Winner: Thank you all for the awesome comments! The random numbers have spoken and the winner of the print is:
Jolene Allcock
Congratulations! An email is on the way to you!

Some fantastic new reviews have come in, including this one by Angela at Touch the Night, and this one by Marisa at Heart to Heart: The BN Romance Blog.
To celebrate, I have something special to give away - a print of the gorgeous cover art! (The print is the image only, no text, and roughly 16x20inches in size. And if I'm not mistaken, Tony Mauro, the artist, has signed it!).
To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post.
However, if you have a FB profile, Twitter account, blog etc, I'd appreciate it if you'd share that Archangel's Consort is now out. And if you've read it and loved it, feel free to share that too!
Contest open till Saturday January 29th 2011, 12 noon, New Zealand time. Winner will be chosen randomly via the random number generator at, and his or her name posted in the comments and on top of this post. I'll also email the winner if I have an email address.
International entries welcome. One entry per ISP address, no purchase necessary to enter, odds of winning will depend on the number of entries. Void where prohibited.
P.S. If you'd like to order your own print, you can do so from Tony's website.
This is sooooo exciting, i hope i am getting my hands on this book, the first thing in the morning! YEAAAAY!
LOL I was so excited when I say mighty ape..had shipped my order last night and when I got home from work today it was in the mailbox.. have told everyone.. that I will be busy reading it and not to bother me! YAY!
awesome! congrats on the release :)
please count me in. really wanna read archangel's consort.
chelleyreads AT gmail DOT com
Yay, congrats on the release!!!! It is such a fantastic book and my review will be up soon. And, squeeeee, a chance to win the beautiful cover art?! Sign me up! ;)
Can't wait for my copy to arrive - ordered it with Whitcoulls back when it was first released for pre-ordering!
Still waiting with anticipation for my Pre-order to arrive.. seems NZPost is a lil slack but totally cant wait to read it!
I would love this. Thanks to Walmart, I have now read half of chapter 1. I have completed hostage negotiations with Amazon, and I believe my book will be released tomorrow. YES!
Still don't have it in my the evening my misery will be put out though...
In many ways, Ms.Singh having a series to finish is like having another reason to live....
I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of Archangel's Consort! Since it takes forever for bookstores here to have copies I'm ordering mine online. Can't wait read it! :) And who wouldn't want to win that fabulous cover art?!
I tweeted the contest:
amaterasureads AT gmail DOT com
Oh my gosh, I would love one! I adore the cover art for the book, I think it's actually my favorite yet (though it had to grow on me a bit).
email is lnhreads (at) yahoo (dot) com
OMFG - just when I was looking for something new to read BANG you deliver. You rock my world!
Enjoyed the book. Looking forward to more of this world - especially the Seven. :p
Count me in, I'll tweet and fb it too
gem dot wood at gmail dot com
OMG! I love the cover! And can not wait to read Archangel's Consort!
Happy Book Release Day!! :)
What a fantastic giveaway! I'd love a chance for the print.
nalynboni AT gmail DOT com
Would love to win this for a friend. She adores these covers!
Yay, release day. :) I can't wait until I can get my hands on a copy. Thanks for all the great books!
baen at baensidhe dot net
Finally the wait it over;-)
Congratulation on the new release.
I would love to win a print of the cover art!
I think it's one of the most beautiful covers I have ever seen and I would love to have a picture of the cover to hang on my wall.
Congratulations on the release! I just got my copy today, super excited! The cover is so beautiful.
Oh - a beautiful cover for sure! So excited to read this book... just finished re-reading the first two in anticipation! Thank you! =)
Oh my God, finally! I've waited for this book for soo long!!! Can't wait to read it!
My brother and I have been waiting for this for /months/! Cannot /wait/ to get to the bookstore tomorrow and pick up my copy! And I love the cover art as well - wouldn't mind a chance to win it! :D
shaylith @ gmail (dot) com
Can't wait to get me hands on this book - LOVE the series :)
Congrats on the new release and looking forward to meeting you in person at the Australian Romance Readers Convention in March ^_^
Love Tony Mauro's work ,he's fabulous!
