Monday, August 08, 2011

Gena Showalter - Lord of the Vampires

Winners: Thanks for all your comments everyone! The random winners of the ARCs are ERIKA and ROXY. Congratulations! Please e-mail your mailing address to my assistant (nalini DOT assistant AT gmail DOT com) within 24 hours. 

As you all know, I'm writing book 4 of the Royal House of Shadows series, titled Lord of the Abyss. Book 1 is Gena Showalter's Lord of the Vampires. Thanks to the publisher and Gena, I have two ARCs of Lord of the Vampires to give away.

To enter, leave a comment on this post with the name of your favorite vampire (from books or movies, or television...the choice is yours!). (If you're reading this on Goodreads, please leave your comment on the original post on the main blog).

This is going to be a quick contest, as I want to get the books to the winners prior to the release date of August 23rd. Leave a comment by midnight, Wednesday, August 10th 2011, New Zealand time, to go into the random draw. Winners will be picked using and their names announced on the blog on the following Thursday afternoon.

If you don't leave a way for us to contact you, please make sure to check the blog to see if you've won. If we don't hear from the winner(s) in the twenty-four hours after the winners are announced, we'll pick a new winner or winners. International entries welcome. One entry per household. No purchase necessary to enter. Void where prohibited.


1 – 200 of 221   Newer›   Newest»
Diane said...

Oh please I want one.
My favorite vampire?
Dmitri of course! Looking forward to his personal downfall into love...
dsadler53 at yahoo dot ca

Jo-Anne said...

Yes please! My favourite vampire would have to be, well I was going to Acheron, but technically he's not a vampire, so then Vayl from Jennifer Rardin's Jaz Parks series.
strangecandyreviews @ gmail dot com

Jillian said...

That is a really hard decision! lol I'm going to have to go with the first vamp I ever loved... Spike from Buffy. :)


alainala said...

i gotta agree Dmitri is one of my favs... Eric from Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampires as well (the books though, not the tv show) and queen betsy from MaryJanice Davidson's Undead Series.. ( i know that was more then one, sorry!!)

Kristina said...

Dmitri, definitely :)
kristidavis at gmail dot com

Calila1988 said...

Oh wow this series looks awesome! And the fact that its 4 different authors is just extra interesting! I love most vampires i've watched or read about but if forced to pick an all-time favorite it'd have to be Spike from BTVS I think. He had fantastic snark and I'm a sucker (ha. ha.) for that.

calila1988 @ yahoo . com

Carrie Ann Ryan said...

My favorite vampire is Quinn for JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood - I love that guy! But he is tied with ALL Of the guys from Jeanine Frost's Night Huntress Series. I mean BONES!

Miss Delirious said...

Ooo that is a really tricky question!

Um.... Damon from Vampire Diaries the tv show not the books.

Sure he's a bit naughty, but I think he's misunderstood and needs someone like me to care for him! lol

gem dot wood at gmail dot com

abby said...

I'm looking forward to this series! My fave vampire... Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer! aznangel0814 @ hotmail dot com

Michelle O'Boyle said...

My favorite vampire is Michael from Rachel Cain'es Morganville Vampire Series. He had that brooding musician thing going which is totally hot.

Michelle (@OBoyledBooks)

OBoyledBooks [at] gmail [dot] com

Kristie Vickers said...

My favorite is McKell from Ecstasy in Darkness by Gena Showalter. Can't wait for this new series. :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite vampire is Raphael from the Vampires in America series "Raphael" by D.B. Reynolds. He is the Vampire Lord of the entire western U.S. and he is dark, immense and power just rolls off of him. Frightening and awesome!
My second would be Bones from The Night Huntress novels by Jeaniene Frost. He rocks a pair of leathers and then he'll rock your world. ;)


Shanna Gekko said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rotna Begum said...

Picking number one is hard so I think Selene from the movie Underworld. Absolutely love that name. Naasir and Dmitri come close second though. Naasir or Dmitri! Love those names.

Anonymous said...

My favorite vampire would have to be Bones from the Night Huntress Series by Jeaniene Frost. I just absolutely love him. Now, if only he was real and into short brown girls, I would be in heaven ;)

Rumesha R

Breezy1323 said...

Hmm favorite vampire. That's a very long list but one at the top is Bones(from ms.frosts books).

Shanna Gekko said...

