Thursday, June 18, 2009


Contest Closed! Winners below.

Since there were so many entries, I decided to draw three winners using a random number generator. And they are:

KMont - Awaken the Senses
Midnight - One of my Silhouette releases
Monica Kaye - Visions of Heat

Congrats! Could you all email me with your addresses at nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com. Since this attracted so many entries, I think I'll have to do it again. I do have a release coming up, so there might be a party...keep an eye out *grin*

Want a signed copy of one of my books? Leave a comment with the title of the book you'd like to go into the draw. I'll draw a random winner tomorrow and send that person the book they chose (as long as I have a copy).

Open to everyone, everywhere. And yes, your choice can be one of my Desire releases.

Edited to add: Just to clarify - I have no copies of Branded By Fire yet, so that's out of the contest. Backlist books only.


gnomeangel said...

oh oh oh

Pick me phullllleeeeesseee

*begging pleading eyes*

If I was lucky enough to win could I please have a signed copy of the NEW book Branded by Fire?

I'm clappnig and jumping up and down just at the thought of the competition!

lalalalalalala said...

Branded by Fire

kimikaio(@)yahoo (dot) com
no spaces and parantheses

Nalini Singh said...

Ooops, I better update the contest. I have no copies of Branded yet so can't send those out. A little more patience *grin*

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


This is awesome :D

Of course my first choice would be Branded by Fire :) I love that series ;)
But seeing as i have to choose something else it will be 'Bound by Marriage'
Its one of the ones i cant get here :(

Cant wait to read Branded by Fire when it comes out!!

Suzi xox

PS the deleted comment above was me :(

Melody Dawn McClarty said...

Hi Nalini :)

I love your writing - I too am a writer just getting into the biz ... would LOVE a copy of Angels Blood. It's the first book of yours I read but please if there's a truer fan out there of yours out more wanting ... give it to them :) .. hopefully I'll meet you some day at a SF conf .. :) Best wishes and luck


Melody Dawn McClarty

gnomeangel said...

Oh nuts...

Ok, so if I was lucky enough to win could I please get a copy of my FAVOURITE book "Slave to Sensation" (It's my favourite because it's the one that got me H-O-O-K-E-D!)

Thanks for running this competition - it's awesome!

FD said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love a copy of Bound by Marriage.

KMont said...

I would love to win a copy of Awaken the Senses if you have it. Thank you for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini,
Thanks for the quickie. I will pick Caressed by Ice.

limecello said...

Oooo would love "Visions of Heat" - and you know, all your backlist too :P Haha. (Ok so I have most of it already :P)

And - had to share, I have a cute security word "wedlike"

Vicki said...

Defiantly have to be Angel's Blood. I gave out my copy and regret it!

Anonymous said...

I'd like a copy of An Enchanted Season or Awaken to Pleasure.

Think I have a chance?


Aliens said...

I would choose CARESSED BY ICE
nice giveaway.

Raonaid Luckwell said...

SLAVE TO SENSATION please. I've never tried your books before but I have had some friends highly suggest you to me. Also some from the book groups have suggested you too.

I have some of your other books in my to be read pile, but they are further in the series so it'll be a while until I can read them.

Thanks so much for the contest.

Lusty Reader said...

Thanks for having this great giveaway! I'd love a copy of Slave to Sensation!

Bama said...

either An Enchanted Christmas or The Magical Cat

Jacqueline C. said...

Slave to Sensation please!


Dino Rubio said...

oOo...sounds fun Nalini. I choose Craving Beauty. Thanks and have a great day.

Chris said...

Oh! Very cool. Slave to Sensation's the only Psy-Changeling I don't have - I'd love to have a signed copy!

Bama said...

oops The Magical Christmas Cat or An Enchanted Season

HockeyVampiress said...

I would love a copy of Angel's Blood the reviews have been awesome and I would love to see what everyone is drooling about!!

Claire said...

I've ruined my copy of Angel's Blood by lending it out to all my friends so I'd love a signed copy of that!


Kathy said...

I love them all but I'll ask for Mine To Possess :) .

Pissenlit said...

Angels' Blood, please and thank you!

Monica Kaye said...

I have to go with either Slave To Sensation (because it was the first and so awesome!) or Visions of Heat.

Unknown said...

I'd love to have a copy of Slave to Sensation, I've read it so much its all tattered now!

Anneela said...

Hi Nalini, I'd love to have a copy of BOUND BY MARRIAGE :)

Anneela Rambally

pj schnyder said...

