Collected (except when it comes to Mercy :)

I'm intrigued by Hawke's heroine too, but I must be the only person who doesn't think it will be Sienna....and I'm not sure if I want her to be Sienna....still working out why :)

Nalini Singh said...

Thank you for taking the time to have us submit questions and for those that you've answered! I've compiled just a few questions from our little online book club from the Twilight Lexicon. We have recommended your book so much and we love the characters as our own pack, we have a thread solely for your series!

Wow, that's cool to know. Thanks for recommending me!

1. Why did Dorian use more coarse language than other characters in the series or before his book?

You know, I didn't really notice it, but it has to come from the character, and Dorian was really a man on the edge in his book - everything had built up inside him, and then he fell for a Psy. Can you imagine the forces pulling him apart? I guess the language was simply a by-product of that.

2. I wonder if we'll see Zach & Annie in the following books now that they've been introduced through the anthology. Obviously - we won't get a whole book on them...but I wonder if they'll figure prominently in someone else's storyline?

Yes, I love these two. :) I actually wrote a scene with Annie for Mercy's book, but then that scene had to be deleted - but I've kept it aside to put on the site when Mercy's book is released.

3. Will the humans play a more important roll in future books? (I apologize if this has already been asked, I want to make sure I include all the questions from our thread-don't want to leave anyone out).

Yes. You see a lot more of them in BRANDED BY FIRE.

4. I don't know if it was addressed before, but how can one tell the difference between a non-changeling animal and a changeling? I also want to know how big are the Changeling Rats?

I actually wrote something about this in BRANDED BY FIRE, but changeling animals are usually (not always) a little bigger than their animal counterparts. Plus it has to do with their eyes, the way they behave, and of course, the scent is an integral fact. A changeling leopard does not have the same scent as a pure animal leopard.

As for the Rats, they're much larger than normal rats, but not massive - the shift does odd things to body mass and weight.

5. As the tensions escalate will other "packs" become involved. Will we see different animals not only aligning with our beloved Cats and Wolves but integrating?

You will definitely see more packs becoming involved - not necessarily integrating, because for the most parts, changeling packs are very independent - but yes, alliances might be formed.

5b. Then it follows, can changlings of different (animal) species mate and if so, what animal do the children take after?

Now for the answer to this one you'll have to wait and see ;)

Thank you again for your time and the gift of your series!
Bac, CullenGirl, Goodnight Elizabeth, Nissanmama, Una, VampSiren

aka Your Twilight Lex P/C Fans

You're most welcome!

Nalini Singh said...

Your world is so completed so I would like to know if you plan everything ahead and just fill in the blank or the story just take you to place.

May, for me, the world has always been incredibly rich and vivid in my head. I feel as if I'm standing in the middle and each time I turn, I see some new facet. So with each book, I let the story flow, and I see new parts of it - and yet those parts fit seamlessly into the world as it has been till then. Does that make sense?

Another question is about the Guild Hunter Series. I read in the comment that you did not plan it to be a series. But since it is, it is going to be an open-ended series with the same characters? or with only those 2 books?

I have a feeling it'll continue beyond two books. It's just full of characters I'd love to explore, and the world itself is incredibly compelling to me as a writer. :)

Nalini Singh said...

Regarding pack names (DarkRiver, SnowDancer, BlackEdge, etc), do they mean anything significant, or reference something in that pack's history?

Yes, each name has meaning to the pack, though the reason may have been well in the past when the pack was first formed.

Also, I was very intrigued by the name of Faith's clan - NightStar. Does it mean anything, and is it unusual for the Psy to go by names like this, being that they're so clinical and not prone to vivid or fanciful ways of thinking?

F-Psy, for some reason, have always followed that naming tradition, and somehow - likely because of the power of F-Psy - that tradition has survived Silence.

It may have to do with the fact that the clans traditionally look after the working F-Psy, so they're much more a group unit. I'm hoping to explore this further in a future book.

Nalini Singh said...

Ally & Willa - I'm trying to find the answer to that, but at the moment, all I can think is that there's been a shipping delay. However, if you read e-books, I've been told that the e-book version should be releasing very, very soon. I'll let you know if I get any more informtaion!

Nalini Singh said...

Was the series swirling around in your head long before you wrote it down? - and has it surprised you in any way?

Not the series itself, but lots of ideas related to it. I even wrote another book with some of the same threads, but it wasn't quite right. Then one day, I sat down and boom - it all came together in one amazing blast!