Yes please! My favorite vampire is Spike from Buffy, mostly because you gotta love the cockiness. But if you're going for pure nommy factor, then Gerard Butler in Dracula 2000.

Anonymous said...

Edward Cullen is my favorite vampire...but I love others too!

@guardingkatmom on twitter

lostnthestacks said...

One of my favs is Christophe from Lili St. Crow's Strange Angels series.


Rotna Begum said...

Picking number one is hard so I think Selene from the movie Underworld. Absolutely love that name. Naasir and Dmitri come close second though. Naasir or Dmitri! Love those names.

Sorry! Forgot email address.

asiya_1989 [at] hotmail [dot] com

Hermana Tiffany Garner said...

If I have to pick a vampire, I'm pretty sure it would be Angel from Buffy. I also really like James from Twilight (yeah, I know, but I think he's awesome!)

Anonymous said...

Do I really have to pick one vampire?!?!!

Angel was my first, then of course there is Louis de Pointe du Lac, Bones (Crispin), Dimitri, and Merit (who said they all had to be male?!). The list can go on.

Holly said...

Spike from Buffy!!! Loved the one liners and intensity.

Anonymous said...

Bones from Night Huntress rocks!

Laura_darkelvengirl said...

Angus MacKay From the Love At Stake series.
bookluver1997 (at) hotmail (dot) com

becky jean said...

My fav is Zsadist from JR Ward's Blackdagger Brotherhood Series!

Anonymous said...

I have two - Dmitri (he's so wickedly sexy) and Cian from Nora Roberts 'Circle' trilogy.


Anonymous said...

Selene from the Underworld movies! She is such a kick butt character and my favorite vampire!

Melissa said...

My favorite vampire is Rehvenge from Lover Avenged. Mmmmmm.

melissapascarelli (at) gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Oooh I can't decide! So many hot vamps out there!

Lothaire or Sebastian from Kresley Cole's IAD.
Vishous from JR Ward's BDB Series.
Oh and Eric from True Blood!

To hard to decide!

Roksana said...

Fav Vampire...hmmm....Zsadist from BDB series. Edward cullen (Blush) from Twilight, Damon (TV) from Vampo Diaries.....There are way toooo many!

Anonymous said...

OOOHHH!!! I'm on board with this one :) I'm a vamp connoisseur, from Rice's Armand to your Dmitri -need to learn more about him for him to hit the top of my list! - but my all-time favorite vamp is... *drumroll* Tohrment from J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood (mine).

wendeemullikin at gmail dot com

jayzee said...

My favorite vamp has to be Michael from JR Ward's short story "Story of Son" ...I just want to take him home (and do all kinds of naughty things with him)


Lynk said...

I'd have to say my fave vampire is Bones from Night Huntress series

Victoria said...

My favorite vampire is Keri Arthur's Quinn from the Riley Jenson series.

Mary said...

My Fav Vampire Is Marcus From Joyee Flynn And Edward From Twilight

Anonymous said...

Jean-Claude - Laurell Hamilton Anita Blake Series.

Beth said...

Not technically a vampire, but I love Acheron. And Rydstrom, also not a vamp. Dang! I got it - I'm mad for every single Black Dagger Brother. :) phew. And every Lord of the Underworld. And every Immortal After Dark. And.... I can't choose.

LIESA said...

My favorite vamp would have to be Selene from Underworld! She kicks ass!!

Anonymous said...

Ooo! Fav vamps! I've a few, but Stefan from Patricia Briggs Mercy Thompson books, and Eric from True Blood are definitely up there.

LIESA said...

My favorite vamp would be Selene from Underworld. She kicks ass

jmurray1567 said...

Yes please my favorite vampire would have to be Damian from Jacquelyn Frank's series Night walkers

Anonymous said...

My favourite vampire would probably be Bones from the Night Huntress books.

Anonymous said...

Favorite vampire? I think I'd have to go with the vampire that turned me on to vampires in the first place. Lestat de Lioncourt from the Anne Rice series. After all a girl never forgets her first!

KittenMittens said...

Right now my favourite vamp is Ivy Tamwood from the Hollows series!

Jen Dempsey said...

My favorite vampire is probably Bones from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series. (Can I reserve the right to change my mind every day?) ;)

Steph said...

At the moment my favorite vampire would have to be Vishous from J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series!

Rebe said...

My favorite has to be Lord Akeldama from Gail Carrier's Parasol Protectorate series. He's got a great sense of style!


