Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday Book Club

It's Friday book club time! It's all about sharing recent reads you've enjoyed, and increasing the size of each others to-be-read pile, so comment, comment! :-)

I've been in the mood for historical mysteries lately. I picked up Ariana Franklin's Mistress of the Art of Death on the recommendation of a friend, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's set in medieval England, and features a lady "mistress of the art of death" from the fabled University of Salerno, who's brought in to help solve the murders of four children in Cambridge.

I'll definitely be picking up the other books in this series. Follow the link if want to check out an excerpt!

Okay, your turn. What are your recommended reads this week?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Guest Author: Jory Strong

WINNERS! The random numbers have rolled and the winners of Jory's giveaway are:


Congratulations! Please email me (nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com) and let me know your address, and whether you'd like Ghostland or Spider-Touched.

I'm so pleased to have the lovely Jory Strong guest on the blog today! (Aren't her covers gorgeous?!)

Jory's giving away copies of either
Ghostland or Spider Touched, to two random winners. Leave a comment by Friday 31st July, 12 noon, New Zealand time, to enter.

Everyone, please welcome Jory to the blog :-)


First, thanks to Nalini for inviting me to post on her blog. I'm a huge fan of her writing so it's an absolute thrill to have been asked!

Spider-Touched, my second book with Berkley releases August 4. You'd think by this point (it's my 32nd published story), I could kick back and just be excited, taking a “no worries” approach.

Hah! I wish.

Some authors liken the creative process to giving birth, and the end result to a baby introduced to the world on release day. I see it more as stepping out of the house naked just when a crowd happens to be gathered to take a good look.

Hmm…maybe my erotic romance roots are showing here :-)

Talk about feeling exposed and vulnerable! Still, despite the wide range of emotions that come with the territory of being an author, from the amazing highs to the terrible lows, and the roller-coaster ride connecting those two points, I can't imagine not writing.

Authors are always asked where their ideas come from. Up until Ghostland, all of my published stories (and yes, I have a cabinet full of unpublished ones in other genres) were erotic romances. I still love writing erotic romance and don't see myself quitting, but with each new story I found myself spending more and more time on world building, and in wanting to delve into questions and realities that don't necessarily lend themselves to the erotic romance genre.

Ghostland, Spider-Touched and my current work-in-progress are the result of a desire to grow in a different direction and to explore a post-apocalyptic fantasy world by asking: What would it be like if humans no longer ruled as a result of their sheer numbers, their weapons and their technology? What kinds of societies would they form, especially if the supernaturals no longer needed to hide their existence? And what if there was a war brewing between ancient, unseen enemies (angels and Djinn) for who will ultimately control Earth--and the heroes and heroines who find love and want their own “happy ever after” unknowingly play a part in preparing for that war?

In Ghostland, a Djinn prince and a gifted human shamaness are faced with an unbearable choice. Follow their hearts or stay true to their honor and risk losing an eternity of pleasure.

In Spider-Touched, for an enslaved angel whose memory and power are denied him, and a human who is more than she seems, learning the truth of what they are will destroy them unless their love is strong enough to overcome the dark legacy of a battle that began with the birth of mankind.

I love spending time in this post-apocalyptic world and hope readers will too! Some of the characters in Ghostland do make an appearance in Spider-Touched. And the heroine of my current work-in-progress plays an important role in Spider-Touched. She's a human healer matched, in her own story, with a Jaguar shapeshifter. Love those big cats! Especially Nalini's :-)

What about you? When it comes to a hero, what's your absolute favorite to read about? Human (with or without paranormal abilities)? Vampire? Shapeshifter (what kind)? Angel? Other?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Emails, Guest Annoucement & Vendetta

First - the email: I'm neck deep in edits, so if you've emailed, I might take a little longer than usual to reply.

Second - I've got a great guest-blogger lined up for tomorrow, so make sure you swing by. Clue - fill in the gaps for her name: _ 0 _ _ / _ _ _ 0 _ _

And third - I am now feuding with Ilona Andrews.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cover Love: Archangel's Kiss

I have so much love for this cover, I can't put it into words. Let's just say I've been unable to stop looking at it since it landed in my in-box!!

This is not quite the final version - the eagle-eyed among you might have noticed a tiny typo. That typo will be fixed in the final cover (I couldn't wait to share!). But just for fun - the first person to leave a comment stating what the typo is gets a Psy/Changeling series magnet. :)

I'll also send out a magnet to the first person to correctly guess Elena's location (click on the image to increase the size). It's a specific area in a specific city, and I absolutely adore how the Art Dept. integrated it so beautifully into the cover.

