Winners: And the random winners are:
Pissenlit - Touched by Light by Catherine Spangler
Katie S. - Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James
The things I do for you guys. Today, I went on a daring raid and *borrowed* Curran from Ilona Andrews' Livejournal. Under no circumstances is anyone to tell Ilona. We'll give him back...maybe *grin*
Oooh, look at those eyes.
Branded By Fire featuring another hot and brooding male, officially hits the shelves on Tuesday, wooh
To celebrate the cyber-launch, today I'm giving away a copy of Touched By Light by Catherine Spangler, an
d a copy of Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James. We chatted about Just the Sexiest Man Alive at this Friday Book Club :)
Entry rules are the same as Monday! Leave a comment answering the day's burning question and you're in. Bring a friend or spread the word about the party and I'll give you an extra entry or entries. Also, don't forget to let me know if you've already got one of the books.
And today's burning question - well, with all this testosterone on the blog today, it can really only be this: Who do you consider the sexiest man in the world?
Pissenlit - Touched by Light by Catherine Spangler
Katie S. - Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James
The things I do for you guys. Today, I went on a daring raid and *borrowed* Curran from Ilona Andrews' Livejournal. Under no circumstances is anyone to tell Ilona. We'll give him back...maybe *grin*
Oooh, look at those eyes.
Branded By Fire featuring another hot and brooding male, officially hits the shelves on Tuesday, wooh

To celebrate the cyber-launch, today I'm giving away a copy of Touched By Light by Catherine Spangler, an

Entry rules are the same as Monday! Leave a comment answering the day's burning question and you're in. Bring a friend or spread the word about the party and I'll give you an extra entry or entries. Also, don't forget to let me know if you've already got one of the books.
And today's burning question - well, with all this testosterone on the blog today, it can really only be this: Who do you consider the sexiest man in the world?
There are some mens, I think that they are sexy.
Hugh Jackman (as Wolverine) ;-)
Sean Connery,
Johnny Depp,
George Clooney,
ShahRukh Khan (my fave Bollywood-actor),etc.
and there is this hot doctor I met in the hospital...;-) ... he looks like Josh Holloway... a little wild with amazing green eyes and he's sexy as hell.. ;-)
My husband
Johnny Depp
Brad Pitt (only in Troy)
Antonio Banderas
Yoshiki from X japan ^^
That is all I can think of right now but there are alot of sexy men out there.
Johnny Depp
Brad Pitt (in Meet Joe Black)
Hugh Jackman
Patrick Dempsey
Matthew McConaughey
Are the ones at the top of my list.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
There are too many...Some of my faves are,
Josh Duhamel
Johnny Depp
Josh Lucas
Ryan Reynolds
Hugh Jackman
No need to enter me - I just read Touched by Light and Just the Sexiest Man Alive.
Um, totally weak for Nathan Kamp.
Definitely can't restrict myself to just one!
*Rodrigo Santoro
*Colin Salmon (absolutely gorgeous voice too!)
*Jason Statham
*Johnny Depp
*Adam Levine (Maroon 5)
Sexy doesn't equal (just) good-looking in my book, so... I have to go with the real life sweetheart.
It's definitely hard to pick just one, you know? But Clive Owen is pretty darn sexy.
celi.a recommended i enter and answer this question :D
EWAN MCGREGOR. love him.
I have a thing for a scruffy Hugh Jackman.
Okay... I have to say that
Hugh Jackman *he is all sorts of yummy delicious*
John Cena (in his movie/not wrestling)
Jimmy Thomas (cover model)
**oh my, I am drooling over here and my laptop is strating to smoke...** I will back!!!
Hugh Jackman, he's got it all. Looks, charm, an accent, he can act, and from the few gossip things I've read on the net, he's a great dad. Oh and he can sing!
Who do I consider the sexiest man in the world? Johnny Depp is beautiful, but Hugh Jackman as Wolverine was oh so very sexy! Allthough that picture of Curran could give him competition...
You have the best questions! :D
Oh, great question. It's nice to just sit here and contemplate the answer. For me it's definitely Alexander Skarsgard who plays Eric on True Blood, yum :)
sexiest men..mmmmmm... there's just so many! Top 5 would be- Gerard Butler, Jason Statham, Hugh Jackman, David Boreanaz, and Hugh Laurie.
My personal opinion is Adrian Paul, Oded Fehr, and Julian McMahon are the sexiest.
I would love to have Touched By Light, I've already added the other two books in the series to my TBB.
I would have to say the sexiest guy in my opinion would be Josh Lucas, can you say hot.
In no particular order:
Hugh Jackman (yes, ladies I agree)
George Clooney (him too)
Stephen Moyer, Alexander Skarsgard
Sam Trammel and Ryan Kwanten (can you tell I'm all caught up on my True Blood episodes????)
Thomas Jane
Patrick Dempsey
and all four of those really pretty men on the covers of Elizabeth Amber's Satyr series!!!!
So many...
Johnny Depp
Josh Duhamel
& one of my really good friends but sadly he is gay and proud
Dougray Scott in Ever After & Viggo Mortenson in The Lord of The Rings.