(I still need to get me a copy of this XD)
midnite dot fantasy at gmail dot com
I love the cover of Archangel's Consort! I am anxiously awaiting my copy...the wait is torture! I can't wait to be back in Elena and Raphael's world. Thanks for creating my 'escape'! (Thanks for the incredible giveaway too!!!)
I can't wait to get my hands on this book! Congratulations Nalini!
P.S I hope the number generator Gods take pity on me. I want a copy of that awesome cover art!
holy cow i'm off to the book store first thing tomorrow and that cover is to die for!!!!
please enter me♥
Can't wait! Don't know what B&N's problem is with shipping but hopefully it'll be here soon.
jbrink83 at hotmail dot com
Congratulations on your release.
I'm hanging out for it to turn up here in NZ.
I'm so looking forward to devouring it tonight (IF amazon delivers).
Thank you!
I pre-ordered and am waiting for it to be available on my nook! It's almost time! :)
I'm so excited AC is finally here! It's been too long! I've missed my favorite archangels! Thank you for creating such an exciting, sexy world for us to explore! -aimee p. (aimeejill75atgmaildotcom)
I'm in!
kalafudra (at)
ooooh I want a print. Already had your widget up on my forums! I already have the Kiss of Snow up on there too!
I cant wait to buy your book. Please put me in the running for the print contest. Thanks.
My email is moonsongsinger at yahoo dot com
Congrats on the release Nalini! I can't wait to read Archangel's Consort!
would love to win a print
I'm so excited to read it, feels like I've been waiting forever since Archangel's kiss, it's going to be an awesome book! I would love the chance to win the beautiful cover art-
I am so excited about this book. I can not wait to read. I love all your books but Archangle series is my personal Favourite. Please pick me to win. Lovexx
AC has been pre-ordered for a while now... and I'm expecting it to be delivered into my waiting hands today. (Hear that mail lady?) ;D
I'll be spreading the word later today. Happy release day!
wooo im so excited!! i have it pre order hope the books here soon!
Such an awesome prize - would love to be in the running, please :-)
TezMillerOz at gmail dot com
I cannot wait to get this book I pre-ordered it as soon as I couls off of and i just got a message saying that I should get it by the end of this week instead of february which was my original ETA for the book
Can't wait to read it
Congo Nalini on the new book....I cannot wait to read it =)
The cover is absolutely gorgeous, wining a print would be lovely!
Bookdepos shipped my copy of Archangel's Consort yesterday, can't wait to read it!
My copy is not here yet but am hoping it turns up in the ext day or two as I am looking forward to reuniting with Elena and Raphael
That cover never fails to give me chills! Thanks for sharing it with us in this contest. :)
Greetings from UK!
I bought Angel's blood as a random choice when I was in the airport waiting to board my flight. I was off on a six week holiday and needed some reading material. To my surprise, I couldn't put the book down! I think I finished it after the first week of my holiday! I was then despirate to get hold of archangel's kiss as soon as I got back!
I cannot wait to begin reading Archangel's consort...the guild hunter series is exactly my chosen concoction of what i want in a book. I have read Angel's blood and Archangel's kiss about 3 times now!
OMG! I'm so excited! I can't wait to turn the digital pages on my Kindle. XD
And I totally Tweeted and changes my Facebook status for this. XD
I am in LOVE with the cover! Such beautiful artwork.
Fitting for such a great series.
What a great thing to offer to let us win. Beautiful cover! Can't wait to turn on my Kindle this morning for along airplane flight on business-your book is my treat!
I bought the book this morning, and now it is waiting to get transfered to my Sony :)
I soooo want that print! I can't wait to have my own copy of the book too!
Oooooo, please enter me in the contest!
Congratulations on Archangel's Consort!!!
I can't wait until lunch to go to the store to get this book!!!
Update: read it .. LOVE it!
Thank you so much for writing such an amazing book once again. I've got to work a little and I'll reread it like a delicious cake bit by bit again tonight.
[And: I managed NOT to read the ending first.]
Thank God I pre-ordered it on my nook. Happy Happy me!
Congrats on the release:) This is sooooo exciting! Just got my copy today from the store.
