Here's today's quote (7 days to go).
Dmitri knew that, understood full well how close he was to crossing lines that could not be uncrossed. "It seems even I am not yet that degenerate."
And here's one I posted a while back on FB, that I don't think I posted here.
"A colorful analogy, but I don't have to force my food." Extending his arm to keep the elevator doors from closing, he waited. "As you saw, it comes begging to my door."
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
NZ Contest & Launch, plus Review
Archangel's Blade Countdown Quote (8 days to go)
"You called?" Dmitri was wearing a white shirt open at the collar and black suit pants, his hair tumbled just enough to make her think he'd been running his hands through it.
It made her own fingers curl into her palms.
A reminder that the launch of Archangel's Blade will be on September 12th, at Whitcoulls, Queen Street, Auckland. Full details here (scroll down for the September listing). Look forward to seeing some of you there! If you can't make it, but would like a signed copy of the book, please contact Whitcoulls before the event, so they can arrange a copy for you.
My New Zealand publisher, Hachette, is also holding an amazing contest to promote the release of Dmitri and Honor's book. If you purchase a copy of Archangel's Blade from any NZ retailer, you can go into the draw to win a weekend away at the Nautilus Cottage in Blenheim, so keep your receipts! Full details and the online entry form available on the Hachette website.
The Book Reading Gals just put up their A+ review of Archangel's Blade. They're also giving away a copy of Angels' Blood. Here's a quote from the review:
I'm working on Tangle of Need today, and really hoping to complete the second draft. Wish me luck!
p.s. Per the requests on the previous post, I'll put up the quotes from Archangel's Blade both on FB and here - check back this afternoon, as I'll update this post with today's quote. [Updated]
"You called?" Dmitri was wearing a white shirt open at the collar and black suit pants, his hair tumbled just enough to make her think he'd been running his hands through it.
It made her own fingers curl into her palms.
My New Zealand publisher, Hachette, is also holding an amazing contest to promote the release of Dmitri and Honor's book. If you purchase a copy of Archangel's Blade from any NZ retailer, you can go into the draw to win a weekend away at the Nautilus Cottage in Blenheim, so keep your receipts! Full details and the online entry form available on the Hachette website.
The Book Reading Gals just put up their A+ review of Archangel's Blade. They're also giving away a copy of Angels' Blood. Here's a quote from the review:
...I knew that Dimitri’s book was her next book and was looking forward to it. I wasn’t expecting what I got though. This is in my opinion her absolute best book. It will rip your heart out, make you cry, and then put your heart back together stronger and more complete than it was before you read this book.
I'm working on Tangle of Need today, and really hoping to complete the second draft. Wish me luck!
p.s. Per the requests on the previous post, I'll put up the quotes from Archangel's Blade both on FB and here - check back this afternoon, as I'll update this post with today's quote. [Updated]
Archangel's Blade
Tangle of Need
Monday, August 29, 2011
Hi everyone. I hope you all had a good weekend. I thought I'd dive back into blogging with a couple of happy things.
First up, Katiebabs at Babbling About Books did a great review of Archangel's Blade. She says "Dmitri is unlike any hero I’ve read this year." Follow the link to read the full review.
Second, I'll be posting quotes from Archangel's Blade on my Facebook page to count down to the release next week. You don't have to be a member of FB to see them. Just click on the FB box on the sidebar of the blog, and it'll take you to the wall, where you can read the quotes. Or if you like, I'll post them here, too (leave a comment if you'd prefer that).
Here's the one I put up for today:
She'd just finished her cereal and was walking to refill her tea when someone knocked on the glass wall that fronted her apartment. Twisting on her heel, she went for the gun tucked into the back of her jeans...and saw wings of silver-kissed blue backlit to brilliance by the rising sun.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
We said our final goodbyes to an amazing friend today, after losing her suddenly last Sunday. To me, Sandra Hyatt was a friend, but she was also a devoted wife and mother, a passionate writer, and so much more. There were tears today, but there was laughter, too, as we shared our favorite memories of Sandra.