I have both of Julie James books. I have friends betting on who is going to pick up Branded By Fire first so i better get moving on your books.
Ok, after my husband, the second sexiest man alive is either Gerard Butler, Dylan Neal, Colin Firth, or Viggo it hot in here or is it just me?
Ohh that's an easy one! Haha Johnny Depp :) A little cliche but he's so sexy.
Note- I already own Just the sexiest man Alive... gotta say I loved that book :)
Only one?.....George Clooney
Jason Statham. Totally rocks my world. :)
tops on my list are hugh jackman, sean connery, and christian slater.
Thank you once again for this opportunity. I don't have either book and would love either.
I have to go with my husband as the sexiest real life man. Awesome husband, father and friend. Pretty hot, too.
As for fiction: I'd go with Acheron from Kenyon's Dark Hunter series. Sexy!!
Oh there are many a man who could be considered sexy...
If you had asked who I considered the most beautiful man, I'd have an immediate answer: Ben Barnes.
The sexiest man for me? Alexander Skarsgard. I wish I was an actress on True Blood because of him lol.
Clive Owen
or Viggo Mortensen (but only in Lord of the Rings)
My top 3 are:
Keanu Reeves (in The Lake House)
Christian Bale (as Batman)
Jason Statham
Ben Barnes!!! Those eyes, that hair .... And I don't need the books, as I just wanted to answer the question. :)
LOL on 'borrowing' Curran. Its impossible to give that pic back!!
Besides my hubby (good answer Cathie :D) I'd say George Clooney! I don't watch much movies or TV but loved when he was on ER and always like a glimpse of him when I see him on TV! So he's the one!
Have a great weekend too!
Sean Connery
Hugh Jackman
Andrea Bocelli
Got a thing for sexy accents!
The Rock. Almost hands down.
Bruce Willis will always be sexy sexy to me.
Jensen Ackels and Justin Hartley (Oliver Queen/Green Arrow) are awfully sexy for younger guys though ;-)
Oh, and I would love either book!
Hugh Jackman
Adrian Paul
Sean Connery
Josh Holloway
Pam p
Want a list? ;)
Ewan McGregor
Johnny Depp
Edward Burns
Alan Rickman
Jonathan Rhys-Meyer
Colin Farrell
Hugh Grant
Colin Firth
Ethan Hawke
...and the list goes on and on. ^^
Forgot to say - already have the Julie James book, loved it.
Oh gosh, sexiest man in the world? Johnny Depp? Christian Bale? :X I can never pick, and my list varies :P
But... those two. And Hugh Jackman. And Gerard Butler, especially if I've recently watched 300. :P
Patrick Swayze, Sam Elliott oldies but goodies. Hugh jackman and I know he's a ho but Colin farrell is sexy.
So many said Hugh Jackman, and I have to agree. He's # 1 in my book.
Congratulations to the previous winners!
Okay, the cheesy answer is my hubby! Partly why I married him, he's my attainable John Cusack (hubby's the all around sexy guy: funny, cute, strong, loyal, passionate...*sigh*).
Those that are the "dream" guys (where is it looks alone):
John Cusack, Johnny Depp, Clive Owen, Oded Fehr, Colin Firth, Hugh Laurie...oh that's plenty!
Thank you again, and please enter me for either book!
That would be George Clooney.
The most sexy men are the ones who aren't perfect in look but have that extra something in them which I never can define. Sean Connery is one of them, especially in his Bond days but even now he has that something.
Oh and the men I imagine when I read a book, because they are always the way I like them.
By the way, Branded by fire is the perfect birthday present for me, today's the day and in three days it hits the shelves, I can't wait....
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....tough question! ;)
I've got a couple and they're outside the "norm" for hotness, though I wouldn't say no to Hugh Jackman if he stopped by. :D
Matthew MacFadyen as Mr. Darcy just about makes me melt. Yum! I love dark, broody characters.
Toby Stephens as Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre was scorching and he's not even all that hot, but boyhowdy! :D
Richard Armitage as anything, but especially Mr. Thornton.
And of course, Johnny Depp, especially as the Irishman in Chocolat. *sigh*
PS. I've already read Just The Sexiest Man Alive. :)
Toss in my vote for Hugh as well!
Hugh Jackman or Johnny Depp, can't decide.... Or Viggo Mortensen...
I'm naming the first person that pops into my head - Christan Bale. I fell for his voice first (in Howl's Moving Castle). It sent shivers down my spine :) And he's very cute *grin*
And I will get to meet the lovely Curran soon :)
Congrats to the winners!
Sexiest man? Hmmm. It would be a toss up for me because there are a lot of good looking hunks at large.
Hugh Jackman
Stephen Moyer
Alexander Skarsgard
Sam Trammel
Ryan Kwanten
Randy Orton
John Cena
For me it's either George Clooney or Clive Owen (I admit I'm not imune to Hugh
Wow baby today's post is hot, hot, HOT!
If I must chose only one hunk, I'll have to say Mark Walhberg. He totally does it for me...
But I also can't resist Johnny Depp. Yum... (drooling and eyes unfocused)...
I only enter for Touched by Light, as I already have the Sexiest Man Alive.