Oh! I hope I get picked!

If lucky enough to win, I'd love a copy of Mine to Possess.

dancechica said...

Caressed by Ice. My favorite. :-)

Anonymous said...

I would love signed copy of Angel's Pawn. But, since you said we can only have a back list...
I would love An Enchanted Season or The Magical Cat to add to my collection.

Comments you say? You keep spelling "Danita" wrong when these changlings need mates! ;)
Danita loves Jason..I mean Kiwi!

KJsGrrl said...

ooh! I would ask for a copy of Visions of Heat. Mine is so tattered and battered after numerous rereads! :)

Kay Park said...

I would like a copy of ANGEL'S BLOOD. I really enjoyed this new series and I look forward to future additions.

Janicu said...

My choice is Angel's Blood! :)

Anonymous said...


Gail Leinweber said...

I would adore a copy of Bound by Marriage.

Missy Ann said...

Hmmm Must Love Hellhounds isn't out yet, so I'll go with the book that got me hooked on you:

Slave to Sensation

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Mine to Possess please!
Thank You a million and one times!!!

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Jen K. said...

I would love to have ANY book from you - but the top of my list is Angels' Blood. The next on my list is Hostage to Pleasure. Thank you so much!!

adh said...

I'd love a copy of Desert Warrior, but if that one is unavailable, I'll take Bound By Marriage! Thanks so much!

Cambria Dillon said...

Me Me Me!!! You know you want to pick a fellow Diva...wink, wink. And I think I hear a Slave to Sensation calling my name...(ok, wishful thinking but positive vibes gotta count for something, right?)

orannia said...

Ohhh, thank you Nalini! Caressed By Ice please. It's my best friend's favourite book, so if I'm lucky enough to win I will give it to her :)

Greta said...

I would love to have an autographed copy of one of your books. I would love to have An Enchanted Season :)

Rachel said...

I would love to win an autographed copy of Angels' Blood!! Thanks for the giveaway :)


Belle said...

I would love to read Slave to Sensation!

Kyesha said...

Wow, what a great contest. I would love a signed copy of Visions of Heat, I lost my copy and I've gone crazy searching for it especially when I want a Vaughn and Faith fix. Pick me please.
*Puppy dog eyes*

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the contest. I would love to have Caressed by Ice. Heres hoping!

Rhianna said...

I would love to get a signed copy of Angel's Blood. :)

- Rhianna

macbeaner said...

I'd love a copy of Angel's Blood myself. Its on my wishlist. :)

Sally Cummings said...

I've read and bought all of your Psy-Changeling books - I just had to own them all!

The first of your books that I met was Visions of Heat, and I absolutely loved the way you described the world (without me even realising you had done so!). And Faith Nightstar is such a wonderful character.

So my pick for a signed copy would have to be Visions of Heat!

alanajoli said...

Aw, rats! I was totally going to cross my fingers for an ARC of Branded by Fire. I'll just have to keep waiting. :)

I don't have the first three in the Psy/Changeling series, so I'd be delighted to get any of those three! Thanks for the drawing, Nalini, and good look to everyone!

Kate A said...

I would love to get Slave to Sensation. That was the first book of yours that I read, and probably one of the most re-read books I own :D

Jackie Uhrmacher said...

Mine to Possess!!

donnas said...

I would love to get Caressed by Ice. Ive only read the first 2 in the series so far and loved them.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Pamk said...

I would love to have Mine to Possess. Lent it to a friend and it was never returned.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com

Kerry said...

The Magical Christmas Cat please. That's the only one I don't have in a paper copy.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Lady Luck, please be on my side. I would love to own a copy of Angel's Blood.


Rachael W. said...

I can't wait for Archangel's Kiss to come out! Such a good series!

I would love to have a signed copy of 'Slave to Sensation' :-)

( )

Love your writing Nalini!!

Heather said...

Hostage to pleasure please.....pretty pretty please...i'll even say it in more than one language..

por favor

si vous plait

per favore

Mandi said...

My favorite - Mine to Posses :)

Fuarie said...

^^ Yay I love random drawings...anyways I would like...

Hostage to Pleasure or Caressed by Ice

Those are my favorite two books but I can do with anything if you really can't give me one of those...

my e-mail is fuarieai @

without the spaces. ^^

Unknown said...

fun contests! i am in love with hostage to pleasure. hands down smitten with it.

