The stories are of various lengths (I think the shortest is 5, but most come in around 20-30 pages) and written around the theme of werewolves and Christmas. I loved all the stories - each author's voice is unique and the stories cover the spectrum from dark to laugh out loud funny.
If you'd like more details, check out this post at Darque Reviews, which has a short blurb for each story.
Definitely recommended.
Did you all do any reading over Christmas? Any recommendations?
I really liked What a Scoundrel Wants by Carrie Lofty and The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.
My local library is being nice and are about produce Jayne Ann Krentz's latest Running Hot to celebrate New Years.
Hi Nalini!
I just picked it up from my Library and already devoured the Charlaine Harris and Patrica Briggs stories and am now making my way through the rest of them. The one featuring Santa as the worldest oldest vampire was fun! Glad you were able to take a breather, and hope you have a wonderful New Years!
I read and loved IT HAPPENED ON NIGHT. Its an anthology and all have the same theme. H/H come across eachother again after 10 years in an Inn.
Stories by Stephanie Laurens, Mary Balogh, Jacquie D'Aselandro (sp?) and Candice Hern.
Happy New Year!
Candy J.
Hi Nalini!
First I have to tell you that I just love your books and I'm so happy that you are having a new few out soon. Big smile here!
I just picked up books by a new author (well for new for me)...... Shelly Laurenston. She writes about shifters in a very humourous tone. A really fun read.
A very Happy New Year to you and your.
Not much on the reading... or a lot else for that matter.
Just wanted to wish you a great 2009, filled with joy, health, success and love!
Ohhh, this is on my TBR list and I got a hankering last night to read Patricia Briggs (I was book sorting and 'discovered' them) I've been re-reading the Mercy Thompson books. Is the Patricia Briggs story set in the same universe?
I discovered Maria V Snyder's Study books before Christmas and am currently reading the third book. They are rather good :) Next will be a new author (as it's the next book due back to the library) and then I can FINALLY delve into King of Sword & Sky. I can't believe I've been able to resist for so long :)
Happy New Year and all the best for 2009!
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