I will miss you, my wondeful, generous, kind friend. I'm so glad I had the chance to know and love you, and that your vibrant voice will continue to live on in your stories.
I remember how tickled the two of us were when we accidentally discovered we'd both been to the same small town in California that none of our other friends had ever heard of. From then on, we always had Yuba City. And it was in CA, this time in a much larger city, at a RWA Conference, that Sandra got "The Call" - her joy was just luminous, and the entire conference one big celebration.
Only three weeks ago, she gave a brilliant workshop at our local RWNZ meeting, the notes from which I have sitting beside my computer. A whole bunch of us had coffee together afterward. It was the last time I spoke and laughed with her, and I can still see her sitting across the table, her wild, gorgeous mane of curls tamed straight.
Then there were those fantabulous sneakers of hers that I may have threatened to steal one sunshiney Saturday as we stood having tea before the start of another meeting. We laughed over that, and over whether angels flew vertically or horizontally. Explanations with hands and bodies were involved. Thinking of it now still makes me smile, and I think that's fitting, because Sandy had the most beautiful smile, and of all the things I remember about her, it's her smile that is the brightest.
p.s. I still adore those sneakers!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
ARC of October Anthology
Hello, this is Nalini's assistant, Ashwini. Just a quick heads up that Nalini's agent Nephele Tempest is giving away an advance copy of Angels of Darkness on her blog.
Contest will be open until Friday August 26th 9am Pacific Time. Full details on Nephele's blog.
Contest will be open until Friday August 26th 9am Pacific Time. Full details on Nephele's blog.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Friday Book Club
Before we talk books, I have to share something. I met the fabulous Tess Gerritsen today at an RWNZ Conference event - she was so incredibly lovely that I'm even more of a fangirl now. If you love thrillers and haven't read Ms. Gerritsen, go forth and enjoy!
Onto the book club! What are you reading and loving at the moment?
Onto the book club! What are you reading and loving at the moment?
Archangel's Blade
...giveaway at The Book Pushers! They're also giving away a copy of Carly Phillips' Serendipity!
(I'm not running this contest, so all questions/comments need to be posted on The Book Pushers blog. Closing comments on this post to avoid confusion.)
(I'm not running this contest, so all questions/comments need to be posted on The Book Pushers blog. Closing comments on this post to avoid confusion.)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Guest Author: Leslie Parrish
Winners: The random winners of Leslie's contest are Scrapper and Jill. Congratulations! Please email your mailing addresses to naliniDOTassistantATgmailDOTcom so we can pass them on to Leslie.
You all know how much I enjoyed Cold Sight. I'm absolutely delighted to have the author, Leslie Parrish, here today, chatting to us. Please welcome Leslie to the blog everyone! (And don't forget to enter her contest.)
First—thank you so much Nalini, for inviting me to be your guest here. I’m such a fangirl and was absolutely shocked to see a note from you in my in-box, telling me you’d enjoyed Cold Sight. That really made my day, so thanks again.
In romance, when the biggest story question is answered before you ever open the book—ie: Will the hero and heroine end up together?—you have to find other ways to surprise your reader. I am ever mindful of that when I’m writing, which is why I have not pulled many punches in my dark romantic thrillers. Aside from promising readers that they’ll get a happily-ever-after for the hero and heroine, I want them to understand—and hopefully appreciate—that just about anyone and anything else is fair game.
That’s not to say I like to throw-in shocking deaths or horrible surprise twists just for the sake of having them there. If they don’t fit and further the story, I won’t do it. But if a beloved secondary character needs to die, I have to let them, even if it breaks the reader’s (and my own) heart.
Giveaway: Leslie is giving away one copy of Cold Sight and one of Cold Touch.
