Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Countdown to Branded By Fire: 7 days to go!

Winners! The random winners are:

Elizabeth G - Kissing Midnight by Emma Holly
Karah - Fair Game by Jasmine Haynes

Congratulations! Please email me your address (nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com).

Seven days to go until Branded By Fire hits the shelves! The Book Smugglers just put up their review of Mercy and Riley's story. Here's a snippet:
Notable Quotes/ Parts: Just about every single interaction between Riley and Mercy. Also, between Mercy and her pack members. Actually, make that all the scenes between Riley and his alpha, Hawke and between Hawke and Sienna. Crap. the whole book is freaking notable.
To read the full review, follow the link!

Today's cyber launch party giveaways are a copy of Kissing Midnight by Emma Holly and Fair Game by Jasmine Haynes.

Entry rules are same as Monday, so have a look at that post if you've just arrived at the party. And welcome! (Don't forget to note if you already have one of the books).

Now, onto today's burning question: Who are your favorite couple(s) from books? Why?

It doesn't have to be a romance. One of my friends really loves the hero & his dragon from the Temeraire books. As for me...hmm...


Cecelia said...

I have two favorite couples. This after looking over my bookshelves and musing for a few minutes: Clay and Talin from your Psy-Changeling books (you described their ease and interaction and 'rightness' with each other SO WELL!) and Sabriel and Touchstone from Garth Nix's Sabriel. Those two face fantastical horror together and unite powerfully.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Una said...

Congratulations to the previous two winners!

I am torn between Patricia Brigg's couple, Mercy Thompson & Adam Hauptman and Lucas & Sascha from your Psy/Changling series. There is something about their interactions (sexual tension intermixed with humorous banter) and their personalities that draw you in and hook you completely.

Thank you for the giveaway opportunities!

Chris said...

Eve and Roarke! Mmmm... Roarke...

Greta said...

Well my all time favorite couple is Wolf & Mary Mackenzie from MacKenzie's Mountain by Linda Howard. They have been my favorite couple for over twenty years.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I would have to say Rue and Kit from Shana Abe's 'The Smoke Thief' because I think that they had amazing chemistry together. I also love Sascha and Lucas from STS :D

~Sarah Beth

Greta said...

oops - I also meant to say - I would love to have either book.

Mandi said...

My favorite couples are Clay and Tally, Adam and Mercy from Patricia Briggs, Cat and Bones from Jeaniene Frost.

ColleenFL said...

One of my favorite couples from a book is Eve Dallas and Roarke. They just make a great couple.

Cybercliper said...

My favorite couples are Gwen and Drustan from Karen M. Moning’s Kiss of the Highlander, Faith and Vaughn from Visions of Heat, and Diego and Sian from Amelia Elias’ Hunted.

Marisa said...

My favorite couple is Judd and Brenna from your Psy-Changeling books because they are so perfect for each other,they heal each other. Two face form a same coine.

Congratulation to the preview winner.:)

Missy Ann said...

Bill & Sookie from Charlaine Harris.

I *know* not a couple anymore. But I love them. I think their story is very interesting and very true. That you can fall in love with someone you shouldn't. That you can forgive many things, but there is a straw that will break the camel's back. And that hate isn't the opposite of love, indifference is.

Jen K. said...

My current favorite couple is Edward and Bella from the Twilight series saga. A couple that was "meant to be," true love and soul mates!

Thank you for the contests! Can't wait for Mercy and Riley!

Amy Kathryn said...

Such a hard decision...flip of the coin says Kate and Curran from Ilona Andrews. But ask me again and the answer will change!

Annie said...

I absolutely love Clay and Talin from your series! And stemming from my current obsession... Ian and Beth!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm definitely some good ones mentioned....Mercy and Adam, Eve and Roarke....I love Anita and her boys...Merry and her boys too come to think of it.

Both of these books look uber yummy!

Courtney said...

Favorite couples, let me see... Definitely Eve and Roarke because they are two incredibly strong-willed people, which makes for spectacular clashes, and are so incredibly in love, which make for spectacular resolutions where they end up closer than they were before.

