Contest now closed.
(International entries welcome)
- "SHARDS OF HOPE ARC Contest" in the subject line -
By 10pm, 17th April 2015, New Zealand time.
Please follow the correct format for entry re the subject line, so your e-mail goes into the right in-box. (Your e-mail address will only be used to contact you should you win.)
Since this is an Advanced Review Copy, if you win, I'd ask that you please post a review somewhere before the release date (June 2nd) - on a blog, on Amazon, B&N, Goodreads...it's up to you, but it would be much appreciated if you'd post your thoughts somewhere. The contents of the review are, of course, totally up to you.
A note about the ARC - it's substantially the same as the final book, but since ARCs are printed prior to the final round of edits, there are some errors in the text that aren't in the final book.
-Ashwini : )
Contest now closed.
The fine print: Contest is open internationally. One entry per household. No purchase necessary to enter. Winners will be chosen randomly using random.org and emailed on 18th April 2015. Their names will also be posted on this blog at that time. Each winner will have 48 hours from the time of notification to contact us with his or her mailing address, otherwise he or she will forfeit the prize and another winner will be drawn. Void where prohibited.
Woohoo! Thanks for the opportunity.
You are awesome thanks for the chance to win this ei love these books
Thank you SOOOO MUCH for the Chance!I LOVE this series!!!!
Yes please
Sounds fantastic :D
Thanks for a chance to read Aden's book ahead of June 2nd. :)
Patricia S
Oh, yay! :D
Thanks for the chance! :)
Sound wonderful! Thanks for the opportunity! I normally take a day off work to read this the instant it comes out!
Thanks!!! I really love Aden!!
Me please Aden forever.
Thanks!!! I really love the series!!!
Email sent and crossing my fingers in Ontario, Canada
I want, so baaaaaaddddd!
(is there any possibility of bribery? inquiring minds would love to know...)
Thanks for the chance to win.
And yes I can dance like a robot (cute captcha).
Can I get a Woot Woot!!!
Thanks for the contest Nalini! So excited for Shards of Hope!!! :)
THanks for the opportunity!!
Thankies!!!! I'm gonna cross fingers from now on!!!
Thankies!!!! I'm gonna cross fingers from now on!!!
Cant wait!!! *fingers crossed*
Thanks for the op!!!
Thank you for the chance
Pick me !!0
Pick me!!!
Would love to win an ARC of any of your books!
I read and collect ARCs. Have entered. Hope to win! Thanks.
I love your Psy/hangling Series. I'm slowly purchasing all of them in paperback and ebook format.
Thank you for the giveaway
Hoping to win an ARC of Shards of Hope. Thanks for the chance :)
I would love the chance to win and review this !
Thank you for the chance
email sent and crossing my fingers in Schlitz, Germany
I would very much like to win - I'm rereading the serie
So excited about this opportunity. I discovered this series with Kiss of Snow and then could not wait to go back and read all the other stories. This is one of my three favorite series. Love it!
I would love to read it a little early!
Would love to win
Fingers crossed - thanks for running the competition.
Hope I win, but counting the days tip release day and looking forward to Nassar's story. Thanks for the wonderful books.
Thank you for this opportunity, I'd love to win a copy. Thank you also for sharing your imaginings with us!
Fantastic opportunity !! Many thanks for that.
It would be a dream come true ! Nalini ROCKS !!!
Just one. more. day!
*Kermit flail*
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