Jade said...

Gonna go with Spike from Buffy, just edging out Dmitri.

Kelly said...

hhmmm, think I'll go with my first beloved vamp book, read almost 20 years ago - Simon from The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause

Leah said...

I would love to win this! And I can't wait to read your book from the series, too :)

Leah said...

Oh shoot! And my email is:

sillie said...

My whole comment disappeared
First wed start with angel then move to ms genas ms laurells .. goodness I can't remember what I wrote. .. so so many ... I can't wait .. yummy .. oh boy they're all yummy ....

Melissajolene said...

I would have to pick Wicked & Truth from LKH's Anita Blake series. I know you said pick one but they are twins so it counts right? :)


pamerd said...


Excited about this series! My favorite vampire is Vyal from the Jaz Parks series by Jennifer Rardin.

Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Well I have a few favorites...

Wraith from the Demonica Series Larissa Ione
Rhage from the Black Dagger Brotherhood Series JR Ward
Styx from the Guardians of Eternity Alexandra Ivy

Sofia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sofia said...

Hi Nalini
My Favourite Vampire has to be Zsadist from JR Wards BDB series...He is one tortured and lonely and lost soul who's heart is healed by an outstanding heroine Bella.
Looking forward to reading about your own Vampire bad boy Dmitre (who's up there in my top 5 *Grins*)

Sofia E:

Anonymous said...

gerarld butler , in dracula 2000 .

Anonymous said...

Dimitri from Vampire academy !


Anonymous said...

My favorite vampires - Dimitri and from other books, Z, Rhage, Vishous and John Matthews from BDB.

lissa6147 at yahoo dot com

LITA said...


Scarl3tt said...

All the Black Dagger Brotherhood vampires. I so can't choose just one of them! Love your PsyChangling series too!!!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite of all vamps ---------> VENOM!

Jackie M:

Mel said...

I love Edward Cullen. Sappy, I know, but he got me reading again which led me to all your wonderful books, Nalini.

Anonymous said...

I have a few favorite vampires so this is hard.
I'm gonna go with Zsadist from the black dagger brotherhood :)

taniasavon at hotmail dot com

Lady Jaye said...

My favorite vampire would probably be.... Bones from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series.


Donna said...

Wow! So many vamps which one to choose... Hmmmm I think I'll go with one of Kresley Cole's Wroth brothers or maybe Jeanne C. Stein's Anna Strong or maybe even Alyssa Day's Daniel but I guess I am going to have to go with Karen Chance's Louis-Cesare.

1_trouble AT msn DOT com

Anonymous said...

Angel from Buffy. I love the actor who plays him. And on paper- Dimitri, of course. I'm very excited about his book.

Soraya Lane - Romance Author said...

My favourite would have to be Stefan Salvatore - Vampire Diaries!

Soraya (

CuriousMe said...

my favorite vampire would be no other than LESTAT, the ultimate personification of a vampire....

Amy said...

Would love to win this!
My favorite vampire is Rhage from J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

email: angeldream3[AT]gmail[DOT]com

Anonymous said...

i couldnt pick one so i have picked my top 3!

Dmitri :)
Eric from Charlaine harris's books and the tv series ><
and Spike! pretty much cried when he died in buffy :(

Anonymous said...

Kresley Cole's Sebastian. I wouldn't mind Lothaire either!

Maria (

Jen said...

Bones from Night Huntress series.


Anonymous said...

Well I have to say I love all of Christine Feehans' Carpathians, and Vishous from BDB, but having to choose I would pick Venom. He's so mysterious and there's just something about him and his suits; I would just love to loosen him up a bit.

Christine (

LynnL said...

Edward Cullen because Twilight got me back into reading.

Keisha Talley said...

My favorite is Lestat from the Ann Rice books

KittyKanary said...

Jean-Claude from Laurel K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series. (twitter) @KittyKanary

Anonymous said...

I have many favorites, but Edward Cullen made me begin reading romance novels again. I also love the vampires from J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series, especially John Matthew.

Anonymous said...

Although I Looooove all the Vampires in their newer, wonderfully diversified glorious incarnations, I would have to choose the Count himself:


@sweety_whit3 said...

I love conde cezar from Alexandra Ivy books and Edward from Twilight, both of them is so romantic and loyal

Eli Yanti said...

hi nalini,

i love edward cullen - twilight by stephanie meyer, viper by alexandra ivy book, layel - vampire's bride by gena showalter ^^

Eli Yanti said...

sorry, forget to mention my email :

Anonymous said...