Zsadist and Bella from Ward's BDB series because they give each other so much. Judd and Brenna (gee, I wonder which awesome author wrote them? LOL) because they compliment each other so well. And Vane and Bride from Sherri Kenyon's Dark Hunters because I would leave my husband for Vane in a heartbeat and kudos to Bride for snagging him.

Also, D and Jack from my new favorite MM romance novel Zero at the Bone by Jane Seville at Dreamspinner Press. Loooove that book.

limecello said...

Oo one of my favorite couples is Bobby Tom Denton and Gracie Snow. They're so... wrongly perfect for each other. (Of course in Heaven, Texas by SEP.) Or Cal and Min from Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie. I guess my "favorites" are people I'd like to hang out with - though there are tons of other couples whose stories I love.

...and I would LOVE to win Fair Game. *covets*

Estella said...

It has to be Eve and Roarke!

Jackie Uhrmacher said...

Mine's a pretty even tie between Clay and Talin (good call, celi.a!) and Thierry and Jema from Lynn Viehl's Darkyn series.

Kris said...

sam and alyssa from brockmann's troubleshooters and Talia and Dirk from Mercedes lackey's valdemar books

orannia said...

Congrats to the winners!

Well my all time favorite couple is Wolf & Mary Mackenzie from MacKenzie's Mountain by Linda Howard.

Oh Greta I love them! I think it would have to be Clay and Tally...because they both travelled so far...and each has healed the other :) *SIGH* I wonder what I'll be reading tonight!

Oh, and Nalini please don't include me in today's contest. I just wanted to post :)

Off to read The Book Smugglers review :)

macbeaner said...

Marc and Faythe from Rachel Vincent's shifter series and Georgina and Seth from Richelle Mead's Succubus series. :)

Kyesha said...

My favorite couple changes all the time, but right know I would have to say that I'm leaning toward Tally and Clay. They've been friends for so long that thier relationship just feels perfect.

donnas said...

My favorite couple is Eve and Roarke from the In Death series. My next favorite is Elena and Clay from Kelley Armstrong;s Otherworld series.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Alexia561 said...

Have to say Eve Dallas and Roarke! Yummy Irishman and the tough-as-nails cop. What a couple!

Anonymous said...

It would have to be the more friendship relationship of Harry and Hermione in the Harry Potter books. Had it gone towards the romantic I would have been thrilled.
Why I like them? They are prefect for each other End of story.

twalls said...

I have too many favorite couples to list. I've been sitting here for 10 minutes and I just can't seem to pick a few. All of the couples I really like, however, have a great respect for each other as individuals and also complete each other in some way. Besides having amazing chemistry, of course! Thanks!

Pamk said...

lucas and sascha from your psy series. Char and Brianna from Judy Mays Aliens and lots and lots more.

azteclady said...

Oh man...

Eve Dallas and Roarke -- I don't think this one needs an explanation, does it?

Ellie Disnmore and Will Parker (LaVyrle Spencer's Morning Glory) -- because they are both so... so... flawed, and have so little belief in themselves, so little hope. And then, they bring the best out the best of each other, and help each other grow so much.

Aurora and Henri de Lagardêre (Paul Féval, Le Bossu -- because of the sacrifices that Lagardêre makes for Aurora and to fulfill his promise to Nevers.

Anonymous said...

Eve Dallas and Roarke

Christine M. said...

Elizabeth Bennett and Mark Darcy, as well as Emma Woodhouse and Mr Knightley, amongst others.

Foxxy said...

Currently my favorite couple is Mercy and Adam from Patricia Briggs's Mercy Thompson novels. I like that she is a strong independent character and he doesn't try to reign her in. I think he shows her a lot of tenderness and understanding. Hope I win. I haven't read either of the prize books.

Natural Beauty Burra said...

My favorite couples is Kenny & Savannah from Out of Control (Suzanne Brockmann.) They just seem SO right together. I also really love Talin and Clay from Mine to Possess. Even though Lucas is my favorite Psy-Changeling hero, these 2 really stuck out and are definitely my favorite couple in the books:)

Natural Beauty Burra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Missy said...

