The deleted scenes from HEART OF OBSIDIAN are now up on the website!!
Also, I should have the bonus epilogue for "Declaration of Courtship" ready to go in the Christmas Eve newsletter (that's US time - so if you're on my side of the dateline, you'll get it on Christmas Day :-)).
To join the newsletter list, just subscribe using the box on the top right of the front page of the website.
Any problems, email Ashwini (naliniDOTassistantATgmailDOTcom).
Thank you Nalini for the cut scenes. I can never figure out why you didn't put them in the book. This was a nice expansion of the part where she remembers the plaque in his office
Thank you! Heart of Obsidian is one of my favorites and it was nice to get some more scenes from this book. I am looking forward to the Christmas Eve Declaration of Courtship epilogue! What a treat! Thank-you and Merry Christmas!
Ahhhh! I love the scenes! Hear of Obsidian is my favorite, I want more of Kaleb and Sahara...
I really also want to see a scene where Kaleb and Sahara do "meet the parents" lolololz. Give them lots of cameos in future books, k? ;)
Do you even think you'll do a story collection (of novella lengths each) of certain couples? Its be nice to see future relationship development beyond just a glimpse book to book.
Thanks for the pre-christmas treat. Looking forward to the Christmas Present. Have a wonderful and safe Christmas Nalini
Merry Christmas to you Nalini.
I like anonymous's idea of an anthology with novella's of couples from past books. Some of my favorites are Sascha and Lucas, Grace and Cooper, Kaleb and Sahara, ohhh and Judd and Brenna!!! Your books are a great gift to the readers of the world!! I am so glad that you like writing paranormal romance!!! You would be fantastic to any genre! We are so lucky!!
Nalini just an FYI, I received your newsletter with Cooper and Grace's story however I almost missed half the story because my email program truncated it. Just so you know my email ended at cooper saying "you know they will all want to dance with you" it was only by accident I noticed the words this email has been clipped at the end of my google mail . You might want to post this info on your blog or do a follow up email newsletter with just the grace and cooper story.
Thank you and bless you for these precious gifts at the holiday time.
The deleted scenes with young Kaleb and Sahara are so sweet, poingnant and heartbreaking, knowing the pain Kaleb wa going through and finding solace with the only person who oved him, always, for who he is and would be bscome.
The epilogue with Cooper and Grace was the piece de resistance. I just can't get enough of SnowDandcer and I adore this sweet, sexy couple.
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