Contest now closed. Winners have been notified.
(International entries welcome)
Please note, you MUST include your mailing address in the entry. (We have to post these out before we fly to New York tomorrow, so there will be no time to follow up. Entries without mailing addresses will be disqualified.)
If you'd like to go in the random draw to win one of 7 Advanced Reading/Review Copies of
Archangel's Enigma, send an e-mail to
naliniDOTassistantATgmailDOTcom (replace DOT/AT with symbols ./@), with:
ARCHANGEL'S ENIGMA ARC Contest" in the subject line
Your mailing address in the body of the email.
9a.m., 15th July 2015, New Zealand time.
Contest now closed. Winners have been notified.
Please follow the correct format for entry re the subject line, so your
e-mail goes into the right in-box. (Your e-mail address will only be
used to contact you should you win, and your mailing address will only be used to post out the ARC to you should you win.)
Since this is an Advanced Review Copy, if you win, we'd ask that you
please post a review somewhere before the release date
(September 1st) - on a blog, on Amazon, B&N,'s up to you,
but it would be much appreciated if you'd post your thoughts somewhere.
The contents of the review are, of course, totally up to you.
A note about the ARC - it's substantially the same as the final book,
but since ARCs are printed prior to the final round of edits, there are
some errors in the text that aren't in the final book.
- Nalini & Ashwini : )
The fine print: Contest is open internationally. One entry per
household. Entries without mailing addresses included will be disqualified. No purchase necessary to enter. Winners will be chosen
randomly using and the ARCs mailed out on
15th July 2015. Void where prohibited.