Picture above: looking down toward the castle gates, from the tower building (pic below).

The walls around the castle are really fascinating - there are a number of these different animal sculptures along the fence-line, like the one below.

Some of the stained glass inside the castle.

And the amazing ceiling in the Arabian room.

Beautiful pictures Nalini!
Thank you very much for sharing them.
Here's to a wonderful 2010!
Wow, beautiful. Thanks for posting them.
Am so excited that we are in 2010, with 3 great releases from you this year. Archangel's Kiss is so close, am waiting with bated breath.
I did enjoy the photos!
Thank you Nalini! Wales (and Cardiff Castle) is beautiful - I love the ceiling in the Arabian Room. Yet another place I would crink my neck :)
I'm really enjoying your snapshot Monday pictures, Nalini, because we're going on a cruise around the British Isles this summer. One of our ports of call is Liverpool. We'll be on the north end of Wales, but we will get to travel into the country. I'm not a Beatles fan; I'd much rather see the castles and countryside that have inspired many of my beloved authors and their novels.
Beautiful pictures, love teh Arabian room. Great shot.
Wow, it`s huge! The medieval festival (in August) have to be funny/interesting...
I like the stained glass windows.
I'm glad you liked our castle! I've lived in Cardiff for eleven years and I've only just properly discovered the castle. Cardiff residents can have free entry to parts of the castle and grounds, so both myself and my husband plan to make use of that facility in the coming summers.
That ceiling is GORGEOUS!
Hi Nalini,
While you were in the UK did you do any book signings because i would be extra gutted if you did!
Can't wait for Hawke book !
Flowerlady - no, we just had an informal get-together in London. :)
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