I hope you all love it just as much as I do!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday Book Club & Interview with Mary E. Pearson: The Adoration of Jenna Fox

Woohoo, time for the Friday book club. It's all about sharing recommendations for books we've enjoyed recently, so leave a comment!

I picked up The Adoration of Jenna Fox because a friend was reading it. And well, the next thing you know, it's one in the morning and I'm glued to the page. It's a fantastic read! It has a little bit of a science fiction feel, but it's also very emotionally charged. I literally couldn't put it down.

Here's the blurb from the Who is Jenna Fox website:
Who is Jenna Fox?

Seventeen-year-old Jenna has been told that is her name. She has just awoken from a year-long coma, and she’s still recovering from the terrible accident that caused it. Her parents show her home movies of her life, her memories, but she has no recollection. Is she really the same girl she sees on the screen?

Little by little, Jenna begins to remember. But along with the memories come questions—questions no one wants to answer for her. What really happened after the accident?

In this fascinating novel, acclaimed author Mary E. Pearson presents an unforgettable look at one human life and a glimpse into a possible future that may be closer than we think.

I was also lucky enough to interview the author, the lovely and talented Mary E. Pearson. Interview below!

1. Who is Mary Pearson? Give us the lowdown.

On a personal level, I have been married to the man of my dreams since I was a tot. I have two beautiful grown daughters who both tower over me–they have since they were twelve. My husband's tall genes are obviously much stronger than my short ones. I also have a wonderful son I got the easy way–my daughter married him. When I’m not reading and writing, nothing gives me greater pleasure than to hang out with my family which also includes two spoiled golden retrievers.

My first book was published back in 2000 and my fifth comes out next month–all YA novels. I don’t write for teens. I write about them. There’s a subtle difference!

2. AJF has an extremely intriguing premise - what inspired you to write this story? (Yes, I know, it's the dreaded inspiration question, but I can't help myself!)

The first seeds of the story came from two questions: First, how far will medicine advance in another fifty years? The second, how far would a parent go to save their child? These questions were planted in my mind back in 2000 when my daughter was diagnosed with cancer and I was plunged into the world of hospitals, doctors and endless amounts of waiting for appointments, tests, treatments, and results. Lots of time to think and wonder. I remember thinking how lucky we were that we lived where we did and when we did because there was a very good (and successful) treatment for her. I didn't know that years later these two questions or wonderings of mine would be the seed of JENNA's story. Even though the story is not about my family or experience, these experiences certainly got the wheels turning.

3. AJF has distinct science fiction elements. Is that something that's usually a part of your work?

No, not really. AJF is my first science fiction novel, and actually, when I was writing it, I didn’t even think of it as science fiction. For me, it was a story about relationships and how the people we care about complicate the choices we make including what we may have previously thought was right or wrong.

I am not sure that I ever follow a “usual” route with my stories. Each one has been very different from the previous one, from breezy humor, to romance, to dark and gritty, to sci-fi, and now something dipping into slipstream.

4. What are you working on at present?

It is still in the early stages–I am only about seventy pages in–and that is a fragile time in the life of a story, so I don’t really talk about it at this stage. But rest assured I am working on something!

5. In your view, what are some of the rewards/challenges of writing YA fiction?

I think the rewards and challenges are probably the same as writing for any genre. When you get that right word, the right chapter, the right piece of dialogue that you have been searching for, it feels deliciously wonderful. It is like the true story is there all along, waiting for you to uncover it, but it takes a lot of persistence and faith in the process to find it. I don’t outline or plan out a story–I just concentrate on listening to the character and being true to their voice and perspective.

6. Could you give us a little info on your next release?

My newest book, The Miles Between, is out on September 1–only a month away! It’s about four teens who take off on an “unauthorized” road trip in search of one fair day. Destiny, the main character is obsessed with coincidences–and for good reason. She also has a secret she is keeping from the three classmates that she’s taken off with, and as the story unfolds, she discovers they have secrets of their own. It's a larger-than-life type of story where fantasy bleeds into reality, and you’re never quite sure where one begins and the other ends. Lots of “coincidences” ensue! I had fun writing it, even though it has its dark moments too.

Nalini, thank you so much for having me!

A huge thank you to Mary for the interview!

