Angels' Dance Excerpt now available on the website! I hope you all enjoy this glimpse of Galen and Jessamy's story. The excerpts for all the other novellas in the Angels' Flight anthology are also available on the site. (Angels' Judgment, Angels' Pawn, Angel's Wolf)
The newsletter will be going out in the next hour or two, so keep an eye on your in-box. If you'd like to join the newsletter, follow this link!
I liked the excerpt!
yay for galen and jessamy! I'm a little sad because when I saw the newsletter in my inbox and skimmed through it, I mistakenly thought the link for the Tangle of Need excerpt was a new one. :( Oh well, back to waiting. I can't wait for both of these books to be released!
will angel's dance ever be released individually? I already own the two anthologies and bought angel's pawn by itself a few years ago...
"Please sir, can I have some more?"... they don't event talk. I like that we see the beginning of the Seven. I know we won't meet Venom (since he's too young), but will we meet Jason/Aodhan/Naasir?
Also, I thought all the young were raised at the Refuge and taught by Jessamy, why wasn't Galen?
I have been looking forward to this story for ages. Love Jessamy and Galen as a couple! And want to know what happened to Jessamy's wing. The other story in this series that I am really looking forward to is Aodhans.
I loved it and I still love it and I will love it.OF that I'm sure! Jessamy and Galen are so intriguing! How long why so long to wait :(
The excerpt was yummy, but I want to read the rest RIGHT NOW! Noooooooo, there's another month and a half to go!
Thank you for being so kind to give us a glimpse, even if it's cruel for doing it when we have to wait for so much longer! :)
Thank you for uploading an excerpt of the story, I can't wait until its out. I'm so looking forward to it coming out!!! Want the month to move quicker! :)
You are just being CRUEL! Teasing us so...;)
Too much time yet - not sure I can last!
Looks like it's going to be another wonderful story!
That was my question as well. Why didn't Jessamy know Galen? She taught in the Refuge and he is much younger than she is. Just wondering....
@Anon (first one) - yes, it will, likely in early 2013, as an e-book.
@Anon x2 - the answer to that question is in the novella :)
@saiqa, in archangel's kiss she (jessamy) said she was born that way...
i do not know why u like to torcher us like this?how we suppose to wait after the glimpse u gave us?ahhhhhh
Thank you so much for the excerpt. I can't wait for the book to come out.
Nalini, you are a bad bad girl for teasing us this way!!!!!!! a torture ...... but thank you for the glimpse..
The link has stopped working.
Anon - thanks for the heads-up. Gabrielle will be fixing that in the next few hours.
Thnx so much for the excerpts.
I was under the impression that Angels' Flight would be released on March 29! I got it wrong!! YAHOO!!!
Feb 28 is just around the corner!!
Two novellas will be brand new to me.
Angels' Dance of course. YEAH!! It's going to be out of this world gorgeous!! And Angels' Pawn.
A big surprise! LOL
I know that Bluebell is young. Not old enough to have a kind of powers that will elevate him to the class of archangels. But he was Jessamy's student??? :SHOCK: That young? Or is Jessamy that old? LOL
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