Leave a comment on this post (if you're reading this on Goodreads, please comment on the original post on the main blog) by 5pm, Sunday 21 August 2011, New Zealand time, to go into the random draw.
Winners will be picked using and their names announced on the blog the following Monday. If you don't leave a way for us to get in touch with you, please check the blog to see if you've won and contact us within 72 hours. International entries welcome. One entry per household. No purchase necessary to enter. Void where prohibited.
Contest Now Closed
You all know how much I enjoyed Cold Sight. I'm absolutely delighted to have the author, Leslie Parrish, here today, chatting to us. Please welcome Leslie to the blog everyone! (And don't forget to enter her contest.)
A Happy Ending…Mostly
Leslie Parrish
Leslie Parrish

I’m a long-time romance reader. I started with Kathleen Woodiwiss’s The Flame and The Flower when I was twelve years old and have stuck with the genre, through thick and thin, ever since. Okay, I occasionally cheat and go on a horror, mystery or classics glom, but I always know that when I’m in the mood to have my emotions twisted and tangled and dragged along on a roller coaster ride, romance novels are my standby.
The thing I love most about romance novels is the one non-romance-readers like to sneer at: The happy ending. Some people scoff at the HEA as unrealistic. Sorry, I am living my happily-ever-after with my husband of 25 years, so I firmly believe they are possible. Meaning I am one of those people who really likes that HEA in my romance novels, and woe to any author who doesn’t give it to me.
But here’s the thing—I like to be surprised. I really like to be surprised. I am one of those annoying people who can always see the twist coming in the first ten minutes of a movie, and I almost always guess the killer when I’m reading suspense. So if a book or movie can really stump me, I’m much more inclined to love it.
The thing I love most about romance novels is the one non-romance-readers like to sneer at: The happy ending. Some people scoff at the HEA as unrealistic. Sorry, I am living my happily-ever-after with my husband of 25 years, so I firmly believe they are possible. Meaning I am one of those people who really likes that HEA in my romance novels, and woe to any author who doesn’t give it to me.
But here’s the thing—I like to be surprised. I really like to be surprised. I am one of those annoying people who can always see the twist coming in the first ten minutes of a movie, and I almost always guess the killer when I’m reading suspense. So if a book or movie can really stump me, I’m much more inclined to love it.

That’s not to say I like to throw-in shocking deaths or horrible surprise twists just for the sake of having them there. If they don’t fit and further the story, I won’t do it. But if a beloved secondary character needs to die, I have to let them, even if it breaks the reader’s (and my own) heart.
So what about you—do you open a romance novel wanting everyone you like to have a happily-ever-after? Or are you okay with letting the chips fall where they may, as long as the romantic relationship ends happily?
Giveaway: Leslie is giving away one copy of Cold Sight and one of Cold Touch.
Leave a comment on this post (if you're reading this on Goodreads, please comment on the original post on the main blog) by 5pm, Sunday 21 August 2011, New Zealand time, to go into the random draw.
Winners will be picked using and their names announced on the blog the following Monday. If you don't leave a way for us to get in touch with you, please check the blog to see if you've won and contact us within 72 hours. International entries welcome. One entry per household. No purchase necessary to enter. Void where prohibited.
Contest Now Closed
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Tangle Of Need the title for the next Psy/Changeling book! Release date: May 29, 2012
Psy/Changeling #11
Psy/Changeling Series
Tangle of Need
Monday, August 15, 2011
Cold Sight - Leslie Parrish

Here's the blurb from the author's website (where you can also read an excerpt):
After being made a scapegoat in a botched investigation that led to a child's death, Aidan McConnell became a recluse. Still, as a favor to an old friend, Aidan will help on the occasional XI case. But under his handsome, rugged facade, he keeps his emotions in check--for fear of being burned again.The hero, Aidan, is a psychic, with the ability to "connect" to people, including victims of violent crime. He's helped find and save people in the past, but things went terribly wrong in his last case. As for the heroine, I really liked Lexie - it wasn't just about a story for her. The victims mattered to her as people, and she'd do anything she could to save them.