Now it's your turn - share your book recommendations, whatever they be! :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

More Good News

Branded By Fire hit the Publishers Weekly Bestseller list, and is still also on the New York Times Bestseller list :)

Also, don't forget to swing by for Friday Book Club tomorrow - I've got a really cool interview for you. And as always, we'll be talking books, books, books!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Q & A

Got questions? I may possibly have answers ;-)

Questions about either the Psy/Changeling or Guild Hunter series are okay. Though if you have questions about earlier books in the Psy/Changeling series, you might want to check out the Q & A thread from last year to see if I answered it there.

The floor's now open for questions... (and will remain so until the end of the week).

Edited to add: There will be *spoilers*, so if you haven't read Branded By Fire or Angels' Blood, swing back after you've had a chance to read them :-)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Website Updated

We've just updated the website. Lots of good stuff, including a contest for an ARC of Must Love Hellhounds, shiny new excerpts and... I was a bit sneaky and "hid" a piece of information on the site. If you find it, shh... Let's give everyone a chance to play ;-)

Remember, the Q&A kicks off Monday!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday Book Club

It's book club time! For those who haven't joined in before - it's all about sharing the books we've enjoyed recently. So if you have a read you'd like to share, leave a comment!

I haven't read much this week, but prior to that, I blazed my way through C.S. Harris's four Sebastian St. Cyr novels (thanks for the rec, Orannia!).

This is a historical mystery series set in Regency England. It's dark, gritty, and while it does have a romantic thread, it falls firmly into the mystery genre. This is what it says on the author's website about the hero, Sebastian: "
Think Mr. Darcy with a James Bond edge... " I completely agree!

The first book is What Angels Fear - you can check out an excerpt and read more about the series on the author's website. I'm now impatiently waiting for book five - What Remains of Heaven.

Okay, your turn! What are your book recommendations this week?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Breaking News :)

Branded By Fire hit #14 on the New York Times bestseller list. Thank you to everyone who supported the release! You all rock!

Now let's party! :-)

Q & A Date & Links

The Q & A session I promised everyone is scheduled for next week. I'll open the thread on Monday and close it Sunday, so you'll have lots of time to get questions in.

For those of you who prefer the forum format, I'll also be answering questions over at the fan forum beginning Tuesday.

I've also got three great links to share today.

Environmental artist Sally J Smith is guest-blogging over on Riding With the Top Down and you must go and see her work. It's incredibly beautiful and inspiring. Here's a link to Sally's personal blog. (Thanks to Michele Hauf for the heads-up on the guest blog).

For writers & readers - check out this great video of Nora Roberts where she talks about writing and Roarke.

Author TJ Bennett is giving away lots of RITA nominated books. There might be something in an upcoming tote from yours truly :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

NZ/Aus Author Series: Sandra Hyatt

Winner: The random numbers have rolled and the winner of Sandra's giveaway is MAERED! Congrats! Please email me your address: nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com


Today we get to meet the third guest in my monthly series on authors from my part of the world - Sandra Hyatt!
Not only is Sandra a friend, she's a debut author whose first book has just come out. Congratulations, Sandra!!

She's here today sharing the really cool story of where she got the "Call" and giving away a copy of her debut book, so leave a comment to be in the draw.

Everyone, please give a very warm welcome to Sandra. :-)


First off – than
ks Nalini for inviting me to blog with you.

It's great to have something like this going on while it seems so many authors I know are off having a wonderful time in Washington DC at the Romance Writers of America national conference.

I have fabulous memories of last year's San Francisco conference. The whole conference is always an amazing experience – terrific workshops and speakers, editors, agents, publishers and hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands of authors all in the one place. And the best thing is that every last person there is passionate about romance.

Then, of course, there are the Golden Heart Awards for unpublished manuscripts and the RITA Awards for the very best in published Romance fiction. (Fingers crossed on Saturday night for Mine to Possess in the paranormal romance category. How could Clay and Tally's story not win?).

But last year's conference was particularly special for me because that was where I got The Call from my editor saying she wanted to buy my book. To get that news, in a place like that, and to be able to share it on the spot and in person with my writing friends (as well as the complete strangers I told) was so much fun.

And now, a year down the track, that call has resulted in my very first book Having The Billionaire's Baby hitting the shelves in North America right about now. It's resulted in me being able to hold a real book with my name on the cover, in my hot little hands. It's also resulted in me being able to answer, when someone asks what I do, that I write romance. This is a dream come true for me, a dream that was ten years in the making, and a dream which I'm hoping is only just beginning.

