Monday, June 30, 2008
New Excerpt & Links
Also, I wanted to give you a heads-up that Lora Leigh is running a contest with some amazing prizes. It closes July 4th, so you've still got a few days to enter.
And just in case you haven't already seen it, Sherrilyn Kenyon and St. Martin's Press are offering a free download of Seize the Night, as part of the leadup to the release of Archeron (who will be his heroine?!!!). The download offer ends July 3rd.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Where are you?
It's officially winter in New Zealand - we've been having hail, sleet, and cold, cold rain. Brr.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Weekly Catchup
After a week of afternoon blogging, I've decided to go back to morning blogging. (Except when I sleep in *g*).
So, give me your news? What's happening?
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Reader Interview: Nicole
1. Tell us a bit about yourself.
I'm in my mid thirties and recently bought a new Condo. I have had fun decorating and buying new furniture. I am a techinical trainer for a software company. I LOVE to read and sometimes like to do crafts. I played womens tackle football, semi-pro, for 1 year. And I am a pagan that lives in a small, Christian town, so that is sometimes fun :)
2. Are you a hoarder or do you give your books away?
I am a hoarder. But, I just bought a Kindle and am going to sell most of my books as soon as I get it. That will free up 3+ 6foot book shelves.
3. What author might tempt you into turning stalker?
Laurell K Hamilton or Sherrilynn Kenyon. I love all the books these ladies write. Sorry, Nalini, you live to far away :( Also, Anne Bishop if I could ask her about her Black Jewels stories.
4. How susceptible are you to chocolate?
Very, I have a small piece of dark chocolate each night. For my digestion of course :)
5. Favorite book? Why?
Ender's Game- The first book I stayed up all night reading.
After that it would have to be any book from L.Hamilton, S.Kenyon, C.Feehan, N.Singh, P.Briggs, A.McCaffrey, M.Lackey or C.Cherryh.
6. If you knew you were going to be stuck on a desert island, what three things would you take with you?
My Kindle, unlimited Coke and a knife.
7. What did you eat for breakfast?
Burger King Croissant sandwich and a coke.
8. How many books in your current to-be-read pile?
None, I buy them as I find them to read. Unless they are not yet published.
9. Describe your idea of a perfect hero.
Smart, funny, sexy and a great kisser. Must be a little dangerous or at least look dangerous. Tattoos are good and piercings. Confidence is also a must.
* Where do you live?
Oregon, USA
* If you were in the Psy/Changeling World, what side would you be in?
Changeling, I would love to be able to shapeshift.
* Seen any good movies lately?
Last movie I went to see was The Bourne Ultimatum, and it was excellent.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
It's work, really...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Demonica: Pleasure Unbound - Larissa Ione

Here's the blurb (you can read an except on Larissa's site). The book releases next week.
In a place where ecstasy can cost you your life…
She’s a demon-slayer who hungers for sensual pleasure—but fears it will always be denied her. Until Tayla Mancuso lands in a hospital run by demons in disguise, and the head doctor, Eidolon, makes her body burn with unslakable desire. But to prove her ultimate loyalty to her peers, she must betray the surgeon who saved her life.
Two lovers will dare to risk all.
Eidolon cannot resist this fiery, dangerous woman who fills him with both rage and passion. Not only is she his avowed enemy, but she could very well be the hunter who has been preying upon his people. Torn between his need for the truth and his desire to find his perfect mate before a horrific transformation claims him forever, Eidolon will dare the unthinkable—and let Tayla possess him, body and soul…
Your turn to add to my tbr pile. I've got a few new releases on it already, and I'm anxiously awaiting Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs. What's on your reading list?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Witchy Chicks
Friday, June 13, 2008
Reader Interview: Angela
1.Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am currently working full time, and taking classes. I am mother to a 2 year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever (Gage) who gets all my spare time. I read voraciously, anything, and everything. I love to go out and see live bands, dance and I hate karaoke...not listening to it, but singing LOL.
2. Are you a hoarder or do you give your books away?
I'm a hoarder. I can't stand the thought of giving my books away. I have to really dislike a book to get rid of it. It works for me though, because I do re-reads quite often of a lot of my books.
3. What author might tempt you into turning stalker?
I don't think I'd stalk anyone....but I do have a list of authors that I'd LOVE to meet. JK Rowling, JR Ward, you Nalini, Diana Gabaldon...just to name a few.
4. How susceptible are you to chocolate?
Mmm. Dove chocolate. or Ghiradelli's. Yum. I can't resist it.
5. Favorite book? Why?
Another tough one. I love so many books. Lord of the Rings for the intricate world that Tolkien built, Lover Awakened for the heartwrenching story, Slave to Sensation for the characters and world, and Harry Potter, for the twists and turns, and stories of friendship within.
6. If you knew you were going to be stuck on a desert island, what three things would you take with you?
Being a good girl-scout I can fend for myself there, but I'd definitely take an ereader (full of books) with solar charged batteries, notebooks/pens to write with, and a laptop loaded with movies, and (again) solar powered batteries ;)
7. What did you eat for breakfast?
I'm bad. I didn't eat anything for breakfast. Just had a soda.
8. How many books in your current to-be-read pile?
30 that I own. Probably another 100 on my wish list.
9. Describe your idea of a perfect hero.
Sense of humor is an absolute must. Intelligent (and this doesn't mean he needs a doctorate). Taller than me in heels. Secure in himself, and in us. And he loves me and appreciates me for me.
* Where do you live?
The Frozen Tundra (Wisconsin) ;)
* Seen any good movies lately?
Yes. I really LOVED Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Great story, great acting, great directing.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The Sugar Queen - Sarah Addison Allen