Laura said...

Slave to Sensation - Oh please pick me. I LOVE Angels Blood and can not wait until the next fix! I want to start reading this series.

Shaine said...

Hi!! Love your books!! I would LOVE a signed copy of Caressed by Ice. My Favorite!!

The Brunette Librarian said...

"Slave to Sensation" would be fantastic...:) Love it!!

Lyoness2009 said...

I havn't read "Visions of Heat" yet and would LOVE to!!

Crossin' my fingers!

lyoness2009 @ hotmail DOT com

Kiera McAllister said...

Wow! This is awesome! I'd love a copy of Angel's Blood if you happen to pick me. You are the best!

Anonymous said...

I completely though--Branded by Fire PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... then I saw the note :(

So next choice was difficult but I absolutely am addicted to Angels Blood.

chichai_hana - hotmail

Anonymous said...

Well I have all of your current Psy Series already signed, so a signed copy of Angel's Blood would be awesome!! *crossing fingers*

Annie said...

ooo!!! I'd love Mine to Possess!

Spari said...

If I have to choose, i would pick Angel's Blood. Is the only one I don't have!

Una said...

Oh this is SO awesome!!! I love all your books SO much but I think if I HAD to choose of any of your previous, it'd be Angels' Blood! That's my first choice. Otherwise I would LOVE Slave to Sensation, it's a super-close second.

Thank you for the opportunity!!

Anonymous said...

Ohh I would like a signed copy of Slave to Sensation :) if you have it lol Lucas is my favorite :)


Bridget Locke said...

Since my favorite of your books is Caressed by Ice (so far, anyway), that would be my choice! :)

Midnight said...

Any one of your SILHOUETTE DESIRE RELEASES would be wonderful. I wouldn't be able to pick, so which ever one you like best I would enjoy.


Darcy Jo said...

Of course I would love to have all of them signed . . . but I don't NEED multiple copies.

So, I will have to settle on either An Enchanted Season, or The Magical Christmas Cat, because I don't have either them yet! And I love Tamsyn!

Cecelia said...

Angels' Blood.

'Cause it's awesome, I've already read it three times, and if I win, I'm sending my old copy to my sister.


Lindlee said...

Hostage to Pleasure please.

I love this series. I can't wait until Branded by Fire comes out!

Blodeuedd said...

So cool, ok, Slave to Sensation :) Aye that one I would love.

blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com

Jennifer K. said...

Hostage to Pleasure, please, as I've about ruined my current copy with reading it so much!

Ginny Larsen said...

i would LOVE angel's blood! thanks for the chance to win :D

Michelle said...

Ummm...Hard choice to pick just one. But Angels Blood.

Valerie S. said...

Beginning the day with a proposition like that? Just one word: WOW!

As Branded by Fire is out (I hate patience!), I'd like a copy of Angel's Blood.

Thanks for this awesome chance Nalini.

Husky said...

Okay, since Branded By Fire is is SO hard to choose..brings a smile to your face I would assume when so many people are enamored of your work!

Okay, well either Angel's Blood or Caressed By Ice - PUHLEESE!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this great contest. I would love an autographed copy of Magical Christmas Cat. I have the rest of your back list and I'm eagerly waiting for your next book! So excited.

Canadian Fan

Lamina said...

Hey Nalini! I love all of your books an my first choice would have been Branded by fire...
But since that's not possible I'd love a copy of Bound by Marriage!

Hope you pick me...

ShellBell said...

Would LOVE a signed copy of Visions of Heat.

thanks Nalini!

Mitch said...

Do you have a copy of An Enchanted Season? It's the only Psy/Changeling I haven't read yet. I need to order it from my bookstore. If anthologies aren't up for grabs in this then I'll take Slave to Sensation, which has been my favorite so far, although Mine to Possess is a very close second!

Unknown said...

I would like Angel's Blood! Thanks for the contest and keep up the good work.

Simone said...

What a great comp. I would love to have a copy of Desert Warrior as it is a book I haven't been able to find a copy of yet. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I would love to have a copy of Caressed by Ice. I really love Judd! I can't wait for Branded by Fire to come out!!!

Willa said...

Last to the party as usual!!

I would love, love, love a copy of Caressed By Ice!

Surwat said...

Please Please Pleaaasssee may i have CARESSED BY ICE, as Judd is so cool

Unknown said...

HI Nalini,

I choose....that is so difficult.

