Friday, September 11, 2020

Friday Book Club

 The Friday Book Club is now open. What are you reading and loving this week?


Frasc said...

In the middle of "A Discovery of Witches" by Deborah Harkness. First of at least a trilogy. Wonderful world building - how can I not read a book that starts at the Bodleian Library and stars an illuminated manuscript. However, it's a complicated read and I'm more in the mood for something easier.

library addict said...

Another mixed week of reading.

I really enjoyed Affair of Risk the last of JAK's Candlelight Ecstasy Romances written as Jayne Castle I had in my TBR. It's definitely an old skool romance, but I loved the heroine.

I'm on her early Stephanie James Silhouette phase now (I decided at the beginning of the year to read in published order for the 27 backlist books of hers I had left, though in the past 30 plus years I had already read most of her early titles in a more mish mash fashion.) Just started Reckless Passion.

I also enjoyed the latest JD Robb, Shadows in Death. Always nice to catch up with Eve and co and I liked that we learned more about Roarke's past in this one.

Bin said...

Frasc it is worth the read, the fact that Deborah is a historian makes it more complex but thrilling! I loved that series.

I just discovered Jessie Mihalik, she has a free serial she releases weekly and it's easy to read and amazing. Its a space opera I think. The first two in the series are very cheap atm on kindle. And I have to admit I'm already addicted. She also has the consortium series that I haven't started yet, but will as soon as I've finished my last assignment.

Library addict ... I haven't heard of any of those I might have to look into them! Thanks for the heads up

Skyler said...

Suzanne Brockmann, danger and a sexy seal

Anonymous said...

Okay. That creepy previous comment needs to be deleted. Hope someone from Nalini's team sees it soon.

I was re-reading Archangel's Legion and Elena's interaction with Tasha. It occurred to me that Raphael also needs to feel some jealousy. There was just a glimpse of it in the first book when he crushes Illium's feather to dust when Elena puts it in her hair. Some Guild hunter from another place with whom Elena had tangled even if for a night ? Would be fun. Not sure though if Raphael will feel jealous. Hmmmm ..... I hope Nalini's vivid writer's imagination picks on this and runs away with it !! :)

Reading Shadows in Death .. trying to go both slow and fast if you get what I mean. I don't want the book to end but want to finish the story too. LOL.

In the theme of jealousy - I remember Roarke and Webster having that fight Roarke's home.

Can't wait for Titus and Sharine's story ... the excerpt was awesome !

Patricia Schlorke said...

Read Shadows in Death, too. I love Galahad (he's the cat Eve rescued in the second or third book). I had two jealous cats when I was younger, so I can relate.

Right now I'm reading the Volume 1 of Nalini's short stories from past short stories. Hopefully there will be a volume 2. 😁

Anonymous said...

I'm just starting Delusion in Death in my J.D. Robb re-read. Since I'm waiting for a library copy of the new Shadows in Death, I may get a ways further before I get it. Nalini's Psy/Changeling series is the only series I buy in hardback when it comes out so I'm stuck waiting on the library for the new Robb and Feehan books. The library seems slower than usual lately and I think it is due to reduced hours and volunteers because of the virus.

So, I'm doing more re-reading and mostly staying home and doing some organizing and decluttering.

library addict said...


Oooh, I loved the Consortium Rebellion series. Enjoy!

And I am following along with The Queen's Triumph. I always say I will wait for the official novella release, but never do - LOL.

Christianreader said...

Read and loved Well Met this week and now in the middle of Don't Hex and Drive and it is awesome.

kDub said...

I'm on a classic run. So far, I've read
(1) 1984
(2) Animal Farm
(3) Lord of the Flies
(4) Fahrenheit 451
(5) Of Mice and Men

Short easy reads. None of them have "feel good" endings. Now, I recall why I prefer other genres.

To be read
(1) The Catcher in the Rye
(2) The Martian Chronicles

Eva said...

Tried Nadine Matheson`s Jigsaw Man. I very rarely skip passages in a book, but this book just wasn't for me. Unfortunately there was no tension.

If you can speak German, I would recommend the books by Sage Dawkins (Dunkle Ufer, Leichenbraut und Blutasche) to you. She is a new writer and has yet to fight her way through the pubishing world. She is really good.

Veronika Baldauf said...

lerne noch mehr kennen

AlwaysV said...

Count me in as one of Roarke's biggest fans 💖 Loved Shadows in Death so much. Loved how every cop at Cop Central, Homicide plus others at NYPSD, as well as the Big Guns Commander Whitney went all out having Roarke's back! I wanted to rate this book a Hundred Blazing Stars⭐️

I also randomly ran into the DCI Ryan Mystery Series on KU! OMG! I had no clues what happened but I've so fallen crazy in love with the series and especially with DCI Ryan 💖 Finished 16 books in 17 days! And now while waiting for Book #17 to be released . . . I started rereading a prequel. . . which weirdly. . . happened to be Book #11!!!