I love all your couples but Judd and Brenn are my favorites. I also love Eve and Roarke. I cannot wait for Branded by Fire, I have a feeling I will have a new favorite couple!!

Anonymous said...

Eve and Roarke. i love how they make the pages sizzle. Thank you so much for the kickin giveaways and party.

MaryK said...

I'm going to have to choose Sookie and Eric because I'm listening to the books right now and rooting for them to get together. I've been wanting to read Fair Game since DearAuthor reviewed it.

I'm glad to see The Smugglers liked Branded by Fire!

Lori T said...

I love Cat and Bones from Jeaniene Frost's books and Mercy and Adam from Patricia Briggs' books. I have added Branded by Fire to my must bought list and am counting down the days!

Caffey said...

I'd love to be in for either book!!

Its hard to pick one couple but too, its often what I just read and that was Lyon and Kara in DESIRE UNTAMED by Pamela Palmer, first in her Feral Warriors series! My gosh they were awesome together! And so much intense romance and suspense. This is a shapeshifter series and now I too can't wait for Tigre. I feel in love with him too!


Rosemary Gunn said...

Oh, this is such a difficult question! Faith and Connor from The Fortune Hunter by Jasmine Haynes. Ross and Lydia from Sandra Brown's Sunset Embrace...and soooo many others!

Nalini: I already have Fair Game...loveloveLOVE Kyle and Josie, as well!!


chey said...

My favourite couple is Jamie and Claire Fraser from the Outlander series. They're not even from the same time, they have some different beliefs but they just seem like the perfect match.

Megan said...

Ramoth and Mnementh from the dragon riders of pern series.

retweeting about the party and the fact I won Angels Blood yesterday woot me. No idea if that knocks me out of the running for today you rules don't say :)

Elizabeth G. said...

I have a lot of favorite couples...but the one that comes to mind right away is Clare and Jake from Jayne Ann Krentz's White Lies. I really liked the way they came together.

Bridget Locke said...

Whoo-boy...this is always a horrible question to answer because it'd take me FOREVER to do it justice. :)

That being said...here are just a few. :D

Judd and Brenna-Caressed by Ice is STILL my favorite. Love, love, love that book. Can't wait to read Branded by Fire BTW.

Linnea and Theodore from Years by LaVyrle Spencer.

Annabelle and Simon from Secrets of a Summer's Night by Lisa Kleypas

Hardy & Haven from Blue-Eyed Devil by Lisa Kleypas

Curran & Kate from the Kate Daniels books by Ilona Andrews

Well, it's mostly Jericho from the Fever series by KMM. :D

Talia & Rolan from The Arrows trilogy by Mercedes Lackey

The Dragonriders and their Dragons from The Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey

See, I told you it was an epic answer. :D

Mari said...

My favorites...hmm that is tough. I would have to say in movies lloyd Dobler and Diane Court. In books, Noah and Allie from the Notebook.

jeanette8042 said...

My favorite couple would have to be Mercury and Ria from Mercury's War by Lora Leigh.

Tiffany M. said...

Brenna and Judd from Caressed by Ice, Harry and Corlath from The Blue Sword (I do like Sabriel and Touchstone from Sabriel, too), and Jemima and John from Time Enough for Drums.

There are many favorites, but those come to mind. :)

WK said...

Humm my favorite couple......... dang I can never remember the heroines names.LOL Sad isn't it?

Let me see Sascha and Lucas are a couple I love.
I adore, love and overall just thrill over Callie and Sin from BORN IN SIN by Kinley MacGregor aka Sherrilyn Kenyon.

Can't wait for BRANDED BY FIRE!
highlandlovesong at yahoo dot com

Nicole said...

Elena and Raphael in Angels' Blood

Susan said...

Cal and Min from "Bet Me". Those two made me both laugh and cry. (more laughing than crying, tho)

(Sasha and Lucas are pretty hot, too.)

Unknown said...