I love the writing of my stories, the way characters come to life, and the way they shape their own destinies on paper. Callie, The heroine of Having the Billionaire's Baby has always been a 'good' girl, always followed the rules, and always carefully planned her life. But on the night of her ex-fiancé's wedding she gives herself permission to throw caution to the wind and act on impulse. Her actions that night land her in hot water with Nick (who plays by his own rules) and her carefully ordered life is turned upside down.

As exciting as it's all been, it's a bit like a rollercoaster too. There are parts where you're slowly climbing to a peak, not knowing what's in front of you. The book hitting the shelves is one of those peaks, because for so many years the only people who've read what I've written have been a few critique partners and some contest judges. Now the whole world—and my mother—can read it.

I'd love it if anyone out there had experiences they wanted to share where they had doubts but triumphed wildly (or even mildly).

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Book Tour: Alibi Junior High by Greg Logsted

Today, I've got a YA book tour from a fellow Knight Agency author. Check out the details below!

Also, talking about Young Adult books, The Book Smugglers are going to be holding a YA Book Appreciation Month. Follow the link to read the details!

Alibi Junior High
y Greg Logsted
June 23, 2009
$15.99, Ages 10-14

Thirteen-year-old Cody Saron has been home schooled his whole life by his father, an undercover agent for the CIA. Cody has never lived the same life as other kids his age. He never went to a regular school, never lived in one place longer than a few weeks, never had a friend or played on any sports teams. Cody’s a black belt in the arts of Tae Kwon Do and Ju Jitsu. He speaks five languages and has traveled to every corner of the globe. But what Cody isn't prepared for is . . . junior high.

When the danger surrounding Cody's dad heats up like never before, Cody is sent to stay with the aunt he's never known, Jenny Williams, in her small Connecticut suburb. Cody knows how to pick a lock or follow a trail, but he has no idea how to fit in with regular kids, how to handle his first crush, or how to make it through a day of classes. How will he ever fit in?

“I just finished reading Greg Logsted’s Alibi Junior High in a single sitting. Thankfully the family had other things to do for a while because the author nailed me to the pages with his premise and with the fantastic pacing of this young adult novel. I wasn’t tempted even once to get up and go do something else. Logsted starts his spell on page one, and readers will have to stay with him to see what ultimately happens to Cody Saron, the 13-year-old professional spy.” ~ Mel Odol, INDENVER TIMES

Greg Logsted currently lives in Danbury with his wife and fellow author, Lauren Baratz-Logsted and their daughter Jackie. He is the author of Something Happened and coauthor of The Sisters 8 series for young readers.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday Wake-Up

First, cuteness.

And now an inside look at the NZ sense of humor. If you haven't seen this before, see if you can spot the difference.

Here's the video about the making of the ad. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Guest Author: Michelle Raven

Thank you everyone for the wonderful chat with Michelle! I've run the random numbers and the winner of the giveaway book is:

KLAUS (Herr Palomar)

Congratulations! Please email your address to: nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com

Today we have a very special guest - German writer,
Michelle Raven! Michelle and I are both published by LYX in Germany, and we "met" via e-mail. Her very first paranormal romantic suspense releases next week - and she's agreed to drop by and answer questions, so feel free to hit her with them! The book is being released in German. However, Michelle speaks both German and English, so questions in both languages are welcome.

Heute haben wir einen besonderen Gast – die deutsche Autorin Michelle Raven! Michelle und ich werden beide bei LYX in Deutschland veröffentlicht und haben uns über Email ‚getroffen’. Ihr allererster paranormaler Romantic Suspense erscheint nächste Woche – und sie hat sich bereit erklärt, hier vorbeizuschauen und Fragen zu beantworten, also nur zu, überfallt sie damit! Das Buch wird in deutscher Sprache erscheinen. Allerdings spricht Michelle sowohl deutsch als auch englisch, also könnt ihr die Fragen in beiden Sprachen stellen.

Giveaway: Michelle is giving away a copy of her book to a German speaking reader in Germany, Austria or Switzerland. Leave a comment by 7am, Monday 13th July 2009 (New Zealand time) to be in the random draw. (And please remember to check on Monday to see if you've won.)

