Gifted with a salacious imagination, Canadian author Sasha White enjoys working in multiple genres', and various story lengths. With a voice that is called “distinctive and delicious” by The Romance Studio, Sasha has over a dozen erotic short stories published in various anthologies, her novellas in Kensington’s Pure Sex and The Cop anthologies have gotten rave reviews, and her first single title novel with Berkley Heat, Bound, has been called “the best sort of erotica for an erotic romance fan" by Sex, Sizzle and Snark Reviewer Jaynie R.
If you're attending the Romantic Times Convention in 2007, Sasha will be giving a workshop on Bad Girl Heroines - and how to make your readers love them, with her buddy, Vivi Anna.
Sasha loves to chat with readers and can be found on her websites’s blog most afternoons. www.sashawhite.net
Bad Boys are a favorite type of hero among romance readers. And we all know why. We want to be "the one" to tame them with love.
But what about a favorite type of heroine? Personally, I love reading stories about quirky free spirited and independent heroines. You know the kind. The ones that laugh at themselves and make you laugh at the same time. Sometimes clumsy, sometimes too smart for their own good...always cute and sassy.
Normally when I write, I like to write Bad Girls. The ones who can kick ass and take names. IN my newest release, SEX AS A WEAPON, the heroine is a thief. And the hero is the cop on the hunt for her. It's too much fun to write about women who live by their own rules, and Vanessa was no different. While I do write erotica with no traditional Happily Ever After, SEX AS A WEAPON is a romance, and does have a HEA. Aren't you curious how a cop and a thief find their way?
Then there’s BOUND and my “good girl” heroine. Yup, I did it, I wrote a good girl...yet even my good girl has a yen for high stakes Texas Hold’em and wet t-shirt contests.
It’s just too much fun to have my heroines do the things I’m not brave enough to do.
So, what do you like best? A bad girl or a good girl? Does it depend on your mood? Or on the author and how the story is told?
Tell me your preference in the comments here for a chance to win a signed copy of THE COP.
I think its all about the mood your in when it comes to the bad VS good girl. Of course it is true that not all authors can flip the coin and do as good a book writing a good girl as they do a bad girl. But if I had to personally pick, I would say I like the bad girl. Maybe its a locked inner self thing.
Great question Sasha.
I'm for kick ass women. Whether they be bad or good. Women who know what they want and go get it.
I like to read about both.
I think my preferences depend on the mood I find myself in when reading. Bad girls are defnitely more interesting though!
It depends on the author's skills and the story. I prefer characters who aren't cardboard dry, so give me a good girl with some fancy for the naughty/outrageous or a bad girl with hidden shades of gold.
I definitely like Bad Boys. They always make a great read; however Bad Girls can spicy up the read especially when they get their minds into seducing a Bad Boy. Those stories tend to be explosives and the heat jumps out the pages. I love those! I definitely love a heroine that has the guts to go after what they want.
In the other hand it also depends in how the story is been told and they kind of woman that fix in it. Sometimes Good Girls can make the hottest stories out there.
Bad, kick-ass girls almost always win.
KIm. I agree. Spoiled Brats aren't the good sort of Bad.
Lady~ That's true too. I hop emy bad girls are a s good as my my good girls. LOL I knwo the good girls are as bad as my bad ones, when they need to be. LOL
Amy Andrews ~ Don't you find women who know what they want, and go after it, inspiring? I do . I love the "I can do anything I set my mind to " mentality.
AMy S ~ Good thing I write both then *wink*
LLL~ Hi!! Good point. I never thought of it that way. I tend to make the men learn and grow. LOL
Avidreader~ Mood is definitely a factor. :)
Jenny~ I'm with you, good or bad, the characters have to have life!
barbarav~ That'sd so true! Some characters are tottally combusdtable. In LUSH, my April release from Aphrodisia, (It's a single author anthology) the second novella in it is two very out-going, very sexual, bad boy/girl thing, and they were a complete Blast to write.
May! That's right!. They win because. they never give up until they get what they want!!!
A bad girl turned good - sounds absolutely delish to me!
Hello Sasha! I definately prefer reading about the bad boys. When it comes to the heroine she needs to be strong willed and independant, but willing to compromise when its necessary.
Jennifer ~ But...but... bad girls need love too!
Abookworm ~ Like Bad boys, a good mans love can help a bad girl find her way. :)
Hey Chell! Strongwilled is a must! I agree. At least by the end of the book. LOL
Have to admit, good or bad, kick ass or klutz heroine all depend on my mood.
It depends on my mood. I usually like to see a heroine who knows what she wants and goes after it and the hero doesn't know what hit him! LOL!
I like anything SASHA writes and the longer the story the better.