One of my favourite couples has to be Joanne and Morrison from C.E. Murphy's Walker Papers series. Well, to be honest, they're not exactly a couple (YET! I live in hope!), but I absolutely adore the interaction between them. They know each other and communicate so well that they say so much without saying anything.

And I cannot answer this question truthfully if I don't say Hawke and Sienna. They...they just...my God, they're perfect. End of story.

Pam P said...

Love Lucas and Sascha, but Judd and Brenna are my favorite, they are perfect for each other. Cat and Bones I like, too, who wouldn't like that sexy Brit.

Danni T said...

Favorite couples-
Bowen and Mariketa
Judd and Brenna
Roarke and Eve
Bella and Zsadist

Unknown said...

Elizabeth and Darcy first and foremost, then in no particular order, Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Into the Wilderness), then Zach and Annie (from Christmas Cat), Mercy and Adam, Eve and Cain (Eve of Darkness), much more...can't remember all of them

Eva S said...

Two of my favorite couples are Brenna and Judd,and Anna and Jonah from A Mermaid's Kiss by Joey W. Hill.

Anonymous said...

My favorite couple are Butch and Marissa from Lover Revealed! Love that book. I also love Lucas and Sascha.

Canadian Fan

Darcy Jo said...

Oooo I have so many favorite couples! Among them are:

Vane and Bride from Sherilyn Kenyon's Night Play.

Dare and Califa from Skypirate by Justine Davis.

Rob and Kate from The Trouble With Valentine's Day by Rachel Gibson.

Gray and Faith from Linda Howard's After the Night.

And of course, Raphael and Elena, because seriously, wings.

--I almost forgot Dageus and Chloe from Karen Marie Moning's The Dark Highlander! That would have been unacceptable.

There are so many more, but those are the top few :-)

And, I would love either book. Surprise me! :-D

FD said...

I have to pick the one I'm reading about now: Charles and Anna from Patricia Briggs' newer series. It's fascinating following their progress as a couple.

Leontine said...

One of my favorite couples that immediately come to mind is Ellysetta and Rain Tairen Soul. They have that kind of epic romance that encompasses the sheer beauty of loving, but also contains fear, darkness, risk and a gradual sharing of mind, heart, body and ultimately, the soul. There is no victory without sacrifice...

Karah said...

Oh favorite couples! Okay here are more than two, but I love this so hmmm...

For sure Eve and Roarke,-they just never lose their spark, every interaction gives you butterflies, the same for

Kate and Curran- LOVE THEM! I can't wait till they get together, but they are so good at this dance.

Rose and Dimitri- Vampire Academy- oh my god, it's young adult, but its awesome. I can't wait for the next book, they left it at such a cliff hanger!

Daisy and Alex- "Kiss an angel" This is one of my favorite books! I absolutely love the heroine in this.

okay quickly, Gray and Faythe (After the Night),
Wanda and Ian (the Host)

Sascha and Lucas of course!

Jacqueline C. said...

Favorite couples in no particular order:

Mercy & Adam (Mercy Thompson series)
Kate & Curran (Kate Daniels)
Maxine & Grant (Hunter Kiss)
Georgina & Seth (Georgina Kincaid)
Cat & Bones (Night Huntress)
Elizabeth & Darcy (Pride & Prejudice)
Cal & Min (Bet Me)
Eric & Sookie (Southern Vampire)
Anne Elliot & Frederick Wentworth (Persuasion)

host said...

Alex Markov and Daisy Devreaux from Kiss na Angel by Susan E Phillips - I've read that book hundred time and still love it.

Thanks for the giveaway (don't have either book)!

Unknown said...

Bella and Zsadist
Lachlain and Emma
Bowen and Mariketa

host said...

Forgot to mention that I've posted a link to your giveaway on the right sidebar of my blog.

L said...

This is a tough one - I was going to say Elizabeth and Darcy but I have recently fallen in love with Wicked so it would have to be Elphaba and Glinda. Because I knew you... I have been changed for good.

Ang from Oz said...

Thanks for the contest Nalini, I know that I won't win this one! But just thought I would say my bit as well. And that bit is...

