Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm back - with presents!

Random winners & their prizes!

(Please email me your mailing addresses at nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com)

Laurann Dohner - Melanie Milburne's His Inconvenient Wife & The Blackmail Pregnancy (signed)

Pam Frederick - Daphne Clair's Salzano's Captive Bride

Diane (comment #26) - Melanie Milburne's The Marciano Love-Child

Dani - Jennifer Taylor's The GP's Meant-To-Be Bride

Harlequin Vintage Art Bookmarks: Laura, Bonnie Ferguson, Himeko


The RWNZ conference was absolutely fantastic! Great speakers, wonderful friends, and a brilliant atmosphere. I have photos that I'll post a bit later on - after I catch up on some work!

But, I have pressies for you all. I have several books that I got at the conference that I won't be able to read for a while, so I thought rather than put them on my tbr pile, I'd give them away. I haven't had a chance to unpack properly, but I definitely have some brand-spanking-new category romances from the Presents line, so drop you name into the hat if you'd like one of those.

Also, I risked my life to get some extra copies of bookmarks with Harlequin's gorgeous vintage cover art on them that I'll give away to a couple of lucky folks.

I'll draw the winners tomorrow.

AND tomorrow, we have a super duper famous author guest who is so famous I'm going to have to be twisty with the clue as to her identity - she writes paranormal, contemporary and young adult. Who can it be?


kylie said...

ooh, i like pressies....almost as much as i like hawke ;)

Hilcia said...

Dropping my name in the hat. ;P

Glad you had a good time!

Unknown said...

And there goes my name into the hat! It's great that the conference was fun and I can't wait for tomorrow's guest!

Anonymous said...

Ohh I'd like a chance to win! :)
look forward to tomorrows guest! :D

MrsMixx said...

Count me in =)
glad you had fun at the conference

Anonymous said...

New to this site. Looking forward to reading more.

Gail Leinweber said...

MaryJanice Davidson?
and toss my name in the hat.

Kristine said...

Please enter me in the contest and I can't wait to find out tomorrow's guest!

Amanda from Novel Addiction said...

Woo! This looks great, enter me, please!

Morning Glow

Lisa F. said...

Oh please count me in!!!

ColleenFL said...

Yay, presents! :) Glad you had such a good time.

Ang from Oz said...

Please count me in!! Love pressie's!

Thanks Nalini!!! :)

Laurann Dohner said...

It sounds like you had a great time. I look forward to your guest. LOL. Please count me in!

orannia said...

Oh, I'm so glad you had a good time at the conference Nalini!

As for your guest. Hmmmm....I have some ideas :)

oflindentrees said...

yay pressies!! I'm all for pressies!

adh said...

Yay for pressies! And from the mini-description, my guess for tomorrow's guest author is... Gena Showalter. Your blurb sounds just like her. :)

Pam Fredrick said...

I'd like to be added to the hat!! Glad you had a great time!

Pam Fredrick

Missy Ann said...

Welcome home!

(and i just finished Hostage to Pleasure this afternoon)

Laura said...

I appreciate pressies too!

twalls said...

I'm all for presents also. :) Glad to hear you had fun! I have a couple of guesses for tomorrow's guest. Can't wait to see if I'm right.:P

Unknown said...

Count me in! Glad you had a great time!! :)

Unknown said...

Put my name in the hat - my TBR pile can never be too big!

KJsGrrl said...

Toss me in the hat please. :)

Could it be Gena Showalter? Just a wild stab in the dark since she has new book coming out on Tuesday.


Shannon said...

Please add me to the hat, I LOVE presents!

My guess for the author: Is it Sherrilyn Kenyon?

Glad the conference went well, and welcome back!

Brooke Reviews said...

Oooh a guest! I don't know! Gena Showalter? :D

Please enter me for pressies please!

Diane said...

Glad you had a good time and hope you are well; we would all love to win.

housemouse88 said...

Please put me in the hat. I love presents. Have a great day.

Marg said...

I'd like to be in the draw please!

Ashley said...

ooo me me me....I've been dying to get some of that Harlequin goodness.

Jackie Uhrmacher said...