The Cop was awesome because how could a hunky cop upholding the law deal with a thief who he can't seem to resist. This had my interest more than piqued! Sasha has a great talent of making her characters real. So you live the story with them.
Bound is by far my favorite Sasha book and it is a longer story so you really get all the emotions, lust, laughs, sympathies along with the characters in the story. And Sasha's stories are HOT!!
I just finished a story where the heroine gave as good as she got in the Adult Toys. Woohoo!!! It was a riot.
Sex as a Weapon has a tougher heroine and Bound has a good girl and I loved both.
Sasha is at the top of my fav list and if you haven't tried one of her stories, I challenge you to and you will be singing her praises as well.
It depends on my mood. The heroine can be bad or good as long as she's independent, intelligent, and has a great sense of humor.
I don't like to read a story about an abusive heroine, though. Abusive to humans or animals.
The cover for THE COP is delicious!I'd love to have the book. Thanks for the invite to your blog, Nalini.
It depends on my mood and the story sometimes I want to read about the Bad Girl and sometimes I want to read about the Good Girl.
I prefer the bad girl heroine and the hero who needs to be inspired. I think that's why I love VLT's Nerd series so much!
My preferences depend on my mood and the story. The character has to fit in the story.
I am looking foward for the released of LUSH!
I don't have a preference. I like them both.
BAD GIRLS RULE!! Um, can you guess my vote????
It does depend on my mood. Though I do mostly enjoy reading about a borderline good/bad girl who can kick ass. Always appreciate a sense of humor in stories, even if sarcastic. Just enough for a good chuckle.
HI Joyce! Hi Annalisa!
Debbie! My Faveorite fan! Thanks Babe!
Mel ~ I agree. Abuse is not good in a hero or heroine. I don;t mean Bad like that. But bad as in ...makes her own rules.. As for the cover..It is so yummy. LOL
Hi Nicole!!
Jenna, You'll love THE DEVIL INSIDE, the first story in the single author anthology I'm writing right now. LOL It was an ebook I had pubbed a while ago, and am not rewriting amd writing the sequel to. It's a Bad Girl and a good guy who needs to uhmm learn to let loose . *grin* they were fun to write the first time, adn touching the story up is just aas fun. (I thinkthe antho will be called Sexy Devils)
Hi Jennifer.
Barbara! I'm excited about LUSH. I hope you'll enjoy it. (When it finally hits stores LOL I'm impatient!)
WHo Hooo. More people who go by mood! It's so true, if your not inthe right mood it doesn;t matter how good the story is.
VIVI!! No doubt about your vote that's for sure!! *grin*
Pearl and Ellie ~ Exactly what Vivi and I's workshop at RT is about. How to make those Bad Girls lovable. It can be a fine line, and I think that's what makes them so fun to write.
Being bad is great, but they have to have heart!
Cathy, Sarcasm is hard to do...but I agree, it can be a great tool...and well worth working on as a writer.
Yes, Sasha, defintiely. Women who go for it, no matter what and dont let anyone stand in their way, particularly a man no matter how much he may curl her toes, they are truly inspiring women.
Women rock.
But I do so love a Bad Boy too. I think thats why I really dig Robbie Williams. That man has bad boy written all over him and I think it's the challenge of the taming thats so intiguing. Being the woman who brings the bad boy to heel.
Oh la la.
I like all different kinds of heroines but my favorite definitely has an edge. She's a little sarcastic and doesn't take people's crap.
I definately like both good and bad girls. The only heroines I don't like are the ninny ones. The ones that couldn't climb out of a bowl full of water to save their lives. They are too stupid to live and don't deserve their story told (Wow, that was kind of nasty on my part, wasn't it?) But that's really how I feel...
Oooh Amy, I'm with you on Robbie Willimas (says she with tickets to the last concert of his worl tour in three weeks time ;))
But we're talking girls here right? I like both Sasha. Bad girls you can reform, and good girls you can teach a thing or two. All fun!
But I agree they all need sass to keep this reader happy.
Every woman's a bit of both, don't you think? I adore seeing a good girl being persuaded to be bad and a bad girl finding the good in her heart.
The one thing I can't abide is the spineless type who spends the book whimpering and fluttering her eyelashes. Blech!
And Sasha, LURVE your covers! Woohoo!
I like both depending on the hero and the story
It depends on the mood that I'm in. I love both type of girls. I have always want to be a bad girl so I kind of live thru them. I love how they handle their guys. I like a girls that are strong and can handle their self. But bad girls are special lot!!
So the concensus is, no too stupid to live heroines (Which I agree with 100%). That all women have good and bad in them, but for the heroine to be top notch, she needs some sass. *grin*
That's what I like to hear. LOL
And uhmm Yes, Robbie WIlliams is Hot!!
And Denise, thanks for the comment on my covers. I've been blessed by the cover gods more than once!! *grin*
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