I would love to have a print of the cover art on my wall. It´s soo beautiful!!!
I am so excited about Archangel's Consort. I have it pre-ordered and can't wait to read it. I would love to win the beautiful cover image!
Oooooooooooh this is exciting! The coverart's gorgeous! I'd love to get my hands on one ^_^
Can't wait for the book to be released here :D I'm so excited XD
In my review of Archangel's Consort, the very first thing I said was how much I adore this cover. Absolutely gorgeous!! Thanks so much Ms. Singh for the chance to win a poster copy!
I can't wait to read it.I just now I'm going to love it. I'm on my way to Barnes&Noble right now!!
Just finished reading Archangel's Consort. And can I say AMAZING. I love the story between Elena and Raphael. HOT!
Halfway through and LOVING every word!
AC is finally out! I'm dashing over to the closest Indigo as soon as my first class ends. Can't wait!
Would love to win the print; my email is
I am so excited about this book. It is going to drive me crazy all day not being able to read at work = (
I would love a chance to win! I am new to your books and so far I have been SUPER EXCITED!!!!
I won't be able to read it until tomorrow...Hopefully I won't go crazy :)
Congrats on the new release!!
cant wait to read it 8^)
OMG!! I wanna this book so badly!! Ahhh and a wanna this cover art too... it's so beautiful!! I'm twitting like hell! Love you Nalini! Thank you for giving us this facinating world!!
Thank you so much for the contest.
I can't wait to read this book! I've been waiting what seems like forever for it to be realeased!!!
I will definitely be heading to the bookstore for it today! (I have a reminder on my calendar that it came out today...but really, there was no way I was going to forget! :))
Yay, release day!!! Really need to get my hands on this!!
It would be awesome to win the cover art!! Can't wait to read Archangel's Consort!
Can't wait to read the book, hopefully my copy will be waiting for me when I get home tonight!
It was on my kindle waiting for me this morning ;)
I love the art on this book!
Im getting Archangels Consort tomorrow and Im so excited!
Please count me in too! I don't have much of a web presence, but I'll definitely mention the book by word of mouth :)
I should have my copy in my hot little hands by tonight, according to the mail delivery status. I'm really looking forward to revisitinig Raphael and Elena and company.
Cannot wait to read it!
Thank you for the contest. I have already read Archangel's Consort and loved it.
Just finished the book!! and it was pretty much a perfect book for an ongoing series, thank you for making me fall in love with Raphael all over again! May seems like a long long time to wait for your next release
Amazing....can´t wait to read it :)
I love this picture !!!
it's really an awesome artwork!!!
This is probably one of my all-time favorite covers. The book was great too. Mine happened to be in my mail last night. :D Loved it. Especially loved learning more about the Seven, specifically Aodhan. He is fascinating. Thank you for the contest!
lkfisher AT purdue DOT edu
Yay for release days! I already bought it on my Kindle and I'm going to start it soon. I hope I win the print; it's gorgeous.
I got the book last friday. Bookdepository shipped early. Needless to say, I finished it last weekend. It was great and I'm already on the edge of my seat for Dmitri's book (and Noel's novelle).
I love the cover and would love to win a print. Congrats on your release date!
smccar1 at hotmail dot com
I've just had an e-mail from Amazon to say my book has been despatched! I've had it pre-ordered since I finished the second one! Lol
I think I might freak the postman out when I'm stood by my letterbox in the morning! Lol
I would love to win the cover art! Would look amazing on my bedroom wall :-)
I'm getting ready to go the bookstore and pick up this muchly anticipated book. I'm so excited to read it. I love the cover art of Archangel's Consort so this is an awesome giveaway!
OOoooh this is awesome! I would totally adore getting this print.
Also congratulations, i hope the sales do very well! :)
i hope the number generator archangels pick me ;)
This series belongs on the short list of all time favorite romance series. Love Elena and Rafael. I hope Elena kicks her mother-in-law's ass.
Great stuff. It's on my wishlist and it's my birthday next week....yay!!!!
in Germany
Oh, I wished my copy was here already, the waiting is so so hard. I am trying to pimp out the whole series to all my friends and will def. spread the word, that Archangel's Consort is out now :)
Such a wonderful prize. I love it :D
Will be trying to share the news on fb (if I can get it right)
I can't wait!!