I have waded through my list but I return to LKHamilton's Jean-Claude. What can I say? I am intrigued by complexity!

Christina said...

I don't read a lot of vampires (weird, I know), but I would pick any of Kresley Cole's men (vamps or no :D) I can't decide between Lothaire, Declan, and Lachlain. I really can't pick just one.

I'm new to the True Blood craze, but Eric is definitely another I'd take home :)

Becky said...

Wow, this is really hard to choose! I will have to go with Spike from BtVS and Bones from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress books.

Twimom227 said...

Yea! WOuld love the chance to read this one! My favorite vamp is either Wrath from Black Dagger Brotherhood or Colin from Meljean's Guardian Series.

Anonymous said...

In some ways, my favorite vampire is Barnabas Collins. He was the first sympathetic vampire I'd ever "met."

LoriA (Apparently I can't log in without creating a blogger account, and there's name/email option)

Kristy said...

I would say Spike from Buffy or Bones from jeaniene frost's Night Huntress world. Thanks for the giveaway!


LaniM said...

Favourite vampire? This is really tough...but I think it is Bones from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series.

GLORIA said...

I would have to say Vishous from BDB if I HAD to pick just one LoL My email is gwoman23(at)gmail(dot)com

coco said...

my fave vamp is Sebastian Wroth from no rest for the wicked by kresley cole

scrown said...

My favorite vampire would probably have to be Bones he is just so awesome :D

Laura said...

Damon from vampire diaries tv show

Rachel498 said...

Bones from the Night Huntress series or Zsadist from BDB!


Vivika said...

My favorite vampire is Zsadist from JR Ward's Blackdagger Brotherhood Series!

Tonberry Queen said...

Why I don't have just one fave. I have a face from every series. Lestat from the vampire chronicles. Butch and Rev from Bdb. Arucard from Hellsing. Stark from house of night. Venok from Guild Hunter. Eric from TrueBlood. And even though he is a half breed I lovers me some D.

Mel said...

Hmm... I love all of JR Wards BDB vampires, but I also love Venom!

mjfuller at rocketmail dot com

Bookwormgirl said...

So many Vampires it is hard to choose,

1. Colin from Demon Moon by Meljean Brook
2. Dmitri
3. Zadist from Lover Awakened by J.R. Ward

This doesn't even cover TV and manga/anime. Oh well, gotta keep it short ;)

Anonymous said...

Would have to say its a fine line between Dmitri and Elijah from vampire diaries. In fact so fine that I just cant choose lol.

Jill B said...

Where to start. I have a hard time choosing just one. I love Eric from TrueBlood, Sebastian from Kresley Cole's IAD series, All of J.R. Ward's BDB, Dmitri of course...
Hmmm...that I love so many, does that make me inconstant or just smart?

Anonymous said...

I have to say this is hard for me, so I'll go with my top five favorite vampire names, lol!

Zsadist - JR Ward
Aro - Stephenie Meyers
Bones - Jeaniene Frost
Janvier - Nalini Singh
Gregori - Christine Feehan

-Shannon C

Anonymous said...

My favorite vampire is Lestat (Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles)

Madhura said...

My favorite vampire has to be Dmitri from the GH books. He is just so intriguing, I want to keep learning more about him.

Anonymous said...

There are a few that make my short list - Dmitri and Venom, Spade (JF) and Conrad (KC)

Kate M

Missy said...

Wow pick A vampire... hmmm, before I was put on the spot I probably could have listed several but now I'm drawing a blank. Lol! From my latest reads: def dimitri, venom, & naasir. Def the Wroth brothers specifically sebastion. Ahh I can't think! Lol! So many series with such great characters I can't list just one; so I choose all!

Contact info:

Pretty please pick me!

Thank you,

Sheree said...

I'm going old school: Dracula. No angst.

ironss [at] gmail [dot] com

Lisa Jo said...

Oooh...well my fave vamp would have to Louis or Lestat from Interview w/ the Vampire! The movie version, of course. Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise make two awesome vamps!


Lisa @ Once Upon A Chapter

Anonymous said...

mean question ... Malkom Slaine .. vampire demon from Kresley Cole.

moninanu (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Eric from the Sookie series!


Anonymous said...

