Sara Hantz is a young adult author based in New Zealand. Her debut novel THE SECOND VIRGINITY OF SUZY GREEN will be published by Flux in September 2007. You can visit Sara here.
Do I Come Here Often?
If that sounds like I’m bemused and bewildered, it’s because I am. You want to try living somewhere where Father Christmas would be more at home wearing shorts and a tee-shirt, and Christmas presents are opened on the beach, under brilliant blue sky and scorching sunshine.
Even though I’ve lived in New Zealand for five years – that’s five Christmases – I still can’t get my head around it. And, having to call Christmas summer (when we all know summer is really in July) is so weird it’s not funny. Is it any wonder I write fish-out-of-water stories… as I’m clearly one myself?
So, as I’ve done a neat link into my writing this is how you can win a prize:
In The Second Virginity of Suzy Green, Suzy’s life is based on one big lie – although she’d say she didn’t really lie because no-one actually asked her outright if she was a virgin…
Tell me the funniest/most inventive lie you’ve ever told and the consequences. The one that makes me laugh most will receive a New Zealand souvenir.
Hi Sara,
Just popping in to say that I LOVE LOVE, LOVE your title and cant wait to read the book.
What age is it suitable for - thinking about my own daugter here.
Hi Sara,
That is a hard question. LOL I have been in trouble all of my life. I guess that would be when I lied to my Mom about where I was going and with who. I went to Washington D.C. with out telling her with a guy. We barely had any money. I told everybody that we did some kinky stuff. But in fact, I was still vigin.
where were you from originally? I had a friend that lived in sydney and she was always talking about how hot it was at xmas time. I told her she should come here to Alabama. But today it was almost 70 degrees which is weird weather for this time of year. No funny stories about telling tales I'm afraid.
When I had a dinner party I prepared the entire meal by myself, except for the dessert. That I bought, but it looked good enough to be a professional caterers. Everyone was impressed with it so I did not elaborate. One day someone saw it at a specialty store and remarked about it to me. I just laughed it off.
Well it is embarrassing about the lie I told when I was a virgin. I was fooling around with this guy while me and a friend was babysitting. Anyway I didnt want him to know I was a virgin so I told him I wasnt. So while we were fooling around he "cummed" on me and I was mad and accused his of peeing on me. Oh well he soon realized I lied. LOL
Amy, Suzy is seventeen.... and I'd say the book isn't edgy but the edgy side of sweet... so it should be okay for ages 13 upwards... difficult to say... I guess it depends on how mature she is.
argh Sara I totally sympathise on the whole hot Christmas thing! This is my minth Christmas in Oz and I still sort of miss the cold dark afternoons and huddling round the fire in the evening. But only in the sense of that makes it 'feel' like Christmas. I sure don't miss the UK's weather at any other time!
Joan, I too remember when I wasn't where I should have been... only got caught once though!
Pam, I'm orginally from the UK.
Travelor, I am seriously impressed.... as one who is an expert in burning everything!
Omg, Debra. Your story made me laugh out loud!!!!
Alissa, soooo funny... not much difference betwen the two!
Ellie, vanity gets us every time!! I used to refuse to wear my glasses when out. I can't begin to tell you the nubmer of times I ignored my friends because I didn't see them. But worse still, the guys I thought were hot until they got up close!!!
Christina.... weather was one the main reasons we moved from the UK!
Thanks Sara - we're not quite there yet. I'll keep it for when she's a bit older.
Me, lie? NEVER!
That's it Sara... how was it?? Pretty far fetched eh?
A male friend was over and I wanted him to leave so I said my neighbor and I were going to the next town to a hockey game. After some time I said'I wonder why Joyce hasn't called yet, it's time to get going'. This guy is wanting to close in on me so I phone Joyce(who isn't home by the way)and ask her if it isn't time we get going to the hockey game, tee hee hee. I carry on this phone conversation with no one on the other end; when I get off the phone I tell him that I guess we are going now so I'll see him another time.
Froggie... I'm not sure I can count that, LOL.
Robynl... been there, done that...
Pam.... love it... you paint a great picture of events.
Best lie is probably the one I'm about to tell my cp about why I didn't get to her guest spot blog in time!!!!!!!!! Of course first I have to figure out what I'm going to say, but I guess anything would be better than admitting that it was the middle of the night and I was asleep!!
For me it is the lies that I tell so as not to hurt anyone's feelings that come back to me. For instance, when my son was very young my husband let him pick out a shirt for my birthday present. I could never figure out why he would allow a 5 year old to do this but my son was so very proud of himself. Unfortunately, it was the ugliest shirt in the world. But seeing how happy this made him I told him I loved it and then he wanted to see me wear it. Then Christmas comes and the dynamic duo are going to go off to buy some more clothes so I told them I didn't need any more clothes.
I told a lot of stories while I was a teenager. I was constantly in trouble for something or another but to remember any of those stories, is another thing altogether.
The only story I can really remember is the time I made up a boyfriend to make a guy that I really liked notice me. I would sit there at luch time and brag about "Jeremy" and how great he was and how good he was to me. My best friend at the time joined in the conversation with me as well.
A few months of this and he still wasn't talking to me or looking at me, although I don't think I would have either :P so I decided to just walk up and talk to him. He threw in my face that "Jeremy" would be jealous to find me talking to him and he walked away chuckling.
I realized then that he knew that whole time that I was making it all up. I was so embarrased that I avoided him and all his friends for the rest of the school year.
Gotta love junior high *g*
As a side note, in high school he was trying to get me to notice him *rolls eyes*
Did I tell you I love your title? It's just incredibly intriguing!
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