You are too good to us. : )

Cecile Smutty Hussy said...

I will toss my name in the hat for a chance to win too!!!

Who do I think it is.... Possibly Gena Showalter... paranormal, contemp, and ya?? Maybe??

jeanette8042 said...

Oooh count me in! Who doesn't like pressies!

Cindy said...

I'm glad you had fun at the conference. Please put my name in the hat. :)

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Ooooh please count me in.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Gigi's Consignment Closet said...

Yea. Count me in. :)

Cecelia said...

Oh yes, please! I'd love to be entered, too! Glad you had fun, and I'll look for tomorrow's post...

Anonymous said...

Count me in :)

Lisa N. said...

Count me in! I'm glad you're willing to share!

Lynnette said...

Put my name in the hat as well. I love presents, especially if they're books.

Bridget Locke said...

OH, that's mean. lol

One of these days a conference will come to my neck of the woods. If I just believe hard enough. lol

I'm glad you had fun. I've been dealing with a headache all day. Stupid allergies. :(

Lizzielvr said...

Add me in and I'm going to guess it's Gena Showalter...

donnas said...

Oh please include me. Cant wait to read all about it.

Darcy Jo said...

I love that you risked your life for us, Nalini! Count me in :-)

And I'll throw in my guess for Gena Showalter, too.

Unknown said...

I would love for my name to go into that hat too :). I'm glad you had a great time at the conference!

Tonberry Queen said...

*drops name in hat and crosses fingers*

Also how do we know who won the give away on boarders?

Anonymous said...

Please enter my name in the hat!

Glad to hear that you had a great time at the conference.

Thanks for the great contest!

Terri W.

noyba said...

I'm always open to pressies.

Leontine said...

Toss my name in the hat, I luuurve me some pressies :)

Ying said...

Did I hear presents???? XD

put me in that hat! =)
by the way, will we get a clue on who this guess is?

Trblcmn said...

Awesome! Cannot wait to see your pictures!

Could it be Gena Showalter?

Savannah said...

I would also say it´s Gena Showalter.

And count me in :)

Blodeuedd said...

I'd also guess Gena Showalter :)

And ohh pressies, I do like those so I am on.

Glad you had fun

NiNi said...

I'm in!!!!

Glad u had a great time!!

Dino Rubio said...

my guess is gena showalter. I can't wait for the presents. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, trying never kills... I'm in :)
Tomorrow's guest could be a lot of people...Guess we will have to wait to find out ^^
Pseuso: MargotBKK

SusiSunshine said...

Please count me in! Glad you had fun!

Unknown said...

hope I am not to late! stupid time shift.
you haven´t told us how your - i don´t know, seminar? - got along? did you need all our comments?

Nalini Singh said...

Julia - the workshop went great. The comments provided great material for me to discuss, so thank you to you all! :)

firefenix said...

Hi Nalini,

welcome back :-)!
I am also dropping my name in the hat.
Looking forward to tomorrow's guest.
Love for all,

maered said...

I'd love to be entered in the drawing, please! Glad you had a good time!

L said...

Enter me too please! Glad the conference went well.

Mandi said...

I'm in :)

May said...

Please count me in.

I think YA is the clue so I would guess Gena Showalter.

Suzette said...

My nam e in hat. Is it Gena Showalter?

Natascha said...

Please add my name to the pot too! I love pressies.

Natasha said...

oo pressies that include bookmarks?! I want in! :D

host said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in :)
Glad you had a great time!

Janell said...

I love presents too. Glad you had a good time. Would love to hear more about the event.

Lisa J said...

My first thought on the guest was Gena Showalter. I can't wait to see if I am correct.

the bookmarks sound great!

Lindlee said...

Count me in! I never turn down pressies.

Nat said...

Count me in too, please!

Rain Maiden said...

Please count me in too. So would this guest author write about Hot Lords of the Underworld????? Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Gena!!! It's gonna be Gena!! :)

Pissenlit said...

Oh goody, photos to come!

Count me in, please and thank you! :D

Christine M. said...

Count me in as well, please!

Anonymous said...

Kylie - Pressies? Wow. El droppo el namo en el hato

KP said...