: Michelle verlost ein Exemplar ihres Buches an einen deutschsprachigen Leser in Deutschland, Österreich oder der Schweiz. Schreibt einen Kommentar bis 7:00 Uhr morgens, Montag, 13. Juli 2009 (Neuseeland-Zeit!) um an der Verlosung teilzunehmen. (Und denkt daran am Montag nachzusehen, ob ihr gewonnen habt.)

Everyone, please welcome Michelle to the blog!

Bitte heißt Michelle auf dem Blog willkommen!

M: Thank you Nalini for having me! I’m honored and thrilled that you invited me to your blog. I’m reading ‘Branded by Fire’ at the moment and I love it! Not a big surprise, since I loved all the other books of the Psy/Changeling series, too.

: Vielen Dank für die Einladung auf dein Blog, Nalini! Ich fühle mich geehrt und freue mich sehr darüber, hier zu sein. Ich lese gerade ‚Branded by Fire’ und ich liebe es! Keine sehr große Überraschung, da ich auch alle anderen Bände der Psy/Changeling-Serie toll fand.

1. Who is Michelle Raven? Tell us a bit about yourself.

Michelle Raven is my alter ego who writes romantic suspense and now also paranormal romantic suspense novels. In real life I’m working as a one person librarian in a museum in Lower Saxony, Germany. I started writing in 1999, when I was reading a travel guide about USA’s National Parks and suddenly had an idea for a story when I saw a picture of the Fiery Furncace in Arches NP. I wrote three years on that one and it was published immediately afterwards in October 2002. Since then I’m hooked on writing (and publishing!) and hope I can keep doing that for a very long time.

Michelle Raven ist mein Pseudonym für Romantic Suspense Romane (Romantic Thriller/Ladythriller) und jetzt auch paranormale Romantic Suspense. Im normalen Leben arbeite ich als Leiterin einer Museumsbibliothek in Niedersachsen. 1999 habe ich mit dem Schreiben begonnen, als mir plötzlich eine Idee für eine Geschichte kam, während ich in einem Reiseführer über amerikanische National Parks blätterte und auf ein Foto des Fiery Furnace im Arches NP stieß. Ich habe drei Jahre daran geschrieben und es wurde gleich nach der Fertigstellung im Oktober 2002 veröffentlicht. Seitdem liebe ich es, zu schreiben (und zu veröffentlichen!) und ich hoffe, ich kann das noch sehr lange tun.

2. What is the title of your July release in German? Translated into English?

The serial title is ‚Ghostwalker’ (which is a Native American term for Mountain Lions/Cougars) and the title of the first volume is ‘Die Spur der Katze’ (= ‘Track of the cat’). Publication date is July 15th, which is actually next week.

Der Serientitel lautet ‘Ghostwalker’ (das ist eine indianische Bezeichnung für Berglöwen/Pumas) und der Titel des ersten Bandes lautet ‘Die Spur der Katze’. Das Buch erscheint am 15. Juli 2009, also bereits nächste Woche.

3. What is 'Die Spur der Katze' about?

‘Die Spur der Katze’ is about former New York journalist Marisa Pérèz, who one night finds an injured and very naked man on the doorstep of her sequestered cottage. An ugly scandal made her leave New York City and come to Mariposa, a small town in California near Yosemite National Park. Marisa tends to the wounds and let’s the stranger stay, even though he acts and looks somewhat – abnormal. But he is also quite handsome, if you like the tall, lean and rugged look.

The next day two detectives come to her cottage, investigating the murder of a neighbour. Marisa doesn’t know if the stranger was involved in the crime, but she lies to the detectives to protect him. Now the murderers are not only chasing Coyle, as the man is called, but also Marisa because she helped him.

When her cottage is attacked the following night, Coyle leads her into the forest, away from civilization. Marisa is suddenly thrown into a whole new world, where Coyle changes into something that can’t really exist.

In ‘Die Spur der Katze’ geht es um die frühere New Yorker Journalistin Marisa Pérèz, die eines Nachts einen verletzten und sehr nackten Mann auf der Türschwelle ihrer einsamen Hütte findet. Ein Skandal hat dazu geführt, dass sie New York verlassen hat und nach Mariposa, eine Kleinstadt in Kalifornien in der Nähe des Yosemite National Parks, gezogen ist. Marisa verarztet den Fremden, und lässt ihn bei ihr übernachten, obwohl er sich manchmal sehr seltsam verhält. Aber er sieht auch gut aus, zumindest wenn man den groß, schlank und rauen Look mag.