Here's the blurb from the author's website.
Josey, at 27, doesn't go out except to do chores for her mother, she doesn't wear clothes that her mother says don't suit her, and she eats, secretly, as a substitute for the life she's not living. One morning, when she goes to her closet to raid her secret stash of sweets, she finds a woman sitting there. Della Lee, on the run from something in her own life, has decided to take up residence in Josey's closet. Thus begins Josey's quest to get this madwoman out of her closet, and along the way she discovers a world where the color red has astonishing power, passion can make eggs fry in their cartons, and romance can blossom any time -- even for her.I really enjoyed Sarah Addison Allen's debut, Garden Spells, so I was looking forward to this one. And I'm happy to say I wasn't disappointed. It's a different story from Garden Spells, but has that same unique sense of magic and romance. Totally recommended :)
What books are you all reading? Any recommendations?
Chat Alert
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Morning person or night owl - what are you? What's your favorite time of day?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I'm back!
I've just completed a draft of Mercy's book and now I'm going to have a read and see how it all flows. I like to work with the whole book, rather than editing and finalizing sections, so I'll be doing further drafts - but I tell you, this book is sizzling ;-)
Talk to me - what's your news?
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Ask the Agent
Hope you're all having a great weekend!
Thursday, June 05, 2008
OOTB Tour: Moonstruck - Susan Grant
Today, I bring you an OOTB tour. (Love the cover!)

HQN Books, June 1, 2008
And Coalition starship admiral Brit Bandar is one tough woman. A mere intergalactic treaty could never get her to trust the Drakken Horde. There was too much bad blood between the Coalition and the Horde and, for intensely personal reasons, Brit wasn’t sure that she was through spilling it! But now a peaceful accord has made Finn Rorkken, a notorious Drakken rogue, second-in command on her starship – and through some grand cosmic irony – front and center in her thoughts…and her heart.
Either title sat easily on Finn’s battle-hardened shoulders. Though second-in-command to “Stone-Heart” Bandar? That would take some getting used to. Peace required as much sacrifice as war, so he’d comply even if his reaction to the gorgeous admiral fell decidedly outside protocol. But would he end up kissing or killing her if the galaxy’s tentative truce turned into all out war?
RITA award winner and NY Times best-selling author Susan Grant loves writing about what she knows: flying, adventure, and the often unpredictable interaction between the sexes! When she’s not writing romances set in far-flung locales, Susan pilots 747 jumbo jets to China, Australia, Europe, and many other exotic overseas destinations where she finds plenty of material for her novels.
4.5 stars! The quick pace and compelling characterization make this space adventure riveting! --reviewed by Jill Smith, RT Magazine
[A] gripping storyline, fascinating characters and great writing. Susan Grant has an immense talent for writing this special brand of romance. --Tanzey Cutter, Fresh Fiction."[A] can’t-put-down read that draws you in from the first page and doesn’t let go until the tension-filled final chapters!" -- Linnea Sinclair, RITA award winning author of THE DOWN HOME ZOMBIE BLUES
This tale packs a punch! Fans of the Honor Harrington series (by David
Weber) will thoroughly enjoy Brit and Finn's story. I could not help but give a spontaneous high-five when I finished this gem. -- Detra Fitch, Huntress Reviews,
This book kicked serious butt. Susan Grant can write more like this and I'll be ready to devour them at a moment's notice! -- Kathy Boswell, The Best Reviews