Dropping my name in the hat.

Heather B. said...

I like presents. Can I join the fun?

Laura said...

Dropping my name in.

Rachel said...

I'd love a chance to win! :)

Maureen said...

Please enter me!

Anneela said...

Hi Nalini, I'm in too! I'd like a chance to read something new :)

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

Throwing my name in the hat. And, could the mystery guest be Meg Cabot??

E said...

please enter me in for the fab gift

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I like prezzies! Please add my name in the hat.


Christina said...

This is me, dropping my name in.

It sounds exhilarating! My weekend, in comparison, was filled with work, prepping my class that begins soon.

tetewa said...

Free books, count me in! I think it's Gena Showalter!

Una said...

Pressies!?! Woo hoo, you spoil us so Nalini! Thank you for the opportunity! Please count me in. Glad the conference went well, can't wait for the pictures and info!

I feel so bereft! I missed Friday's book club...I'll have so much to post for this coming one!

I look forward to our guest author blog! I have no idea who exactly it could be!

Anonymous said...

Just reread Angel's blood and still love it...
so I was looking for news off you and here I found your blog :)

please toss my name in the hat too ;) looking forward to tomorrows guest (NO idea who it might be... (^-^))

KJsGrrl said...

Nalini's mystery guest blogger totally spilled the beans over on her blog! LOL And my guess was correct. :)

Anonymous said...

count me in please

Chasing Inspriation said...

I'll drop my name in the hat. Glad you had such a great time! And can't wait to see who this famous guest of yours is. *hee*

Anonymous said...

Please add my name. And I'm happy to hear you had a good time at the conference:)
Tanya H.

CrystalGB said...

I love pressies. Thanks a bunch for the giveaway.

Erika said...

My name in hat, please! As to your guest, my first thought was Stephenie Meyer.

kathylill said...

I am dropping my name too in that hat

Leslie said...

Sounds like such a fun time! Can't wait to see the photos. :)

I'd like to throw my name in - thanks for risking your life for your readers. :)

Cora W. said...

Hi Nalini,

It's good to hear, that you had a good time at RWNZ and enjoyed it.
I look forward to see the photos from there.

I'm excited about your super duper famous author guest.

Like all women I love pressies... so count me in!! :-)

I wish you a wonderful week.

Tiona said...

Great that you're having so much fun, Nalini! Can't wait for the pics! And bring on the prizes!

Cindy said...

I can't think of a better prize to win than a book !!!

Chelsea B. said...

Glad you had fun at the RWNZ conference! :)
Count me in for the contest!

Ada said...

Oh I'd love to have my name dropped in the hat!! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

how do I get entered to be in the drawing?? Freebies are great.. especially when it is a good read!!! :)

Eva / TXBookjunkie said...

I'm going to guess Gena Showalter (which I Gena confirmed on her website). Books are always good presents.


Anonymous said...

Gena Showalter !!!!! :)
(i think):P

ellepaulette said...

Oooh!! Can I put my name in the hat??? Pretty please??? with sugar on top??? :)

Jennifer K. said...

Count me in! And I'm glad you had a good time. I wish you were coming back to RAW this year! We'll miss you.

Jennifer K.

Anonymous said...

Love to get my name in the hat, especially after you risked your life for the prizes!

blueangel said...

Ohh!! I love pressies. Dropping my name in the hat.

Estella said...

Glad you had a great time!
Dropping my name in the hat.

Nalini Singh said...

Random winners & their prizes!

(Please email me your mailing addresses at nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com)

Laurann Dohner - Melanie Milburne's His Inconvenient Wife & The Blackmail Pregnancy (signed)

Pam Frederick - Daphne Clair's Salzano's Captive Bride

Diane (comment #26) - Melanie Milburne's The Marciano Love-Child

Dani - Jennifer Taylor's The GP's Meant-To-Be Bride

Harlequin Vintage Art Bookmarks: Laura, Bonnie Ferguson, Himeko


Laurann Dohner said...

Thank you!!!! I sent you an email.

Una said...

Congratulations to all the winners!

orannia said...

Congrats to all the winners and thank you Nalini!