Now, news! There was much excitement over on these shores last night - Shortland Street is a great NZ drama that plays weeknights. Yesterday, Angels' Blood was used on the show as a prop!

But it wasn't simply sitting on a shelf or a table - the characters had a book club on the show, and guess what book they were discussing? It was completely awesome to see the book onscreen :-). (NZ folks can catch the episode online.)
Thank you, Shortland Street! I also have to give a shoutout to everyone behind NZ Book Month, especially Michele, for making this happen.
Now, onto our own book club. What've you been reading this week? I finished Nora Roberts' Black Hills and really enjoyed it (I can't wait to get my hands on Bed of Roses, the second book in her bridal quartet). I've also been reading a number of advanced copies of books to see if I'd like to blurb (recommend) them. Okay, your turn!
p.s. Also just saw this! Bwahahahaha!!