Am nächsten Tag kommt die Polizei zu ihrer Hütte, um den Mord eines ihrer Nachbarn aufzuklären. Marisa weiß nicht, was mit dem Fremden passiert ist, trotzdem lügt sie die Polizisten an, um ihn zu schützen. Doch jetzt jagen die Mörder nicht nur Coyle, wie sich der Fremde nennt, sondern auch Marisa, weil sie ihm geholfen hat.

Als die Mörder in der nächsten Nacht ihre Hütte angreifen, führt Coyle sie in den Wald, fort von der Zivilisation. Marisa wird plötzlich in eine ganz andere Welt geworfen, in der Coyle sich in etwas verwandelt, das eigentlich nicht existieren sollte.

4. Is this your first book?

No, it’s my seventh published novel (five with the name Michelle Raven and one with Michaela Rabe). But it’s my first paranormal novel, so it’s all new and exciting.

Nein, es ist mein siebter veröffentlichter Roman (fünf unter them Namen Michelle Raven und eines unter Michaela Rabe). Aber es ist mein erster paranormaler Roman, deshalb ist alles neu und aufregend.

5. What did you find most challenging / most interesting, about writing this book?

Writing the paranormal elements was really challenging for me, because I had never done that before. I tried to stick to reality as much as possible, because I wanted the heroine to realize that the world she knows is not everything out there. The possibility that other 'beings' exist and that they have many problems normal humans don’t even have to think about. But I really liked the way Marisa handled what I dumped in her lap and I loved her interaction with Coyle in all his shapes.

Es war am schwierigsten, den paranormalen Teil zu schreiben, weil ich so etwas noch nie zuvor getan habe. Ich bin soweit möglich in der Realität geblieben, weil ich wollte, dass die Heldin realisiert, dass die Welt, wie sie sie kennt, nicht alles ist. Dass andere Wesen existieren und Probleme haben, über die ‚normale’ Menschen gar nicht nachdenken müssen. Aber ich habe es sehr gemocht, wie Marisa mit allem, was ich ihr zugemutet habe, fertig geworden ist und wie sie mit Coyle in allen seinen Formen umgegangen ist.

6. Where can readers find out more information about your book, perhaps read an excerpt?

You can find more information about ‘Die Spur der Katze’ on my website or at the publisher’s website . There is also an excerpt up for a quick peek on the first chapter.

Sie können auf meiner Homepage oder auf der Homepage des Verlags mehr Informationen über ‘Die Spur der Katze’ finden. Es gibt auch eine Leseprobe, um einen Blick auf das erste Kapitel zu werfen.

7. Is there anything else you'd like to share?

I’d like to thank you, Nalini, for introducing me to the world of shape-shifting Cats, I just love them! That was the main reason for me to start writing paranormals.

Ich möchte dir danken, Nalini, dass du mir die Welt der Katzen-Gestaltwandler gezeigt hast, ich liebe sie einfach! Für mich war das der Hauptgrund, mit dem Schreiben von paranormalen Romanen zu beginnen.


Thank you to Michelle for the great interview!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Thai Cover: Caressed By Ice

First, a heads-up: We're going to have a very special and truly international guest on the blog tomorrow, so make sure to drop by. Hint: if you speak German, you definitely won't want to miss this. Oooh, who can it be?
And now onto today's post!

Check out th
e incredibly gorgeous cover of the Thai translation of Caressed By Ice. Isn't it stunning?! I absolutely had to share this - huge thanks to my Thai publisher, Kaewkarn Publishing for sending it to me!

The Friday Book Club returns next week, so get reading! :-)

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Next Psy/Changeling Book

I'm currently working on the next Psy/Changeling book, and the hero of that book is....*drum roll please*...Max!

I've wanted to write about the cop since he first appeared in Mine to Possess, and he's definitely living up to expectations ;-) His heroine is someone you haven't met yet, but I think you'll love her. Lots of big developments happening in this book - some things are going to break wide open and there are surprises aplenty.

And that's all I'm saying....for now *grin*

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Links & Spoiler Thread

First up - I'm at Silk & Shadows talking about 10 ways to tell if a book is written by me.

And as promised, the Spoiler Thread for Branded By Fire is now open. Follow the link in the sidebar (under Links for Readers header). -->

If you prefer a forum format, there's a spoiler section at the fan forum.

Happy reading and discussing :)

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Branded By Fire Release Day!!