Reporter Lexie Nolan has a nose for news--and she believes a serial killer has been targeting teen girls around Savannah. But no one believes her. So she turns to the new paranormal detective agency and the sexy, mysterious Aidan for help.
But just as the two begin forging a relationship, the case turns eerily personal for Lexie--and Aidan discovers that maybe he hasn't lost the ability to feel after all...
Though this is labelled as paranormal romance, for me it read more like a dark, gritty and gripping suspense with paranormal elements (being the extra sensory abilities of Aidan and the other investigators) and a romantic thread. But I didn't feel short-changed with the romance - I believed in Aidan and Lexie's relationship.
I will warn you that the book is dark, and the villains do some truly evil things, but if you're a suspense fan, I think you'll enjoy Cold Sight. The only series I can think of to compare it to is Kay Hooper's Bishop/Special Crimes Unit books - they're both very different, but there's that compelling mix of strong suspense, paranormal elements, and romance.
You can read some more in-depth reviews of the book at Smexy Books, All About Romance and Book Binge.
This was my first book by Leslie Parrish, but I have a feeling she's going to become a favorite author. I've already got Cold Touch, the second book in the series (about an investigator who experiences the last two minutes and ten seconds of a murder victim's life if she touches the body).
Have you read this series? Thoughts?
Saturday, August 13, 2011
UK: Kiss of Snow
The UK hardcover of Kiss of Snow is now out! I know many of you have been waiting for this edition - I hope you enjoy!
Have a great weekend everyone. :-)
Have a great weekend everyone. :-)
Friday, August 12, 2011
Friday Book Club
It's Book Club time!
I read my first Dorothy Koomson book this week. The Woman He Loved Before is difficult to categorize, but I'd call it dark women's fiction, with a compelling mystery. Even though I knew from the start of this book that something bad was going to happen to/be revealed about the characters, I couldn't put it down.
Here's the blurb from the author's website (where you can also read the first chapter):
Karen at Karen Knows Best did a great review of this book on her blog, so check it out. The excerpt she quoted from Eve's letter was what originally hooked me.She’s out of his life, but is she out of his heart?
Libby has a nice life with a great job, a gorgeous husband and a big home by the sea. But she’s becoming more unsure of Jack’s feelings for her – and if he is over the mysterious death of Eve, his first wife.
When fate intervenes in their relationship, Libby decides to find out all she can about the man she hastily married and the seemingly perfect Eve.
Eventually Libby stumbles across some startling truths about Eve. As she begins to unearth more and more devastating secrets, Libby becomes frightened that she too will end up like the first woman Jack loved. . .
Tense and moving The Woman He Loved Before explores if the love you want is always the love you need – or deserve.
Your turn - what are you reading and loving this week?
Dorothy Koomson
Friday Book Club
Good books
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Psy/Changeling #11
From the comments and e-mails I'm getting, it looks like a lot of people missed the announcement about the next Psy/Changeling book, so here's a roundup of the info I've shared so far.
The book will feature Adria and Riaz. The Arrows will also play a strong role, as will Councilor Kaleb Krychek.
What I haven't shared until now, is that Hawke and Sienna will also have a very strong presence in this book. We're going to see the next step of their relationship, and I think the book will interlink very closely with Kiss of Snow in that sense.
I can't share anything more at this stage - I'll probably talk a little more about the book once I have a completed near-final draft.
Also, I always post release info on the blog and website, but if you'd like to make sure you stay up to date with all the news, here's the link to sign up for my newsletter (please remember to click the confirm link sent to your e-mail after you sign up). The newsletter goes out about once a month (less if I'm traveling or on deadline).
The book will feature Adria and Riaz. The Arrows will also play a strong role, as will Councilor Kaleb Krychek.