Oh, and I think we have to keep Curan, Ilona won't know it and he will spice up the party, don't you think?
Well, my husband of course ;- )
But coming in tied for a close second would be Ewan MacGregor and Colin Farrell- I love a sexy accent!
I'd say Viggo Mortensen in Lord of the Rings. Hot and a great character. *sigh*
I've read Touched By Light so can I be entered for the other one, please.
Hmm, I'd agree with a lot of you earlier ladies and go with Johnny Depp. Sigh...:)
Here is my top 3:
Hugh Jackman
Christian Bale
and Johnny Depp
My husband and then Johnny Depp.
First name that comes to mind? Sean Connery. :D
That changes during a month, sometimes a need a manly man, sometimes a cute nerd.
But hm, Andy Garcia was hot (dunno about know) Richard Armitage is smokin!½!
Well, Christian Bale is real hot. But there is also Patrick Dempsey. McDreamy is definitely the right name for him.
But Ewan McGregor is my favorite.
Nathan Fillion appears to have the best sense of humor and he's not too hard on the eyes. I also like James Marsters, there's something about a bad boy.
I already have and have read Touched by Light.
Hugh Jackman
Sydney Crosby
Mario Lemiux
Kevin Costner
Keanu Reeves
Hugh Jackman. With Daniel Craig as first runner up. I've also got a thing for Damian Lewis.
George Clooney, Kevin Costner, Hugh Jackman to name a few! I already have The Sexiest Man Alive book, so don't enter me for that one!
definately orlando bloom! HE'S SO HOT ITS ILLEAGAL!
Im in love with Jensen Ackles (Supernatural), so my vote is for him. :)
Other contenders are Ryan Reynolds and Johnny Depp.
I love these questions.
Sexiest man to me is Gabriel Aubry. I could just look at him all day!
Tom Welling. He's not that well known, but he is Clark Kent on the show called Smallville. So sexy!
The hubby (of course!)
Hugh Jackman
Josh Duhamel
Ryan Reynolds
Actor who plays Sawyer on Lost
Fabio (when he was much younger and actually hot)
Vin Diesel (that deep voice... sigh)
Hugh Jackman
Ryan Reynolds
ummm... what? oh, sorry got lost mentally there for a minute. :-)
And based on your recommendation, I've got Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James!
Vin Diesel
Matthew McConaughey
Gabriel Aubry
Viggo in LOTR
Taye Diggs
I could go on all day.
Matthew McConaughey
Hugh Jackman
Orlando Bloom
Jensen Ackles
Johnny Depp
Hugh Jackman
Oh wow, I must say that I am SO GLAD YOU ASKED THIS QUESTION!!! Before answering, I have to admit that yes, I went through this entire list and searched up names I didn't recognize.
Right, so I won't even pretend to be repentant for putting down more than one name because we all know that answering with just one is impossible. So, my faves:
Christian Bale - WOW that man's voice sexy. As is the rest of him. But if you haven't seen it, go watch Howl's Moving Castle, and you'll understand...
Oded Fehr - Can't go wrong with tall, dark, and handsome...and rugged and compelling with a come hither look to die for (or not, we wouldn't want to miss what comes next!)
Jensen Ackles - oh man, that jaw! And he has the most adorable eyes - puppy dog, but when he turns on the heat, it's more like a wolf on the prowl.
And also whoever that guy is on the cover of Lora Leigh's 'Hidden Agendas'. And, come to think of it, the character Kell in that book, too. Yum!
Hugh Jackman, the guy is so devoted to his wife and kids..its uber sexy.
Romance fiction hereos...
-Roarke from In Death series by JD Robb
-Matt Farrell Paradise by Judith Mcnaught
-Acheron in Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark Hunter series.
-Hawke from Psy/Changeling...we all know that one.
Oh I have already read the Sexiest Man Alive...
The DH everytime he puts on his uniform.
Always asking the hard questions, Nalini!
Well, of course the sexiest man is my husband. But, since you don't know him, I'll pick a few others:
Hugh Jackman (not as Wolverine)
Alexander Skarsgard (Eric in TrueBlood)
David Beckham
Robert Downey Jr, James McAvoy or Alexander Skarsgard (who can resist a gigantically tall Swede? Not I!)
too many to count, like i said before i will just take one of each ... hehehe
would love to read the just the sexiest man alive
And since my computer wouldn't let me post again last night, I'm doing it today. 'Cause I have to mnetion Kaleb....*grin*
I don't think I can pick just one
Jensen Ackles
Orlando Bloom
Johnny Depp
Tom Welling
Hugh Jackman
Gerard Butler
Jeffery Dean Morgan
Nathan Fillion
Justin Long
David Boreanaz
Zachary Levi
Fictional SMA
Anne Bishop's - Daemon Sadi
LKH's - Jean-Claude & Doyle
Nalini's - Raphael & Dorian
SK's - Acheron
JD Robbs - Rourke
I could go one but I better stop myself here
Sam Worthington, currently...he's from Terminator, the latest movie. Next on my list is Christian Bale, even though he's kinda scary. Oh, also Captain Wentworth from Persuasion 2007.
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