My favourite vampire is also Zsadist from JR Ward's Blackdagger Brotherhood Series.

Iqah (

Anonymous said...

My first love was Zarek from Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series.
My current love is Zsadist from JR Ward.

Contact info:
Maria Lopez

Anonymous said...

oh geez ummm so many to pick from!!!!!will im going to have to go with Vishous mmmmm nice from jr wards BDBH i think its the tatts that do it for me look mean talks mean and plays mean!!!!hahahaha
Jonella Mclean

Annonymous... said...

right off the top of my head, i say raphael from d b reynold vampire series or vishous .......I think raphael wins hands down,,, he is so yummy uber.. so much more....
Here's hoping... good luck y'all

Unknown said...

OK Favorite Vampire would have to be Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows since he started my love/hate relationship with those bad boys!

nicola said...

ohohohoooooooo, i think mine would have to be mircea from karen chance's series! omnomnom, too good!

Anonymous said...

I know, I know! My favorite vamp is Lothaire from Kresley Cole's IAD-Series. He's bad and... really bad... and... really really bad... and hawt, totally hawt ;)

Jackie said...

Jean-Claude from Laurel K Hamilton's Anita Blake series

jackiebogert at

orannia said...

Please don't include me in the giveaway, but I just had to answer the question (no thinking required) - Dmitri *grin*

Irena said...

Vishous from Blackdagger Brotherhood.

Anastasia said...

My favorite vamp is Michael from J.R. Ward The Story of Son =)))

Supru said...

That's hard...
Here it's my list, though
* Acheron *sigh* (Count's as a vampire?)
* Christine Feehan's Daratrazanoff brothers (but technically they aren't vampires either o.o)
* Anita's guys (Jean Cleade, Requiem, Damian, Ash...)
* BDB guys! (Love Blay!!!!)
oh well...

CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

I'm so torn between 2 of them!!
1)Christophe in Lili St Crow's Strange Angels series

aaanyway, can't wait for ARCHANGEL'S BLADE and LORD OF THE ABYSS!

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is gonna be a hard choice. I read so many books about vampires,and in everyone I have a fav vampire. It's a real challenge. So I'm gonna make a list for every vamp, who is my most favorite.
Between Dmitri and Venom. My choice here is -Venom. That eyes of his are very cool. But I also can't wait for Archangel's Blade. It is real torture for me, because his past will be something interesting for me, and of course I also want to see his relationship with Honor.
In the Blackdagger Brotherhood series my favs here are Vishous and Payne, they survived so many things ,but in the end i was for their happy ending, because they deserved it.
In The Vampire Diaries in the and serial my fav defenely is Damon. But I like the serial more.There we see how hurt is he because of the love, two times she hurt him and always wore the face of his first love.
E-mail -

Kahlil J. Lindsey said...

Lestat from in Anne Rices books. I also love the vampires in j.r. Wards series as well.

Anonymous said...

My favorite vamp is Z from BDB. He is just yummy and extra hottness! I can't wait to read these books I'm so excited I think it's gonna be extra great with all of you writing a book in series.


Anonymous said...

My favorite vampire? Jackson Rathbone playing Japser in Twilight. He is sooo hot!!! I can't wait to read this series. It looks awesome and some of my favorite authors!
jlkg102961 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I love me some twisted up, demented vamps who become good in the end..Sooo of course, my favorite it Z from Black Dagger Brotherhood... :) Love that he overcame so much stuff...


aka Kathy :)

Rebecca LB said...

My favorite vampire is Asher from Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series.


winterlyre AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse series. LOVE HIM!!!


Anonymous said...

I will be the corniest person in the world and have to say that my favourite vampire would have to be Emmett from twilight i just love that strong male that is very loyal type of thing sooooooo hot.... Too bad he doesnt have a bigger part!:(

Anonymous said...

I would say my favorite vampire is Venom. I love his eyes and would like to read a book about him. ^^
anima-jeannedArc at

Tasha B. said...

My favorite vampire is Michael from A Taste of Crimson. Please enter me into the contest my email is moonsongsiniger at yahoo dot com

Tasha B. said...

correction my email is moonsongsinger at yahoo dot com

WildMom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

If I only have to choose one vampire (and believe me deciding is pure torture), I would have to say Bones from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress books.

equinuxxx AT yahoo DOT ca

WildMom said...

My favorite would have to be Bones from the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost. Love Bones.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is Bones from Night Huntress series.