What I haven't shared until now, is that Hawke and Sienna will also have a very strong presence in this book. We're going to see the next step of their relationship, and I think the book will interlink very closely with Kiss of Snow in that sense.
I can't share anything more at this stage - I'll probably talk a little more about the book once I have a completed near-final draft.
Also, I always post release info on the blog and website, but if you'd like to make sure you stay up to date with all the news, here's the link to sign up for my newsletter (please remember to click the confirm link sent to your e-mail after you sign up). The newsletter goes out about once a month (less if I'm traveling or on deadline).
Kiss of Snow
Psy/Changeling #11
Psy/Changeling Series
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
SnowDancer Territory
I'm currently happily hanging out in SnowDancer territory, working on the first draft of the next Psy/Changeling book. Right now, it's a big jigsaw of scenes, but I can feel all the pieces coming together. :-)
What are you all up to?
Psy/Changeling Series
Weekly Catchup
Monday, August 08, 2011
Gena Showalter - Lord of the Vampires
Winners: Thanks for all your comments everyone! The random winners of the ARCs are ERIKA and ROXY. Congratulations! Please e-mail your mailing address to my assistant (nalini DOT assistant AT gmail DOT com) within 24 hours.
As you all know, I'm writing book 4 of the Royal House of Shadows series, titled Lord of the Abyss. Book 1 is Gena Showalter's Lord of the Vampires. Thanks to the publisher and Gena, I have two ARCs of Lord of the Vampires to give away.
To enter, leave a comment on this post with the name of your favorite vampire (from books or movies, or television...the choice is yours!). (If you're reading this on Goodreads, please leave your comment on the original post on the main blog).
As you all know, I'm writing book 4 of the Royal House of Shadows series, titled Lord of the Abyss. Book 1 is Gena Showalter's Lord of the Vampires. Thanks to the publisher and Gena, I have two ARCs of Lord of the Vampires to give away.
This is going to be a quick contest, as I want to get the books to the winners prior to the release date of August 23rd. Leave a comment by midnight, Wednesday, August 10th 2011, New Zealand time, to go into the random draw. Winners will be picked using and their names announced on the blog on the following Thursday afternoon.
If you don't leave a way for us to contact you, please make sure to check the blog to see if you've won. If we don't hear from the winner(s) in the twenty-four hours after the winners are announced, we'll pick a new winner or winners. International entries welcome. One entry per household. No purchase necessary to enter. Void where prohibited.
Gena Showalter
Royal House of Shadows
Friday, August 05, 2011
Friday Book Club

You all know how much I loved Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison. I had a chance to read the second book in the series, Storm's Heart, early, and adored it, too. Storm's Heart is now out, so check it out!
Okay, your turn!
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
RT Book Reviews Interview
I taped a video interview with the fabulous Morgan Doremus of RT Book Reviews Magazine while I was at the RWA Conference, and it's now live. (Ignore my fit of giggles - I'm really very professional. Promise. *grin*)
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Guest Author: Anne Gracie
Winner: Thank you all for your comments! The random winner of the book given away by Anne is LaniM. Congratulations! Lani, please e-mail my assistant with your mailing details, so we can pass them onto Anne. (nalini DOT assistant AT gmail DOT com).
You've all heard me raving about Anne Gracie's books. I think her historicals are witty and romantic and just wonderful! So I'm very excited to have Anne on the blog today. Please welcome Anne to the blog everyone! (And don't forget to enter her contest)
Hi, I'm Anne Gracie, and I'm delighted to be here — thanks for inviting me, Nalini. Now, before I start, I must make a terrible confession — for years I wouldn't even pick up a paranormal romance. (Hush those boos and hisses! Would I be here if I still hadn't touched them? And yes, I know I write historicals so if you really must boo and hiss, go ahead. (waits for booing and hissing to die down, then proceeds.)
