Archangel’s Legion is out in ebook, print, and audio in North
America! I hope you all enjoy returning to Elena and Raphael’s story.
(The international edition will be out super soon, too!)
If you’d like to discuss the book with other readers,
the spoiler zone is open and active. Just
follow the link to it to post.
Happy reading! :-)
Thank you! You made my day! Starting with Angels falling from the sky. So daring. I love it.
OMG!!! LOVED IT! I couldn't put it down..WOW! Can't wait to see what's next...Thank you...Kristi
Happy Birthday to me! ; )
Hey, Nalini.
Can I use that photo of the cover you've got there when I talk about Archangel's Legion on My website?
Sure Saaski :) (Most publishers don't mind if you use their cover if reviewing/discussing a book).
Thanks, I figured better safe then sorry. :D
pls wat does aeclari mean.
Wow! Terrific job as usual Nalini!
Sadly will not deliver Archangel´s Legion until November 8. ...
That was great! I'm sad, as always, that I have to wait til next year for the next book, but I'm grateful that as well as leaving some hanging ends, you leave the story at a nice, closure.
Thank you so much!
Thank you very much. :-)
LOVED IT... I just love all the characters and how they've developed since book 1... Awesome writing
Finished this book in one sitting. I couldn't put it down. I'm now rereading it. Can't wait for the next GH book. . .I hope it still features Raphael & Elena.
I re-read it right away. This book is awesome! I don´t want to put in spoilers but the scene between aodhan, ilium and elena over the hudson river was pure genius!
Hello, I am a Spanish girl, I love guild hunter, although this remains difficult read it to me, I'm trying to read the last, archangel's legion, even so I want to do it out in Spanish
Thank you so much for opening my mind to a treasure chest of gifts! I cant tell you how much I felt actually being part of your stories. Loved every reading minute!
Absolutely loved thia book, finished it within a couple of hours. Desperately waiting for the next, I hope it has Elena and her archangel in it for sure. Possibly with more on Honor and Dmitri as well
Also what does aeclari mean?
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