I just can't choose a favorite! There are way too many!

Anonymous said...

Acheron Parthenopaeus & Tory are my favorite couple because it took so long for them to get together and the relationship is soooo balanced (and cause Tory could be anyone!)

Valerie S. said...

First of all, congrats to yesterday’s winners! I hope I’ll be today’s…

So, who are my favourite couples from books?
I have to say first Eve Dallas & Roarke from Nora Roberts’ In Death novels because their dynamics are captivating. Their strength and vulnerability combine to present 2 very interesting and endearing characters.
Then, Dante Valentine & Tierce Japhrimel from Lililth Saintcrow’s Necromance series. You have to admit that they’re really different and have to overcome some big obstacles to their relationship…
And maybe Mercy and Riley? I hope their story is as intense as the other relationships in your books because it’s addicting!
Of course there are many other couples that work for me but it would be too long to list them all…

Twitter: http://twitter.com/Valyphoenix
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/home.php?ref=home
Blog: http://valyphoenix.blogspot.com/

Natascha said...

Zsadist and Bella from Black Dagger Brotherhood. He makes it SO hard for Bella to get near him and she has the patience and persistence to keep going after him and knows better to see what lies underneath his viciousness and aggression. She has the strength and tenacity to break him open.

Beth Raid said...

Congrats to the other days winners!
My favorite couple is Tayla Mancuso and Eidolon from Pleasure Unbound. I think that I like them so much because they have the 'forbidden love' thing going on.

Note: I do already own Fair Game

Chez said...

Ooooh, me too "Ellysetta and Rain Tairen Soul" with whoever else said that, I can't wait to read their next book. I also am loving the new Charles and Anna stories by Patricia Briggs, oh and Clay and Elena from Bitten ...mmmmm.

Of your books, it would be Lucas and Sascha, just cause they were first.

Lisa J said...

Vaughn and Faith are one of my favorites. I also Like Mercury and Ria.

This is a tough questions because my favorites change depending on my mood.

Blodeuedd said...

I will go with Elena and Clay from kelley Armstrongs books. They are just so hot together and they made me love werewolves..and the whole paranormal genre

CrystalGB said...

Two of my favorite couples are JR Ward's Zsadist and Bella and Elizabeth Hoyt's Edward and Anna. I love both of these couple's love stories.

The Brunette Librarian said...

They both look awesome!! :)

My favorite couple has got to be Lucas and Sascha. Such a great story and two great (fictional) characters!! :)

rachie2004 AT yahoo DOT com

Lyoness2009 said...

Triple love Wrath and Beth from the J.R. Ward series!! :)

lyoness2009 @ hot mail (dot) com

May said...

I have a lot of favorite couples but after more than 30 books of reading Eve & Roarke, I still love them the best.

Anonymous said...

I think that now my favourite couple is Rose and Dimitri, from Vampire Academy.

Natasha said...

Mitchell and Sissy Mae from The Mane Attraction by Shelly Laurenston.
I love these two together! They are the biggest trouble makers I have come across in a book :D
They are perfect for each other!

Cheryl McInnis said...

My favorite couple would be Elena and Clay from Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Underworld series. They have gone through a lot to be together, plus they are the parents of twin werewolves-how sweet is that?

Anonymous said...

My favorite couple is Cai Randolph and Jacob Tucker from Pattti O'Shea's The Power of Two.

Lisa said...

I love Eve and Roarke from J.D. Robb's In Death series. I love the way they grow and compromise and just love one another.

Anonymous said...

opps forgot to put the why :). So, it's because i love the best friends then lovers story line lol and their the perfect fit.

E said...

I have many fav couples but the couple that stands out the most for me would be Zarek and Astrid of "Dance with the Devil" by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Loves the story of redemption of ones own soul.

Either book would be a great addition

Anonymous said...

From your books it has to be Dorian and Ashaya.

Otherwise, while it's amazingly difficult to choose just one, I have to say that Jaenelle and Daemon are top of my mind lately.

Erika said...