That was Keri Arthur, and even though we each had no interest in what the other wrote, she and I became friends. We both got published. I bought her books and they sat unread on the shelf. They were paranormals so I knew I wouldn't like them.
It was my own preconceived notions of what they were that kept me from paranormals for a long time. Prejudice. I was so sure I wouldn't like them. But the thing is, a good story is a good story, and unforgettable characters leap off a page whether the book is a paranormal or a historical or a contemporary.
But history is just a setting, atmosphere, a world to escape into in the same way you can enter into the world of a paranormal. History provides the background, the texture, some of the detail. But if a historical romance is doing its job, you shouldn't even notice the history - you'll be reading for the story, for the characters, the thrills and spills. Just like any other book.
I love writing historicals. They're not all ballroom stories. I can do what I want; I can pair an elegant lady with a bad-boy rake (Perfect Rake), I can send a cool, controlled Regency dude after a girl/boy living on the streets of Cairo (To Catch a Bride), I can send my heroine on a journey across France with a stranger she met by chance on a beach (Perfect Stranger), I can write love at first sight (His Captive Lady) or I can make a soldier make a marriage-in-name to a young Spanish girl and then eight years later find out the annulment he planned on was not possible (Bride By Mistake coming in January 2012.)
I'll give one of my books to someone who leaves a comment.* The winner can choose any book of mine (except the old Harlequins, which are out of print):
*Rules: Contest closes Friday 5th August 2011, 9am New Zealand time. Open internationally. One entry per household. No purchase necessary to enter. Winner will be chosen randomly using and his or her name(s) posted on this blog on Saturday 6th August 2011. Void where prohibited.
You've all heard me raving about Anne Gracie's books. I think her historicals are witty and romantic and just wonderful! So I'm very excited to have Anne on the blog today. Please welcome Anne to the blog everyone! (And don't forget to enter her contest)

A dozen or so years ago, in my first ever critique group, I met my first ever paranormal writer and the conversation went like this:
Keri (unpublished writer) "What sort of books do you write?"
Anne: (unpublished writer) "Regency historicals."
Keri (pulling a face): "Historicals? How boring."
Anne (narrowing eyes): "Why what do you write?"
Keri: "Vampire romances."
Anne: "Vampires? How creepy."

Then a few years ago, a friend lent me the first of JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series, and insisted I read it. It sat on my shelf untouched for an embarrassingly long time, because I didn't like paranormals, did I? In fact the only reason I ended up opening it was so I could honestly say to my friend "I read the first 50 pages, but it's not my thing." Only it was my thing. By the end of the weekend I'd bought and read the whole
So I read my Keri Arthur books and then I read Nalini's Psy Changeling series and of course I'm now a huge paranormal reader, because what's not to love about gorgeous heroes, strong heroines and exciting stories?

People often think the same thing about historicals. "Historicals? Why would I want to read them? Everyone in them is dead," another writer friend of mine once told me. Of course, being a friend, she forced herself to read one of mine and she shocked herself silly when she actually enjoyed it.
She was sure she wouldn't like historicals because she hated history at school. As if somehow a historical romance was a dusty old tome filled with boring facts.

And I love getting emails from readers that say things like: "Yours was the first historical I ever read, and now I can't get enough of them."
A couple of years ago Keri Arthur started reading regency historicals. She read my books, Eloisa James's, Julia Quinn's... "Why didn't anyone tell me historicals were so much fun?" she complained. And we had a laugh about our attitude change.
So what about you? Have you been blind like I was? Are there any subgenres you haven't given a fair go to? Haven't really tried out? Given up after one bad experience? And what about a recommendation for someone that's new to your favorite subgenre?
*Rules: Contest closes Friday 5th August 2011, 9am New Zealand time. Open internationally. One entry per household. No purchase necessary to enter. Winner will be chosen randomly using and his or her name(s) posted on this blog on Saturday 6th August 2011. Void where prohibited.
Anne Gracie
Good books
Guest Author/Interview
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