Today I've got an Out of the Blogosphere tour book for you. Check out the details below. The cover is amazing!

Luna February 1, 2007
Fans of Anne McCaffrey and Mercedes Lackey will appreciate the novel's honorable protagonists and their lively animal companions.
The Story:
If horses could fly...
Then Calli Torcher might ride again. But a devastating accident left her in such pain, she thought the chimes and chanting in her ears were a hallucination...until she found herself transported to another world, and met the Lladranans who had Summoned her.
Lladrana was a parallel, magical earth filled with exotic creatures, noble humans and magic– all threatened by an encroaching evil.
And when the might volarans stopped obeying the Chevaliers, the flying horses' unexpected rebellion had thrown Lladrana into an uproar. In desperation, the sorcerers had sought help from afar - and gotten Calli. If she could fulfill this mission perhaps she would also finally find all she had longed for – a mate, a home, a family. But against this great darkness she had no battle experience, no strategy plans. She had only a bond with horses...
Robin D. Owens has been writing longer than she cares to recall. Her fantasy/futuristic romances finally found a home at Berkley with the issuance of HeartMate in December 2001. She credits the telepathic cat with attitude in selling that book. Since then, Heart Thief was a launch book for Berkley Sensation in June 2003, Heart Duel was published in 2004, Heart Choice in 2005, and Heart Quest in 2006. Her Luna Books series includes shape-shifting fairies and average American women Summoned into another world to fight monstrous evil.
Owens has an easy and engaging writing style which, when combined with her intriguing characters and interesting setting, makes for a fast and compelling read.
This is among the most joyful series of novels in any genre...when the ending page arrives, YOU feel the Snap, pulling you reluctantly back to the real world. Ms. Owens has mastered characterization, interweaving the lives of previous main characters with those of the new expertly, so you meet new friends and catch up on the old. – Amanda Killgore, Huntress Reviews
Website: http://www.robindowens.com
Just received my copy today. Darn I have too much going on to really delve into it. She has put a couple of maps in the front...Yay!
FYI to anyone interested in this book. It's the 3rd in a series. I just bought it today and then realized it later.
So, I've since ordered the first one from the Luna Web site as Amazon doesn't offer it, and the second one from Amazon because they DO have that one.
So, I guess I'll have to wait until one and two come before I get to this one. I've got to read stuff in order. And, I figure if I read one and two, I'll know what's going on in three better.
This one looks great! I think I read the first book in the series, so I'll have to look out for 2 & 3.
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