Thank you everyone for making the countdown to Branded By Fire so fabulous!! I hope you all had a fun time and that you enjoy Mercy and Riley's story!!

Thank you also to everyone who's dropped by the blog to comment, and/or written to me about Branded. I'm so absolutely delighted by the response to the book! Because so many of you have written re a spoiler thread, I'll open one up on the blog tomorrow! (There'll also be a spoiler section going up on the fan forum).

I've got a few release day links I wanted to share.

I was interviewed by the lovely Jax Cassidy for Hooked on Romance. Swing by and say hi (there's a book and a super-duper magnet *grin* up for grabs).

Several awesome reviews of Branded have just gone up around the web. Here are some snippets and links!

I closed Branded by Fire at 11 PM, having skipped making or eating dinner until then so I could finish reading Mercy and Riley’s story. Sexy, intense and riveting, this book was also deeply satisfying. I couldn’t put it down.
~ Janine for Dear Author
And from the first chapter when they finally share total skin-to-skin privileges and then some, the pages burn up with passion, lust, anger, tenderness, sensitivity, claws, teeth and all when these two interact in and out of the bedroom.
~Sandy M for The Good, the Bad and the Unread
I've always loved how Singh doesn't simply portray her changelings as people who just happen to be able to shift into animals. Rather, the fact that a they are animals as well as humans influences her changelings even when they are in human form. "Their animal" is still there, and will react to events and feelings, giving changelings' emotional reactions a certain wildness which I love.
~ Rosario's Reading Journal

You can buy Branded By Fire everywhere! Here are some links to get you started: Borders, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books A Million, Powells, IndieBound,
Book Depository (worldwide), Fishpond (NZ).

E-book: Books on Board, Fictionwise, Amazon Kindle, All Romance Ebooks, Penguin Website, Diesel E-books, Sony.

If there's a link I've forgotten, let me know :-)

Now let's party like it's July 7th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Countdown to Branded By Fire: 1 day to go!

Winners! The random numbers have rolled and the lucky folks are:

Ginny - The Scot and I by Elizabeth Thornton

CrazyCommaMomma - Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop

Congrats! Please email me your addresses (nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com).


Mercy and Riley release tomorrow! (Or the day after if you're in another timezone ;-)) If you'd like to have a glimpse behind the scenes of Branded By Fire, I've written a special letter to readers that you can read by following the link!

How are your party feet? Ready to keep on dancing? Today's cyber launch giveaways are a copy of Elizabeth Thornton's The Scot and I, and a copy of Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop. (As regular blog readers know, I'm a huge, huge fan of Anne Bishop's Black Jewels books, and I attempt to pass on the addiction wherever possible. Daughter of the Blood is the first book.)

Entry rules are the same as Monday. Leave your answer to the day's burning questio
n and you're in. Bring a friend and I'll give you another entry. And don't forget to note if you've already got one of the books.

Today's burning question: Which book or series do you love so much that you're constantly trying to get other people to read them? Or conversely, has a friend convinced you to read something that you never would have on your own?

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Countdown to Branded By Fire: 2 days to go!

Winners: The random winners today are:

Christine - Dirty Sexy Knitting by Christie Ridgway
Maritza - Immortal Outlaw by Lisa Hendrix

Congrats! Please send me your addresses at nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com.

ly a couple more days to go until Branded By Fire officially hits the shelves!

Fellow writer Jaci Burton posted about Branded yesterday - here's a snippet from her blog:
This book was powerful, hot, sexy, and filled with all sorts of changeling goodness...Every new book opens up this world even more to give us a glimpse into amazing worlds, incredible worldbuilding and characters you can’t help but fall in love with.
And look, Romance Junkies just gave it a Blue Ribbon Favorite Award!

Today's cyber-launch party giveaways are a copy of Immortal Outlaw by Lisa Hendrix and a copy of Dirty, Sexy Knitting by Christie Ridgway.

Entry rules are the same as Monday. Leave your answer to the day's burning question and you're in. If you bring a friend or tell others about the party, I'll give you an extra entry.

Onto today's burning question:
How much to covers affect your book-buying? What are some of your favorite covers--recent or otherwise?

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Countdown to Branded By Fire: 3 days to go!

Winners: And the random winners are:

Pissenlit - Touched by Light by Catherine Spangler
Katie S. - Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James



The things I do for you guys. Today, I went on a daring raid and *borrowed* Curran from Ilona Andrews' Livejournal. Under no circumstances is anyone to tell Ilona. We'll give him back...maybe *grin*

Oooh, look at those eyes.

