Saturday, November 04, 2006

Thinking About Covers

I've got covers on my mind today - two coming soon! I was perusing my tbr and keeper shelves and looking at the different covers when I realized how many of them are paintings rather than real people. I used to think I was a painting kind of girl but then I saw the cover for StS and I was changed for life. Talk about hot! *g*

What about you? Do you like painted people or real people covers?


Anonymous said...

Neither is best. BUt I'll take real people over painted if I have to choose.

Nalini Singh said...

May, does it bug you if the people don't match up with the characters? Sometimes that makes me a little crazy.

Cathy M said...

Real people for pictures of the hero/heroine. But for scenery shots, painted is great.

Kris said...

I like the photos that I have seen on a lot of covers lately. And it bugs me a lot when the cover H/h does not match up with the description in the book (I know that most authors have no control over that, but it still annoys me)

Nalini Singh said...

Hi Cathy, Hi Kris! Kris, you're absolutely right - often authors have no control so we just cross our fingers and hope ;)