Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Keepers and Rereads

One of the things I'm doing over the holidays is rearranging my bookshelves  - and it got me to thinking about the books that are permanent fixtures on those shelves, the keepers and rereads that I return to again and again. 

These are my comfort reads, even though the story within the pages isn't always gentle or comfortable! Do you reread? If so, what are the books you return to over and over again? Any idea of your oldest keeper book? ❤️

Friday, December 25, 2020

Friday Book Club

 It's our final Friday Book Club for 2020! What reads are you loving this week, and which ones did you enjoy the most this year? 📚🎄💕

Happy Bookmas


Happy Bookmas everyone. Whatever this time means for you, I hope you find joy in it. ❤️

Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday Book Club

 Time to talk books! What are you reading and loving this week?

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Question Time

2020 has definitely been a roller coaster of a year! 🎢 Tell me which acts of kindness (whether given or received) have made your life a little brighter this year. 💕


Saturday, December 12, 2020

Friday Book Club

 A late Friday Book Club! What are you reading and loving this week?

Friday, December 11, 2020

Quiet in Her Bones - Out February 2021


*Preorder here.

*Add it on Goodreads.

In this gripping thriller set in New Zealand, New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh takes you into the twisted world of an exclusive cul-de-sac located on the edge of a sprawling forest.

My mother vanished ten years ago.
So did a quarter of a million dollars in cash.
Thief. Bitch. Criminal.
Now, she’s back.
Her bones clothed in scarlet silk.

When socialite Nina Rai disappeared without a trace, everyone wrote it off as another trophy wife tired of her wealthy husband. But now her bones have turned up in the shadowed green of the forest that surrounds her elite neighborhood, a haven of privilege and secrets that’s housed the same influential families for decades.

The rich live here, along with those whose job it is to make their lives easier. And somebody knows what happened to Nina one rainy night ten years ago. Her son Aarav heard a chilling scream that night, and he’s determined to uncover the ugly truth that lives beneath the moneyed elegance…but no one is ready for the murderous secrets about to crawl out of the dark.

Even the dead aren’t allowed to break the rules in this cul-de-sac.

Friday, December 04, 2020

Friday Book Club

 The Friday Book Club is now open. What are you reading and loving this week?

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

SPOILER ZONE: Archangel's Sun

This is the dedicated *spoiler* thread for Archangel's Sun and earlier books in the series. Spoilers abound, so be warned!!

Usual rules: be kind to your fellow commenters and have fun. This spoiler thread will remain active as long as the blog does, so you can join in at any time. :-)

We don't monitor the thread for questions, so if you have a question, you can email Nalini (nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com) or me (nalini.assistant AT gmail DOT com).

If you're at an earlier point in the series and would like to discuss that book, click on the Spoiler Zone tag and it should bring up all the previous spoiler threads.