Heading to the bookstore later today. Can't wait to read Archangels Consort. Love the artwork. Count me in.
My book showed up early on Saturday and I was ecstatic. Already read it and loved it. Now I'm counting down the days till Kiss of Snow comes out.
Cannot WAIT to get my hands on this book!
Happy Release Day! I can't wait to read this book. I enjoyed the two previous ones. :)
I'm reading.
It beats hell!
Am LOVING this book! Would be just blown away to have the print. WOW!
Great contest! It is such a beautiful cover!
Ooohh! I want in! Can't wait to get my hands on Archangel's Consort :D
Oooh, I would LOVE a print of the cover! =) I'm about halfway through the book-- it's absolutely fantastic! I've shut off my phone at this point. ;)
Huge congrats on the release!
Jennifer [dot] L [dot] Dempsey [at] gmail [dot] com
So exciting! im still waiting for my copy to arrive and i can't wait to read it.
OMG look at all the entries! I hope I win! Beautiful!
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
I finally have the book in my hot little hands:) I can't believe that all those months of waiting are finally over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay I've got to go read now:)
I pre-ordered from B&N and checked everyday to see if it shipped!
All the best for the release! I am so looking forward to reading this book!
Oh, and please include me in the contest. I love book cover prints! (I have the three Last Herald-Mage covers :)
Ooooh, sign me up! I'm in love with the cover art!!!!! Congrats Nalini! (Can't wait to read it!)
ericon_22 AT hotmail DOT com
Erin K.
I waited at walmart until midnight hoping they would put it on the shelf then, but they didnt *sigh*
They still dont have it; i ordered on on rush delivery though!!!
Would LOVE this!
just in case: laurenhunt _ 13 at yahoo dot com
I have ordered my copy of Archangels Consort and am impatiently waiting for it to arrive. I would love a print of the cover art.
I can't wait - UPS is really, really, REALLY late today too!! Argh!! Please add me to the list!!
kelleysquared AT snet DOT net
Happy release day! My coffee break this afternoon involved walking next door to my local Borders, scanning the new releases, *woohoo* finding AC, grabbing a non-fat latte at the cafe, paying for all my treats, and trudging back to work (with a smile, of course!).
I got it on kindle and the minute I woke up, downloaded it. And consumed it. So very wonderful and I look forward to what you do next Nalini! I would love to have a print of the cover art!!
I received Archangel's Consort on my Kindle last night but I'm busy doing a re-read of Archangel's Kiss right now. It's like a really yummy treat just waiting for me to devour!
Downloaded it on my Nook at 10 PM yesterday and loved it! Stayed up until 2 AM reading it - so sleepy today, but worth it.
OMG - I am so looking forward to this book!! Hoping to get it this coming weekend.
lissa6147 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I'm looking forward to reading Archangel's Consort. Love the cover!
I love Mauro's work. Please enter me too!
I am half way through Archangel's Consort and love it. I love the cover, it's beautiful. The artist is a very talented artist. Hope for many more collaborations with you and Tony Mauro.
I need something awesome for my walls! I would love a copy of the cover of Archangel's Consort!
My email is
I totally want in on this! Loved Archangel's Consort by the way! Soooooooo good!
Oh! How wonderful; though I have to say I picked up a calendar titled When Darkness Falls and on the cover is your book cover from Archangel's Kiss which I then cut out and put in a frame above my book shelf.
My copy has been shipped, but hasn't arrived yet.
The prints that Tony Mauro does are beautiful...I actually wouldn't mind buying a couple of them.
Would love a copy if I could!! I can't wait to get the book...It's out today, but haven't made it to the local B&N yet.
What a beautiful print! Would love to win!
I'm saving it to read on my trip Thursday. I can't wait! And the cover is gorgeous.
I loved the novel! Was waiting for it with bated breath.
And I'm really happy that the next installment focuses on Dmitri. You've teased us with this great character for too long :).
It's time to give Elena and Raphael some time to nurture their relationship.