"Slave to sensation"

I only have the german one. Maybe the original is better. Although that is not really possible.

Elise said...

Hmm Caressed by Ice would be my choice.

I've been rereading the series to tide myself over until Branded by Fire but it's just making it worse.

Thank you for the contest and all the wonderful books!

The Reading Momster said...

ok I really want to read your books... everyone is raving about them! to start... say i will pick the very first one! "Slave to Sensation"

I hope to get it here :)

Thanks a lot for this :)

Sarah said...

loooh Angels' Blood please.

Ang from Oz said...

Thanks Nalini,

This is a great contest. I would love a copy of An Enchanted Season Anthology. Really looking forward to Branded in July! Its going to Awesome!!!!

SusiSunshine said...

Great idea. I would love to Have my own copy of Angels' Blood.

Cybele said...

I would love a signed copy of one of your books! Only problem is I don't know which one to pick. Hmmmm...

Vision of Heat (I think)

Any of them would be great!

Thanks for the opportunity.

Margay Leah Justice said...

I think I'm with the majority - I would love to win a copy of Angel's Blood.


Margay1122 (at) aol (dot) com

Jacinthe T said...

I would love a copy of An Enchanted Season or Angel's Blood

Manders said...

Angels Blood please! This is great!

maered said...

Can I be entered for Angel's Blood, please? Awesome contest!

Lisa J said...

My choice would be Bound by Marriage. I have been thinking about getting it for my e-reader.

Anonymous said...

hmmm well i love all of your books but if i had to pick just one I would have to say slave to sensation. ^_^

moon_fox20 (@)

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm Michelle and I would love to receive a copy of Angel's Blood because loved that book, the other option would be Slave to Sensation, I made the mistake of lending it someone and they lost it.

May said...

Since your Desires are very HTF, I would like to have Desert Warrior.

Anonymous said...

The only books I`ve not from you`re "Awaken the senses" (Could not find it so far.)and "Angel`s Pawn". - But I fear these two`re not on the backlist.


tynarak said...

I'd love to win a copy of Mine to Possesed.I love Clay.

Anonymous said...

19 Days until Branded by Fire! I can't Wait!!!

If I'm the lucky one I would love to have Caressed by Ice. It's my fav!!!!

Erika said...

Hey, the only one I don't have is the Magical Christmas Cat. Thanks!

Zhan said...

Thanks for the contest. I am waiting in anticipation for Branded By Fire to come out! I'd love the opportunity to win Craving Beauty.

azteclady said...

Awaken the Senses

Yay and thank you and yay! :grin:

DrkCherry said...

Oh this one is easy, Angel's Blood.


VampFanGirl said...

Oooo Pick ME! Pick Me!

I'd love a signed copy of 'Angels' Blood'. I can't wait for the next installment in the series!!!

;) VampFanGirl

Jacqune said...

This is exciting! Let's Branded by Fire? Hm, I already have two copies of Carressed by Ice (It's my favorite), so put me down for Bound by Marriage. =)

tetewa said...

I'd love to get a copy of Caressed by Ice!

Caitie said...

Hope I'm not too late to get in on this..if I'm lucky enough to win, I'd love "Angel's Blood," which I haven't managed to pick up a copy of yet!

Natascha said...

Hi Nalini,
Oh boy, this is a very hard decision to make. After thinking about his long and hard, I will have to request "Slave to Sensation." This is the book that started it all for me.

emily w said...

Great Contest. I would love Mine to Possess.

Tiffany M. said...


I would love Caressed by Ice.

Thank you.

kismet said...

oh, i'd like An Enchanted Christmas or The Magical christmas Cat

they are the only ones I'm missing in the whole serie :)

Corrado said...

I'd really love to get Magical Christmas Cat!!!!
Zack is so nice!!

twalls said...

I would love a copy of The Magical Christmas Cat! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

All of them :)

Slave to Sensation or Angel's Blood. It's hard to say which one is my favorite. I love them both.

Teresa said...

Raise hand... pick me, pick me, pick me... I love the Changeings book...I don't know which one to choose....the only thing that matter is that it has your signature on it. :)

The Mom said...

Slave to Sensation, please :)

allilm at

Anonymous said...

Angels Blood, i love this book!!!

Una said...

Congratulations to the winners!

Christine M. said...

Angel's Blood, which I haven't had the chance to read just yet! Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

I'd chose the first book in your Psy-Changeling Series- Slave to Sensation.
Thanks for the chance to win it.
