Friday, July 11, 2008


I got sent a bookstore coupon. Since it would be a crime not to use it *g*, I'm now working out what to order. Any recent (say, released in the past two months) books you'd recommend?


Ashley said...

"Daughter of the Forest" by Juliet Marillier.

Great book, the characters are expertly written and you'll be drawn into the elaborate story line till the end!

Shaymless Aymless said...

The Sons of Destiny series by Jean Johnson has been quite good! Starts with The Sword.

Can't wait for Sept and DORIAN!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you read it, but Gena Showalter's new Lord of the Underworld series is just fabulous! Like seriously. I hate how we have to wait till next year for the next book. lol

Other books from the last 2 months...


* Rachel Gibson's Not Another Bad Date
* Susan Mallery's Sweet Talk

But to go back further than 2 months if you like historical novels, Sabrina Jeffries' Beware a Scot's Revenge and Never Seduce a Scoundrel are both good books.

bel_78 said...

Amanda Quick´s "The third circle", and "White lies" and "Falling awake" by the same author as J.A. Krentz. Im waiting anxiously for her next book as Jayne Castle, and I´m thankful it won´t be released until after my exams end :)

Anonymous said...

I just read Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione. It was a great read, hot story with very intriguing charters.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

If it were me I'd save it for Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs I'm seriously dying to get my hands on it. I think it's released at the end of the month. But I've heard reports that its already out in several parts of Europe. So maybe it's already in your area Nalini.

Christine said...

Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione. I loved it. :)

Nalini Singh said...

Oooh, some interesting suggestions -including a couple I hadn't heard of that I'll have to explore.

Sweet - if only! I'm CRAVING that book. I'm going to be in the States when it releases, so hopefully I can get my paws on it then!

ShellBell said...

If you enjoy fantasy, one series I discovered this year is by Naomi Novik. NN's Temeraire series is set during the Napoleonic Wars in a world where dragons form an aerial force for each side. The books in the series are:

His Majesty's Dragon (aka Temeraire)
Throne of Jade
Black Powder War
Empire of Ivory
Victory of Eagles (just released in H/C)

I've loved all the books so far.

Anonymous said...

Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione was fabulous! I'm so excited for her next two books.

I'd also recommend both the new Kresley Cole books that released this year to spice things up. Her entire Immortals After Dark series is excellent. Mmhmm. :)

Anonymous said...

The Morgan Kinglsey series by Jenna Black...three words for you - Gay Demon Lovers. The Devil Inside and The Devil You Know

Kelley Armstrong's new YA novel came out recently. The Summoning

I'm really getting into Jackie Kessler's Hell on Earth series. Hell's Belles, The Road to Hell and Hotter than Hell,

What about Marta Acosta's Casa Dracula series? That's a fun and quirky one. Happy Hour at Casa Dracula, Midnight Brunch (at Casa Dracula, and The Bride of Casa Dracula.

Unknown said...

Lover Enshrined by JR Ward, Twilight Fall by Lynn Viehl, Nightkeepers by Jessica Andersen, From Dead to Worse by Charlaine Harris. I just had the new Marjorie M. Liu book, The Iron Hunt, recommended to me, and Suzanne Enoch just came out with a new one - After the Kiss: The Notorious Gentlemen - I haven't read it yet, but I love her stuff. Damien by Jacquelyn Frank is also on my TBR stack. Stinking job getting in the way of my reading and writing... :)

Gail Leinweber said...

Your Scandalous Ways by Loretta Chase, Tall Tales and Wedding Veils by Jane Graves, the latest Betsy book Undead and Unworthy by Maryjanice Davidson. Also one that I need to get my hands on is the anthology Hotter Than Hell which has contributions from Kim Harrison, Marjorie Liu, Keri Arthur, Tanya Huff, Carrie Vaughn, and others.

Anonymous said...

"The Last Concubine" by Lesley Downer and "The Sisters Mortland" by Sally Beauman.

Especially the last one is very recommendable.


Anonymous said...

I was going to add my two cents in, but you seem to have lots of great suggestions already Nalini! I echo sweet - I'm really hanging out for Cry Wolf. I have heard good things about NightKeepers by Jessica Andersen...but I haven't picked it up yet (I finished Lover Enshrined on Monday and so am re-reading bits of the earlier books :)

What about the second Melissa Marr book - Ink Exchange? I would suggest Blue-Eyed Devil by Lisa Kleypas, but it's a contemporary. Oh...have you read any of Janny Wurts' books? If you just want a stand-alone book try To Ride Hell's Chasm. It's a little slow to get into but...WOW! The imagery is amazing!