Stephanie M

smccar1 at hotmail dot com

mbot565 said...

I hope I get picked for this.
mbot565 at gmail dot com

T Doll said...

So many vampires, so little time... There are quite a few that I like, but at this moment I'd have to say Mircea from the Cassie Palmer series by Karen Chance. He's hot, sweet, smart and a bit ruthless. And he's amazing with the people he loves.

Anonymous said...

My favorite vampire is Zsadist from JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

Nicole said...

Dmitri hands down

Lauren said...

I have to agree with crystal, Zadist is one of my all time favorites.

Anneela said...

Hi Nalini,

My favourite vampire has to be Spike (james marsters) from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Please count me in for the draw!


Anonymous said...

My favorite vampire is Nalini`s Dmitri and Christine Feehan`s Gregory.

Anonymous said...

My favorite vampire has to be Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer series!

Erika said...

Two Words: Eric Northman.

Aurian said...

My favourite vampire is JeanClaude by Laurell K. Hamilton. Thanks for the give away Nalini.

auriansbooks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to go with Bones :)


Megan said...

My favorite vampire is Rhage from BDB. I just love him!

Anonymous said...

My absolutely favourite vampire has to be sex pistol, man united loving Spike with Dmitri literally a hair behind him. Followed very closely behind them are Venom and Eric. Busting to read Dmitri's story.


Amiee Snow said...

My favorite vampire from a book would be either Vlad Tepesh in jeaniene frosts night huntress series or Dmitri from guild hunter series. From a T.V show would be Klaus from the vampire diaries and from a movie would be Count Vladislaus Dracula from Van Helsing

Tinuke said...

My favourite vampires in books are Michael in Taste of Crimson, Malkom Slaine and Sebastian Wroth (though I like all the Wroth brothers) from IAD Kresley Cole, Andreas Reichen and Dante from Midnight Breed Lara Adrian and Venom Nalini. Also love Selene in Underworld.
Email is

danielle said...

Hunter from Lara Adrian's midnight breed series.

Pal0z said...

ooh, vampires... I love the vampires who are borderline bad guys - Spike from Buffy and Vishous from the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

btw, am looking forward to this series of books.... 2 of my all-time fav authors - Gena S and Nalini S.

jenn said...

My new favourite is Lawson from Jon F. Merz' Lawson Vampire series. Just discovered it and I'm so impressed!

Thanks for running this.

mic said...

If you exclude the scary/sexy bunch Nalini has created, I've got a thing for Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse mysteries. Don't know if I'd like the True Blood version of him, as I spend too much money on books to pay for HBO.

ST said...

Favorite vampire? Dmitri of course!

Firefly said...

I love JR Ward's Quinn!

Anonymous said...

I read so many paranormal romances that I have quite the list of favorite vampires. Will go with Daegan from Vampire Mistress by Joey W Hill.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com
cathy m

Liz C said...

Ilove all of Christine feehan's Carpathians, Dmitri, and venom and my list is probably too long so I'll stop there ;)

Roxy said...

My favourite vampire would have to be Zsadist from J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series! :D

Elizabeth said...

While I can't wait to read about Dmitri (in just under a month!), I have to say that Venom is my favorite vamp.

me said...

I love contest. enter me. My current hottie is Venom

Erin said...

Such a hard choice, but got to be either Zarek from Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series or Gregori from Christine Feehan's Carpathians series.

shnellehope said...

Lets see....Dimitri for Nalini's books.

As for other books Cat, Bones and Vlad from Jeannie Frost's Night Huntress books

Gladys said...

So many choices for fave vampires, but I have to go with the original Dracula from Bram Stoker's novel. v v

Saiqa said...

For me, it would have to be Nalini's Dimitri. Though Bones from Jeaniene Frosts books and Angel from Buffy, came close too. When I was younger, it was Ash from L.J Smiths Nightworld books.

Please let me win for once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bones and Vlad from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series; Zsadist from J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series; and Dmitri from the Guild Hunter series. I find it difficult to choose just one... ;D


Xandra D. said...

Dimitri, Damon, Emmett, Eric, Jasper, Angel ... just to name a few!! SO difficult to just name one.


appleonia11 said...

Well ,I have lots of favorites I like Eric from the books not the t.v. show.I also like Bram Stoker's Dracula.Out of your'e vamps. I like Venom.

Anonymous said...