Branded By Fire featuring another hot and brooding male, officially hits the shelves on Tuesday, wooh

To celebrate the cyber-launch, today I'm giving away a copy of Touched By Light by Catherine Spangler, an
d a copy of Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James. We chatted about Just the Sexiest Man Alive at this Friday Book Club :)

Entry rules are the same as Monday! Leave a comment answering the day's burning question and you're in. Bring a friend or spread the word about the party and I'll give you an extra entry or entries. Also, don't forget to let me know if you've already got one of the books.

And today's burning question - well, with all this testosterone on the blog today, it can really only be this: Who do you consider the sexiest man in the world?

Friday, July 03, 2009

Countdown to Branded By Fire: 4 Days to Go!

Winners: The random numbers have spoken and the winners are:

Rob - Witch Fury by Anya Bast
Yogagrrl - Sweet Persuasion by Maya Banks


I can't believe Branded By Fire will be officially out next week! Here's a snippet from a recent review by BookThingo:

The way Mercy and Riley’s relationship is unfolded, broken, repaired, strengthened and resolved is done so beautifully. Their conflict isn’t trivial, and the push-and-pull for control is both fun and excruciating. I was barracking for both of them the entire time, and not once did I feel like one should surrender to the other.

I hope you guys are all enjoying the cyber launch party. I thought it was time to pass around some drinks. (The pic's from my last dinner at the 2008 RAW conference).

Today, I'm celebrating by giving away a copy of Witch Fury by Anya Bast, and a copy of Sweet Persuasion by Maya Banks.

Entry rules are the same as Monday. Leave a comment with your response to the day's burning question. Bring a friend or tell folks about the party and you get a second entry. (And don't forget to note if you already have one of the books).

And what is today's burning question? Since
Branded By Fire kicks off with a love scene (!) - the first time I've ever begun a book that way, let's talk about heat: What makes a love scene work for you? Conversely, what would make you skip a love scene?

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Countdown to Branded By Fire: 5 Days to Go!

Winners! The random winners are as follows:

Mech - Alyssa Day's Atlantis Unleashed
Maggie (thir...@yahoo) - Talk of the Ton

Congratulations! Please email me your addresses at nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com.

Branded By Fire releases next Tuesday! Here's what KMont at Lurv A La Mode had to say about Mercy and Riley's story:
Seeing them try to keep their alpha tendencies walled up and defending their emotions was both amusing and heart pounding when they began to crumble.
To read the full review, follow the link!

The cyber launch party continues today with the giveaway of a paranormal romance - Alyssa Day's Atlantis Unleashed, and a historical anthology - Talk of the Ton!

Entry rules are the same as Monday. Leave your answer to the bur
ning question in the comments! And if you bring along a friend to the party, it'll give you another entry for the day's giveaways.

Today's burning question is inspired by the anthology above: If you could live in any time period, past, present or future, which would you choose?

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Countdown to Branded By Fire: 6 days to go!

Winners: The random winners are:

Erika - Hidden Currents by Christine Feehan
JOYE (Anon #1) - Kiss & Hell by Dakota Cassidy

Congratulations! Please email me your addresses (nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com)

I'm over at the Book Smugglers talking about Inspirations and Influences, so come say hi. The Smugglers are a
lso giving away a copy of Branded By Fire!

And talkin
g of Branded By Fire, here's a snippet from Kati's review of the book for RNTV:
I have to say that I’ve always been very partial to the alphas in this series, Lucas (especially) and Hawke. But Riley’s tortured past; his deep well of feeling, so well hidden got all of my emotions working. The treat of the book, for me, was getting to know him, learning about his past, and how it’s shaped him as a man, and how hard he falls for Mercy. He flounders quite a bit, which is unnerving for someone as ordered as Riley.
Today's cyber launch giveaways are a copy of Hidden Currents by Christine Feehan and a copy of Kiss and Hell by Dakota Cassidy!

Entry rules are the same as Monday! In short, leave your answer to the day's burning question to go into the random draw. If you bring a friend, I'll give you an extra entry :) (Don't forget to tell me if you've already got one of the books).

Today's burning question is:
We've talked about heroes, now it's time for the heroines. Which heroine would you like to be for a day or a week? Reasons why?

Oooh, so many choices...