Enjoy, whatever you decide.


Anonymous said...

Try Christia Dodds:

Darkness Choosen was funny, sexy, and sizzling. Three books have already been released.

Anonymous said...

I´ve just finished "Peony in Love" by Lisa See. It`s a ghost story/love story.

And if you want something to read that reminds a bit on Matrix, then I suggest: John Twelve Hawks "Fourth Realm Triology".

And to refer to the other suggestons: "Blood & Chocolate" by Annette Curtis Klause., thats enough..

Greetings form Bavaria/Germany

Barbarita V said...

"Heartbraker" by Lori Foster. 2 Hot romances.

azteclady said...

I was going to suggest Jackie Kessler's Hell on Earth series too, Jackie. And Suzanne Brockmann's Into the Fire, but then I'm a fan :grin:

I'm in the middle of Nora Roberts' Tribute right now, and liking it a lot.

Also, Shiloh Walker's Through the Veil.

Anonymous said...

I'm just startiong the Host by Stephenie Meyer.

:Candice: said...

so all the books I was gonna say have already been mentioned lol
Christina Dodd, Jessica Anderson, I like Roxanne St. Clair's Bullet Catchers Series, Yasmine Galenorn. I'm totally waiting for Cry Wolf and Alexis Morgans new series The Talions. Ummm... Kelley St Johns series The SEXth Sense (Harlequin Blaze) is good. Just a few lol

BookeWyrms said...

Nalini....and all you other book lovers out there, I just read a book that was creepy good....good because it was so well written but creepy becuase I could see it coming true. It is called Undwind by Neal Shusterman. You'll probably find in it the Young Adult section of your local bookstore. "In a society where unwanted teens are salvaged for body parts, three runaways fight the system that would "unwind" them." Enjoy!

Tigerlady981 said...

Okay, so it doesn't release until the beginning of August, but Storm Born by Richelle Mead. She's an amazing author. If you don't want to wait to use the coupon, there's always books from either her Succubus series (Succubus Blues, and Succubus On Top) or her Vampire Academy series (Vampire Academy, and Frostbite). I can't think of anything else. I have heard good things about the Gena Showalter series that starts with the Darkest Night. Hope you find something that sparks your reading interest.

Can't wait to read HTP. I've been waiting for Dorian's story since the series began. He's such an intriguing character. I can't wait to see how his story plays out.

~Barb :)

Jennifer A. Ray said...

Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione. It's sexy, dark and witty. I couldn't put it down!

Ciara said...

Cry Wolf - *sigh* so close, yet so far away.
I fifth or sixth PLEASURE UNBOUND.
My Lord and Spymaster by Joanna Bourne
The Iron Hunt by MMLiu had fascinating writing (but read her prequel novella Hunter's Kiss in the Wild Thing Anthology first!)

Anonymous said...

Lover Unbound by Ward, was just what I needed to fall in love with all of those characters again.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Shearin
Magic Lost, Trouble Found
and Armed and Magical

quote from book
"in my family that's not silence, that's reloading"

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini
I'm not sure if anyone suggested this yet, but Gena Showalter's "Lord of the Underworld" Trilogy is fabulous! I can not wait until next year for the next one.

I have also been reading JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series which is also really good.

Otherwise I am waiting for Christine Feehan's Turbulent Sea

azteclady said...

I forgot to mention Shana Abé's books--The Smoke Thief, The Dream Thief, Queen of Dragons. I've read the first, and loved them!

Anonymous said...

If you like mysteries give Alice Kimberly's Ghost series a try; the 4th just came out in May. The series starts with The Ghost and Mrs McClure.
Lois McMaster Bujold's The Sharing Knife #3 just came out, but make sure to read them in order. That series starts with The Sharing Knife: Beguilment.
Tanya Huff just released #4 in her Valor series, which starts with Valor's Choice. Great read.
And for historical romance I recommend Lisa Kleypas's "The Lost Duke of Wyndham". And if you haven't already, read all of Paticia Brigg's backlist. I love her stuff. Same with Wen Spencer.

KT Grant said...

Your Scandalous Ways by Loretta Chase if you are in the mood for a sexy historical :D
Defintely The Host by Stephenie Meyer.

Anonymous said...

Just read a really great book the other day!

Candy Halliday- Dinner First, Me Later?