It's a good thing there are so many interesting characters and premises for new pairings. It will be exciting to see the stories of entire Seven being told.
Love his work. I have been getting his calender for the last couple of years. Started this book and about a chapter in.
linze_e at
I love the clours in the cover!
I have a copy of Archangel's Consort and can't wait until the kids' father gets home. Then it's ME time...bubble bath, some tunes and this book! Thank you!
Hugs, Racheal
Yeah!!!! Hooray for Angel's Consort!!!!
I picked it up first thing yesterday and already finished it...(family and chores suffered greatly at my lack of attention)
I appreciate you giving away the poster. For those of us who DO NOT win, is there somewhere we can purchase it?
moobooblake AT yahoo DOT com
Already read it and wanting more! lol, and I love the art!
I read it in one day, I just couldn't put it down!!! Awesome job Nalini!!! Congrats!
3/4 of the way done...and I'm already saddened that I'll have to wait a whole year for the next full novel. LOL
Loved loved loved this book! Now have major crushes on Illium, Dmitri, Ransom and Venom :) Please count me in.
piyush.jadhav AT gmail DOT com
I have been waiting sooooo long for this book!! You are such a great writer and I would really really love a copy!!!
I'm going to pick up the book RIGHT after work tomorrow! I CAN'T WAIT to read it!
Wonderful book. Breathtaking cover. What could be better?
Am on the road and cannot wait to get home and pick up a copy. that is one gorgeous cover.
eve733 at gmail dot com
Awesome!!! im waiting for mine to arrive in the mail (fingers Crossed) any day now.
Just finished reading Archangel Consort and I LOVED it. Looking forward to Dmitri’s story, but I must say, I want some more Raphael & Elena. So, much more story to tell with these two IMO.
Love the book! Can't wait for Dimitri's story.
I love this cover
Yeee! I'm excited for this contest (even if I don't win). Tony is one hell of an artist!
Congrats on the release! Haven't read it yet (still waiting for Mr. Mailman) but from the reviews it's going to be a great one to have in my hands. :)
Ohmygoodness I am so Excited!:) I ordered the book as soon as it came out and it's arriving on my doostep on saturday! Count me in the contest please!:):) Thank you so much for writing the Guild Hunter series!!! I love them insanely!!!
just finished reading archangel's consort. beautifully written! an incredibly intense,darkly sensual world. i absolutely love this series.
I just finished the book and am already looking forward to the next one :) I also would love the cover art in my room !!!
sally489143513 AT hotmail DOT com
Totally loved it! I went through it in two days and am going to read it again, definitely one of the best in the series!!!
Loved the book! I actually haven't been able to find it being sold here in town yet, but luckily my library system ordered a bunch of copies so I managed to get ahold of one anyway! Can't wait for Dmitri's book!
mine02134 AT yahoo DOT com
Great cover art. Trying to find the book here. Can't wait to read it.
I loved loved this book read it in a day sooo good did I mention I loved it
Ooh! Please include me in the competition! The artwork is amazingly gorgeous!
I love this cover. I'm currently reading this book but I'm trying to savor it as its awhile before the next release...
A great addition to the series :) Love the cover too.
I'm in! I'm in!a
Just Finished reading the book today and it was fantasic!!
Wonderful book & I love that cover! Thanks so much...
Email is klcoppock[at]hotmail[dot]com.
God I loved the cover of "Consort" - simply beautiful.
Would love to win a copy.
I have been fascinated with Elena's wings, so I'm excited to see this great art. What a god idea for a contest!
I waaaaannt!!!!!!
this cover is so amazing *-*
Been looking forward to this book. I was just saying on Twitter how great this cover would be on a t shirt. So beautiful.
Oh, that's awesome! I'm so happy, that finally I get this book!!!!
The whole story is amazing!!! Elena is a fantastic character: she's beautiful, smart, brave and the perfect match for Raphael (I'm in love with him from the first time :D)And their couple always guarantees the enjoyment of the books, so I will wait the further ones as patiently as I can. Congrats
Winner: Thank you all for the awesome comments! The random numbers have spoken and the winner of the print is:
Jolene Allcock
Congratulations! An email is on the way to you!
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