I am hard pressed to pick a absolute fav vamp...How about a fav from your series: Venom because he's deadly but has enough sexy and snark to keep it interesting.

Thank you for having this contest!

Jenna said...

Ohh I loved the Night World series as a teen. Those books got me hooked on paranormal romance, and I have been in reader heaven ever since.

But my favorite is Bones from the Night Huntress series.

jtmulready at gmail dot com

AquarianDancer said...

Ok, favorite vampire:
TV - I'd have to say Angel. He's the one I think of automatically. I do like Henry from Blood Ties, too.
Book - Either Gregori from the Carpathian series or Kyrian from the Dark-Hunter Series.
Movie - Michael from Underworld.

AquarianDancer at Gmail dot com

Melissa McAtee said...

I have too many favorites to count...but right now I'd have to say Venom.... I can't wait to see the woman that can bring him down...

Missy said...

I am intrigued by Dmitri, I can't wait for his book!!

myrandaroyann said...

This is a tough one! Right now, it'd be Dmitri!

Jennifer Murdock said...

Oh, this is hard. The first one that comes to mind is Eric Northman, followed closely by Venom. I'm so intrigued by that vamp.

Rebecca said...

This may change after I read your next book. But at the moment it's Bones. I love him and all the wonderful things he can do with those fangs;) Hope I win.

Sinai said...

Like so many of the others I can't pick just one...
Rhage and Rehgenge from BDB
ALL of the Seven even though they are not all Vamps
and of course Eric from the True Blood tv series. (never read the Stackhouse Series)
... And so many more!!

sinaidiaz@gmail dot com

Book Chatter Cath said...

My fave vampire is Z from JR Wards BDB books

Sarah said...

My favourite vampire is Qhuinn from BDB :-) He and Blay are so gorgeous :-P

Greets from Germany :-)

Jennifer K. said...

Favorite vampire? Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I really wanted them to live happily after after, but, alas, it wasn't in the cards. I really liked Spike from Buffy, as well.

Jennifer from North Carolina, USA

Anonymous said...

I have three favorite vampires.
Lucien from Christeen Feehans Dark Series,
Zadist from JR Wards Black Dagger Brotherhood Series,
and Zarek from Sherrilyn Kenyons Dark Hunters. I'm also fully expecting Dmitri to join my favorites when his book comes out.

Rachelle From Adelaide SA

Anonymous said...

well to be honest i have a thing for NASIR from your guild hunter series and BONES from night huntress series also DAMON THE tv show one aaaaaaaaaaannnd DIMITRI OFCOURSE :D


Anonymous said...

Too difficult to even answer that question! Spike and Damon have got to be my favorite for their pure snark!


Dino Rubio said...

I have so many to choose from I was going to say Jace from Sarah McCarty's Shadow Wranglers Series but then I remembered Dimitri and his book is coming out soon so its a tie....

Anonymous said...

After much thought I had to go with Zarek from the Dark Hunters series. He is closely followed by Asher from the Anita Blake series and Mikhail Dubrinksy from the Carpathian series

Lora said...

Add me to the "Angel from the Buffy the Vamipire Slayer" list :)

LITA said...


elizabeth said...

There are so many to choose from. Loved Gerard Butler's Dracula in Wes Craven's Dracula 2000. Dmitri from The Guild Hunter series. Zsadist from JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood. Could go on and on, but will stop there.

Elizabeth Gray

Lira said...

My favorite is Vishous from the BDB series by JR Ward.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... tough choice. Angel and Spike are my nostalgia choices, but I'm thinking Mick St John from Moonlight. :-)

Tracy King
skykingbna AT aolDOTcom

Anonymous said...

I would have to say Wrath from J.R. Ward's BDB series. But I also am a closet fan of Edward Cullen. ;) And I have just discovered Dmitri... really looking forward to getting to know him in his book.

donnas said...

Dimitri. No contest

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Eli Yanti said...

how can i win if so many people like vampire lol

joanna-kuang said...

Awesome giveaway!

Favorite vampire? Hands down it's Dimitri. At a close second would be Venom.

Pre-Guild Hunter, as a child I fell in love with Simon from the YA novel The Silver Kiss.

Joanna K.

joanna-kuang said...

^made a mistake in the email, correction is below: <~ I left out a "s" after the world "johnny".

Xiao Jin said...

Spike from Buffy the TV series has got to be my favorite vampire ever. That man is just hot hot hot! British vampires? Yums!


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