Nalini Singh said...

I think I've caught all the questions, but if I've missed any, please repost! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini, its me again. I've got another quick question for you.
I was wondering will Zach and Annie's story be available separately from the rest of the anthology. Maybe in E-book form ?

Thanks sooo much for doing this. I'm really enjoying this Q&A session. :) I've learned so much !!!

Nalini Singh said...

I was wondering will Zach and Annie's story be available separately from the rest of the anthology. Maybe in E-book form ?

I haven't heard that this'll happen. But in general - I do know my publisher is trying out new things with ebooks, so it might happen sometime in the future (might be a while away if it does).

Bridget Locke said...

LOL! You're so right. I DID read the excerpt, but it's been awhile and it was late when I wrote my comment. Eep! LOL!

So, why did you choose her hero as her hero? There, now I'm feeling like an idiot. he-he

Bridget Locke said...

Yeah, Riley. *rolls eyes* I'm such an idiot, but seriously, it was about 1 am when I wrote that. LOL! :)

Zoe M said...

Ok, I have just a few more questions. I'm loving this Q&A session so far!

1. Will we find out what happened between Amara and Councilor Ming LeBon? Why did Ming recruit her?
What happened to make Amara say that Ming considered her a rabid wolf once called pet?

2. Which psy abilities are strengthened by touch?

3. Does the NetMind report back to all members of the Council, or just Kaleb Krychek?

Bridget Locke said...

Oh, here's a good one for you! I've been in love with your Changeling series since book 1, but I've noticed that there are a lot of people out there who don't like your stories. They don't like the dominance your heroes tend to display.

For me personally, it fits, because they are both human AND animal, there's no true distinction between them.

So, what are your thoughts on that complaint? I personally like the dominant personality (not IRL though) and enjoy the give and take between your heroes and heroines.

Caressed by Ice is definitely my favorite of your books and I admit that I've never grown to like Mine to Possess...Tally drove me crazy!

Which one of your books is your favorite? I'm sure you get that question a lot.

Also, if you could go back and change anything, would you? Or would you leave everything as is?

And again, sorry about the mistake with Mercy's hero. As I said in my previous post, it was around 1 am when I wrote the questions. Oops! LOL!

Nalini Singh said...

Bridget, no worries :) And they chose each other - you could've knocked me over with a feather!

Nalini Singh said...

1. Will we find out what happened between Amara and Councilor Ming LeBon? Why did Ming recruit her?
What happened to make Amara say that Ming considered her a rabid wolf once called pet?

Whether this info comes in depends on the story - with the series, it's very important to me that each book focuses on the main couple (after all it's their book) so any other characters that come in have to link back to the main story. (Amara did work for Ming, hence her comment.)

2. Which psy abilities are strengthened by touch?

Empathy for one, though you could make the case that empaths just like to touch. Some Tk gifts are strengthened. Perhaps other abilities eg. Tp, as well in certain cases - it's difficult to say for certain, because with touch being so anaethma to the Psy, it's something they just try not to do.

3. Does the NetMind report back to all members of the Council, or just Kaleb Krychek?

The NetMind doesn't report back, so much as certain people have the ability to make it listen and share information. Kaleb, as a cardinal Tk, has that ability. The other Councilors are less able to connect with the NetMind, so in effect, Kaleb has almost total control.

All’sReads said...

Hi Nalini, when you can would you expand the character list (on the Psy/Changeling FAQ page) to include some details for Dev, Vasic, Max etc. - any character that we've met so far that seems like a very strong character we will likely see more of in the series? Would it be possible to include a note to which book they're introduced to the reader? At least for me, this would be great/very helpful in going back to where we met them when we wonder about them again. Especially as the series is growing with the number of stories. I think the resources are fabulous from your site. Thanks for being so thorough and hard work on putting it all there!

Nalini Singh said...

Oh, here's a good one for you! I've been in love with your Changeling series since book 1, but I've noticed that there are a lot of people out there who don't like your stories. They don't like the dominance your heroes tend to display.

For me personally, it fits, because they are both human AND animal, there's no true distinction between them.

So, what are your thoughts on that complaint? I personally like the dominant personality (not IRL though) and enjoy the give and take between your heroes and heroines.

For each reader, it's a personal choice, and I respect that. Not every book works for every reader and that's absolutely fine.

For me, I think it depends on how the dominance is written. ie. there are elements of playfulness in my books which are very natural to the characters.

