Friday, December 02, 2022

Friday Book Club

 Friday Book Club time! What reads are you loving this week?


library addict said...

My favorite read this week was Rebecca Zanetti's You Can Hide (Laurel Snow #2).

And of course a certain short story multiple times :)

I also read multiple Harlequin titles which I will wait to post as I support the HarperCollins Union.

Eva said...

Seize the Castle #2 by Elizabeth Dear. Very recommendable. I inhaled it. LOL

Kim said...

Just finished David Weber's A Call to Insurrection. So far it's the best one in that quartet. I can see there's a possibility for a sequel, with at least one plot point left unresolved (or should I say "undiscovered").

Now I'm into Archangel's Resurrection. I must say I'm really liking this discovery of the baby angels in both this and the last book. It's a totally different viewpoint. And provides depth into these characters we've only known as powers.