Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Demon Bound - Meljean Brook

Demon Bound is part of Meljean Brook’s Guardians series. Follow this link to read all about what makes Meljean's world unique.

The series is defined by brilliant characterizations and intricate world-building. But don’t let the latter scare you – I find Meljean’s writing style wonderfully easy to read. If you want to check things out for yourself, the author has a ton of excerpts on her website.

Demon Bound is the story of Jake, one of the new and inexperienced Guardians, and Alice, an older (and rather creepy) Guardian. Alice keeps pet spiders. Yes, big, black, crawly spiders.

I’m going to be honest. When I realized Jake was the hero of DB, I was skeptical. Sure, he was cute in the other books, but a hero?*

Well, that’ll teach me to doubt Meljean. This book is wonderful! Not only is Jake a great hero, Alice is a brilliant heroine, spiders and all. I think what I love most about Meljean’s books
is that her characters are all very unique individuals—and they remain true to who they are even as they grow and change through the books.

As well as
the love story, there are some major developments in the overarching backstory—I’m hoping Meljean writes the next book really fast, ‘cause I want to read it right now!

Needless to say, Demon Bound is totally recommended!

If you haven't tried the series yet, I've got something to tempt you - leave a comme
nt on this post about anything your heart desires, and I'll throw you into the draw for a signed copy of Demon Night, the previous book in the series...Drifter, mmm...

Plus, because it's November, I'll pick two more winners, one of whom will get Jessica Anderson's Night Keepers, while the other winner will get Robin D Owens' Heart Dance - both signed :-)

Comment away! Contest closes Sunday Nov 9th, 2008, midnight New Zealand time. I'll announce the winners next week.

*I wrote this up when I first read Demon Bound, but this morning, I saw this "What the hell was I thinking?" post by Meljean. *g*


Cindy W said...

Count me in!!! Thanks for the suggestions!

Ellory said...

Great books. :) I'm looking forward to great reading.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Please count me in! I keep meaning to get my hands on any of Maljean's books, and I keep forgetting when I get to the bookstore. They sound so fantastic!
Natasha A.

Gail Leinweber said...

My heart currently desires less homework and more time to read. That will not stop me from attempting to acquire yet more additions to the TBR pile.

alohahelper said...

I have all of Meljean's Guardian series and I have Demon Bound on my Amazon shopping list to remind myself to buy it when the Kindle edition appears. I love my Kindle! I was so happy that I could get the Kindle edition of The Magical Christmas Cat this weekend. Needless to say, I read Stroke of Enticement first!

Anonymous said...

I haven't read any of these authors yet. Thanks for the author recommendations and the contest.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read any of these authors either, and would love to expand my slowly growing collection =) Hope you had a great weekend nalini!

meljean brook said...

Nalini! *happy dance* Thank you!

Also, I read Stroke of Enticement a couple of weeks ago. You, woman, are amazing!

Just my not-so-humble opinion *grin*

Mandy said...

Count me in. I'll definitely check out the series by Meljean Brook.

Pamk said...

I am seriously going to start this series. Need to dig the first one out of my tbr pile. Picked it up and saw it was a historical and promptly added to my tbr pile. But an interview with another lady yesterday has prompted me to read at least the first two. So that is my goal for this coming week.

CrystalGB said...

Great books. I have read Night Keepers and Demon Night.

Rashda Khan said...

Okay, you've just turned me onto a new series...(Rashda cowering next to a towering TBR pile)

Tracy said...

Oh I cannot wait to read DB. I really need to finish my current book so I can dig in.

I had reservations about Jake too, but Meljean always delivers so I shouldn't be a doubter.

I've not read Heart Dance. :)

Anonymous said...

I just found out about Echoes in the Dark! I *love* Robin D Owen's Llandra series and I have been waiting (rather impatiently) for the next one.

Maljean's books are ones I keep seeing, and leaving on my Amazon list (as a not so subtle hint for people to buy them for upcoming holiday gifts ^_^) I just have yet to have the time to begin a new author and series.

In the meantime, we are reading a not-so-stimulating political text on 19th century politics, buying Christmas songs, and grading midterms....

azteclady said...

Hi, Nalini!

Well, I have two out of the three so...

Anonymous said...

I read Jessica Anderson's Night Keepers, but I have not read Meljean Brooks or Robin D. Owens latest.

rainstorm said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the suggestion. I've actually heard really good things about Meljean Brook but I never got around to reading one of her books. I think I'll remedy that real soon.

Anonymous said...

You're just too good to us :)

I've only just discovered Meljena's Guardian series in the last 2 weeks and I've reserved the first from the library! I'm really looking forward to reading it.

I love finding new authors *happy dance*

Caffey said...

I haven't read this series and now I see what I am missing! Gosh, I have to change that! I'd love to be in the contest! Thanks bunches.

Anonymous said...

Yup, count me in, too! I have yet to read the latest from those three authors.

Anonymous said...

I read that post by MB. Neat stuff.
Count me in, please.

Anonymous said...

Finally I`d a little time for research about your Hrithik Roshan. - This man is really appealing:).
(I intended a litte (about 5 Minutes) reserach. ...Finally I spend more than a hour with YouTube videos, pictures and interviews about him[dangerous*g*]).

Enclosed a picture of Luca Toni. One of our football players:


Anonymous said...

If you love it Nalini, then it has to be good. Please put my name in the hat ;).


felinewyvern said...

Not sure if I want to read it or not. On the plus side you recommend it so it is a good book, however I am a heart and soul arachnaphobe and the idea of big, creepy spiders puts me off.

Oh what the heck - put my name in the hat - after all I don't have to put up with the spiders until the following book :D

Kammie said...

I've been tempted. lol Sounds like a great story! Please enter me in the drawing.

Una said...

Thanks for the book recommendation, I haven't heard of this series or this author. However, I've added it to my reading list! Thank goodness for Shelfari!

Shari C said...

Please count me in for the drawing. The books sound very interesting and enjoyable.

Pam P said...

Count me in, too, I met Jake briefly in Meljean's First Blood anthology story and he got my interest, love the series. Catch Meljeans story in the First Blood anthology, this is a really good one.

Anonymous said...

Definately count me in too!

I'm always on the lookout for new authors to read!


Terri W.

alanajoli said...

I read your post just before I read Demon Night, so I watched Jake all the way through. (And Alice? The librarian? I can't wait to see how this turns out!)

Oh, I also picked up Magical Christmas Cat and loved the novella. Your teasers on your site have been a huge sell factor for me; I wouldn't have picked up the anthologies without knowing that I'd never see the end of those excerpts otherwise!

LadyVampire2u said...

Please count me in for this one. These are all on my wishlist. Thanks!

tetewa said...

What great choices, count me in!

May said...

I love Meljean Brook's books. Really love the series.

Anonymous said...

My heart desires a new book...but then I guess it always does. lol ;)

Erika said...

Sounds great! Thanks

Nalini Singh said...

Alana, thanks for the comment re the excerpts on the website. It's always good to know what works! :)