It also depends on the heroine - for these relationships to work, the heroine has to be as strong as the hero, though her strength may be shown in an utterly different way.

And consider the fact that these heroes will do anything for their mates - whatever that entails. They might be dominants, but they're not dominating. I think that's a very, very important distinction.

Caressed by Ice is definitely my favorite of your books and I admit that I've never grown to like Mine to Possess...Tally drove me crazy!

Which one of your books is your favorite? I'm sure you get that question a lot.

I absolutely can't answer this question - each time I write a book, I'm into it with my heart and soul.

Also, if you could go back and change anything, would you? Or would you leave everything as is?

Aside from fixing a few sneaky typos, I'd leave it as it is - I feel the series has grown very organically, with each book building on the previous, so why mess with it? :)

Nalini Singh said...

Would it be possible to include a note to which book they're introduced to the reader?

Allison, this is a great idea. I'm going to try to do this - it might take till next year, given my current deadlines, but it will get done. :)

Lady of the Review said...

Or you could ask your handy-dandy faithful followers to go thru and figure out which character is which, connected how, etc. LOL! Would take a lot of strain off you. :)

Thank you for answering my questions, both as Bridget and as me. LOL! I keep forgetting which one I'm signed in on. :)

And I agree, your Alphas are dominant, but not dominating. I think a lot of people miss that distinction.

And I haven't told you yet, but that scene in Zach's story where he takes Annie to the picnic and basically ambushes her? Love that scene!

Here's a question that I would love to have answered. Have you ever thought of writing a how-to on creating the perfect love scene? Every time I read your books I'm smacked over the head by how beautiful they are. I seriously think there should be one and that you should write it. :) Just thought I'd tell you that.

Nalini Singh said...

Or you could ask your handy-dandy faithful followers to go thru and figure out which character is which, connected how, etc. LOL! Would take a lot of strain off you. :)

Is there interest? If any of you would like to have a go, let me know and I'll set up a special thread on the blog for you.

And I haven't told you yet, but that scene in Zach's story where he takes Annie to the picnic and basically ambushes her? Love that scene!

Zach has a way of doing that ;) He snuck in and ambushed me too.

Here's a question that I would love to have answered. Have you ever thought of writing a how-to on creating the perfect love scene? Every time I read your books I'm smacked over the head by how beautiful they are. I seriously think there should be one and that you should write it. :) Just thought I'd tell you that.

Thank you! I did once do a workshop on Sensuality - dusting off those notes for the site is on my to-do list. But if you want one tip that I think underlies everything - emotion, it's all about emotion. A love scene can't just be about the physical. For example, in Caressed By Ice, the love scene came later, because that was when the characters were ready.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini

Is Angel's blood only about Elena and Raphael or will there be other secondary characters that will also have their stories told in the book?

Also, is the book a romance in the same vein as your changeling books?

Zoe M said...

Me again. :)

How large are DarkRiver and SnowDancer? How many members do they have? What sections of California are included in their territories? In CbI, we learned that Andrew controls the volatile San Diego area for SnowDancer. Are there other satellite stations of SnowDancer control throughout the state?

Also, I am one of your hand-dandy faithful followers that already has lots of information stored in an Excel database. I would be happy to share.

Bridget Locke said...

Oh, I totally would! It'd be a great chance to reread your books and keep track of all the people who make an appearance! So, I'm volunteering. :)

Just let me know how you want it done!

Anonymous said...

I'm still working my way through all of the comments, but I would love to volunteer too (to help expand the Psy/Changeling thread :)

Anonymous said...

And Nalini - thank you so much for the Q&A! It's been very enlightening ;)

Nalini Singh said...

Hi Gypsy,

Is Angel's blood only about Elena and Raphael or will there be other secondary characters that will also have their stories told in the book?

There are a number of fascinating secondary characters who will continue to have their stories told from book to book. At some stage, one of these characters may become the main focus of a book.

And I must mention that there's going to be a Guild Hunter novella coming out next year, too. No release date yet but it'll be in the summer sometime. "Angels' Judgment" is actually about one of the secondary characters.

Also, is the book a romance in the same vein as your changeling books?

It's got more of a urban fantasy feel I think, but it is also a romance - a very different kind of romance. *G*

Nalini Singh said...

How large are DarkRiver and SnowDancer? How many members do they have? What sections of California are included in their territories? In CbI, we learned that Andrew controls the volatile San Diego area for SnowDancer. Are there other satellite stations of SnowDancer control throughout the state?

