Winner: Thanks for your comments everyone. The random winner is Serena S. T.
Please contact Ashwini at naliniDOTassistantATgmailDOTcom with your mailing address.
I love
Pride & Prejudice, so when I saw
this Dear Author review about a book that retells P&P in the world of curling, I knew I had to give it a go. I'm so glad I did! I loved the originality of the retelling, and read through the book in one sitting.
Here's the blurb and
the link to the excerpt on the author's website:
All Darcy Bennet wants is to make it to the regional curling
championships while finding some way to stop Jean, her best friend and
team skipper, from moving across the country for college.
Darcy's thrilled when Jean sets her heart on a boy destined for a local
university. Maybe hooking them up will keep Jean closer to home.
Unfortunately, she hits a roadblock in the form of Lucas Fitzwilliam,
who doesn't think it's such a hot idea for his friend to date Jean and
soon convinces his friend to feel the same.
Darcy has no hope of
matchmaking while Lucas is working against her in his mistaken belief
that Jean “deserves better,” so when he offers to stop trying to keep
the couple apart if she'll stop trying to push them together, she
agrees. But when upholding her noninterference pact with Lucas means
denying Jean help getting a date to the winter formal, the resulting
argument leaves the girls' friendship in jeopardy.
Now Darcy has to repair her relationship with Jean so their team can
regain the solidarity they'll need to win the tournament that would
qualify them for Regionals. And she really has to resist the temptation
to kill Lucas, because she's pretty sure there's no curling in prison.
I'm delighted to have
Andrea Brokaw here to talk about her writing journey to
Pride, Prejudice, and Curling Rocks. Please welcome Andrea to the blog everyone, and don't forget to enter her contest!
Andrea Brokaw on Pride, Prejudice, and Curling Rocks

A few weeks ago, I checked my email and saw something from Nalini Singh. I assumed I'd signed up for her mailing list, then forgotten about it, but while I was wondering if she had something new due out, I realized the subject of the email she'd sent was “Pride, Prejudice, and Curling Rocks.” I stared at that for a moment as it clicked in my head that Nalini Singh had sent me an email with the title of my novel as the subject line.
If someone had told me last year that my first fan letter from a complete stranger was going to be from someone whose name has repeatedly graced the New York Times Bestseller List, I would have laughed at this person and assumed they were drunk or stoned or something. But that's what had happened! Nalini said that not only had she heard of my book, she'd read my book and enjoyed it! And she wanted to know if I'd be interested in doing a guest spot on her blog.
I stared at that message for long enough that my son asked me what was wrong. He was a little freaked out when my response was to laugh.
So, to make a long story short (Too late!), yes, Nalini, I would love to do a spot on your blog and it really and truly means the world to me that you've asked!
A very common thing for people to ask me about is why I decided to retell
Pride and Prejudice through a curling story. The mainstream wants to know “Why curling?” and curlers are all, “Why Austen?”
There was never a point in time when I thought out of the blue, “I need to introduce Lizzie Bennett to winter sports!” Rather, the idea evolved on its own.
I've been a fan of curling since I noticed during the 2002 Olympics that my newborn would stare captivated and quiet at curling for hours straight. That February, I had curling on the TV every second I could and cursed the fact that I didn't live in Canada where I could continue watching it after the Olympics.
By 2010, my son was no longer bespelled by the sport, but I still enjoyed it immensely. I also enjoyed Twitter and spent a great deal of time Tweeting about the Vancouver Olympics curling matches I was watching. I'm sure a lot of people didn't care for the sudden sports Tweeting, but there were quite a few people who really seemed to appreciate it. Some of them even wrote to tell me that I'd made the game much more understandable to them and that they were enjoying it for the first time ever.
Andrea at a curling rink! |
Somewhere in all this, it occurred to me that I could write a novel about curlers. Before that point in time, everything I'd written had been some form of fantasy, either traditional or urban, but there was something appealing in the notion that I could create a contemporary romance if it had a background of something I enjoyed as much as curling.
I spent the last week of the Games alternating between Tweeting and outlining a novel. I was really excited about the idea, although there were two slight problems. One was that I didn't feel I knew enough about curling because all I'd ever done was watch it on TV. That was easily fixed thanks to the Granite Curling Club in Seattle. Sure it was over two hours from where I was living, but they let me join anyway and my uber-fabulous husband drove me over the mountains and through the city every week so we could pick up the sport. The other problem was harder though. There was something “off” about my outline and I couldn't figure out what it was.
I did the only thing I could think of and let the outline sit for a bit. When I picked it up with fresh eyes, I realized my issue. “Huh,” I said to myself. “You outlined
Pride and Prejudice.”
I honestly hadn't meant to do that, but looking at the plot, it was inescapably the same basic story.
It took me a week or two of internal debate, but eventually I decided that rather than trying to edit my outline to make it stand out more from
Pride and Prejudice, it would be more fun to tweak it to be closer. So my names changed and a couple of new characters wandered in and a few points were nudged around until I had something that I felt was perfect for the title
Pride, Prejudice, and Curling Rocks.
When I told Twitter, the response was great. One friend immediately asked, “What position does Mr Darcy play?” With a grin, I wrote back, “Mr Darcy does not curl. He plays hockey. This is just one of his many flaws.” And my friend declared that I'd nailed it.
Now I'm working (far too slowly) on a curling version of
Much Ado About Nothing, because Beatrice and Benedick are one of my favorite couples of all time. My mom thinks it should have ghosts in it. Or vampires. Maybe angels. I told her she should write that then. (Or perhaps Nalini should? ;)
But what about you guys? What unusual retelling would you create?
Giveaway: Andrea is giving away a copy of Pride, Prejudice, and Curling Rocks. Giveaway
open internationally. To
enter the draw, just leave a comment on this post (on the main blog
rather than the Goodreads feed), before noon Sunday 30th September, New Zealand
time. Make sure you either leave a way for me to contact you, or check the blog on Monday to see if you've won.
The fine print: One entry per household. No purchase necessary to
enter. Winner will be chosen randomly using and his or her
name posted on this blog on Monday 1st October 2012. Void where