My favorite couple is made up of a type more than two specific characters. The hero with the dark past, but noble heart, and the heroine with a shameful (or what she sees as shameful) secret and strong mind. Usually I find this combo in historicals, but I like all types of romances.

Jamie said...

Oh wow that is a hard question!! I have so many but I will only list a few.

Mercy & Adam
Jude & Brenna
Zadist & Bella
Eric & Sookie

I could go on and on but these are a few of my favs!!

Cindy W. said...

It has to be Eve and Raorke!They're the couple that seems to be always growing and yet evolving with each book. Totally love 'em.

Dino Rubio said...

At the moment I love Auden and Eli from Sarah Dessen's Along for the Ride because they're both insomniacs and loners and I love how their relationships unfold.

Rianne said...

My favorite couples are changing all the time. It depends on the book I'm reading at that moment. That means that for now Jake and Emma in Christine Feehan's Burning Wild and Decker and Danielle in Lynsay Sands' The Immortal Hunter are my favorites.

Jenkayt said...

I love the In Death series by JD Robb so I have to say my favorite couple is Eve and Roarke.

My other favorites are Lucas and Sascha from Slave to Sensation and Rain and Ellysetta from the Tairen Soul series by CL Wilson.

All great series.

:Candice: said...

My favorite couple, hmmm
well I have multiple favorites, so I'll give you the most recent:
Feargus and Annywl from G.A.Aikens Dragon kin series funny sexy, and hey a dragon?! come on lol niiice

Anonymous said...

I guess my favorite book couple was Rhett and Scarlett but I also liked Patrice Michelle's couple in Colt's Choice. I read awhile back so can't remember their names but there was great chemistry between the two.

tetewa said...

Stephanie Plum and Joe Morelli!

Cathy M said...

My favorite couples usually change up depending on what great book I am currently reading. My all time favorite couple, though, is Eve and Roarke. Love their evolving relationship and the love, loyalty and strength they have towards each other.


Kate A said...

My favourite couple from a book would be Cat and Bones from Jeaniene Frost's series. The two of them are just a lot of fun to read about when they're together. Rose and Dmitri (Vampire Academy) are a close second. I love how its a forbidden love. :D


Christina said...

All I can say after reading The Book Smugglers review is WOW. I am even more in a Tizzy for BBF now! If it were possible to abduct a psy to siphon off what plans are in your head, Nalini, I am very, very tempted to try after reading their review.

I have 3 favorite couples.First, is Clay and Tally . Their book is still my favorite that I reread all the time. I do think they will be surpassed by Hawke/Sienna (if we get to them).

Reyes and Danika from Gena Showalter's lovely Lords of the Underworld series. I loved them since book one and couldn't wait to get my hands on their story.

Finally, adam and Gabrielle from Karen Moning's Immortal Highlander. This was a surprise as I wasn't sure what to expect from Adam, but I was so moved by his willingness to give up his immortality and somewhere along the way fell in love with him, too.

Louise Delamore said...

Favourite couple - truly a difficult choice, very time I thought of one set another came to mind. In the end I settled for Nevyn & Brangwen from Katherine Kerr's Deverry series because Nevyn has been waiting for so damn long.

Sera Raid said...

Oh! Favorite couples..that's kind of a hard one! I have so many!

Trace & Ashla (Ecstasy)
-So cute together!
Dante & Tess (Kiss of Crimson)
-I love the story on how these two met :D
Marcus & Jillian (Catch a Mate)
-Jillian sticks up for what she believes in and doesn't let Marcus boss her around :) They had great chemistry.
Lucas & Sascha (Slave to Sensation)
-I think my favorite couple! First book I was able to read more then once. Their characters were amazing.
Colin & Emily (Hotter after Midnight)
-These two had amazing chemistry together.

-I have Fair Game

Jacinthe T said...

I have to go with Straif T'Blackthorn and Mitchella Clover from Heart Choice by Robin D. Owens. I just enjoy their arguments

Lisa F. said...

Eve and Roarke!! I have Emma Holly's Kissing Midnight! Great book and I just bought Breaking Midnight.