They're both fairly large, but SnowDancer is definitely the bigger of the two, and is in fact, one of the biggest packs in the country. The wolves control pretty much everything in California that DarkRiver doesn't. In Mercy's book, you get to glimpse some of their territory in other areas of the state.

Nalini Singh said...

Zoe, Bridget, Orannia - and anyone else who wants to volunteer - thank you! :) I'll set up a thread for you today, and then I'm going to run away and leave it to you *grin*

I'll leave this Q&A open till the end of my Monday, so if anyone has any final questions, make sure you get them in by then. :)

Lady of the Review said...

Zoe & you guys want to get together via email to put our heads together on how to go about collating Nalini's books? I thought that'd be kind of cool, just to have it all together instead of a bunch of us trying to make this work. If you're interested, email me at good . bad . books @ gmail . com (no spaces). :) If not, we'll figure it all out...somehow! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini! I was thrilled with the Q&A! I waited because I *knew* all the tidbits would be like sweet torture (especially about Hawke ^_^). I am really impatient about Mercy's story now >_<

Can someone remind me who Ria is? I am drawing a complete blank...

And I'm not sure if this has come up (I am still reading through all the Qs), but do we know about when Kaleb will get his book? I really want his (nearly as much as I want Hawke/Sienna).

Another great series, Julie, is Kresley Cole's Immortal After Dark series. I love them as much as Nalini's! (the only bad thing I can say about both series is the wait between books -_-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini,
First I want to say that your answers so far have been very enlightening. My first question is about Kit, the characters all say that he smells like a future alpha and I wanted to know how is that scent different from any other leopard. And was he born with this "alpha scent" or was it something he aquired as he got older. And does the fact that he smells like an alpha mean that when Lucas steps down Kit will automatically become the new alpha.

Since Lucas was born with his hunter marks is it genetic and would it be possible for his and sascha's cubs to inheret them as well. And since I brought the "alpha scent" earlier can that also be passed on through genetics? Would it be possible for a female to have the scent of an alpha or is it exclusively for the males in a pack?

These are all the questions I could think of for now, ones that you could answer anyway :)

Heather said...

So after reading all those questions and answers I have to say that all my questions have been answered.

Still want to know about Hawke's HEA but seeing as you aren't going to tell us :( I will just say that I LOVE your books.

Nalini Singh said...

Kaitlin, do you want to put your comment in the other thread as well so everyone knows what's happening? :)

Nalini Singh said...

Can someone remind me who Ria is? I am drawing a complete blank...

Ria is Lucas's administrative assistant, and human.

do we know about when Kaleb will get his book? I really want his (nearly as much as I want Hawke/Sienna).

Are you sure Kaleb is a good guy??

Another great series, Julie, is Kresley Cole's Immortal After Dark series. I love them as much as Nalini's! (the only bad thing I can say about both series is the wait between books -_-)

Oh yes, great series!!

Nalini Singh said...

My first question is about Kit, the characters all say that he smells like a future alpha and I wanted to know how is that scent different from any other leopard.

It's just something the senior pack members know. It's hard to explain, but for them, it's a very distinctive and bright thread in Kit's personal scent.

And was he born with this "alpha scent" or was it something he aquired as he got older.

He was born with it, but it changed and grew with him. You'll get more information on dominance in BRANDED BY FIRE, which will explain a bit more.

And does the fact that he smells like an alpha mean that when Lucas steps down Kit will automatically become the new alpha.

No. He could decide to set up a new pack, or he could even decide to follow Lucas as Vaughn does (remember, Vaughn is also extremely dominant). It depends on what Kit decides is the right path for him.

Since Lucas was born with his hunter marks is it genetic and would it be possible for his and sascha's cubs to inheret them as well.

There is always a Hunter in the pack. Any family can produce one, though there is always one in every generation. The question of genetics is an interesting one - the changelings tend to mess up the gene charts as Tammy says in BRANDED BY FIRE, because certain other things influence them. And I can't say more without spoiling things, but you will get some more info in Mercy's book.

And since I brought the "alpha scent" earlier can that also be passed on through genetics? Would it be possible for a female to have the scent of an alpha or is it exclusively for the males in a pack?

I think the answer above sort of answers the first part of this question too. And females can totally be alphas. The alpha of the Russian pack that's been mentioned is a woman.

Nalini Singh said...

Thanks, Heather :)